When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


If we have turned our will and life over to the care of God, then we have chosen the consecrated life. Our only job is to see the Presence of God everywhere, in everything and everyone and to express our understanding of spiritual principles to the best of your ability, however limited that may be at this time, and to practice those principles in every aspect of our life. Simple but not easy, a price has to be paid and that price is the surrender of self. It is a simple equation, the more time we spend thinking about ourselves, the less comfortable we become, opening the door to restlessness, irritability and discontentment. Conversely, the more time we spend focusing on the Presence of God, practicing the principles we know to be true, leaving the results to God, the more comfortable, at peace, we become, living the consecrated life. Simple, but not easy.

Friday, October 30, 2009


The conditions in our life are the result of the crops (thoughts) we plant in our consciousness, how well they were tended and honestly appraising their value. We must be willing to cast aside that which is unhealthy, regardless of how attractive it may appear, realizing that our actions matter, carry direct consequence.

If we wish to be happy, we cannot walk around with a long face complaining, thinking and talking about trouble, whether it is the worlds or ours. When we choose to embrace morbid reflection, we dwell on what exists only to convince us that sickness, trouble and failure are unavoidable. We cannot control the thoughts that float through our mind; thought control is not about banning a thought, which is impossible, but taking right action when they surface. What we do control is the action we take as soon as we become aware of our negative thinking, for it can be cunning, a wolf masquerading as a lamb. Remembering that prayer is always the answer, if we believe that outer conditions have more power than prayer, then we place effect ahead of cause. If you find yourself putting your belief in the effects of negative thinking (believing the problem insurmountable) rather than addressing the cause with gentle and consistent prayer, then “tail wags dog.” Living on the Spiritual Basis, we place our trust in God, take the indicated action and stay out of the results business. Either God wants us to be happy, joyous and free or He does not. There is no middle ground. God is either everything or else He is nothing, what is our choice to be? God does not punish with one hand and love with the other, his dog’s tail wagging with anticipation of good tidings, if we are willing.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


All our lives we have had hammered into our consciousness the belief that hard work equals success. Yet, even on the secular level I think we can all point to someone, perhaps that someone gazes back from your mirror, who have worked very hard yet have little to show for it. I will leave the secular discussion for another day, spiritually hard work and struggling to succeed in prayer in meditation are impediments to growth. Successful prayer and meditation, that which demonstrates, is quiet and gentle. As Emmet Fox writes “Pray with a feather- not a pickax.” Though we may be filled with fear and trepidation, pray in the manner you would like to be treated in, gently with kindness, patience, tolerance and love.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


“Cheap optimism is never spiritual.” Never be satisfied or resign yourself to live with anything less than the full expression of God’s love in your life. When we practice the Presence of God everywhere in our lives, remarkable things happen, regardless of the secular condition of the world. Never settle for any condition in your life that expresses lack or limitation. Divine Life wants all to be happy, joyous and free. Be honest about your circumstances, the change comes when we wholeheartedly, without reservation, believe that God not only will but wants to provide for our needs.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The experiment is simple: Pick one thing in your life you wish to change. In meditation, see it passing physically from your hands to God’s. In prayer, claim that divine Power is now healing the condition, completely and forever. Close with a prayer of thanks for knowing Him better. Repeat daily until the condition improves. See, simple. Now the hard part.

Prayer and meditation bring about real change and growth in our lives, affecting the world as well. The belief that we need to accept with resignation any negative condition in our lives as God’s will is not only false but a sin. The experiment is to bathe any negative condition in your life in the light of God’s love and knowledge. How? In specific prayer and meditation.

Do you pray expecting to receive? Or with trepidation? When we pray with doubt, believing secretly in our heart of hearts that God is too busy, we are too insignificant or since our hands are not perfectly clean our prayers will not be answered, then we are praying with two minds, wanting the prayer answered but not believing it will be. How is it then any surprise when we fail to demonstrate?

None of us are perfect, no one is insignificant, and time is a human construct that has no bearing on God. We live in a state of grace, undeserved, because we are loved unconditionally. We place conditions on His love because of our fear. Please do not misunderstand, fear is a powerful foe, our only real bulwark to it being God. Consider: The daily news is a never-ending cacophony of doom and gloom. Economic disaster looms, wars and rumors of war abound, global climactic failure imminent, the end is nigh unless we act. If you are not a student of history, become one. Nothing in the news today is new. In my lifetime, this is the fourth or is it the fifth time the stock market has had a major hiccup, always to recover. The third major correction in the housing market. On any given day there are dozens of wars/conflicts going on, most of which we never hear of because they do not interest the media. In the late 70’s the great climatic fear was the coming ice age and if we didn‘t act immediately most of mankind would be dead from starvation by the end of the century (2000). Someone is always screaming the sky is falling for one reason or another (usually to sell something or push an agenda). Does worrying or talking incessantly about these things improve our lives? Understand, this planet, our home, has been hit many times in its history with all manner of space debris, altering the world drastically. Massive volcanoes have and will again explode, just exactly, what is worrying about it going to change? Remember the serenity prayer? God’ grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

So the way out is to pray and meditate on God’s love. Bathe all inharmony in Truth and claim that divine Power is healing the condition. Then give thanks because praise and thanksgiving are the most powerful prayers of all. Remember, we live in eternity NOW and passing conditions are just that, passing. It is vital that we guide our thinking, gently, away from the negative and to God’s love and guidance. In so doing not only does our life improve but the whole world as well, volcanoes, comet/asteroid strikes, pandemics and global warming/cooling be damned.

