When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Either we are all children of God or none of us are. Many paths lead to the raising of our consciousness. When we limit God, believe “our” way or any way is the only avenue to enlightenment, God is not limited, we are. Having had the opportunity to learn from a variety of souls, the first thing consistent from one path to another is the connection to the Divine; additionally when we take the time to study the various paths what becomes apparent is they have far more in common than they differ. However, what we need to concern ourselves with is our consciousness, our demonstration. Much time has been wasted in debate about one paths truths over another, when that time could have been better spent in finding areas of similarity. Resign your seat at the spiritual debate table, do not worry, someone will fill it quickly, and focus instead on your demonstration. Lay aside arguments, preconceived ideas about God, and don a new pair of glasses.

The starting point can be as simple as: God is Loving, Intelligent and Available.

Loving: if not, than what is the point? Without love, none of us would be here. Doubts? Visit a maternity ward, for there you will see unconditional love. If you are a parent revisit the feeling you had the first time you held your child in your arms and know that Our Father feels the same way about us, and infinitely more.

Intelligent: the creative life force at the heart of everything, creation itself, kinda defines the term.

Available: if our prayers and meditations go nowhere, accomplish nothing than all whose lives have been changed by prayer, regardless of faith or belief, for all of recorded history are what? Deluded? Mistaken? Rather self-centered of us, to dismiss the testimony of millions isn’t it?

Keep it simple. Live one day at a time in raised consciousness, leave argument, debate and fault finding behind, concern yourself with your demonstration, study and practice the Presence of God to the best of your ability today, walking the way you talk and remarkable things will happen. Serenity no longer merely a concept, but a way of life, the things which used to drive us powerless, not forgotten, but powerless, for the first time we are truly free. On the other hand, you can sit around and debate. The choice is always ours.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Having come to an understanding of the Law of Reaping and Sowing or if you prefer the Law of Karma, does this mean the universe acts automatically, has been left to operate mechanically, with no chance to alter a path or outcome once action has been initiated? Yes and no, it depends on our basis of living, were our heart lies. If we go through life responding reflexively to situations and conditions as they occur, speaking about God and praying but ultimately relying on the secular basis of living to address problems, then the answer must be yes.

When we choose to Live on the Spiritual Basis cosmic laws remain as immutable as ever, the difference is we have touched the source, connected with intention and through prayer and meditation we do not skirt the law but reap and sow at increased levels of consciousness. By practicing the Presence of God in everything we do we rise above limitation and transcend ordinary levels of consciousness, of carnal thinking and secular living. Do not make the mistake of thinking that a perfunctory prayer will save you from reaping the consequences of your actions, only by a sufficient raising of consciousness do we transcend error and free ourselves from limitation. By raising our awareness, our consciousness, the path narrows and the truth of living becomes evident, that only by a wholehearted reliance on God do we rise above the natural and perfectly logical consequences of Karma.

Living at raised levels of consciousness the costs if we stray come quicker and with more vigor, but we give thanks for knowing Him better for we are indeed on the road less traveled, the only road worth traveling, for it is the only road that leads to ultimate freedom, freedom from the bondage of self and all limitation.   

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Living on the Spiritual Basis the old saw about “leading a horse to water” becomes clear. So many say they desire to change their conditions of living but sabotage themselves because fear has dominance. They remain in a job that is clearly not for them out of fear of change, stay in a relationship that is long past its expiration date out of fear of being alone or getting in an even worse one. I once had a conversation with someone lamenting about their relationship, wishing for a change, but then chimed in as a way of justification, “well it may be shit, but at least it’s my shit and it is warm and familiar, so I know what to expect.” The adversary, fear, is a formidable, cunning opponent.

Wisdom comes from learning from mistakes. As our consciousness rises through the application of prayer, meditation and service it becomes clear that wisdom is a combination of experience, intelligence and love. As we live, day by day in the light, demonstrating the truth of being we become an attraction to those seeking answers. By walking the way we talk, consistently willing to stand for truth, everything and everyone improves, for everything and everyone is connected. So never proffer the answer to the unasked question, but stand ready, your conduct the attraction, to share your wisdom with any who seek to quench their thirst from your cup.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


“With what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again” (Matthew 7:2). There is nothing new under the sun. The Secret (Law of Attraction) and The Power of Intention are two of the latest variations on the reaping and sowing truth. The Carpenter codified the lesson but it was known long before Jesus changed the world. This teaching comprises the whole of the Law of Being and once we have truly learned it, the keys to the kingdom are in our hands. To wit:

To be respected, be respectful toward all, especially those who may not deserve it, for it is our demonstration, our serenity at stake, not the other person‘s.

To experience God’s love, demonstrate love toward all. Love and like are not the same thing, and though we may strongly disagree with or find another’s actions beyond the pale, we must salute the spirit of the divine within, for they are a child of God as well and we must stay willing to be of service if asked, like of no importance.

To be abundant, we must refuse all thoughts and talk of shortage or lack. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we now know that words and thoughts are causative. The things we say and ruminate on will find outsourcing in our lives, so we focus only on what we wish to have out pictured in our lives, turning from the negative to the positive as soon as we become aware, for thoughts are elusive.

For peace to manifest in our life, we cannot speak or think of conflict. If we plot attacks of any kind, we will find a reason to launch one. Nations war for many reasons, we cannot countenance conflict in our lives for any reason, if peace of soul and mind is desired.

Humility comes from being humble, and we are humbled by the realization of God’s grace.

