When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


The fourth man in spiritual studies has its origin the Old Testament, the book of Daniel. Three men who refused to worship the golden image erected by King Nebuchadnezzar were sentenced to die in a fiery furnace. This furnace so hot, the guards died in the process of casting the men in. As the King watched, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego (aren’t bible names cool) were joined in the furnace by a fourth. Soon the three emerged, unharmed, delivered because they had refused to sacrifice their belief, holding fast to God, the fourth presence in the furnace.

We all face trials and difficulties in our lives, our “fiery furnace”. Hold fast to God and the fourth man, the presence that is always there, will stand with you, keeping you unharmed, regardless of how intense the fire may seem to be.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Perception. When we are in “it” our perception of our world becomes skewed, often to the extreme. A wise man said to me long ago “Everyone spends time in the barrel”. The problems start in earnest when we start to believe that the barrel or the rough patch we find ourselves in at the moment is permanent. “Seasons of dryness” happen to all, the reason why of less importance than our action. In the midst of it any spiritual activity feels clumsy and uncomfortable in application. The typical response, and unfortunately direction given by many well intentioned but mistaken advisers, is to “redouble” ones efforts, when the opposite is true. When we come across a bad patch of road, one of the signs invariably directs us to “slow down”. We are never directed to speed up or drive harder. So don’t struggle or try to fight your way through it. Surrender. Relax. For this too shall pass. Now don’t stop praying, but keep it simple. Sometimes simply “God is with me” is the extent of our prayers, even if said with little conviction. What matters is the willingness to continue praying and showing up for commitments even though we don’t really want to. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, don’t talk about it incessantly, but don’t not talk about it either. In time, just as with stretches of bad road, it will pass, the road smooths, our speed picks back up and the ride stabilizes.

Friday, May 29, 2009


The Christ teaching suggests that a “mustard seeds” worth of faith is sufficient to begin demonstrating. Jesus picked the mustard seed for this analogy not only because of its tiny size, but how the wild mustard plant grows. Anyone who has seen wild mustard has witnessed not only an incredibly resilient plant but a plant that can crack boulders that are impediments to its growth, nothing stands in its way once established. Provided with sufficient water and light nothing will stem its growth. So it is with us as well. If you are thinking about faith you have enough faith to demonstrate. Never concern yourself with any supposed “lack” of faith. Pray to the best of your ability today, that is all that is required to progress. All prayer has power. In the grip of trouble the only prayer we may be able to utter is “God help me” and is sufficient. Recite it over and over if necessary until a sense of calmness returns, your consciousness raised, and then you can take whatever measures are appropriate, in light of your situation, with God’s guidance and love. If you are considering faith, you have the mustard seed in your hand, from which a powerful and vibrant relationship with the only true source will grow, all that is required is tending with prayer, meditation and service.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


“Live, one day at a time.” This simple saying popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous has become part of the daily consciousness, but what does it really mean? Living on the Spiritual Basis the meaning is simple and profound: The only time we can be present for God, the only time we can stand in the presence of God, the only time God can be present in our lives is in the present moment. So be present for God, for God is always present for us. Yesterday a memory, tomorrow a promise, today, this moment the only reality. Living on this basis, the Spiritual Basis, all the presents God has for us appear in our lives.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


“Demonstrate or starve.” Each of us know our level of willingness to travel the road of happy destiny. To progress, to grow in consciousness we must do the work, no one can do it for us. Memorizing and reciting spiritual sayings, affirmations and prayers is a valuable tool, but to progress we must go much further, build our spiritual tool chest. To have a lively faith we must remain open minded and willing to explore new spiritual experiences in life, in the light of prayer and meditation, then demonstrating our faith, spirituality, by our actions. By growing and walking the way we talk we demonstrate, when relying solely on repetition with little feeling we slowly starve spiritually. Many years ago I asked God to remove from me any notion that there is any part of my life or thinking that is hidden from Him. Of course nothing is, but I needed to say it out loud, for me, so that any lingering thoughts that anything about me existed outside His sight would be smashed. Live in the light, for in truth the only darkness that exists is the shadow we cast when attempting to live on anything other than the Spiritual Basis. Living on the Spiritual Basis everything is illuminated, so when we err, this simple reliance on God will take us to better things, forgiven as soon as we ask, the course of action clear.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


