When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


It is recommended to pray with a feather, gently, for prayer should never be hard work, it is our time to speak with God. If you are approaching prayer as work or a task to be completed so you can get on with something else, stop and spend some time in contemplation on what your relationship with God really is.

Additionally, as in all things we reap as we sow. If we pray with little faith, thinking that even if the prayer doesn’t work, it is better than nothing, is it really any surprise when we fail to demonstrate?

When praying do not concern yourself with wording or long explanations. The longer the explanation or set up the more obvious the truth that a “sell” job is going on. Whom are you trying to convince, God or yourself? “Guilty with an explanation your Honor.” God already knows our heart, for He is closer than breath. Remember, His love is unconditional, grace freely given regardless of our transgressions, impossible to earn. Though there may be secular consequences for our past deeds, we are forgiven in spirit as soon as we earnestly ask. Pray simply, honestly and quietly from the heart, and you will receive openly and in great measure, for that is the promise.

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