When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Judging is a topic greatly misunderstood. Many use the Christ teaching of “Judge not lest you be judged” as some kind of free pass from any behavior of theirs being scrutinized or commented on. This is only a half-truth however. We not only should comment on the behavior of others but Living on the Spiritual Basis makes it a requirement. The difficulty arises when we confuse righteous judgment with condemnation. The following definition of condemnation is illustrative:

To pronounce something or somebody as bad: to state that something or somebody is in some way wrong or unacceptable. (Encarta)

To do this places us in a position to be harmed, for we place ourselves in a morally elevated position, better than, which of course is false. No one is above or below any other in the sight of God. Though our paths may be very different, our challenges and lessons in life diverse, no one is beyond grace or forgiveness in Spirit if they truly mean business and desire change. This does not mean crimes and transgressions committed against our fellows are forgotten or ignored, for a price must be paid, but we are willing to pay any price for salvation and freedom from the bondage of self.

Righteous judgment is seeing the individual and their actions in the light of the Spiritual Awakening we have experienced, realizing for them, through prayer and meditation, the Presence of Divine Knowledge and Guidance in their lives. To be crystal clear: Righteous judgment comes from the heart and is always given with the hope and desire for the transgressor to find the path of enlightenment but does not mean they are excused from or immune to the consequences of their actions. They will reap as they sow and will only truly grow in the light once they become willing to do the necessary spiritual work. We are mistaken and place ourselves in danger when we pass judgment that condemns or wishes harm to any one. Hate does not cease with hate. Anger is never assuaged with more anger. Condemnation never builds character or leads to freedom.

Judge righteously and the whole world improves, condemn and we all suffer for we are connected in Spirit, all children of the Divine Presence.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


As we progress on the path of awakening, Living on the Spiritual Basis, we naturally become more sensitive to the world and our fellows. Negative thinking and reflection can only gain purchase if we fail to daily affirm God’s love and guidance in our life through consistent prayer and meditation. Ask God what you can do each day for the man who still suffers remembering always that we are the instrument of God’s will and not the tunesmith.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Spiritual fool’s gold. Rarely does a week go by that a new self help book/seminar that will solve all our problems, diet to end all diets, miracle food/supplement, piece of revolutionary exercise equipment that will provide the perfect body, IN ONLY 20 MINUTES! appears. Admit it; just like me, you have been tempted. Will drinking some berry juice really change my life? Perhaps a three-day seminar addressing all of life’s questions is the answer? Who wouldn’t want a flat sexy tummy or buns of steel, IN ONLY 20 MINUTES! Like the man said, if it sounds too good to be true it is. Unlike hoping for an unrealistic shortcut to six-pack abs, Living on the Spiritual Basis is the shortest road to the peace and sense of freedom that we all crave deep down. “Simple but not easy, a price has to be paid.” That price is the surrender of self and our focus on selfish things. We then shift our focus to the sense of the Presence of God within, where true gold is found, we will know the truth. As the old timer said to the newcomer: “When you think you have found gold you probably have not; but when you do find it, you will know it for certain.”

Friday, November 27, 2009


We all do. It may be sitting in the garage, on a shelf in the workshop, possibly in a folder in this very computer or a box in the closet with all those creative projects we had so much energy to do when first envisioned but have been gathering dust longer than we care to admit. The dinosaur egg in the museum was a potential dinosaur that for what ever reason failed. We can wonder about the potential dinosaur it represented, but in truth, it represents failure. No one completes every project envisioned; the question we need to answer in our heart of hearts is whether we follow through on anything to its logical conclusion. Dreaming doesn’t require getting our hands dirty, scrapping a knuckle or clean up and we never have to worry about what anyone thinks of our project. After a while they even stop asking about the project car under all the Christmas decorations, garage sale items and other debris too valuable to throw away, that box in the back of the closet, the workshop that has become a storage shed or the book hidden in a word folder.