To quote Dr. Fox: “Man is essentially spiritual, the image and likeness of God, and therefore he is made for the spiritual basis, and he cannot really succeed on any other.” Living on the Spiritual Basis requires focus and commitment. Half hearted demonstrations lead to living as if: we want to enjoy the reputation of someone who embraces spiritual principles without reservation, but know in our heart; the secret place of our consciousness, that we have one foot in the secular, one in the spiritual and as we have learned, the two minded man is unstable in all his ways. Speak to Him in prayer who has all knowledge and power and unburden yourself of the last vestiges of fear that are holding you back from complete allegiance to Living on the Spiritual Basis.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Do you pray for yourself? If not you should. Some who live on the spiritual basis have adopted the unfortunate belief that we should never pray for ourselves, the only exception being if it will help others. The basis for this sentiment is well intentioned but false. Every conversation with God is a prayer and Living on the Spiritual Basis we do not filter our conversations with God for God already knows the issues of our heart, the conversation/prayer demonstrates our willingness to be taken to better things, a higher consciousness. When our eye is single we understand that what we give our attention to is what manifests in our lives, our perceptions changed, our consciousness raised. So don’t hesitate to speak to God on any subject, for in so doing your attention is focused; your eye single, on the only thing that truly matters, our relationship with “Our Father”.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Head versus heart. Having an understanding of spiritual principles is important, a head full of spiritual knowledge if you will. The curious thing about spiritual knowledge is so many believe it is all they need, demonstration secondary. Having a head full of medical knowledge doesn’t make someone a doctor. To truly become a doctor you must get that head full of knowledge and then under careful supervision put that knowledge into action, turning it into experience, moving it from the theoretical to the real, from head to heart. This holds true in every area of life, but no area is more important than our spiritual life, since everything in life finds its germination in God, whether we think so or not, yet so many fail to walk the way they talk. In pursuit of material and secular success individuals will go too tremendous lengths; often ignoring the spiritual imperative, their treasure being material possessions and accolades; their actions demonstrate their hearts desire. A head full of spiritual knowledge without the corresponding demonstration amounts to a half measure and spiritually half measures avail us nothing. What treasure are you following with your heart?

Saturday, May 23, 2009


When I’m asked how I’m doing I typically respond: “ It’s another beautiful day in paradise.” Why? First, most really don’t want to know in any detail and this lets them off the hook. Admit it, there have been times when you have used “How are you doing?“ as a greeting and the person proceeded to tell you, in detail, how they were doing, your internal voice screaming “I was only saying hello!” as you put on a generic smile looking for a way to extricate yourself from the hole you stepped in. Don’t misunderstand me. Just because you essentially said a passing “hello” doesn’t mean you are prepared to hear a dissertation on the state of someone’s life. The social misstep is on their part. They recognize you are basically just saying hello but seize the opportunity as a chance to vent/rant, leaving you in an uncomfortable position.

Secondly, when talking about the difficulties and challenges in life there needs to be a very good reason for it, otherwise we may place ourselves in danger of stoking the fires of resentment, opening the doors of condemnation, looking for others to co-sign whatever were peddling, trying to feel better at the expense of others. The concept that “talking” about something troubling you will make you feel better is only a half truth. It only has lasting value if the purpose of the conversation is to explore solutions, not to merely rant. We have all ranted at times in our lives. What happened? In the moments following the rant we did feel better, but just like the temporary relief felt when broke and a crumpled twenty turns up in the pocket of the pants worn last week, it fades as soon as we shift from the gratitude of finding the twenty to “it’s only a twenty” thinking (nothing really changed, no real solution to being broke). Often I have had a student say they felt better after “getting something off their chest”. I always ask Why? Unless a definite course of action to address the problem or situation was entered into (i.e. prayer and service), all that was really accomplished was “letting off a little steam” which is fine in the short run but does nothing to address the continuing source of the heat.

When we fast spiritually, abstaining from negative thinking and talk, from feeding the kitty of self-pity and self-centeredness, instead turning our thoughts and heart to the Power Greater Than Ourselves that has all knowledge and power, we save ourselves from needless mental and spiritual wear and tear. So, how are you doing? It really is another beautiful day in paradise.

Friday, May 22, 2009


The spiritual vs. the secular life. Secular: success is measured by possessions, popularity, good looks, living the “good” life. Spiritual: success is measured by the peace, poise and serenity demonstrated when difficulties arrive, a state achieved by understanding the true nature of living, realizing that appearances are illusionary. Health: secular it is about looking and feeling good at any price, taking and doing whatever to achieve this. Spiritual health is not about the body. Awake to the truth that this flesh is merely a vehicle, a conveyance for a time. This does not mean that we misuse it or ignore its care, but we are clear that we are not our body since all flesh fails, that we truly are a spark of the divine, eternal, existing before this flesh was conceived and existing beyond its return to the dust and ash from which it came. Secular: the opinions of others have power and color our choices and decisions. Spiritually: when we are right with God, all other relationships can and will fall into place.

