When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, October 30, 2009


The conditions in our life are the result of the crops (thoughts) we plant in our consciousness, how well they were tended and honestly appraising their value. We must be willing to cast aside that which is unhealthy, regardless of how attractive it may appear, realizing that our actions matter, carry direct consequence.

If we wish to be happy, we cannot walk around with a long face complaining, thinking and talking about trouble, whether it is the worlds or ours. When we choose to embrace morbid reflection, we dwell on what exists only to convince us that sickness, trouble and failure are unavoidable. We cannot control the thoughts that float through our mind; thought control is not about banning a thought, which is impossible, but taking right action when they surface. What we do control is the action we take as soon as we become aware of our negative thinking, for it can be cunning, a wolf masquerading as a lamb. Remembering that prayer is always the answer, if we believe that outer conditions have more power than prayer, then we place effect ahead of cause. If you find yourself putting your belief in the effects of negative thinking (believing the problem insurmountable) rather than addressing the cause with gentle and consistent prayer, then “tail wags dog.” Living on the Spiritual Basis, we place our trust in God, take the indicated action and stay out of the results business. Either God wants us to be happy, joyous and free or He does not. There is no middle ground. God is either everything or else He is nothing, what is our choice to be? God does not punish with one hand and love with the other, his dog’s tail wagging with anticipation of good tidings, if we are willing.

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