Think from the end. Thank God for having a fertile imagination but learn to be realistic. How? By tapping into Divine Intelligence. Consider your “dinosaur egg” in this light by quietly asking in meditation for guidance and direction. Ask specifically about the project (s) and the answer will come. Now it is up to us to follow through with the indicated action, which could be anything from becoming energized and committed to completion or scheduling that garage sale. Willingness is the key. Now if you will excuse me, I have some eggs to check.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Walking the way we talk. “I would love to listen to your words but your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear you.” The concept of a track record is lost on most folks. The people around us judge us by our actions; our intentions though perhaps noble are meaningless if not followed up by the indicated action. How many times did it take for your child to tell you that they would clean their room or some other chore beneath their status, which they then immediately blew off, before you wised up to their true intention? Not many I would guess. Many times, I have had someone come to me for advice, agree that it was the correct action to take and then proceed to launch in exactly the wrong direction. I often wonder why they bother. The fact that they ask means they wish to follow a different path but in their heart they have already decided on what they are going to do, the consequences be damned. I would ask my son why he agreed to clean up his room, then blow it off, knowing full well that a reckoning would come when he didn’t. The best he could come up with was “I planned on doing it.” When asked when that was exactly a blank look followed with “I don’t know.” The joy comes in knowing that one day my son will be on the other side of that exchange. It cannot be said enough; if you wish to be respected, be respectful, if you want love in your life, be loving, honesty comes from being honest and so on. The aspects of living we desire in our lives will only materialize once we begin treating those about us in the manner we wish to be treated in, we teach by example and true leaders lead from the front.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


In the second act of my life, I made my living swinging a hammer. The man who sponsored me to become a contractor taught, “When the workday is over stop working.” Seems pretty simple if not down right painfully obvious advice now. Kinda like never poke a tiger in the eye with your finger. In time, however I began to understand what he was really talking about. Working in construction there is always some little task that needs doing. I learned, through painful experience, that once I stopped working for the day and removed my tool belt and bags not to put them back on. On more than one occasion, unfortunately, I spied a crooked nail, loose board or some other small task that could have easily waited until the next day, choosing to address it before going home. Right after the hammer slipped and smacked into my shin, hit the nail on the wall and heard the unmistakable sound of water rushing from a pierced pipe or miss the nail on the wall but hit the one on my thumb I would then remember, belatedly what he had said. Additionally I became aware that most days long after I had left the job site I was still there in my mind, needlessly rehashing the days events or worrying about things that where God’s business, not mine . Emmet Fox refers to this as “taking the train” mentally. Living on the Spiritual Basis leads to effective mental activity and relaxation. As Dr Fox teaches, “don’t take the train mentally-let the engine (God) take it.” So “when the workday is over stop working” oh, and never poke a tiger in the eye with your finger.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