As we transition from living on the secular basis to Living on the Spiritual Basis our whole attitude about life and living changes. “That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows” (A.A. pg 84). “ What used to be the hunch or the occasional inspiration becomes a working part of the mind” (A.A. pg 87). Spiritual or secular. Peace or tumult. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change(Power of Intention). Living on the Spiritual Basis we are no longer of this world, but we are in it; life simplified for: “we have ceased fighting anything or anyone” (A.A. pg 84).“We had a new Employer. Being all powerful, He provided what we needed, if we kept close to Him and performed His work well” (A.A. pg 63).

Thursday, May 21, 2009


“He wants to enjoy a certain reputation, but knows in his heart he doesn’t deserve it” (A.A. pg 73) Con artists portray themselves in whatever manner necessary in order to achieve their goal: relieving the mark of their money. Whether it be appearing down and out or worth millions, a good ole boy or foreign dignitary, sinner or saint, whatever it takes to get over. The con artist however doesn’t deceive themselves. As soon as the con is done, win or lose, they move on, shedding the portrayal like a pair of dirty socks. Spiritually many con themselves. They recite set prayers, often thinking about something else while saying them, attending religious or spiritually based services or functions regularly, something that needs or should be done for appearance points, with the same inner involvement as picking up or dropping off the laundry. Then trouble comes. It may be economic, family or health in nature. Being nominal students of the path, they feel abandoned by God. But just as the con artist they had only worn the clothes of a believer, saying the right words at the correct time, doing and acting as they believed a believer should, living under the false belief that by acting correctly they were doing the work. They are like the man who stashed away seed but never planted a crop. Faith without works is dead. And work without faith is just work. We all reap as we sow. How well is your garden doing? Pray with a feather, gently, but be present in prayer. Consider the words, remember this is your time with God. When in a religious or spiritual setting stay in the moment. Speak to God in your consciousness, the “Secret” place of your heart, ask what He would have you see or learn on this occasion, remembering that often it is not about us, but how we can be of service. If we are daydreaming or thinking of other things we may miss a wonderful opportunity to help others. You “…cannot transmit something you haven’t got.” (A.A. pg 164) So quietly tend your garden, be present for God in the moment, for it is only in the moment that we can be present for God.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


“The most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe” Einstein. “Driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity, we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate” (A.A. pg 62)
Think of a flowchart. At the top is a box connected to a descending cascade of boxes. The flowchart of feelings has two boxes at the top. Fear and love. All other feelings flow from these. In answering Einstein’s question you decide which box holds sway in your life. A hostile universe is dominated by fear and we react accordingly. The same is true of a friendly universe where love dominates. In a hostile universe we are always at odds with the world about us. Spending our time and attention watching our back, doing onto others before than can do it to us, believing that if we don’t do it, it won’t get done or done right, trusting in nothing but our finite selves. The nightly news affirming our belief in man’s inhumanity, that if there is a God he is a pitiless task master, treating us in much the same way a cruel child with a magnifying glass treats an ant pile. This existence chaotic, baffling and painful, the moments of peace and joy only there to exacerbate the pain. Conversely in a friendly universe the problems and difficulties that come into our lives are opportunities to demonstrate God’s omnipotence and love. Nothing can truly touch us but the hand of God, all pain and suffering signposts, touchstones of spiritual growth, where we decide what path to follow. In a friendly universe we know we are not this body, we are spiritual entities experiencing the human condition, not human beings in search of spirituality, for everything is spiritual, all connected. In a friendly universe, Living on the Spiritual Basis places us in the position to: “ …to comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.” “Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves” (A.A. pg 83,84). Friendly or hostile? The choice is yours, and if you find yourself in a hostile universe, you can leave at anytime, for in a friendly universe "the Realm of the Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. It is open, we believe to all...(A.A. pg 46).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


There are many laws. Man’s laws fill untold volumes and are constantly being amended, added to, ignored and broken. What of God’s “laws”? The Law of Retribution, the Law of Unintended Consequence, Reaping and Sowing and others? What sets these laws apart from man’s laws is that they are totally impersonal in application, think the law of gravity. Rich or poor, famous or infamous, it makes no difference, if you fall off a roof, a ladder, a bridge or cliff you will fall until something breaks your fall (and probably part or all of you). Every single time. Hitler or Mother Teresa. No appeal suspends these laws. The Law of Opportunity is one of these laws. We are all faced with problems and difficulties. No one immune. Financial challenges are the same for all, the positioning of a decimal point the only difference. Children act out whether born with a plastic or silver spoon in their mouth. Living on the Spiritual Basis we understand this life is but a moment in eternity, being eternal we existed before this flesh was conceived, existing beyond its return to the dust and ashes from whence it came. Our job, our only real job in this life is to learn, so when a difficulty surfaces we choose the course to take. Living on the Spiritual Basis, in touch with source, God, we greet these occasions with prayer and meditation; knowing there is something to be learned, will improve and ultimately strengthen our connection with God and our fellows. That by demonstrating over the problem by reliance on the source, we teach others, by our actions the truth of spiritual living. Theory is fine in the classroom, but demonstration is the measure, the attraction. So greet these opportunities spiritually, apply what you know of the path to the best of your ability for more will be revealed, keep your gaze focused on the source and you will triumph. “We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous and free. We cannot subscribe to the belief that this life is a vale of tears, though it once was just that for many of us. But it is clear that we made our own misery. God didn’t do it. Avoid then, the deliberate manufacture of misery, but if trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to demonstrate His omnipotence” (A.A. pg 133).