Monday, October 26, 2009


When there is nowhere left to turn, turn around, for God is always there.

When in the grips of fear, pray with a feather.

When facing calamity, meet it with serenity, the serenity found only in His presence.

When in doubt, stop and ask for the right thought or action, in prayer of course.

When the solution feels out of reach, reach out in prayer and meditation.

When feeling put upon, put your hand out to those in need.


When all else fails, place the failure in His hands and watch a miracle unfold.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Though I had been an agnostic with an attitude into my 30’s, I had always been a seeker, often looking in the wrong places however. I looked at the world with secular glasses, attempting to comprehend eternity. One of the questions that troubled me was the idea that God would suspend the laws He created to assist one but not another. That some form of pecking order, a hierarchy existed never held water for me. We are either all equally loved or none are since none of us have a choice in birth or initial circumstance. God is and must be consistent. If not, then we would not live in a universe but a chaos. No loving Father would throw one child to the wolves so another may prosper.

“God is a God of love and rules by principle”, because of His nature He cannot break divine law. “He cannot bring disease, or suffering, or lack.” God does not, cannot play favorites. Today, it is clear that God wants each of us to be happy, joyous and free, that He demonstrates His love through us, for us.

Does God bring miracles? Yes, everyday but He does not break Divine Law in so doing or sacrifice one for the benefit of another. The world may seem to demonstrate that this is false but this view is only had through secular glasses. The truth of God’s love is available to all who are willing to step out in faith, have let go of sacred cows born of fear and donned a new pair of glasses. With corrected vision, it becomes abundantly clear that God can do anything within divine law and principle.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


We stake our claim to things everyday, usually without a thought. Whenever we start a statement with “My”, we claim ownership. Having thought on this over the years, I think I am finally getting it. Although I may have a headache or a flair up of arthritis, do I really want to “own” them? No. I want them to go away. Nevertheless, when I refer to them as “My” I assert ownership. Today instead of commenting on or talking about the negative things in “My” life I take whatever secular action is indicated, aspirin, heating pad, ice pack etc followed by a short prayer thanking God for knowing Him better. Today I claim all the gifts and blessings that God has not only for me but for you as well. That all I desire in “My” life comes to you as well. Years ago, I read a little teaching about blessings that went something like this:

A man found himself standing at the gates leading to heaven. He was upset and relieved at the same time. Upset that he passed but relieved that he was standing at heaven’s gate. Saint Peter greeted him and motioned for him to come forward. As he walked through the gates, he was struck speechless by the beauty and peace that greeted him. Saint Peter ushered him around showing him the wonders of heaven. Finally, they came upon a rather plain building that stood out in stark contrast against the beauty of the others. He turned to Saint Peter and asked, “What is that building?” Saint Peter replied, “All of Heaven is open to you but I strongly suggest that you leave that structure alone.” The man nodded, for who would question a Saint? Well of course, he could not get that one building out of his mind and after a time asked, “You said all of Heaven is open to me so if I wished to visit any building I can?” With a look of resignation, Saint Peter nodded for he knew what building the man was thinking of. As they walked, Saint Peter waited for the statement that always followed. Soon the man turned to him and said, “I would like to go back to the plain building.” With sadness and a pass of his hand, Saint Peter deposited them on the doorstep of the building. “I would urge you again not to go in.” The man nodded but he would not be swayed. As the doors opened, the man was greeted with the sight of row upon row of shelves on which resided beautiful boxes with a persons name on them. He turned to Saint Peter and asked if there was a box with his name on it. Saint Peter replied yes but again suggested they leave the building. Undeterred the man ran down the aisles until he found the box with his name on it. As he took it down from the shelf, there were tears in Saint Peter’s eyes. He couldn’t stop now though and removed the lid. As he looked in the box his heart fell for in the box were all the blessings that God had gifted him that had been left unclaimed. He then knew and they wept together. Claim all of God’s blessings for you today and if you don‘t know what they are, ask and He will show you.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Ever board an airplane on a cloudy day? Remember how cool it was as you rose through the clouds, everything blanked out and then suddenly bright sunshine burst into the cabin?” When in the midst of difficulty the visual of rising in conscious above the problem is good to remember. Though we may be standing in the shadow of a problem or difficulty now, the sunshine of God’s love never ceases, the clouds an illusion created by us out of fear. Years ago an old-timer said to me “whatever your problem is, give it 90 days and I guarantee it will look different.” Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, remembering we are eternal, this day just one day in a very long spiritual life, and that by raising our consciousness through prayer and meditation not only does our life improve, but by recognizing His love the whole world gains. “The sun is always shining above the clouds.”

Thursday, October 22, 2009


“We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous and free. We cannot subscribe to the belief that this life is a vale of tears, though it was just that for many of us. But it is clear that we made our own misery. God didn’t do it. Avoid then the deliberate manufacture of misery, but if trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to demonstrate His omnipotence” (Alcoholics Anonymous pg 133). Everyone is disabled in one way or another. When young we lack experience and wisdom. When mature we lack the energy of youth, and the hair. As we grow and change, hopefully, for not everyone does sadly, what was lacking is acquired and what was assumed would last forever fades to irrelevance spiritually. Please do not think for a moment that those suffering from serious disabilities are simply challenged in the same way as those dealing with the typical trials and tribulations of living, the point is however that the answer is the same for all.