What we concentrate on comes into our lives. When we concentrate on fear, loss, resentment, worry, envy or any of the whole host of negative thinking that morbid reflection engenders our physical appearance alters. Worry lines on the face, bags under the eyes from lack of or restless sleep, twisted visage from a sour stomach, tight jaw from focusing in our minds eye on the seeming unfairness of the world, well you get the picture. When you look in the mirror what do you see? Anything less than the radiance that emanates from a soul at peace demonstrates that we have strayed from the Spiritual Basis. Take heart, the good news is when we see it in our face or feel it in our heart we have a clear set of directions on what to do next. Gently turn to God in prayer and thank Him for knowing Him better. Ask to be shown the way of patience, tolerance, kindliness and love in all areas of life but especially in the area that is causing you difficulty. Ask to be shown what action (patience and waiting are probably the hardest) should be taken and finish with a statement of willingness to be of service in any capacity that He would have you be. Close with “Thy will be done.” This is only a suggestion, change or alter the prayer as it best fits you. The key is in the recognition and speed in which we turn to God and choose to trust in infinite wisdom and love instead of our finite selves. As you embrace this way of living, you will become more aware of the pain in the faces of those around you. When you become aware of the pain in others , quietly pray for them as you would for yourself. In so doing, not only does their life improve but the whole world profits and you get a spiritual face lift.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Reaping and sowing. Whatever we meet the conditions in our lives with will multiply. When we meet seeming trouble with fear, anger, resentment or any other negative thought or emotion it plants itself in our consciousness and unless addressed by immediately turning to God’s love and direction it’s roots will sink deeper becoming more troublesome by the minute. The analogy of the camel’s nose (trouble) under the tent flap (our consciousness) also makes the point nicely. If a camel sticks its nose under your tent flap you must strike it immediately because a camel has no reverse. If he gets his head in, he is coming in all the way. Such is also the case with negative thinking and morbid reflection when they wheedle their way into our consciousness. Living on the Spiritual Basis raises our consciousness and naturally brings with it harmony and joy, keeping us vigilant to the camel nose. None of us catches every camel. They sneak in from time to time disguised as something else. So when you discover a camel in your tent follow the direction found in the book Alcoholics Anonymous: If trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to demonstrate God’s omnipotence. Shhhh…Just between you and me I am still not real great on the cheerfully part, the good news when a camel does sneak in I am well versed on camel eviction procedures thanks to Living on the Spiritual Basis, one day at a time.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Most of us have an understanding of secular law. Whether it be traffic, criminal, business, tax etc we have some basic knowledge or at the very least know they exist. There is another slate of laws however, that affects each of us every day yet most live their lives in ignorance of their significance. They are Cosmic Laws. Unlike man’s law, they are equally enforced on all, rich or poor, beliefs, status or skin color of no regard and they cannot be appealed. Think Law of Gravity. No one would rationally think that because they are rich, important or talented the Law of Gravity does not apply to them. The Law of Limitation is one of these Cosmic Laws; the curious part is we place it on ourselves! Every time we think “I’m too old/young” “I’ll never be any good/successful at that” “I love doing ____ but I could never make a living at it” “What would my friends/spouse/children/family think if I pursued my heart’s desire” “I know God loves me and wants me to prosper, but…” we invoke the Law of Limitation. Our heart is constantly speaking to us, that still quiet voice the voice of God himself. Honestly inventory your life, identify where you have invoked the Law of Limitation, and ask God to help you transcend it. Divine Life wants each and every one of us to be Happy, Joyous and Free; the only hindrance is my giving in to self-centered fear, invoking the Law of Limitation.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Living in California is always interesting. One of the joys in life is driving down PCH watching pelicans dive for dinner and dolphins surf for enjoyment. Often when I look out over the Pacific, seemingly stretching out infinitely, its vastness washes over me, its true scale and depth beyond the comprehension of my limited vision. Yet divine abundance dwarfs all the seas on this planet, but so many see it as limited, needing protection and conservation when nothing could be further from the truth. The only limits to our inheritance, God’s abundance, are the arbitrary limits we impose out of false belief and fear. We set the limit of our capacity to receive. When we embrace the Spiritual Basis of Living our capacity increases in direct proportion to the trust and reliance we place in God and reject the false belief (fear) the secular world teaches that we live in a finite world of dwindling supply. There is only one source of everything, God, and He promises limitless supply and endless abundance.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Alcoholics Anonymous popularized the saying “One Day at a Time” most however, in and out of AA are unaware that the origin was from Emmet Fox, to wit:

“Live in today, and do not allow yourself to live in the past under any pretense. Living in the past means thinking about the past, rehearsing past events, especially if you do this with feeling…Train yourself to be a man or women who lives one day at a time. You’ll be surprised how rapidly conditions will change for the better when you approach this ideal.”

One of the truths of Living on the Spiritual Basis is the only time we can be present for God, the only time we can stand in the presence of God, the only time that we can demonstrate God’s love and guidance in our lives, is in the present moment. We may have a long history of Him demonstrating in our life, but our “forgetter” discounts it. Fear would have us believe that even though God was there in the past He won’t be there tomorrow.

NEVER LOOK BACK. Looking back generally begins innocently but invariably leads to morbid reflection. Think on how easy it is to dredge up memories of those times when we acted something less than spiritually or when we were hurt in some way. Yet it takes effort to bring to the forefront of memory those times when we acted in the Spirit or life went our way. When the Great Carpenter taught “let the dead bury the dead” he admonished us to leave the past in the past. We are forgiven as soon as we ask, the matter settled, yet so often we drag a past transgression into the present to cast it’s ashes about because even though God has forgiven us, we have not forgiven ourselves. Only by living in today and keeping our eyes fixed on the road ahead, regardless of how frightening it may seem, refusing to look back, can we demonstrate God’s love and power in our life, demonstrating acceptance of God‘s forgiveness, turning away from fear.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Remember Alfred E. Newman of Mad magazine fame? His gap toothed grin graced the cover usually with the caption “What, me worry?” Often I wished I could be as oblivious as my childhood friend Alfred. Unfortunately, though I have been on the path a long time I am still subject to worry occasionally. Like you I read and watch the news and think about those suffering, wondering what is down the road. My children are all adults but I still worry for them. When one of the cats strolls outside I worry about them (don’t start, I have I tried to keep them in but they are all strays who adopted us and when they want to go out THEY WANT TO GO OUT). I worry that somehow I have strayed down the wrong path and won’t find my way back. I have learned over the years the extent of my worry can be viewed as a yardstick of my spiritual condition. Today when worry creeps into my mind I turn to God as close to immediately as I can. When the World worries me I remember “The Captain is on the Bridge”. My children, gifts from God, are as close to Him as we all are, so when I fear for them I ask God to do for them what they cannot do for themselves and to give me the strength to do what He would have me do in their lives, and not meddle. I don’t care what anyone says, letting your children make their own mistakes so they can grow just as we had to requires a lot of prayer. Cats? Well if you have cats you understand, if you are a dog person you aren’t supposed to get it and that’s not a bad thing. It’s not that you care any less for your dog but cats just assume you understand about their divinity. When I worry that I have stumbled and lost my way I remember His footprints:

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.

Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.

In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.

Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.

This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,

“You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”

So I guess Alfred had it right all along.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Warning: If you are easily offended or have a barn full of sacred cows, please do not continue reading. You have been warned: feelings of nausea, dizziness, hoof and mouth disease and incontinence may follow.

A wise man said, “When I criticize you I am criticizing God’s handiwork.” Does this mean we should avoid criticism? Well, yes and no. Care for some syrup with that waffle? When we shoot from the lip (or keyboard if you prefer) before thinking it through we place ourselves in a precarious position spiritually. The spiritual concept at play here is contempt prior to investigation. With today’s immediacy of contact through e-mails, blogs, comment boxes and social networking sites people are quick to share their thoughts. Thoughts generally based in emotion, how they feel about something or someone, with little regard for investigation. Pick any topic: politics, celebrities, health, religion, Hollywood, the climate, you name it and someone has and will opine bereft of any actual knowledge or investigation. Movie reviews by people who haven’t bothered to see the flick but “know” it must be a hit/dog because of who made it or is in it. Broken glass political supporters, you know them; they support/vote Democrat/Republican parties regardless of any facts or truths, willing to crawl through broken glass to do so. Then there are those so convinced, one way or the other, on climate change that all rational discussion is impossible, in fact, if you do not agree with them, you must be a tool.

Worried about the swine flu “epidemic”? Did you know that over 60,000 people die every year in the U.S. of the flu? That is in the neighborhood of 5,000 every month. The best government statistics recently updated the deaths from swine flu since its outbreak a year or so ago at 4,000. Bet you haven’t heard it presented in that way before, not enough Chicken Little value. To be clear, every passing affected the family it touched dramatically and I pray for peace and healing in all those families, the point being the purposeful lack of perspective provided by those we trust to tell us the truth. Please, take all the necessary precautions to avoid getting sick, but the sky really isn’t falling.

Might as well keep rolling on health issues. The House of Representatives recently passed health care bill is over 1900 pages long and not one member, by their own admission read it before passing it. Hear that sound, that is sacred cows revving up. Does the health care system in this country need an overhauling? Yes. Is it too much to ask that our elected representatives actually take the time to read and understand what they are presenting to the American people and then give us, the people they are supposed to represent a chance to participate in the process? If your sacred cow just mooed no, than you really need to read the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence again (maybe for the first time?) for this country is founded on the principles of a representative republic and if you don’t know what that means, shame on you. Ah, ah, ah, you were warned at the beginning.

Sacred cows and religion go hand in hand. Living on the Spiritual Basis anything that limits God’s love or ability to touch us regardless of circumstance or personal shortcomings is clearly not the path. God is many things, but limitation and lack of His availability are not among them. See the Power of the Presence in everything and everyone, including yourself. If there is any area in your life that you have closed the door on make the decision today to throw the door open and reexamine the contents in a new light, the light of Divine knowledge and power.

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man (or woman) in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation.”


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Sometime ago during a discussion on spiritual principles a participant chimed in with “I don’t trouble God with the small things, he’s much too busy.” This was said in all earnestness but zero understanding of what Living on the Spiritual Basis entails. There are no “small” things to God. Everything interests God. Everything. Nothing in our lives is beneath His concern. As Tennyson wrote, “He is closer than hands and feet, closer than breath” and Fox “God is always present; always ready to heal, to comfort, to inspire.” Whatever barriers or arbitrary lines in the sand you have created to God’s level of involvement or commitment in your life abandon them now. God is not without seeking a way in; He is within seeking expression in every area of our lives, if we are willing to step out in faith and trust. Arguably the most powerful prayer in the Bible is “Be still, and know that I am God” the knowing within, available 24/7. Are you?