If I treat you in a manner I would find objectionable if the same treatment was meted out to me, for any justification, I am wrong. For "With what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again."

Simple but not easy, requiring nothing less everything we are, surrendered in Spirit, willing to go to any lengths for our ultimate awakening.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Ever stop to consider how many varieties and types of laws affect us? Traffic laws, tax laws, criminal laws to name a few. There is one set of laws though that directly affects all and are the least understood: cosmic law. Unlike Man’s laws, cosmic laws are never amended or appealed. The law of gravity, the law of unintended consequence, the law of attraction and the law of retribution are some of these. They are totally impersonal and impervious to all the methods man employs to avoid, evade, or amend the laws on the books. The law of retribution comes into play when we pass judgment. Some teachers have postulated that all judgment is bad, an actual bar to spiritual progress, judgment only identifying the person passing it as someone who needs to judge, but we need to look deeper.

We have known people who seemingly pass judgment on everything and everyone, never missing an opportunity to say something negative, and they are always negative, even when trying to be “fair.” To be clear: We all pass judgment, passing judgment is unavoidable, as is the law of retribution but make no mistake, the law cuts both ways. When we judge well we reap the benefits. Consider this oft-misconstrued teaching on judgment: “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). The teaching is not about avoiding judgment but to address our own shortcomings first. “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:5). Living on the Spiritual Basis, we first address the planks in our eye (consciousness) and our vision clears.

Judge well and the universe responds, judge poorly and the universe responds. Living on the Spiritual Basis our judgments are consistently better. Our consciousness has been raised, and on those occasions when we judge poorly, and we will since no one does this perfectly, we have a clear-cut set of directions for cleaning up and clearing out our mistakes, then sharing the lessons learned, humbly, with any who seek our help

Monday, March 26, 2012


Living at raised levels of consciousness our harshest critic is always ourselves. As our awareness rises, we naturally hold ourselves to higher and higher levels of conduct, not only in demonstration but also in the very thoughts that surface in our mind! No one who steps, by choice, on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis has control over the thoughts that float up into their awareness. No one. What we do have is a tool kit, a spiritual tool kit, so that when negative or destructive thoughts materialize in our minds eye we address them in the light of raised consciousness. The mistake routinely made is one of comparison. Somehow, the thought is born that we should be further along the path, that these thoughts are in someway an indication of lack of progress on our part. Nonsense. A cloudy day is just a cloudy day unless we decide the clouds are an indicator of impending doom. A thought only has power if we choose to empower it. Self-condemnation empowers the negative, invites into our consciousness needless suffering and restricts, stifles growth. Do not let impatience drive you to despair, to needless wear and tear in your psyche. This isn’t a race. When a “curious” thought surfaces do not waste time trying to figure out where it came from or why it appeared, for to do so opens the door to morbid reflection, which should be avoided like the plague. Upon becoming aware of the thought, gently give it over to God in directed prayer. Later in meditation, if it resurfaces because it may not, remember the cloudy day, ask God if there is anything additional He would have you see. Do not go to any lengths whatsoever to document or remember these random thoughts. Most of them will just come and go with little notice if we are diligent in applying spiritual principles as soon as they surface. Remember the lesson of the campfire ember: when a burning ember from the fire lands on our shirtsleeve if we brush it off immediately no harm will be done. If however we stop to contemplate on it the shirt will have a hole in it and a welt on our arm to mark it. The only embers we remember, the ones that caused damage, are the ones we “thought” about. With God’s help brush off those embers reflexively; remembering the sun is always shining behind the clouds.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Ready to step out in faith, to take some concrete action? For the next 24 hours, act as if you really do believe in God. Relax, your belief is not in question, this is an exercise in raising our awareness, our consciousness. Begin by demonstrating patience, tolerance, kindness and love towards all, especially marking those who are impatient, intolerant, unkind and unloving; piece of cake right. Now for something a little harder, watching our words. Speak only in accordance with your belief in God. No negativity, gossip, sarcasm or cute cutting little remarks (regardless of how funny or clever they may be) when asked a question, whether it be from a loved one, friend, child, employer/employee or stranger frame the answer as if God was speaking through you. Finally, and the most difficult aspect, as if it wasn’t hard enough already, is to guard your thoughts. Stay ever vigilant of your thinking, measure each thought against the absolute truth of living life in His presence, at higher levels of consciousness. Pretty simple huh. Easy? Probably the hardest thing you have ever attempted, but the rewards are immense. You will not do this perfectly, far from it, but that does not mean you should attempt this with anything less than full commitment for half measures avail us nothing. It is easy to see why the experiment is only for 24 hours. Finally, if you can, keep a small note pad and write down your thoughts through out the day but don’t get caught doing it or tell anyone what you’re about. If there is a chance someone will see you writing, then don’t. Guard this experiment as if it was your most valuable asset, for in the end it will pay dividends that will last a lifetime, for once our consciousness is raised, we are changed forever. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Praying on or “treating” a problem or difficulty is simple, but not easy. First, get quiet, do not try to control your thoughts, anyone who says they control the random thoughts that float up into our consciousness is selling a book or seminar. We do not control thoughts, what we do control is our response/action when the thought surfaces in our consciousness.