Monday, May 18, 2009


How do we become “worthy”? Better yet, what does being worthy mean? Worthy of what? Let’s begin at a simpler level. Do you believe in God? If you answered yes, continue, no then keep moving, nothing to be seen here. Einstein said “The most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe.” If you believe that you live in a hostile universe, then no matter what you do you are screwed in the end, so he who dies with the most toys wins, go get all you can from everyone you can, Katie, bar the door. To be a little less flippant we all have known or do know people who believe in the score keeper God, that we are full of sin and all we can do is the best we can, knowing that when the flesh fails we are in for it because we will never be truly worthy. Forgive the language but the saying lacks something without it: “Life is just one big shit sandwich, one after another, believing in God just means you get fries with it” pretty much sums up the point of view. If you would like to explore a different way, stick around, otherwise go have a sandwich.

When Jesus delivered the Christ message he summed up our relationship with God when he said “Our Father.” Whether you believe in the Christ divinity or not; to live in a friendly universe this is some of the criterion: we are all connected, all equal in His eyes regardless of circumstance or station. That “the realm of Heaven is roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding, it is open to all who earnestly seek.” None of us are without sin. We have all been there, done that. The difference today is that by embracing life on the Spiritual Basis we now know, in our heart of hearts that we are forgiven as soon as we ask. The key being that we truly wish to change and grow spiritually. Forgiveness is meaningless if it is only sought as a temporary means to avoid trouble. If we had to wait to be “pure” to become worthy none of us would make the cut. To be clear: you are worthy right here right now, all that is required is your whole hearted (thine eye is single) commitment to seek a relationship with Him who has all power and knowledge. How is this done? Prayer and meditation with an open mind and willingness to learn. When approached this way the path of your enlightenment will naturally unfold before you, but you have to do the work. It’s you and God in a row boat and God don’t row. Oh, and he will bring the sandwiches.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Intellectual discussions of spirituality can be interesting but have no value without demonstration. Consider: you have decided to become a snow skier. You read books and magazines on skiing, attend lectures and seminars, learn about snow and meteorology, purchase the latest skiing attire and have custom skis made. Are you a skier? To the casual observer you seem to meet the criterion: you “know” all about skiing and have all the latest and best gear. Except you have never actually skied. A seasoned skier would not be fooled for a moment. They would listen to you and know shortly that your “knowledge” is all theoretical, none of it based on actual experience. And besides, you forget to cut the price tag off your parka. Being a lodge or bench skier has it’s advantages: you never get hurt (as long as you don’t insult an actual skier), stay warm and dry with minimal wear and tear on your gear and wardrobe. The only problem being the point of skiing is to ski, to experience all those wonderful things you read and heard about.

Now most folks who decide to ski, do. Spiritually however many choose to remain in the lodge, convinced that self knowledge is sufficient, taking the slopes unnecessary. Both cases of bench warmers demonstrate the same truths: Self knowledge avails us nothing that faith without works is dead and they wish to enjoy a certain reputation they know in their heart they don‘t deserve. Knowledge has little or no value until it is put into action/demonstration, when we lack the faith to put what we “know” to work we live in fear of our lack of faith in demonstration. For faith to be vital we must leave the lodge and hit the slopes, and just like the beginning skier, regardless of how much we “know” we are going fall, make mistakes. But the well schooled beginner who remains teachable will profit and learn quicker from their miscues than those who live solely by hit or miss, avoiding the soul searing pain of making the same mistakes over and over. So step out in faith and demonstrate over the challenges and difficulties of life by a simple reliance on a Power Greater Than Yourself, employing prayer and meditation to solve all your problems. Oh, and never ski on old wax.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Some years ago I became very ill. When my physician was finally consulted I was at deaths door, but curiously still functioning. The onset had been so gradual that my body and life had adapted to it. My life had shrunken to the point of work and commitments, nothing else. By Fridays I was so tired I would come home and only move for necessities, resting and marshaling energy for the coming week. Looking back as my health returned it amazed me how I had allowed my circumstances to become so altered, how I had just accepted my circumstances, rationalized them, without a fight, all because it happened gradually, under the radar of my daily consciousness.