Monday, November 16, 2009


If we go down the road of negativity in conversation or thought, we will find ourselves in the grip of morbid reflection. Morbid reflection leads to indignation, self-righteousness, fear, hateful and/or angry words and thoughts, placing ourselves in danger for we always reap what we sow. Few situations in life are ever strictly black or white. When thinking or dealing with others remember there is a little bit of good in the worst of us and a little bit of bad in the best. No one is without sin. None of us live life error free. Remember “Living life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning to play the instrument as we go along” naked. If confronted by an angry dog we remove ourselves from its presence, we do not tarry and try to reason with it. The key hear is to limit the damage once we become aware that we have drifted off the path. We do this by gently turning in prayer to recognize the Presence of God where the disharmony is and ask in meditation to be shown the way of patience, tolerance, kindliness and love, and then seek counsel from your spiritual adviser to see if any further action is indicated.

Now that you have placed your feet on the path in earnest and are living on the Spiritual Basis the occasions of morbid reflection and negative conversations will have lessened but the discomfort felt when we drift from the path will be more intense. Resist the urge to “beat yourself up” for today we are seeking spiritual progress, not perfection. Be gentle with yourself and thank God for the opportunity to know Him better and demonstrate His omnipotence where the trouble seems to be.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Consider today’s teaching carefully. Typically, after we have started living on the Spiritual Basis it becomes easy to avoid the obvious negative mental entanglements that come our way. However, I do not think we ever become immune from “stealth” attacks. These fly in under the radar concealed in a conversation with a friend or loved one. Since they have a special place in our heart, we want to agree with them, to help, to be on their side, a good friend and are slower to steer the conversation towards God because of the relationship for as the Bible teaches it is hard to be a prophet in your own town.

As soon as we become aware that we have drifted from the path, perhaps agreeing with something we know is unbalanced spiritually or perhaps even engaging in a little character assassination to demonstrate our support, gently in silent prayer we center ourselves, pray for all the players involved and ask God to be shown the way of patience, tolerance, kindness and love. Our tone will immediately change and so will the conversation. Let’s be clear here, our hope is always to add to, to improve a situation but the other person may not appreciate the change and even accuse you of siding against them, such is the price of awareness.

If the conversation has ended and you become aware later that you were more “busybody” than spiritual sounding board, clearly pray for all but additionally check with your spiritual adviser and see if you owe an apology. There are few hard and fast rules in life but here is one: We can never save our own skin at the expense of another either by commission or omission.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


When most think of a recipe, they associate it with cooking. However virtually everything we use today has a “recipe.” Plastics are very different in their compositions; concrete mix and mortar have many specific recipes for different applications. Look around you, the desk you are sitting at may be mass-produced but if there are different colors or compositions, these all require different recipes. The paper used in envelopes is a different recipe than printer paper or fine stationary. No chef, builder or manufacturer would leave out an ingredient or add something destructive and expect the final product to embody all the qualities or flavor they were striving for, yet is that not exactly what so many do spiritually? Remember reaping and sowing? Spiritually they tried to make mortar without sand, a cake without flour and then are surprised when their arch falls, their cake inedible.

To restate the classic teaching: If you wish to be loved, be loving. If you desire respect, be respectful. If you wish to be known as an honorable person, treat all with honor. We can wish for these things with all our might but until we are willing to follow directions and include all the ingredients in the proper amounts our results will remain unsatisfactory. Love and anger do not mix, sarcasm, mockery and disdain are not found in the same bowl with respect, and honor and gossip are never found together.

Without the realization of the Presence, consistent prayer, meditation and service the cake will be unsavory, the archway unstable and the whole world suffers because we have been shown the light but choose to stand in the shadows out of fear or just plain laziness. What recipe are you using for spiritual success?

Friday, November 13, 2009


“The world needs more intelligence. There is plenty of will, but because people will not use enough intelligence, mankind everywhere is in difficulties. Your intelligence is the light of God in your soul.” A necessary part of intelligence is the study of history. Students of history see today’s events and put them in their proper perspective. Everything that is happening today has happened before; and will happen again if nothing changes. The wheel of time is constantly turning, but as with all wheels, what goes around comes around. Good times turn bad, bad times turn good. Wars start, wars end. Trouble comes, trouble goes. When we view our lives and the world with spiritual intelligence our perspective and understanding of truth alters, for nothing lasts forever, except God. When we exert our intelligence to practice the Presence of God in every facet of our lives, focusing on how we can help others, not only does our life improve but all humanity. The wheel of time will only follow a different path when we finally as a race put into practice the words on the back of every dollar bill: “In God We Trust.”