We do this by turning our attention to God, contemplating on what we know about His Love, His Guidance, and our connection to Him as Father to child. Do not under any pretext think about the issue you are treating, praying about at this time. Read a short passage from any spiritual tome that appeals to you and then take a few moments in contemplative meditation to consider what was just read. The purpose of this is to center our thoughts in God, to place our attention there, to raise our consciousness. Now take two or three breaths, breathing in deeply through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. Now claim quietly that which you need or the situation/condition requiring healing. Of paramount importance is to always ask in the affirmative. If we ask thusly: “I need” money, health, peace, serenity etc what we will demonstrate is more need. We will be affirming need, not abundance. If money or resources are lacking ask that your life be a demonstration of abundance. If it is employment, ask to be of service to God and your fellows, for the perfect position for your unique set of abilities. Health, in general, ask to demonstrate a healed and vital radiance, for a specific ill or condition ask for a healing, visualizing the body free of the condition. If the demonstration is to assist another, frame your words carefully so that only positive and affirming actions are employed. Remember, words have power. As you are making your demonstration see it from the end, as an accomplished fact and thank God for accomplishing it.  Under no condition discuss the treatment with anyone; it is between God and you alone. When you find yourself drifting back into thinking about the difficulty, and we all do, stop as soon as you become aware and give it back to God with thanks, for prayers of thanksgiving are the most powerful of all.

Friday, March 23, 2012


No one but you and God know what is in your heart, nor can we ever truly know what is in the heart of another, for only God has that ability. We come to know the issues of someone’s heart by their actions, demonstrations, not their words. One of the most misunderstood teachings in the Christ message is on judgment. It is not that we are to avoid being judgmental, for that is impossible. In fact, we are instructed to employ righteous judgment, to judge based on action, not on words. However, we cannot judge rightly if our own house is not in order.

To put our house in order we take an honest, fearless and thorough inventory of our life. We identify the things that have been blocking us from fully accepting God’s love and guidance. Once we have done this we find they are all fear based in one manner or another, for the adversary, fear has a thousand faces. We risk our serenity when we pass judgment on another’s actions while ours are just as bad or worse. We clean up our side of the street first, sharpen our vision, and then we can speak to our brothers’ difficulties, if asked. Seeing the pitfalls and roadblocks in someone’s path is none of our business unless we are asked. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we never answer the unasked question. We practice patience and prayer, standing ready to go to any lengths to be of service when called, remembering that although we have great power in changing ourselves, by our reliance on God in all things, we have little power in changing others since their desire, just as ours, must come from within.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


The Secret, The Power of Intention, Bible, and most if not all religions and spiritual paths teach that there is an inexhaustible supply available to all, regardless of any or all present conditions or perceived limitations. The Source as unlimited as the ocean, the only limitation the size of the vessel we choose, a tanker truck or thimble, to carry our abundance. Secular thinking bombards us endlessly with talk of limited supply and dwindling resources, yet where is the real proof. We are promised, all of us, that God will provide if we are about His business. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we no longer rely on ourselves but upon the Divine, the Power Greater than Ourselves that only brings good into our lives for God and good are synonymous. So many, and I was one for longer than I care to remember or admit, pay lip service to this but continue to act in secular ways to answer life’s questions and challenges. God is either everything or else He is nothing, no middle ground. What size vessel will you employ? Will you fill it to the brim? I say throw the vessel away, strip off the clothes of limitation that we saddle ourselves with by secular living and dive in. Luxuriate in truth of being and shout to all that will listen, come on in, the waters fine.

         A man had lived a full life and at the appointed time found himself standing at the gates, Saint Peter bidding him welcome. Presently Saint Peter began showing him around and he was awe struck, speechless from the beauty. In time, they came upon a rather plain looking building that anywhere else would pass without notice but here stood out starkly. He queried, “What is that building?” Saint Peter responded that it was unimportant and the man should put it out of his mind and never enter it. The tour continued, each new vista more wonderful than the last, but the man could not get the plain building out of his mind. He asked Saint Peter about it again, and again was counseled to put it out of his mind. Nevertheless, he could not. He persisted and finally Saint Peter relented. As they approached the building, Saint Peter tried one last time to dissuade the man from opening the door but curiosity now had him in its thrall. The door opened and the man was greeted with seemingly endless rows of shelves lined with the most beautiful boxes resting on them. As he drew closer, he could see that each box had a name tag on it, arraigned in alphabetical order. His excitement rose, turning to Saint Peter he asked if there was a box here with his name on it. “Yes” replied Saint Peter but quickly added, “Please, let us leave.” The man hesitated for a second but there was no stopping him, just as there had been no stopping anyone before him. He ran down the aisles like a child on Christmas morning until he found his row. Racing now he found his box, it was beautiful. He opened the box and his heart sank, for it contained all his unrealized blessings. He looked up and there stood Saint Peter, tears in his eyes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


   “Do not die with your music in you.” That feeling of dissatisfaction, the sense of something missing in life is God quietly but insistently attempting to get your attention. Your Heart’s Desire will never cease trying to assert it’s self into the forefront of your consciousness. We will never be truly happy or fulfilled until we listen.  Remember our true state of being: We are not human beings in search of a spiritual connection. We are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition.  There is a reason for each of us being here, now. Our Heart’s Desire is that reason.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Emmet Fox wrote, “Your real problem-the only problem you have-is to find your true calling in life. Everything else will fall into place. You will be happy; and upon happiness, health will follow. You will have all the supply that you require to meet your needs, and this means that you will have perfect freedom; for poverty and freedom cannot go together.”

Your heart’s desire has called to you. The still quiet voice, God’s voice, in you has whispered it to you. The thing you may have never said aloud for fear of ridicule. The thing the fear-based voice says: you are too old, you will never make a living doing it, what would your friends and family think, what about my responsibilities, and a thousand other “reasons” to stay locked into the role you have decided society would have you play. The first step to freedom begins here. You must answer this question: Do you believe God wants you to be happy, joyous and free? If you hold this as true, then what power on earth could possibly stand in the way?  