During the course of our lives our circumstances, living conditions, go through many alterations. Careers and children the leading causes early, aging and possibly becoming care givers more so later. Although we never fully understand going in how becoming parents or relocating/changing careers will impact us or just how many times I will have to use the can in the middle of the night, growing older and these other things, typically, come with some foreshadowing, approaching head on, unlike what transpired when I became so very ill, which crept up silently like a snake. Spiritually the same thing can happen in our lives. When faced with a definite problem or difficulty we react and take some form of action, preferably spiritual, but even running around shouting the sky is falling is action, demonstration, albeit a poor one. Then there are the snakes. When we first begin walking the path, Living on the Spiritual Basis, we are aware of everything around us. The scales have been removed from our eyes, we are seeing life and our existence through a new pair of glasses, illumination all about us. Snakes do not like illumination for their activities. Having had our first taste of freedom from the bondage of self we naturally believe that our days of slavery are behind us, never to return. If only it were that simple. The price of spiritual freedom is unrelenting vigilance. Unfortunately many become complacent, in time becoming moribund and rigid in their thinking, no longer open to the fresh winds that constantly flow from the source. Though once dynamic, free and open they have now unconsciously constructed walls built out of the brick of righteousness set in the mortar of pride, living in their shadows, making themselves slaves to self once again though mouthing spiritual sayings and platitudes that have lost any real significance in their lives. Stay vigilant in prayer and meditation, turn to Him who has all knowledge and power, remain open minded, willing to learn and you need never be in bondage again.

Friday, May 15, 2009


God is not becoming, we are. The question of our essential nature has been discussed and debated for thousands of years. Having chosen to Live on the Spiritual Basis, we retire from the debating society. When we are born into this flesh we are tabula rasa, a clean slate. We begin life demanding the world address our needs, voicing our displeasure with conditions in no uncertain terms, refusing all attempts to quiet us until we get what we want. It is a good thing babies are cute and loved unconditionally or there would be far fewer people. As we become aware we begin to make informed decisions rather than just reacting to a need. Will I eat the peas or toss them? The door is open so I think I will take a stroll and the ultimate indication of having crossed the line: when we discover the power of No. No to peas, No to baths, No to naps, No No No. This is the first momentous milestone in our becoming, our awakening. We typically don’t remember the moment we discovered No, but parents do. We march inexorably forward from this point, growing, becoming the person we are today. God is not becoming. God is, always has been, always will be, eternal, the same today as yesterday and tomorrow. He is infinite perfection, all knowledge, power and unbounded love. God does not grow towards us, our heart and consciousness grows towards Him, becoming more like Our Father by the decisions and actions we take, this existence, a moment in parentheses. ETERNITY(birth-life-death)ETERNITY. We become in the parentheses, it is our only true duty.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Who doesn’t like cotton candy? It is one of those foods(?) typically eaten at fairs, amusement parks, ball games etc. so it’s a treat, part of the fun. It starts out as a weightless ball bigger than your head and unlike some candies there is no attempt to dress it up as anything other than what it is, pure spun sugar. It looks substantial on the stick but as soon as we rip off a piece and pop it in our mouth it melts to almost nothing, just air flavored with sugar and food coloring with no illusions to being anything other than fun food. Soon the reasons why we vowed never to buy it again come flooding back, especially if you are responsible for the clean up of the 8 and under crowd. We will be lured by it again in the future, blotting out the previous experiences until too late. Such is cotton candy. No one in their right mind would consider making a meal of cotton candy. The cotton candy we eat makes no illusions to or represents itself as anything other than what it is, spiritual cotton candy however is often presented as something substantive and can be deadly. You have heard the vacuous platitudes, the nonsensical clichés often spouted with an air of knowing. In recovery meetings they cover the gambit from: let us love you until you can love yourself, the newcomer is the most important person in the room, this is a we program, there is no wrong way to work the steps, God can be anything you want it to be: a doorknob, a tree, a chair, the group-anything at all. Spiritual cotton candy comes in a variety of colors, but it’s all still just sugar air. No harm is meant by those vending this candy, in fact if you ask them (and I have) they believe they are being helpful, of service. Probably the most misunderstood sign on the wall next to Easy Does It or One Day At A Time is Think, Think, Think. Think it through. A we program? No one can decide for you if you are willing to turn your will and life over to the care of God. We don’t write your 4TH step. We don’t pay your bills, raise your kids. We are directed to meditate every morning, how many of the “we” people show up for coffee? Think it through. Newcomer most important person in the room? To who? God? One day you are important and then cross an invisible line and aren’t? Nonsense. All are equal in His eyes. Think it through. The comment on love belongs on a Hallmark card, Living on the Spiritual Basis we know that the only love that will set us free is the love of and by God. Think it through. No wrong way to do the work? Then why do folks “resign and resume”? Think it through. God can be “anything”? As a wise man said “when God can be anything; then God is nothing. Not convinced? Repeat after me out loud: I,(your name here) turn my will and my life over to the care and direction of: (pick your favorite: chair, doorknob, tree, ocean, whatever). Think it through. Spiritual cotton candy. Looks good, sounds good, feels good but in the end is just sugar air.