Clichés always have a modicum of truth, if given lemons make lemonade comes to mind. The only power that can hold us back, regardless of the challenge, is giving in to self-centered fear. Living on the Spiritual Basis does not mean that life’s challenges no longer exist or are any less painful, but instead of allowing ourselves to drift into remorse and morbid reflection, we turn to Him who has all knowledge and power for strength and direction, demonstrating over fear. Circumstances in our lives are not impediments, just different paths of enlightenment. The truth will set us free: We are not this flesh. We are eternal spirit, existing in this form for only a moment, children of the Most High. Living on the Spiritual Basis affirms our connection to the infinite, puts all things into their proper place and perspective, triumphant over fear.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The Universe is moved by demonstration. If we wish to be loved, first we need to demonstrate love. If we wish to be respected, first we need to demonstrate respect. If we wish to be trusted, we must first show that we are trustworthy. If you want to feel happy, greet all with a smile, nothing is more off-putting than a scowl.

It may seem tedious, but once again, the power of reaping and sowing is evident. No one practices these things perfectly, but we are willing to do better when we stumble and not to blame conditions or others. We strive for spiritual progress, demonstrating perfection in faith by our willingness. We can be perfect in faith, the price the willingness to go to any lengths for a spiritual awakening. Years ago, this was explained to me thusly: “We have to be willing to go shovel shit in Siberia if it is clear that is the next indicated action.” Chances are if we just pick up our shovel and start walking something remarkable will happen to alter our course before we even make it to our city limit. However, even if we do arrive in Siberia with our shovel, it should not matter; the journey will have so changed us spiritually that we can hardly contain our joy, for we have walked in willingness, with God. Make each day a day when you bring the vision of God’s will into all your activities, in so doing remarkable things will come to pass, God‘s action manifest.

It would be easy to stop here, but easy is for sissies. The question hanging in the air is “what about health and sickness?” What is the demonstration here? If seriously ill, what do I need to do to be healed? If it is our child, who among us would not gladly trade our life for their healing? I do not know the answer. Knowing that everyone and everything “dies”, that death is just change in condition, does nothing for the pain felt when an innocent suffers or provides little solace when we are struggling with health issues. Part of faith and willingness is to trust that one day all questions will be answered. I know God exists because of personal experience and watching Him work in your lives, even so, when my time comes to step from this flesh I have questions, just as you. So, until that time comes, grab your shovel, step out in faith and join us on the road of Happy Destiny, the destination unimportant, the journey paramount. Onward through the fog.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Are you Living on the Spiritual Basis? If you have to think about it or are unsure, then no, you are not. There are many things in life were we can be “lukewarm”, kinda in and kinda out. Take it or leave it. This is not one of them.

Living on the Spiritual Basis requires:

1) Turning our will and life over to the care and direction of a Power Greater Than Themselves, God.

2) Have a clear understanding of what that Power is and isn‘t. Of course, this is a lifetime endeavor, but at minimum, God must be loving, intelligent and available, anything less, you are not Living on the Spiritual Basis, you are living on a secular basis.

3) We give all power to God, in every sense, convinced that every area of our existence is under His purview.

4) Turn to God in prayer, believing in our heart of hearts that prayer can accomplish anything.

5) Destroy any negative thoughts as they surface with prayer, for we now know that God wants us to be happy, joyous and free, our well-being of utmost importance to Him who has all power and knowledge.

6) Being clear on the teaching of “reaping and sowing.” That not only do our actions have consequences, our habitual thinking does as well, what we focus on, we bring into our lives.

7) Practice the Presence of God, to the best of our ability in Spirit, in everything, in everyone, all the time. Especially in those we disagree with or dislike. To be clear: Seeing God in everyone and everything does not mean that we do not hold strong opinions or point of views, but instead of engaging in negative or destructive talk or thinking we seek the higher ground of thought and living that Living on the Spiritual Basis offers.

8) Book end your day with meditation. Start your day in meditation asking to be shown the way of patience, tolerance, kindness and love, that your motives throughout day be devoid of selfishness and self-centeredness. End your day with a quiet meditation on that days events. Do not under any pretense engage in morbid reflection.

Like riding a bike, with practice, this way of life becomes second nature, its benefits evident. You can have your indignation, defend your right to have justified anger or you can comprehend the word serenity and know peace. The choice is always ours.

Monday, October 19, 2009


What more do you need to know? OK, how about this: I often chat with those espousing agnostic points of view. True atheists however are a different kettle of fish. Many who label themselves atheist find that by definition they are agnostics, there by willing to converse, while atheists find people like me at best deluded, unable to accept the “truth” and living in denial, to being part of the problem that has plagued humanity for millennia and needs to be eradicated. So, to be clear: I am a “big” C Christian. The Immaculate Conception, the miracles (including raising the dead), death on the cross and resurrection, the whole enchilada, I am all in. Nope, not politically correct, not by a long shot. When asked how someone as seemingly intelligent as I am could believe in an invisible god, angels and all the rest of that spiritual nonsense, my answer? Prayer.

I did not always pray. Sure, there were those furtive “please let me pass this (math, English, history, etc) test”, “please stop the room from spinning” (if you have never said this prayer, I hope you never have too), “please, don’t let her be pregnant, I promise to use a condom from now on”, you know, the get me out of this and I promise to be good, prayers. Back then, I would refer to myself alternately as a small c Christian or an agnostic with an attitude. Neither position well thought out, yet I was always ready to argue, for arguments sake.