“Remember that this call is the call of God, and when God calls you to His Service, He pays all the expenses in whatever kind of coin. …Whatever you may require to answer that call, God will provide. Money, opportunity, introductions, knowledge, training, freedom, leisure, strength, and courage-all will He furnish, if you be about His business and not your own.

Your Heart’s desire is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later.”

Monday, March 19, 2012


Grow up! Whenever someone does or says something juvenile there is invariably an “adult” nearby to suggest this course of action. We have all probably been on either side of the “grow up” admonition at one time or another in our lives, but juvenile behavior is one thing, what about our spiritual maturity? Many who would be offended if it were suggested they were any thing less than a model of modern maturity in truth have static spirituality. Having struck upon a “sensible” structured slate of activity and repetitive prayer at proscribed times they are “comfortable” and self-assured in their path, their sacred cows well cared for. GROW UP! Our spiritual lives, and there really is no other, demands constant fresh input to be vital, complacency and staidness clear demonstrations of spiritual immaturity. GROW UP! We keep our conscious contact with the Divine fresh and growing on a daily basis by keeping an open mind and heart, ready to act and serve in whatever manner God would have us. Ready to go to any lengths, any extreme for our spiritual awakening, constantly moving forward, sometimes quickly sometimes slowly but always growing, never content to draw a line in the sand, plant our flag and say "no further." One of the hallmarks of spiritual maturity is willingness. Years ago when I was balking at taking some indicated action, my spiritual guide described his level of willingness: “If God wants me to go shovel shit in Siberia I’m willing, the only question I have is do I need to bring my own shovel.” Willingness is the key, how willing are you? See you along the road of happy destiny, perhaps strolling to Siberia, with or without a shovel.     

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Karma: n  

1.  Eastern religion, Eastern philosophy: the Hindu and Buddhist philosophy according to which the quality of people’s current and future lives is determined by their behavior in this and in previous lives 
2.  Atmosphere radiated by a place, situation, person, or object (informal) 
3.  Destiny or fate in general

The term karma became part of the general lexicon in the west during the 60’s. It is certainly more “modern” to say karma rather than “reap what you sow” yet it means exactly the same thing, the concept of karma actually predating Christianity by over a thousand years. This concept is a cosmic law, is never broken and there is no appeal. Think law of gravity. Same rules apply. The mistake many make when thinking on karma is that it is a form of punishment. Unlike gravity, our actions determine our karma, reaping what we have sown. The good news for all is this law, The Law of Attraction works both ways. To borrow from Wayne Dyer: When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. To be clear: everyone faces trouble or difficulty in the course of their lives they did nothing to attract but these occasions are extremely rare, if we are rigorously honest with ourselves it is clear that by the choices and decisions we made, particularly before embracing the Spiritual way of living, we placed ourselves in a position to be harmed. We are blessed with free will, the ability to choose the path we walk, the choices we make determining the crop we reap. So we avoid  the deliberate manufacture of misery and suffering, Living on the Spiritual Basis we walk the road less traveled, trusting and relying on a power greater than ourselves to keep the adversary, fear, in its proper place. If you knew, who walked beside you on this path you have chosen, you would never be afraid again.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why is reincarnation necessary?

Know anyone so set in their ways dynamite couldn’t move them off a position or opinion, whether it is a sports team, political party or issue? Most people by the time they have reached their 40’s have pretty much sorted out what they do or do not believe, are set in their ways, their mind effectively closed to contrary opinions or points of view, any new growth choked off by the weight of a “settled” mind, their character fixed.

Our spiritual schooling involves the development of every aspect of character, for who can truly say they understand another until they have walked a mile in their shoes?


1.  lack of knowledge or education
2.  unawareness of something, often of something important

Some where in the sands of time the term ignorance transformed from a simply descriptive word to a pejorative, to be ignorant simply means we are unaware or lack knowledge.

The lessons needed to learn to become spiritually complete are legion. Consider: To become a good leader first the lessons of humility and to resist the siren song of corruption absolute power sings is necessary. To live alone and be at peace and to live amongst many and learn to view all as equals, children of a loving God, regardless of how they may offend. To live childless and as a parent, to learn these things and so many others, and to do it from both the male and female perspective is a task far beyond the capacity of any single lifetime clearly, so our long spiritual schooling is not constrained by our limited understanding of time or the finality of flesh. Our Father is eternal and so are His children.

So our job now is not to concern ourselves with past lessons or those yet to come, but to reside in the moment, for though He has been there in the past and promises to be there in the future, He resides in today, with us, His children.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Nothing says inevitable reckoning like birthdays. As children we looked forward to them with nearly as much anticipation as Christmas. Then imperceptibly one day we cross an invisible line and much like the dread of January credit card bills Christmas represents for some, we view the upcoming date of our birth. I think it begins when the first “friend” jokingly says, “hey, you’re getting old.” Sets in for real when we realize we are listening to music five years old or more, unable to get into the new stuff no matter how hard we try. You receive your 20-year reunion notice and think, “where has the time gone?” catching yourself looking in the mirror with a critical eye, wondering how you will measure up against your classmates and if that gym membership is still active.