Thursday, November 12, 2009


“Let go and let God.” This sentiment along with “Easy does it” “Live and let live” “Think, Think, Think” and “One day at a time” grace the walls of AA clubs and meetings worldwide. The book Alcoholics Anonymous states, “Alcohol is but a symptom of a deeper underlying problem, the bottle only a symbol.” In truth, every living problem is but a symptom of a deeper underlying problem: our choice in distancing ourselves from the source. The solution is abandoning ourselves utterly to God‘s love and direction. We do not work on ourselves; we honestly identify our shortcomings/defects of character and ask God to remove them. This is made possible when we take a fearless and honest moral inventory of our lives and share it with a trusted spiritual advisor. In this way we get down to causes and conditions, allowing the truth to surface through the layers of a lifetimes worth of resentment and fear, we are reborn. When we “Let God” work in this way we surrender, we don’t work on ourselves.

When we become afraid, nervous, and anxious or excited we ask God for guidance in prayer and meditation. We don’t work on ourselves. See a trend here? “Let go and let God.” By getting out of the way and “letting” God He will provide the direction and strength required to solve any difficulty, raise us out of misery. Our job in this life is to be the best instrument of God’s will that we can be. A Stradivarius is just an old piece of wood with strings until a master draws a bow across it. Prepare yourself to be the best instrument you can be by realizing the Presence of God in everything and everyone and “let” God draw his bow across your strings, for is He not the author of the tune?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


“Living life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning to play the instrument as we go along” naked. We would never rationally believe that we should be able to play a musical instrument perfectly the first time we tried or bowl a perfect game the first time we stepped on the lanes. Yet in our spiritual life, we often expect perfection and then become disillusioned when our expectations are not met. The level of our serenity is directly proportional to our expectations of perfection. To be clear: We should expect great, marvelous things to arise in our lives when we Live on the Spiritual Basis, but we must remember that our lives are works in progress. We seek “spiritual progress, not perfection.”

We only see a great artist’s final product, not their preliminary attempts. How many versions of Beethoven’s masterpieces did he discard before the final versions we know today were presented to the world? How many canvases did Rembrandt paint over? How many failures did Thomas Edison learn from on the way to his great discoveries? The perfection in their lives, and ours, is in being willing, willing to go on in the face of fear and doubt, trusting the inner voice.

Living on the Spiritual Basis, we trust infinite God rather than our finite selves. Keep your eyes on God and capitalize those seeming missteps in your spiritual growth as opportunities to demonstrate His omnipotence, for in truth “…it is the final goal that matters.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The secular world clamors daily with solutions to all our problems. Call this number and all your financial difficulties will vanish, take this pill, not the other one, and depression and fear become a thing of the past, there is even a pill to cut down on bathroom trips and it seems that all middle aged men need to take a little something in order to be intimate, if the number and frequency of ads is any indication. Do not misunderstand, all of these things have their place, it is the order of approach that is at question. When we began living on the Spiritual Basis, we stopped “working” on our lives or ourselves. Today when trouble raises its head instead of tackling it head on, going to work on it, trying to find solutions and answers on our own, we turn to God and seek His help and direction first. We accomplish this by realizing the Presence of God as our first step, then whatever action indicated will be taken in the light of Gods love. To Live on the Spiritual Basis means we have turned our will and our lives over to the care of God, it doesn’t mean that we have withdrawn from life or eschew the secular, since Living on the Spiritual Basis is in truth the road less traveled. To quote an old Hebrew National hotdog commercial: “We answer to a higher authority.”

Monday, November 9, 2009


Inspiration and perspiration. Perspiration is pretty straight forward, but what of inspiration? The word comes from the Latin inspiratio: to breathe in. Respiration is the intake and exhaling of air, spiritual inspiration is the intake of guidance and knowledge from the Divine, the exhale the demonstration of the new understanding and direction. Our only job in this life is to realize our hearts desire, the thing that God designed each of us for, the work that each of us are uniquely gifted to accomplish. In realizing our heart’s desire, we are demonstrating God’s will, stepping out in faith, demonstrating over fear. Seek inspiration and guidance, through prayer and meditation in realizing this and everything else will fall into place. When we embrace our hearts desire, we are inspired and take no notice of the perspiration, we “Work hard-but do not make hard work of it.”