Prayer changed for me when I found myself facing a self-imposed crisis that I could no longer evade or avoid. My life had devolved into a state of being I would not wish on anyone, bankrupt in every area. With no place or no one left to turn to I was driven to my knees and said my first, of what has become many, honest prayer. “God help me.”

Did a light shine down or angels pick me up and carry me away in that moment? Perfect enlightenment and the solution to all my difficulties presented on a silver platter? Nope, but the soul crushing weight I was under did lessen enough so I could breathe. Fortunately, I had no idea at the time how much spiritual work was in front me, the good news was I only had to do it one day at a time.

Many years have passed, and though far from perfect in prayer, I have watched prayer work miracles of healing in my life and countless others. Today I live in the absolute certainty of the Power of Prayer. Often when speaking to those unconvinced about prayers efficacy, I’ll end with “If I could only show you the world through my eyes and experience, you too would be convinced that Prayer Is Always The Answer.”

Sunday, October 18, 2009


It is recommended to pray with a feather, gently, for prayer should never be hard work, it is our time to speak with God. If you are approaching prayer as work or a task to be completed so you can get on with something else, stop and spend some time in contemplation on what your relationship with God really is.

Additionally, as in all things we reap as we sow. If we pray with little faith, thinking that even if the prayer doesn’t work, it is better than nothing, is it really any surprise when we fail to demonstrate?

When praying do not concern yourself with wording or long explanations. The longer the explanation or set up the more obvious the truth that a “sell” job is going on. Whom are you trying to convince, God or yourself? “Guilty with an explanation your Honor.” God already knows our heart, for He is closer than breath. Remember, His love is unconditional, grace freely given regardless of our transgressions, impossible to earn. Though there may be secular consequences for our past deeds, we are forgiven in spirit as soon as we earnestly ask. Pray simply, honestly and quietly from the heart, and you will receive openly and in great measure, for that is the promise.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Everything is connected. The belief that a problem or difficulty exists in one place and must be brought to God in prayer is false. God is either everything or else He is nothing. Nothing exists in the physical world or our consciousness that God is not only aware of but where He does not dwell. Everything or nothing.

In 1918, Max Plank won the Nobel Prize for physics. In his acceptance speech, he stated, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Ninety years later quantum physics has verified by experiment and observation that which Max Plank could only surmise. Since this is the bedrock of all creation, is it the mind of God? Beats me. What I do know through practical application is once I employ the presence of Divine healing where a difficulty is, I improve. God wasn’t absent; my perception was skewed by fear. In truth we do not/cannot seek the kingdom without, we must seek within, for it was always there, veiled by self-centered fear.

Friday, October 16, 2009


A treatment is a prayer directed specifically at a definite subject, something that is a pressing problem. Unlike general prayers that are a visit with God, a treatment is a surgical operation on the soul. A difficulty has arisen in your life, the reasons for its arrival a distraction, like spending time wondering who sold the nail you stepped on when a tetanus shot is the action required. Treatment prayers focus on solution, not causality while general prayers typically are “checking” in with God, affirmations of our love, trust and faith. The essential difference is fear. When we are engaged in treatment, we are essentially praying for ourselves. Someone we love or ourselves has become ill. We are facing financial difficulties. Our relationship with someone we care about deeply, perhaps love, has begun to or has turned sour. Our prayers, treatment, in these areas are definite. A simple form of employing treatment is:

1) Get alone, some place quiet. Begin with a general prayer (one that has significance and power for you).

2) See the difficulty in your minds eye; visualize the problem passing from your hands to God’s. If the difficulty is hard to visualize, then visualize the individual (including your self) free of the trouble, surrounded by God’s creative love and healing.

3) End the treatment with a closing prayer affirming God’s love, guidance, limitless power and knowledge. Thank him for the healing you believe will come and then:

4) Leave it be. Do not try to visualize how God will work or the outcome. This is outlining and always leads to trouble. Do not repeat the treatment out of fear. If something happens or changes in regards to the difficulty and it feels appropriate, treat again, but do not begin from fear. If very fearful, then address the fear with prayer and when it has subsided, then repeat the treatment.

Fear is not the difficulty being treated. Fear is what makes the difficulty seem overwhelming. Fear is the self-centered belief that God will not do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We believe that somehow, someway we have traveled beyond the pale, so far from God that our prayers are not heard or worse rejected or ignored. Nonsense. No one, no matter what has transpired in his or her lives is separated from God. We build the walls; create the false sense of separation, not God.

When we allow fear domination, we operate on our soul with a rusty scalpel and a shaking hand. God can and will solve all our difficulties, if we can stand firm in faith.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Do you pray for yourself? Some hold that it is selfish and a waste of time to pray for ones self, but how could it be? Emmet Fox writes, “Praying for ourselves is the reverse of selfishness-it is truly glorifying God.” “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Pet. 5:7) is the path according to Peter. There is danger in the sorting of prayers. Employing our limited vision and experience to decide what is appropriate to pray about, viewed in the light of day, doesn’t pass the giggle test. God does not need us to or want us to play prayer gatekeeper. Approach God in prayer with anything on your mind or that is troubling you. Do not waste time trying to construct or sort your prayers to avoid perceived selfishness. Speak from the heart for when the heart speaks the heart listens. God knows your heart and the issues that flow from it. He is closer than hands and feet, closer than breath. And that is most close indeed. A simple heart filled prayer delivered trembling can move mountains. Again, as Dr. Fox teaches “You must pray for yourself constantly. How could it be otherwise?”