The march of time does not take breaks and only moves in one direction for us, seemingly picking up steam the further down the path we travel. So what is one to do? Live in the day, for the only time we have in truth is this moment. The only time we can be present for life is in this moment, the only time we can be present for God is right now. Do not allow yourself to project into the future or dwell on the past, for they lead us inexorably into morbid reflection, regardless of our original intent. Make plans and set goals of course, but we do not hang our happiness or peace of mind on whether or not our script is followed, we stand ready to change direction immediately if and when it is indicated.

Live One Day At A Time, staying in the here and now and the tomorrows will take care of themselves. We must be about God’s business, trusting and relying on Divine Love and Guidance, for only in so doing is true peace, growth and serenity realized.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Reincarnation, this topic can be a room clearer and one I have spent a great many hours wrestling. For many years I struggled in contemplation with the “inviolate” concept of once and done. My struggles centered on our eternal consciousness versus the finite nature of flesh. Why would our Father, who exists beyond the constraints of time, space and flesh, limit his children in this way? How could we possibly learn all the lessons required to learn spiritually in a mere 70, 80 or 90 years? In the Old Testament, life spans of hundreds of years are noted, but that was some time ago and even if we did live hundreds of years there are many lessons requiring a fresh clean perspective. How can one person, even if diligent from day one, learn the lessons of having lived a lifetime as a king and a beggar, of the courageous and the coward, to live as a criminal and then as a righteous man in the same life, and what of the reverse? Live a life devoted to self-indulgence and denial? To know the joy, and heartbreak of children and a life lived chaste? Handicapped from birth or born healthy, to learn all this and so much more, from the perspectives of male and female, in one lifetime? Any man who says he understands childbirth is a fool and any woman who stands in judgment of the bond between warriors is unwise. Today I know from bitter experience that until I walk a mile in someone’s shoes, I truly cannot know their lessons and to think otherwise, for me, is hubris. Eternity is a long time, what sense would it make to limit our schooling to a single life since we are children of the Infinite, of “Our Father, who art in Heaven….”

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Cosmologically the “Big Bang” is the generally accepted starting point of the universe we live in. The theory holds that at one time everything that exists today, all 125 billion galaxies, all 70 sextillion stars (that’s a 7 followed by 22 zeros or nearly 18 times the number of grains of sand on Earth) was locked in an infinitesimally small point, a singularity. Then, and no one really knows why, the point began expanding very rapidly and some 13.7 billion years later, here we are. The numbers and vastness of the universe is clearly beyond my ability, or any other mere mortals, to comprehend.

Then there is the whole dark matter/energy curiosity. It seems that only a little less than 5% of the universe exists in the visible spectrum, over 95% of everything is invisible, comprised of roughly 25% dark matter and 70% dark energy, depending on who is doing the goesintas. OK, take a breath. Kinda gets the head spinning doesn’t it. The good news is we do not have to figure (as if we could) it all out to have a relationship with, a conscious contact with a Power Greater Than Ourselves, God.

Perhaps the great metaphysician George Carlin said it best. To paraphrase: People talk about getting their shit together. As soon as they get their shit together, they will be ready. Ready for what? If they got their shit together, what would they do with it? Most people have a lot of shit, so it would be too heavy to carry around, so they would have to find a place keep their shit. I guess you could put the shit in storage. But how will anybody know you got your shit together if it is in storage? Kinda defeats the whole purpose of getting ones shit together doesn’t it? You gotta show your shit off or what’s the point? You could get a really big truck to haul your shit around with you, but that’s a lot of shit to find parking for. And what about the trouble makers? All those who haven’t been able to get their shit together will get shity when they see you and your shit together. Then there are those assholes who try to give you shit. It is their shit, but they try to pawn it off on you. Look, I know my shit, so don’t give me any shit. My shit is over here; your shit is over there. Don’t try to mix the shit just because you can’t get your shit together, shithead. 

It is not required to have all the answers or our shit together to have a relationship with the miraculous. Start at as simple a level as you need to begin. It can be as simple as: there is a God and I am not it. Keep an open mind, from this mustard seed of faith a powerful spiritual experience can, and will grow. No shit.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Death awaits all men but waits on no man. Everything, from may flies to the stars die. Death is the change that brings renewal. Sadness at the passing of a loved one is natural; they have left our sight and are absent from our lives. Difficulty arises though if we refuse to let go of the departed, to allow them to rest in peace. When we build shrines and visit them regularly, whether they are of stone or in our heart, we open ourselves to morbid reflection. Consider the pyramids. The Pharaohs spent most of their time and energy focused on death and their “final” resting place.  Millions of man hours spent erecting, countless lives lost, treasuries emptied and for what? None of them succeeded as inviolate temples to the afterlife, what could the ancients have accomplished had they channeled that energy and resources into the living?

There is no death in the sense of personal finality, for death is just an altering of consciousness, a change in condition. Living on the Spiritual Basis, in conscious contact with a Power Greater Than Ourselves, death is part of the wonderful enfoldment of divine love that marks our spiritual progression. How could it be anything else?

We do not seek death, for it will come in due course, nor fear it. We release those who have gone before with love, sad because they have temporarily left our sight, but excited for their translation into the miraculous. This flesh is a temporary conveyance, never conceived or designed to last for eternity. Our consciousness, the I AM that makes each of us unique in all existence is eternal, untouched by time, space or physical concerns, has always been and will always be. Carry the departed in your heart, since no other structure can truly hold them. When they drift up into the forefront of your thinking, as they are wont to do from time to time, smile and say a silent blessing, sending love, and then get on with the business of living, for the dead will take care of themselves.

