When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


We stake our claim to things everyday, usually without a thought. Whenever we start a statement with “My”, we claim ownership. Having thought on this over the years, I think I am finally getting it. Although I may have a headache or a flair up of arthritis, do I really want to “own” them? No. I want them to go away. Nevertheless, when I refer to them as “My” I assert ownership. Today instead of commenting on or talking about the negative things in “My” life I take whatever secular action is indicated, aspirin, heating pad, ice pack etc followed by a short prayer thanking God for knowing Him better. Today I claim all the gifts and blessings that God has not only for me but for you as well. That all I desire in “My” life comes to you as well. Years ago, I read a little teaching about blessings that went something like this:

A man found himself standing at the gates leading to heaven. He was upset and relieved at the same time. Upset that he passed but relieved that he was standing at heaven’s gate. Saint Peter greeted him and motioned for him to come forward. As he walked through the gates, he was struck speechless by the beauty and peace that greeted him. Saint Peter ushered him around showing him the wonders of heaven. Finally, they came upon a rather plain building that stood out in stark contrast against the beauty of the others. He turned to Saint Peter and asked, “What is that building?” Saint Peter replied, “All of Heaven is open to you but I strongly suggest that you leave that structure alone.” The man nodded, for who would question a Saint? Well of course, he could not get that one building out of his mind and after a time asked, “You said all of Heaven is open to me so if I wished to visit any building I can?” With a look of resignation, Saint Peter nodded for he knew what building the man was thinking of. As they walked, Saint Peter waited for the statement that always followed. Soon the man turned to him and said, “I would like to go back to the plain building.” With sadness and a pass of his hand, Saint Peter deposited them on the doorstep of the building. “I would urge you again not to go in.” The man nodded but he would not be swayed. As the doors opened, the man was greeted with the sight of row upon row of shelves on which resided beautiful boxes with a persons name on them. He turned to Saint Peter and asked if there was a box with his name on it. Saint Peter replied yes but again suggested they leave the building. Undeterred the man ran down the aisles until he found the box with his name on it. As he took it down from the shelf, there were tears in Saint Peter’s eyes. He couldn’t stop now though and removed the lid. As he looked in the box his heart fell for in the box were all the blessings that God had gifted him that had been left unclaimed. He then knew and they wept together. Claim all of God’s blessings for you today and if you don‘t know what they are, ask and He will show you.

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