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The hen lays her eggs, and then keeps them warm and safe until they hatch. What would happen if half way through the process she decided to crack the eggs open to see how things were progressing? Chickens are not the sharpest tools in the shed, yet not one would ever consider checking the progress of a growing chick. Yet that is exactly what we do, sabotaging ourselves. So many times a student has stated, in earnest, that they have faith, they just want to know what is going on. We can learn from the hen. Living on the Spiritual Basis, the basis of trusting and relying on God, when faced with trouble or difficulty we place it in God’s hands, then let go. The eggs, once laid, only require warmth from the hen, our troubles, once placed in God’s hands, only require our continual reliance on God as demonstrated by our prayers and meditation. In due course, the eggs will begin to crack and the chicks will emerge. The hen had faith in the process, knew if she did her job, the miracle of creation would follow.

When we give our problems to God, they are placed in a protective shell. God is doing the work, guiding the process beyond our view. From a bumper sticker years ago “Thanks, but I got this, I really don’t need your help. God.” Place your problems in His hands and let Him work. We can learn much from the hen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


If we have been consistent in applying spiritual principles, should we work harder, redouble our spiritual efforts when faced with a serious problem or difficulty? Isn’t that usually one of the first thoughts to cross our mind in those times? That we will need to work hard on this, that it is going to require extra time, spiritual toil to get to the other side? Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Trouble does not come with a spiritual difficulty scale. A parking ticket a 2, cancer a 9. A child late for dinner because they did not want to stop playing a 1, a crack pipe found under their socks a 7. What was your first thought in reading “my” scale? Was it not that the scale was wrong? Perhaps cancer a 10, crack pipe a 9 or some such? When applying spiritual principles there is no scale. Man’s solutions and remedies however always fall on a sliding scale, of necessity. You do not treat a broken arm with the same immediacy of action as a heart attack or a child neglecting studies for athletics versus one using drugs. A murder demands immediate attention and resources while the shoplifter can wait. As the Bible suggests, give onto Caesar what is Caesar’s.

Living on the new basis, the basis of trusting and relying on God, we do not ignore the world’s secular answers or remedies, but we do immediately employ spiritual principles as soon as we become aware of the situation. As the old commercial intoned, “We answer to a higher authority” (everyone does actually, some just don‘t realize it, yet). Remembering change is the natural course in all its aspects, quietly and resolutely when faced with trouble we turn to God, just as we have been doing all along, and place the trouble in His hands. Having taken all the action the world requires, having prayed and meditated in due course, we stop. Instead of talking about the trouble with anyone who will listen, second-guessing everyone, including ourselves, we become quiet. The footwork is done, the results left to God. When we feel the urge to “do something” begin to creep back into our consciousness we turn to God in prayer and ask that if there is anything further that needs to be done, that He would have us do, for we are willing.

Living on the Spiritual Basis, we trust infinite Creation, instead of our finite self. Remembering always that “God can and will solve this problem.” There are no small problems or difficulties spiritually, size is non-existent. If it is causing us pain, God is always the answer, not spiritual hard work. Save the hard work for the garden.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Do you have to “find” time to pray and meditate? Nothing is more important than our relationship with the Divine. Our relationship existed before we were born into this flesh and continues beyond its return to the dust. Nothing takes precedence over the work required of us to build and maintain our conscious contact with God. Feeling a bit sheepish? Good.

Now, do you pray and meditate out of duty? Kinda like doing the dishes or the laundry? Relieved when it is finished so you can get on with what you really want to do? Feeling a bit sheepish? Good. Praying and meditating out of duty is better than no prayer or meditation, but just barely. Understand this truth: We are never out of the sight of God. God does not suddenly turn His gaze toward us when we pray and meditate. Prayer and meditation is not for God, it is for us. God is prayer and meditation personified. When we pray by rote, reciting them as a parrot would, we reap as the parrot reaps. Though fed and cared for, we remain in a cage. If your prayers have become stale, your meditations tedious take a break. Simplify your prayers to the point of asking only to be shown His will this day. A prayer of “Please Father, guide my hands, my heart and my mind today, so that I may best serve you and my fellows. Amen” said earnestly carries more weight than a dozen memorized prayers said while the mind is wandering to other things. Additionally there is a no more powerful prayer than “Thank you God”, said form the heart.

