When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As we live and learn, practicing our new way of life; Living on the Spiritual Basis, not only our perspective but our actions begin to change naturally. We begin to act from love, from God. Less and less do we see the world only through the prism of the carnal, secular mind. Having been given a new pair of glasses we have begun to experience life connected to the source instead of at odds with it. The poets, musicians, writers and philosophers have commented, sung, written and spoke of and about the love we feel for another, a child, lost, found, even for inanimate objects or animals, seemingly forever. But what of Gods love? Songs and words are fine, perhaps moving to the point of raising ones consciousness, but the true demonstration is in the application of His love by our action. As our consciousness grows and expands the truth of the power of love becomes more apparent. Love is God, God is love. Love is always the answer. Through the process of Living on the Spiritual Basis we have begun to have a conscious contact with God. When faced with any difficulty, problem or trouble the realization of God’s love and Divine presence will not only solve or correct the situation but remove it. Clearly this new way of living develops over time, so if you are new to the path do not be discouraged if your first thought is not always about God. When you become aware that you haven’t yet turned to God in a particular instance, just do so as soon as the awareness surfaces, and under no circumstance allow your internal dialogue to turn negative. This is not a race. You are already in eternity and negative thoughts about your progress are always counter productive.


  1. Velcro, what a wonderful blog model. Are these your own interpretations based on daily writings from Emmet Fox or are they excerpts taken directly from his work? In either case, they're wonderful. He was certainly an enlightened teacher. I love your approach to recovery as well - there is so much more to 'recover' from than just our substance addictions, but also from our perspectives of the world... something much of humanity suffers from, not just addicts and alcoholics.

    Keep up the good work! I must ask, have you ever heard of A Course in Miracles? It has some strong parallels to some of Emmet's writings, almost as if he were a student of it himself... only it came out years after his time. I've found it to be a wonderful expansion of the spiritual tool kit I was gifted with coming into AA a good number of years ago.

    Blessings brother!

  2. Thanks for the kind words. This blog began as an interpretation of Dr Fox's teaching from Around The Year With Emmet Fox. Today I use the installment as a springboard for my thoughts. "If you knew who walked beside you on this path you have chosen, you could never be worried or afraid again." From memory from A Course in Miracles. Thanks again. Vince (velcro houdini)