Monday, March 12, 2012


We live with a continuous barrage of bad news. Read any newspaper, watch any news channel and the hammers of negativity begin doing their work on our psyche. Living on the Spiritual Basis is a choice, it is the road less traveled. History is an invaluable tool that few truly employ. There is nothing in today’s headlines that has not happened before,  nothing.

        “The world is not going to the dogs. The human race is not doomed. Civilization is not going to crash. The captain is on the bridge. Humanity is going through a difficult time, but humanity has gone through difficulties many times before in its long history, and has always come through, strengthened and purified.
           Do not worry yourself about the universe collapsing. It is not going to collapse, and anyway that question is none of your business. The captain is on the bridge. If the survival of humanity depended upon you or me, it would be a poor lookout for the Great Enterprise, would it not?
            The captain is on the bridge. God is still in business. All that you have to do is to realize the Presence of God where trouble seems to be, to do your nearest duty to the very best of your ability; and to keep an even mind until the storm is over.”

When Emmet Fox wrote this in the 1930’s the depression was in full swing, prohibition the law of the land, the heart of America was gripped in a “black blizzard” of dust that bankrupted many and displaced millions, the storm clouds of war gathering in Europe as Hitler rose to power. Economic hardship, unemployment, war on drugs, global warming, Iran, Iraq, North Korea. Sound familiar? Politicians and leaders have been applying the same answers and solutions to mankind’s struggles for thousands of years, with the same predictable results. Nothing changes if nothing changes, but when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Living on the Spiritual Basis we trust infinite God rather than our finite self or the world for salvation, for if we are ever to truly walk a different path as a people, the change must begin within each of us. Let there be peace, and let it begin with me.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


There are many things that link us, one to another, the two most powerful being love and resentment, one we embrace, the other we must be free of. When we think on those we love we feel peace, calmness, brings a smile to the face. Conversely when thinking on resentment the blood pressure rises, the jaw tightens, our thoughts taking on a decidedly darker tone. To be free of resentment requires work, for nothing will retard, even stop spiritual progress more than resentment, and it is deadly.

To be free, we must embrace radical forgiveness. Many confuse forgiveness with having to like the object of the resentment. Fortunately it is not required, not a bad thing, just not required. We do have to “love” them in the sense that we loose them from our heart (where all resentment resides) and give them “root and branch” over to God’s care. We do this by saying a definite and specific prayer giving over the resentment and all attached to it to God. Do this once and only once. When the resentment pops up again in the consciousness, and it most surely will, thank God for knowing Him better (as many times as necessary) and under no circumstance retell the “story” ever again, even if prodded by another who may have been part of the “story” or shared in the resentment. Additionally do not volunteer any action or direction another should take in regard to resentment unless asked specifically what you are doing, never answer the unasked question.
Moving forward avoid participating in negative conversations on any topic, for this invites trouble and opens the door to negativity and allows resentment to slither back into our consciousness. When negative thinking surfaces turn to God in silent prayer for Everyone is subject to negative thinking, where the thought came from of little importance, our response of paramount importance. When we live in this manner we break the links of resentment and negativity, strengthening the links of love, love being the most powerful tool in our spiritual tool chest. Initially this will feel cumbersome, in time however it will become second nature, the level of our serenity increasing dramatically and though negative thinking will raise its head from time to time, we now have a way out of trouble that works, if we are diligent.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Want a daunting task; try tackling eternity and death in four to five hundred words. Let me know how I do. Having worked with many approaching the transition, typically most folks have given it some thought, but usually have kept the subject at arms length for obvious reasons. Remind you of anyone? A wise man said centuries ago that the first true step in enlightenment is when we embrace our own mortality.

Where were you before you were conceived? One moment there was no you, and then there was. In that single cell, the fertilized egg, everything about you was there: your eye color, the shape of your fingernails, hair color, final height, sex, your blueprint of freckles, everything that makes the physical you, all in a point of protoplasm so small as to be invisible to the naked eye, pretty amazing. Then you began to grow and nine months (give or take) later you made your appearance on the world stage. Fast forward a few decades and we arrive at another seminal moment in life, when the flesh fails. Where’d you go? Consider: Before you were born you were nowhere in flesh. You are born, and now you are now here. You die and you are nowhere again. Same word, just a little different spacing: no where to now here to no where again in the flesh. (Tip of the hat to Wayne Dyer, though I may have thought it, he said it very clearly and on point.)

In truth we have always been “here”, part of, connected to the Source, the flesh a tool, a conveyance for our eternal consciousness. We didn’t arrive from anywhere and we don’t go anywhere. Our birthday and death day are points on a relatively meaningless calendar, since God and our consciousness are eternal. Living on the Spiritual Basis we spend this life applying spiritual truth and understanding to everything in our lives to the best of our awareness at the time since our awakening is an ongoing process. In so doing the answers to the eternal questions come if we are diligent. So don’t concern yourself with what is on the other side of the line, for the line really is immaterial, for death waits for all men but waits on no man.  Keep your eyes and thoughts on today’s demonstrations and the morrow will take care of its self. In living this way we will approach the transition in peace, embracing the change, bidding farewell to the limitations of flesh, going nowhere, being here now, just in a different and altered consciousness.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Death, now here is a topic guaranteed to let the air out of a room, a polite conversation killer. Yet we all have/will deal with it. First the death of those around us and finally, and I think you would agree the most important, our own. It is curious how differently cultures mark/celebrate a passing. Westerners typically make the event a clean straightforward affair handled almost exclusively by professionals, family and friends provided with a regimented schedule of events leading to a final “farewell” usually all taking place in a weeks time. Other cultures leave the departed in their beds for a year or longer, the family handling everything, finally throwing a huge party where the departed are honored, cremating the remains at its conclusion, again all handled by loved ones.