For meditation, open any spiritual book that appeals to you and read a line or two, never more than a paragraph. Take a few cleansing breaths and then quietly consider what was read in your minds eye. When your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to what was read. When it begins to wander again, thank God for the time spent and go about your day. Keep it simple. In time, your prayers will change as your consciousness rises and you will look forward to your quiet moments with God. Always remember: Do not struggle. This is not work, not something to “get done” so we can do something more important to us. There is nothing more important. Pray with a feather and meditate with joy in your heart, for you are not only in the Presence of the Infinite, you are part of it.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Think from the end. Having chosen to Live on the Spiritual Basis, our vision has cleared, we see with a singleness of purpose. Fate, as a conscious power, is a convenient catch all for those confused or unwilling to do the work necessary to clear away the wreckage of living that accumulates when we chose to live an unexamined life. Understanding the law of reaping and sowing, fate is placed in its proper perspective. To be clear: Many things are attributed to fate that are in reality merely aspects of living. We are not fated to suffer illness, but if we live our lives in fear of illness is it any wonder we attract it? Then we can triumphantly announce our “fate” being realized. Remember, most of us will develop some condition that will contribute to our passing, and even if we do not, the flesh we inhabit will fail eventually regardless. It is not fate; it is part of the cycle of creation, the same cycle that applies to the mayfly or a star. Financial windfalls come from as simple a reason as buying a lottery ticket, though the odds are terrible someone always wins eventually, to being related to or born into a prosperous family. The converse being true as well, poverty, as a condition of birth is just a different path to the same destination. This is not fate, merely the set of circumstances we are born into, the lessons and paths they provide our responsibility to learn and travel.

If you still believe fate has dealt you a great/crummy hand, take a moment and investigate it. Get a pen/pencil and a piece of paper. Say a quiet prayer to be shown God’s will for you and write down the aspect/incident that you have attributed to fate. When finished read it through and ask for an intuitive thought. Take a couple of cleansing breaths, close your eyes and relax. Do not struggle or be insistent. Quietly review what you know about the Great Creative Life-Force for a few minutes in your minds eye. Usually an insight comes in the first session, but if not do this as part of your meditation period for a week. If nothing seems to have surfaced after a week, put it aside. In time you will have an “aha” moment, so do not struggle or be in a hurry. Also do not tell anyone (the only exception being if you have a close spiritual advisor) what you are about. Though well intentioned, they will not understand and will retard your demonstration.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Emmet Fox provides a wonderful visual for this teaching. Ranchers place a brand on their steers so they can be easily recognized. If a steer from another ranch finds its way into the wrong corral, it is turned out. We do the same thing with our thoughts. What we dwell on, we brand. Every time we think “my bad luck”, “I’ll never find a good job”, “the kids won’t…”, “my (insert your favorite recurring pain or condition)”, “I hate…” or any other thought or negative emotion/utterance about something we really don’t want in our lives, we open the corral of our consciousness and invite in steers we don‘t want, putting our “brand” on them. This is the Law of Unintended Consequences demonstrated. Being a law, the converse is true as well. Thoughts of peace, kindness, love, service and God will fill our corral; dominate it, if we choose to dwell on them.

Do not misunderstand. Jobs are lost and found, our kids will act up (probably not as bad as we did though), conditions affecting our health will increase as we age (and one of them will be the last one) what matters is how we address these things in our consciousness. Bad luck or good luck for that matter is an observation in the moment. Singular occurrences do not a life make, many times seemingly good luck brings pain (the stories of lottery winners trials has become almost cliché) and bad luck led to a new path or awakening. Remember this truth: When all other avenues have failed, pain is the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self.

Hate and its cousin resentment are 100 per cent effective in shutting us off from the sunlight of the spirit, their only purpose to produce more hate and resentment. Remember the analogy of the one bad apple? Apples are placed in a barrel that is filled with water, to keep them through the winter. If a single apple in the barrel begins to rot, the rest of the apples are tainted and become inedible. Hate and resentment have the same effect on our consciousness. Although we need to turn out all the steers of negativity and limitation, hate and resentment are particularly destructive.

Friday, October 9, 2009


We decide to change something in our lives. Perhaps we smoke and wish to quit. We throw away our smokes (or smoke them up) and announce we are now a non-smoker. What changed? If I just polished off a bacon avocado cheeseburger and then announce myself a vegetarian, am I? If we have a room full of exercise equipment or a paid up gym membership does it mean we are physically fit? Demonstration and intention. Our intentions may be noble, but nothing happens until we take action and follow through. If we take a flower bulb and plant it in infertile ground, withholding water and nourishment is it any wonder that nothing happens. Alternatively, we provide water and plant in good soil but dig the bulb up daily to check progress, killing the new tender roots trying for purchase, is it any wonder why our flower does not appear? The purpose of the bulb is to flower. When we decide to change, to take action, we plant a bulb. The flower does not appear the next day; it requires time and consistent conditions to flourish. Change is a process; the new man is not born in a day. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Wayne Dyer teaches: Think from the end. See yourself free of cigarettes, not as someone “trying” to quit. See yourself exercising in your minds eye, do not engage in making “deals” with yourself or picking a time or date to start. See yourself exercising everyday, picture your body in your minds eye as it will look after exercise. Soon the urge to exercise will become overwhelming, as long as you refrain from negative out picturing and thoughts. Bacon avocado cheeseburgers? Don’t be silly, they are the food of the Gods.

Train yourself to think from the end. Like any new activity at first, it will feel clumsy and unfamiliar. If you persist, it will become second nature, like riding a bike. Plant your bulb in fertile ground and thank God for the flower to come. See it in your minds eye, in all its radiant beauty. Though this flower of intention is but a vision, you must provide the conditions for success, demonstrating willingness in faith and God will provide the rest.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Short on money? Lonely? Having trouble with personal and professional relationships? Fighting an addiction? The world provides a myriad of answers and solutions for these conditions. Watch TV, listen to the radio or click on any of the daily spam messages in your in-box and an “answer” can be found for what is troubling you, usually all that is required is a credit card with available credit left. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we have a new set of tools for addressing the conditions troubling us. We treat them spiritually. Just what does that mean and how do we do it? Glad you asked:

1) Do not package your concerns. In general prayers are better than none, but provide only general answers and solutions. Be specific. Take the time to write down and separate out the things that are troubling you. What do you want to leave your life and what do you want to come into your life. Be specific.