Resting on our laurels. We have all done it, perhaps you are doing it now. Whenever I have, I find in time they dry out, becoming stiff with sharp points, poking me in the… encouraging action. Living on the Spiritual Basis provides unlimited horizons for growth and expansion of our consciousness, but we have to do the work. Think of it this way: We float in a slow moving river, the river of consciousness. Many live their lives simply floating along, seemingly at the mercy of the current, only treading water when seeming calamity looms ahead. When we make a decision to live on a different basis, the basis of trusting and relying upon God we begin treading water in earnest, moving against the current of fear, selfish and self centered pursuits, toward increased awareness and purpose, our consciousness, our relationship/connection with the source improving as we progress. This, however requires conscious and consistent effort on out part. No one spends all of their time in the river. We all climb out from time to time and rest on soft laurel leaves by the bank. The problems begin if we attempt to set up camp. We lose sight of the truth that our destiny rests on our willingness to continue moving forward in our spiritual demonstration. So, when the leaves begin to stiffen, demonstrate renewed willingness, get back in the river, for something wonderful lies just beyond the next bend.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WALKING THE WAY WE TALK (Our daily application of steps 10 & 11)

It has been said the “two minded man is unstable in all his ways.” When we first embark on the path this is readily obvious. In trying to live we may have been gracious, helpful, kind even giving if we thought there was something in it for us. Once we got what we needed or it became clear we weren’t going to get what we needed we could and did turn on a dime becoming angry, petulant even downright abusive; usually to those who cared about us most. Our motives clearly were wrong, our actions based in selfish and self centered pursuits. When existing seemingly only in the secular world there are dozens if not hundreds of excuses and rationalizations that can be dredged up to justify this type of behavior. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now know that the supposed separation between the secular and the spiritual is nonexistent, everything connected. We cannot treat some people with dignity, respect while looking down our nose at others. Show patience, tolerance, kindness and love towards some but not all. He wants to enjoy a certain reputation, but knows in his heart he doesn’t deserve it (AA pg.73). Our happiness, peace of mind, our serenity is contingent on our actions. Heart versus head. Action versus intention. “We cannot think our way into right living, we must live our way into right thinking.” Common sense would thus become uncommon sense (AA pg.13). Simple but not easy; a price had to be paid. It meant destruction of self-centeredness. I must turn in all things to the Father of Light who presides over us all (AA pg.14). Right thinking is not about thought control, far from it. Trying to control ones thoughts is akin to herding cats, never gonna happen. Right thinking is our action/demonstration when one of those harmful or destructive impulses/thoughts crosses our mind. Today having a kit of spiritual tools we act and react differently. Be ever vigilant for contradictions in action, be a man or woman who walks the way they talk, for in the final analysis this is the measure by which we judge ourselves.