Death is inevitable, so what happens to our physical remains after we have translated from the mortal coil matters little. What matters is everything that takes place right up to the moment we somersault into eternity. You are eternal. The spark of the divine, the connection to all that is, the I AM, our consciousness, our soul has always existed. It was never born and will never die. It has always been and will always be. We are not human beings in search of the miraculous, we are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition, this flesh a mere conveyance. So we mourn the passing of those we cared for, for they have passed from our sight for a time and we miss them, but celebrate their transition as well for it comes for all and is as natural as the rolling in and out of the tide.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Reborn is the only term that accurately states the truth of Living on the Spiritual Basis. Day by day, step by step as we develop spiritually the old “man” dies and the new emerges. As with all births there is pain and discomfort along the way, quickly forgotten as the fresh new face emerges into the light of our consciousness. For those blessed with children there is probably no more peaceful or powerful moment in our lives than when we first held our newborn child. This same peace is visited upon us as our awareness and conscious contact with Source builds and grows, as we move from being in the world to being of the world, moving from the finite to the infinite, becoming a light of awareness and serenity, a beacon of hope. Is there any greater miracle?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


When we purchase something that requires assembly, it generally comes with instructions. I purchased a teapot recently and inside were instructions, for a teapot! Now the instruction sheet for that Christmas morning bicycle years ago was considerably longer, and I still maintain wrong, both the bike and teapot instruction sheets had numbered steps, the teapot two with the additional warning that hot water is, well, hot, the bicycle four hundred and fifty seven, in Latin.

We assemble our consciousness as well; the question is what “instruction” sheet we follow. With the exception of some notable examples who were directly touched by the Divine, we build our consciousness, for good or ill, step by step, by the actions we take and the thoughts we entertain, our level of awareness and understanding waxing and waning dependent on what we say, do, consider and act upon, experience building upon experience, good and bad. Habits of thinking and living do not change by simply assenting to them as needing to be changed; it requires action and perseverance on our part. To borrow from Wayne Dyer: “Habit is habit, and not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.”

Consider those who suffer from addiction. Many who initially get sober, seemingly having cast their “habit” out the window, new instructions embraced, then relapse and are often baffled as to why. They are fooled by the delusion those years of thinking and living in the addiction will disappear in a twinkling because the alcohol and/or drugs are out of their system. In reality the “instruction” sheet they have been following for years is all about addiction and is well memorized. It will take years of contrary action and consistent vigilance of motive, of following a completely new set of directions to recover.

Let’s look at a different way. Many of my peers, including myself, are a little rounder than they would like. Now the weight didn’t appear over night. I didn’t go to bed with a twenty year olds twenty eight inch waist and wake up with a fifty something’s forty. Yet when it comes to losing weight, typically if it can’t be dropped in a week or two we lose interest and fall back into old habits, patterns of thinking. Diets are hard; require real long-term change and different thinking patterns, while cheeseburgers are easy, requiring only fries.

We choose the path, the instruction sheet we follow. The choice is always ours.

Our spiritual development is a mental diet, we choose the directions to follow, the nourishment we ingest, and though eating healthy is important, is of infinitely more consequence than waist size. Years of fuzzy thinking, false belief and fear driven action do not disappear in a twinkling, the process continues for our lifetime and though our consciousness is eternal, assembly is required, what instruction sheet do you follow?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Ever start a trip by plane on a cloudy day? On the ground it is dark, possibly dank, deep shadows evident. Then the plane lifts off the runway and climbs through the clouds, for a time visibility is zero, then suddenly the craft bursts through into bright sunshine, for the light was always there, it simply obscured by temporary conditions.

When trouble comes into our lives the adversary, fear, works to cloud our consciousness, to instill a false belief in the permanence of temporary conditions. Living on the Spiritual Basis we drive out these shadows by raising our consciousness through prayer and meditation, banishing false belief. Every one occasionally has clouds obscure the light for a time, but Living on the Spiritual Basis there is no concern, for demonstration has taught us the light is always there, clouds a temporary condition.   

Monday, March 5, 2012


The longest eighteen inches in the world lies between the head and the heart, intellect to faith. Speaking about God and spirituality, practicing faith when the weather is calm is easy. Standing in faith when every fiber of the carnal mind screams in opposition, isn’t. The back of every American dollar bill reads “In God We Trust” but do we? The Great Carpenter teaches that those who demonstrate faith in action build their spiritual house/consciousness “upon a rock” while those who are nominally Living on the Spiritual Basis build their “house” on sand “and great was the fall of it.”

It is easy to be spiritual, loving, gracious, etc when life is going well. Just as you can build a structure on any ground as long as the sun is shining, the wind nothing more than a breeze, but to do so in the belief that conditions will never change is a fools errand, yet many do this very thing with their spiritual house and then are devastated when the rains come and the winds blow and their structure collapses, compounding the error by then blaming God for the storm, forgetting storms come for all, rain falling on the just and unjust equally. We chose the materials our house is constructed of, the construction practices employed, how well we adhere to the blueprints, for it matters little the quality of the materials if they are poorly installed, the blueprint ignored. The Good News is the Master Builder, God, will step in at any point and set the project (our consciousness) right if we will only place our trust in His guidance and unconditional love. By this simple, but not easy, reliance on a power greater than ourselves our structure is solidly built and able to withstand the inevitable storms. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012


As man thinks, what we think on out pictures in our lives. Write this on your heart in bold capital letters. To think we can entertain certain thoughts and not have them influence us in other areas is not only foolish but spiritually deadly. The concept of “compartmentalizing” portions of our lives or thinking is patently false and leads only to destruction. What we think on becomes part of the mix, always. Thoughts of vengeance, assenting to any suffering, reveling in schadenfreude all mark us, shutting out the sunlight of the Spirit. The baker would never add something to the mixing bowl he did not want in the finished cake, but unlike the baker, we have no control over the curious thoughts that float up or into our consciousness, but we do choose the path when we become aware of them.