2) Now that you have your list, address each item separately. Consider your concern in the light of your spiritual knowledge. Claim the Great Creative Life Force, as you understand it will address this concern, in its own time, in the perfect form for you, in its own way. Do not visualize how you think things should progress, visualize only the power working in your life, healing, creating, doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

3) When finished close with a simple prayer thanking God, as you understand Him, for knowing Him better. Do not allow yourself to become tense or demanding in these sessions, for this only retards progress. Do not discuss what you are doing with anyone. ANYONE. This is between you and the universe, keep it private. Do not look for signs and portents. Faith is trust, trust is faith. Trust in God.

Follow these directions for 30 days. If you are persistent and consistent in your demonstration, some remarkable changes will be taking place in your life. Few, if any will be in the manner or following the script you would have written, but they will be exactly what you need, at precisely the moment needed, arriving typically without fanfare. You will intuitively know what to do and how to do it with the needed strength, if you are willing.

Feel free to share the method and what happened to you in a general way with any you think ready to step out in faith, but keep the specifics of your list and prayer private, in the secret place in your heart where no one but you and the Creator have access. This is imperative for continued spiritual enfoldment.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Everyone daydreams. Of what do you dream? Once again, we touch on the core teaching of reaping and sowing. The thoughts we entertain (sow) will find out picturing in our lives (reaping). Now, I know what you are thinking: cool, I will think about having a boatload of money or dropping 20 pounds and poof, problem solved. Hold on there sunshine, wistfully dreaming about something without a basis for generating the change in conditions is actually destructive, counter productive. If you want to stop smoking, dream of being smoke free, not how hard it is to quit. If you lack financial abundance, dream of following your heart’s desire, money and abundance coming to you by virtue of doing what you love, not the excuses for not following your heart (too old, too young, need schooling, what will people think, etc). If you have health issues, see yourself healthy, free of the restrictions ill health places on you, not on how much you hate being sick. A difficult co-worker, unhappy friend or family member, see them happy, lighthearted, fulfilled, dream for them all the good things you wish for in your own life.

If you wish to be miserable, then spend your time dreaming about what is missing in your life and how it will never happen. Dwell on getting even with those who have hurt you (real or imagined), for revenge is a dish best served cold, resentment your friend. Focus on every medical condition you hear about and wonder if perhaps you have some of the symptoms. Never waste an opportunity to add your thoughts to any discussion dealing with a conspiracy theory, for you have dreamt long and hard on them. Watch every program broadcast dealing with end of world scenarios and ruminate on how you will cope/die as a result. Above all, dream darkly; as soon as the slightest ray of sunshine tries to enter your thoughts snuff it out, for the world is a hard, sharp place.

We choose the course of our lives by the thoughts we entertain, dwell on, reaping what we have sown in our consciousness. Which would you rather be: Happy, joyous and free or restless, irritable and discontent? Choose wisely and act accordingly for faith without works is dead.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Having taught spiritual principles for a significant portion of my life, today there is no more painful word to hear from a student then but. It matters not whether the student has been on the path 10 weeks, 10 months or 10 years this word is a nearly impenetrable barrier to progress.

The new student will listen and then when an opportunity to speak presents its self they begin their comment with yeah, but…Which demonstrates their lack of willingness, they are still looking for loopholes, not convinced.

The student who has been on the path for a time, faced with something uncomfortable attempts to make their case for avoidance with yeah but, you don’t understand…They acknowledge the problem but fear grips them, hoping to avoid an imagined punishment they filibuster. Guilty with an explanation your Honor, if you would just let me explain…

Finally, those who have traveled the path for a significant period are attacked by but obliquely, in the quiet moments. Having persevered and done much work spiritually, Living on the Spiritual Basis, they “believe” but doubt has crept in. They are attempting to come to terms with some seeming inconsistency and are looking for answers, some action to take for specific relief. One of the most difficult spiritual lessons to take to heart is when to stop. When you have consulted with those whose spiritual counsel you value, have taken all the secular action indicated, have prayed and meditated on the difficulty or fear, stop. Be still and know that I am God. Living on the Spiritual Basis does not mean we will always be inspired, engaged in non-stop action and activity. If truth is true, there are no buts.

You have mixed all the right ingredients, in the correct proportions, placed them in a baking pan, now the cake needs to bake. While it bakes, leave the oven closed. Every time you open the door to see how things are progressing, you upset the balance. Let God do His work, just as the oven will do it’s once set. No action or activity is required by us, except patience. The cake batter has its job, the oven its task and neither requires our assistance. You have put together the ingredients for healing and placed them in His hands; give Him the time to cook. Good cake and faith require patience, neither have buts in them.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Do you believe God is good? So many come seeking answers, while secretly holding to the false belief that God does not have time for them or worse will be punished or taught a lesson in some negative way. It is a tall order indeed to manifest faith and trust if in the back of our minds the thought lingers that God is just waiting for an opportunity to punish or harm us, to pull the rug out from under us as a teaching method. Would you treat your child this way? God is not like Lucy holding the football and you are not Charlie Brown trying to kick it. Unlike Lucy, God not only holds the football steady every time but also wants you to kick it, encourages you. Fear holds us back to the point of haltingly tapping the ball or even walking off the field without even attempting a kick, fear triumphant. Though perhaps trembling, run as hard as you can and kick the ball with all your might. God is not like Lucy Van Pelt, now Linus…