I don’t remember how old I was or when this simile first stuck in my consciousness but I do remember thinking that it meant rich people were screwed. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25). Well, I have yet to see a camel small enough or a needle big enough for this to happen, so I guess if you are rich, it sucks to be you. Yeah, didn’t make much sense to me either. Let’s look a little deeper. Context being everything; cities at the time of this saying were surrounded by high thick walls with large gates to facilitate traffic in and out of the city. At night the large gates would be closed and small gates opened. These gates were known as the needle’s eye. So had this been translated correctly it would have read: It is easier for a camel to go through the needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Camels could be brought through the needle’s eye, but it required unloading them first. This is the crux of the teaching. Camels don’t care what they are carrying, rocks or gold, makes no difference, only that it eventually comes off. We on the other hand hold onto baggage that needs to be left by the side of the road. Whether we are rich in physical possessions or not we own all sorts of things that are impediments to entering the kingdom of God. Selfishness, hubris, condemnation, bigotry (overt and subtle), self centeredness, fear in a hundred guises are all examples of “possessions” that keep us bound in the bondage of self. Living on the Spiritual Basis we have become willing and ready to be free of this bondage and are doing the work daily to remain “poor in spirit.” Poor in spirit does not mean poor spirited, but that we have unburdened ourselves of our baggage by a simple reliance on “Our Father”, turning in all things to Him who has all knowledge and power. So if you are trudging the road of happy destiny weighed down by your possessions, cast off your pack and leave it by the side of the road and join us, become truly poor in spirit, cart wheeling through the needle’s eye, somersaulting into the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Closer is he than breathing; nearer than hands and feet.-Tennyson. And that is most near indeed. Dr Fox in this analogy refers to the fresh water that flows miles from shore; beyond sight of land, from the Amazon into the Pacific. Those sailing through it unaware they are surrounded by potable water. We are always in contact with the source. Why? Because we are of the source. We are not human beings in search of a spiritual connection, we are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition. Consider: every river and stream that eventually empties into the ocean is connected from its origin to the deepest depths by an unbroken string of molecules. The numbers are staggering but all the same as each is connected to the next the chain remains intact. The next time you find yourself looking at a small stream high in the mountains take a moment and consider the waters journey. If not diverted along the way for other purposes (and even then all water returns to the source eventually) it will travel hundreds, thousands of miles perhaps one day even taking it’s place at the bottom of Challenger Deep only to rise up again to the surface, evaporate, returning to the clouds to fall as snow once again on another mountain waiting for the spring thaw, the journey renewed. The water bottle you last drank from, did you stop to consider that the molecules of water in that bottle are billions of years old? Having traveled untold miles over the millennia to arrive for you. Additionally have you considered that every molecule of water that passes through you has made the same journey countless times from the earliest dinosaurs to today? Brings a whole new slant to recycling doesn’t it. The point being that we are surrounded by wonders, the amazing complexity and interconnectedness of life in even the simplest things, if we will only take the time to consider. So when reaching out for source, for God remember: Closer is he than breathing; nearer than hands and feet. Let down your bucket and drink deeply, for that is most near indeed.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Ever hear someone say they were “getting back to fundamentals”? In sports or cooking this may be applicable but spiritually this is nonsense. You are either on the path or not. Additionally, to believe that since ones been on the path for a time that conditions or requirements for continued spiritual growth change leads inexorably to spiritual pride, a sense of entitlement and destructive righteousness in demonstration, guaranteeing suffering for anyone who falls into this trap. In God’s eyes all are equal, regardless of their earthly crimes or demonstrations. God does not play favorites or met out punishment. The demonstration is ours. We reap as we sow. The man or woman who chooses to live a life bereft of spiritual principles is loved by God in equal measure as those who have dedicated their lives to the path. The difference is the individuals connection to the source, not the sources connection to the individual. The person who has embraced Living on the Spiritual Basis has done the footwork, put the time in “working out”, exercising their spiritual muscles so when (not if) trouble or a difficulty arises they are prepared. There are no atheists in a foxhole. When faced with death , theirs or a loved ones, or any of the life changing moments that are part of living those who have eschewed the path are faced with the question they can no longer evade: God is either everything or else He is nothing. When an individual reaches this turning point they will either start up the mountain of enlightenment or bury their head in the sand (drugs, alcohol, blame, etc) trying to blot out the truth. We become mountain climbers as soon as we place our feet on the mountain, this doesn’t mean we are experienced or prepared to attempt greater heights. It requires time and consistent dedication to become an experienced mountain climber and just as in mountain climbing, spiritually if you get away from fundamentals, thinking you are beyond them, great is the fall.