The price of spiritual freedom is vigilance and our consistent response to negative and destructive thoughts and thinking. Living on the Spiritual Basis when these thoughts reach awareness we turn immediately in prayer and meditation back to Source, for we can no longer fool ourselves as too the cost these thoughts carry with them if we choose to contemplate on them. Those who appear to get away with negative thinking and actions don’t. The mills of the gods grind slowly but exceedingly fine, next to every mill is a mountain of sand. We all reap as we sow, so we must stand vigilant, weighing the thoughts seeking purchase in our consciousness on the scales of Divine guidance and love.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Words have meaning. Sounds like a “duh” kinda thing to say but bear with me. Many speak of spirituality and God, of our connection to the “Father” and how God is everywhere, at all times, always available, wanting to and will solve all our problems if we will only trust in Him, immanent. Yet they live their lives at odds to these genuinely voiced beliefs, instead trusting in the world and man by their actions. Belief is only theory, a nice thought or sentiment, unless demonstrated by action and we cause ourselves much needless discomfort and pain when we fail to walk the way we talk.

So we pray expecting to receive, banishing from our heart the idea that prayer is simply a tool employed to weather the storm, to buck up our spirits, but is in truth a direct plea to God. That our good thoughts and intentions are meaningless unless we are willing to step out in faith and fly our flag as believers for all to see, losing our fear of the negative judgments that will be cast our way, for it is always easier to criticize and denigrate, for who is without blemish, than to stand in the light and be counted, so many wish to breathe free but choose to remain stifled for fear of ridicule or to curry favor.

Words have meaning, and we must mean the words we say, otherwise we suffer greatly at the hands of the adversary, free floating fear, the truth of our being becomes lost in polite sentiment, affirmations routinely recited with little feeling or honest belief, prayers said with no real expectation of relief. To thine ownself be true, pray from the heart, expect to receive a miracle for we live in an age of miracles, measure your words and strive to walk the way you talk. No one among us does this perfectly, and though perhaps trembling, what matters is that we do it to the best of our ability today, for today is truly all we have.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Everyone likes a clean house; no one enjoys doing the cleaning. In the physical realm a little dust on the shelves, a cobweb or two high in a corner or a carpet that could use a visit from the vacuum are one thing, but of much greater importance is our personal or spiritual housekeeping. When we allow the negative to accumulate in our consciousness the consequences are dire. In our homes when a glass breaks, an egg slips our grasp, the new kitten or puppy has an “accident,” these things are addressed immediately, in much the same way we get busy spiritually on the big problems of life. But just like the upper shelf that could use a dusting or the baseboard that could stand a little scrubbing, we put off addressing the little hurts and small fears and they accumulate in the corners of our consciousness. Left unattended they nibble away at our serenity, our peace of mind slips allowing the adversary, fear, to gain purchase in the forefront of our consciousness.

Spiritually we must keep our house clean for the adversary is relentless. Where as a dusty shelf or a floor that could use a sweeping are distractions, small resentments and disregarded fears left to fester in our spiritual house have real power. So we address them as soon as they crop up and do not under any circumstance or pretext put off our cleaning. By employing daily prayer, meditation and selfless service, keeping the corners of our consciousness liberated from the corrosive destructive effects of the adversary, we remain free, serenity at play, peace of mind immanent.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


How do we progress spiritually? Is it by studying every new book or teacher that comes along, casting aside yesterday’s book or teacher in hope that the new information or teacher is superior? Perhaps never even taking the time to see if a particular teaching works because of jumping from one to another, and there is always another. The student of mathematics progresses logically forward, as do students of all secular studies. They learn the basics, building upon this foundation as their understanding advances. In mathematics every new theorem, every breakthrough from Pythagoras to Newton to Einstein to Hawking began with understanding 2+2. They all began with the basics, thoroughly understood and employed, which then lead in time to inspired new demonstrations.

The study of metaphysics requires not only the logical progression of thought as mathematics but the artists way as well. We can rub elbows with artists, visit the finest galleries, study countless books on art and though we may have a wonderful appreciation and even love of art, we will never be an artist until we place pencil to paper, brush to canvas. Our peace of mind, serenity, develops as we practice, demonstrate, what we have learned about spiritual principles, in our lives, daily. Knowledge is fine, but without demonstration possesses little power to change. As we practice what we know spiritually daily (the amount immaterial, remember 2+2) our heart and mind becomes more attuned with the spiritual basis, through this demonstration we grow in understanding by action, and there is no other way to truly learn how to Live on the Spiritual Basis.

Our lives are our canvas, the brush willingness, the paint our spiritual understanding, so we apply what we have learned of living spiritually and let God guide our hand. The emerging picture is truly miraculous, but requires a lifetime of diligent effort to complete. Oh, and art is messy, so don’t worry about the paint under your finger nails, on the floor, the walls or your clothes, the Great Artist understands and it puts a smile on His face.