Sunday, October 4, 2009


When considering our relationship with God, one of the simplest and best-known metaphors defining that relationship is man is the spark from a great fire. When you touch a piece of kindling to a roaring blaze, it sparks to life. The spark transferred to the kindling has the same composition of the blaze and can be used to start more kindling or even become the start of a new blaze, if sufficient fuel is available. Unlike the blaze, however the spark is extinguished easily if mishandled and will in fact burn out if new fuel is not added. Living on the Spiritual Basis we are the spark, daily prayer, meditation and service the fuel to keep our fire burning. The good news is that if we have failed for any reason to keep our spiritual fire lit, the great fire, God, being eternal and inextinguishable, is always available to rekindle our spark. The only requirement is that we ask.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


What is beyond God’s purview? Money? Healing? Peace of mind? Love? Serenity? Anything? There are many avenues of delivery but there is only one source, God. Spiritual and religious teachers have made this point in a myriad of ways. Nevertheless, what if we set aside for a moment any religious conceptions we may hold concerning “God”. In the last two decades, science has uncovered some interesting things. For instance, at the most basic levels of existence, the sub-atomic, the particles demonstrate “intelligence” in the way they react. Now, these particles comprise all matter. Everything. From Quasars to Mayfly’s. Grains of sand to super massive black holes. You and me. What if embodied in these particles, the observed “intelligence” was the mind of God? If that is the case, then God is not only everywhere but He is everything. That everything and everyone are extensions of Divine Mind, the Universal Creative Life Force. Sounds kinda spiritual. Just a thought, can’t prove it but it does keep me up at night, in a good way.

Friday, October 2, 2009


God never sleeps. Never takes vacations or even a day off. He is ever vigilant, always available in prayer and meditation. He waits patiently for us, for though He loves us beyond measure, He will not enter uninvited, will not answer unasked questions. The purpose of the Sabbath is not for us to withdraw from anything but to set aside some time from the cacophony of the world for time with Our Father. Perhaps you cannot devote from sundown to sundown in observance of the Sabbath, but do set aside as much time as you can disconnected from the world. Turn off the phones (all of them), put the computer in hibernate and turn off the monitor, no TV’s, radios, mp3 players, iPods or any other sound producing device left on. Turn around or cover any clock that may catch your attention. In this time read a book (spiritual is good, but any will do), play games (nothing electronic), write (with pen and paper) or just sit quietly in contemplation of Him who has all knowledge and power. Depending on your circumstances, small children, roommates, uncooperative spouses etc you may only be able to do this for a short period, but make the effort. It is a simple activity that demonstrates our love for Him, since He is always active for us.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Living on the Spiritual Basis, we have placed our reliance on a power greater than ourselves. This is not an overnight matter nor do we arrive at the point of willingness typically without pain and discomfort. Facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge in life, we found our back against the wall, all secular answers and escape routes tried or closed off. We were beset on all sides by fear and perceived negative outcome. From this nadir of experience, the spark of faith burst into life. In truth it was always there, buried under conventional thinking and secular beliefs. When faced with the insurmountable, having exhausted the conventional, we are left with the unconventional, the unseen power at the heart of everything and everyone. We begin to pray. Perhaps we have not prayed in years or were raised with a form of humanist spirituality so popular in “enlightened society” today and have never prayed in a religious sense. Perhaps we believed ourselves to be agnostic or a conversational atheist and left the question of God simmering on a back burner, only to find life has turned up the heat and the pot is bubbling forefront.

We are alone, lost, though we may be surrounded by people mouthing the usual platitudes, we feel trapped, the walls closing in, no way out. So we pray. We make sure we are alone, unseen. We feel guilty, hypocritical for all those times we belittled those holy rollers on TV, for feeling ourselves superior to those weak willed church goers, having engaged in schadenfreude when a religious figure fell from favor. However, we are at the court of last resort, so we pray.

From this moment of trepidation, one book closes and a new one opens. We quickly find that god does not make to hard terms for those who earnestly seek. That God will make himself known to us, as soon as we ask. The Great Carpenter taught that upon this mustard seeds worth of belief, a strong deeply rooted spiritual life could be grown. Your job is to remain open minded, honest with yourself, willing to listen and learn and amazing changes will take place within your consciousness.

Having stepped on to this path, does it mean our prayers are answered in the manner we outline? No. All prayers are answered in the positive, but our vision is limited while God’s is not. I do not, although I may think I do, know what is best for you or me. Spiritual hindsight has shown me that many of the things I prayed for, had they been delivered as I ordered them, would have caused more trouble and problems down the road. God never answers a prayer that results in negative consequences. I have the same questions as you, sickness, suffering and death of children. Good people suffering or the seeming randomness of accidents and disasters. Why? What I know, from experience, is that prayer works. The greater questions we share we can explore together for there are many great teachers and books to read and study. Will we ever know all the answers? Probably not. However, the day will come when this fleshy conveyance will fail, and freed from its restrictions we will be able to sit at the feet of all knowledge and power and pose those questions. At that time, just as on this side of the vale, God will Deliver.