This existence is a moment in parentheses. ETERNITY(birth-life-death)ETERNITY. Having embraced Living on the Spiritual Basis we know the truth: we are not this body, the eye blink of time spent in this flesh placed in its proper perspective. The only advanced class is our willingness to share, to teach the fundamentals we practice daily with those starting up the mountain in earnest.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Years ago I came across a Far Side cartoon that depicted a group of anthropologists that find a single bone who then proceed to construct the most outrageous looking creature extrapolated from that single bone. We attempt to do the same thing with our lives. We get glimpses of the future as we grow spiritually and the natural inclination is to build on them, creating an image of our lives as we progress. This is like the nightly weatherperson on the local news forecasting what the weather will be like a month, a year, five years from now. Unless they limit their prognostication to that of George Carlin’s hippy dippy weatherman: today it will begin dark, followed by light then turning dark again, their chances of being accurate are about zero. In time as our consciousness grows and expands so will our perspective. That which seemed disconnected, prayers seemingly unanswered will take on a new clarity that only 20/20 spiritual hindsight can provide. Avoid the traps then of projecting into the future or morbid reflection on the past. Make plans but do so in a spiritual light, the light of God‘s guidance. Be a man or woman who lives one day at a time and all will become clear eventually, if we are about God’s business and not our own.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Prayer either does or doesn’t change things. No middle ground. Prayer is either 100% effectual or it is a waste of time, a delusional jest of the greatest magnitude. Having lived on the Spiritual Basis for a time we have seen the power of prayer in our and others lives. So the question isn’t whether or not prayer works/changes things but why it seems inconsistent, why some prayers are answered and others seemingly not. All prayers are answered and unlike the cliché: sometimes the answer is no, all prayers are answered in the affirmative. God will never give us something that will harm us, but He will provide what we need. When we are new to the path our prayers are often a form of outlining, requesting some action we would like God to take on our part, thinking we know what’s best. Having turned our will and our lives over to the care of God it is clear why prayers of this type do not return the expected results. But God does answer these prayers in the affirmative, providing what we need though we cannot see it with our limited vision. Additionally there are the halfhearted prayers. Prayers said from the conscious mind, not the heart. When we pray with the thought in the back of our minds that we don’t deserve it or God is too busy to be bothered with us than we will receive in exactly the manner we ask. Keep in the forefront of your consciousness that God wants us, all of us, to be happy, joyous and free. Pray from the heart, expecting to receive and life will change in incredible and marvelous ways.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We just don’t drink, no mater what!
Really. So, how does that jive with powerlessness? If alcoholics could just not drink, why the hell would they need AA or anything else for that matter?

If you don’t go to meetings you will get drunk.
When the book Alcoholics Anonymous was written and published (1939) there were no AA meetings. The first “AA” meeting took place on May 11,1939 in Cleveland. Meetings are where the fellowship is found, sobriety comes by learning to live on the Spiritual Basis through the application of the steps in ones life. Staying sober through “osmosis” in meetings is not just a myth, but deadly.

There is no wrong way to work the Steps.
Really. Then why do folks who have “worked” the steps drink? Having been in the recovery community for over twenty years and worked with over a thousand individuals I have been approached by many for help who drank although they were “working” the program. In 30 seconds, literally, or less by asking a couple of questions it becomes obvious to all that they were not working the steps but only some of the steps. Ever bake a cake? Next time leave out an ingredient or two and see how it turns out. “Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.” From my observations strike rarely and write never.

There is no wrong way to work the program.
See above.

Your program is unique to you.
Barbara Streisand. No where in the Big Book are options offered for working the steps. Your relationship with a power greater than yourself is unique to you, but the steps, the process are the same for all. I will never forget the time I heard a “old timer” (20+ years sober) proudly say “If you worked the program the way I work the program you would probably get drunk.” So true, unfortunately in the end it didn’t work for them either.

If you got up before me this morning you are sober longer than I am.
I understand the sentiment, but a horse whipping is too light a punishment for whoever came up with this chestnut, and I mean that with all love and tolerance. Completely discounts experience while trying to make the newcomer feel welcome. Which leads to…

The newcomer is the most important person in the room.
Why? And when does someone cross the line and become unimportant? And in whose eyes? God? I think not. Again I understand the sentiment but this is still more Barbara Streisand.

All of these sayings, and many others, originated from a good place. All of them rooted in someone’s desire to be helpful, but as with so many attempts to be helpful (think government) they are not thought through. Words have power. So remember, if it sounds too good to be true or offers a shortcut to Living on the Spiritual Basis, it probably is and the only shortcut is being consistent, honest, willing and open minded in adherence to the path. Please feel free to send your favorite pieces of folklore for a future article. Oh, and just don’t drink.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As we live and learn, practicing our new way of life; Living on the Spiritual Basis, not only our perspective but our actions begin to change naturally. We begin to act from love, from God. Less and less do we see the world only through the prism of the carnal, secular mind. Having been given a new pair of glasses we have begun to experience life connected to the source instead of at odds with it. The poets, musicians, writers and philosophers have commented, sung, written and spoke of and about the love we feel for another, a child, lost, found, even for inanimate objects or animals, seemingly forever. But what of Gods love? Songs and words are fine, perhaps moving to the point of raising ones consciousness, but the true demonstration is in the application of His love by our action. As our consciousness grows and expands the truth of the power of love becomes more apparent. Love is God, God is love. Love is always the answer. Through the process of Living on the Spiritual Basis we have begun to have a conscious contact with God. When faced with any difficulty, problem or trouble the realization of God’s love and Divine presence will not only solve or correct the situation but remove it. Clearly this new way of living develops over time, so if you are new to the path do not be discouraged if your first thought is not always about God. When you become aware that you haven’t yet turned to God in a particular instance, just do so as soon as the awareness surfaces, and under no circumstance allow your internal dialogue to turn negative. This is not a race. You are already in eternity and negative thoughts about your progress are always counter productive.