When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The Universe is moved by demonstration. If we wish to be loved, first we need to demonstrate love. If we wish to be respected, first we need to demonstrate respect. If we wish to be trusted, we must first show that we are trustworthy. If you want to feel happy, greet all with a smile, nothing is more off-putting than a scowl.

It may seem tedious, but once again, the power of reaping and sowing is evident. No one practices these things perfectly, but we are willing to do better when we stumble and not to blame conditions or others. We strive for spiritual progress, demonstrating perfection in faith by our willingness. We can be perfect in faith, the price the willingness to go to any lengths for a spiritual awakening. Years ago, this was explained to me thusly: “We have to be willing to go shovel shit in Siberia if it is clear that is the next indicated action.” Chances are if we just pick up our shovel and start walking something remarkable will happen to alter our course before we even make it to our city limit. However, even if we do arrive in Siberia with our shovel, it should not matter; the journey will have so changed us spiritually that we can hardly contain our joy, for we have walked in willingness, with God. Make each day a day when you bring the vision of God’s will into all your activities, in so doing remarkable things will come to pass, God‘s action manifest.

It would be easy to stop here, but easy is for sissies. The question hanging in the air is “what about health and sickness?” What is the demonstration here? If seriously ill, what do I need to do to be healed? If it is our child, who among us would not gladly trade our life for their healing? I do not know the answer. Knowing that everyone and everything “dies”, that death is just change in condition, does nothing for the pain felt when an innocent suffers or provides little solace when we are struggling with health issues. Part of faith and willingness is to trust that one day all questions will be answered. I know God exists because of personal experience and watching Him work in your lives, even so, when my time comes to step from this flesh I have questions, just as you. So, until that time comes, grab your shovel, step out in faith and join us on the road of Happy Destiny, the destination unimportant, the journey paramount. Onward through the fog.

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