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Probably one of the most, if not the most vexing spiritual question is why some prayers seemingly are not heard or if heard not answered. One of the main causes is we travel ninety percent of the way but then lose faith and accept defeat, surrendering to fear and depression. God does not run a fast food joint where we pray into a speaker/microphone, then stop at the window, and pick up our boon. God’s demonstration in our lives is directly proportional to our willingness, our faith; and if we find it lacking, we ask Him for strength to persevere. When we pray expecting to receive, we always do, though often in a manner unexpected.

Many demonstrations come in the 11th hour. Powerful demonstrations come in the 12th. In the 13th hour, when all seems lost, the race run, despair and failure whispering in our ear can be the moment of greatest triumph if we can only stand firm in faith. God is either everything or else He is nothing. This is either true or it is not. No gray areas, no sliding scale. God is the only source, though there are many avenues, they all lead back to Him who has all knowledge and power. This is either true or it is not. No gray areas, no sliding scale. Please, do not think for a moment that I am intoning in any way that this is simple or easy to do. There are few things in the course of our lives more difficult than keeping an even mind in the midst of seeming certain pain and disaster. One of the main aspects of keeping an even mind is holding to the truth that we demonstrate what we believe by our actions. It does no good whatsoever to speak of God’s love, knowledge and power if we fail to go to any lengths to demonstrate it, for in the spiritual realm half measures avail us nothing.

I am often reminded of the scene from the Indiana Jones movie where he is seeking the Holy Grail. He has reached a seemingly impassable chasm separating him from his goal. He opens up his fathers (wink) book and reads at this point he must step out in faith. Looking down at certain death, he closes his eyes and takes a step. The bridge was always there, he just could not see it. Had his faith failed in his father‘s words, he would have retreated, saying there is no way across and his father, who was dying and needed the grail to save him would have perished.

So the next time you feel faint, ready to give in to fear, to pull back from the edge for you can not see anyway across, see yourself in an Indiana Jones fedora, close your eyes and though trembling step out in faith.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I had a conversation (berating more accurately) recently with an “adamant” Christian. We have all met them, an adamant Christian is someone who within the first few minutes of conversation asks if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and when you don’t answer to their satisfaction they begin hammering the gospel at you. They state matter-of-factly that if you don’t buy their brand you are doomed for all eternity, but God loves you. On those rare occasions when they are willing to converse, I ask them about the other thousands of Christian religions, many of which state matter-of-factly that they are the only true path, why they got it wrong. God is many things, but limited or hard to find is not on the list.

We have all had the occasion of falling into the cross-hairs of an aggressive salesman. How did you enjoy the experience? Even if you purchased what they were selling, how did you feel? Would you then go out of your way to continue your relationship with this person? Of course not. You may have even bought what they were selling just to get away from them (Like agreeing with that adamant Christian just so you could escape).When we hammer someone, even with the truth, the result is usually the opposite of what we wished to achieve.

Having turned my will and life over to the care of God many years ago, I have never seen the “hard sell” approach work in the long run. To be clear: To have a spiritual awakening, the desire must come from within. The best sermons are delivered with our feet and hands. Make yourself and your life a demonstration of the Word. Stand firm in your faith and never shrink from flying your flag of belief but deliver it with a smile, a gentle heart and a feather. Think about how you would want to be approached if the roles were reversed. Remember you are not selling a used car.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Most of us fail to measure the words we use or consider their ultimate impact. We have all had that sick feeling when words have slipped past our tongue that we would give anything to take back. Conversely there are the times when we have failed to speak up and then rehearse when alone what we should have said, extending the discomfort.

Living on the Spiritual Basis, we understand that our words and actions carry impact, reverberating with a life far beyond their moment of conception. Speak from the heart. Deliver the truth of Being, to the best of your current understanding, with a feather. Listen first then speak for when the heart speaks the heart listens.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Since excelsior isn’t a word in common usage today a definition is in order. Excelsior: n. A packing material composed of long, fine, wood shavings. So…..if your head is full of excelsior it is full of wood. A blockhead. Interesting word that defines what Lucy has been calling Charlie Brown all these years. I came of age politically and began watching and studying politics when Richard Nixon ran for re-election. In that time I have observed that regardless of who wins the other side is always incredulous their candidate/issue lost, claiming basically that if you didn’t vote their way your head must be filled with, wait for it……Excelsior! Fun word, say it aloud a couple of times. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we keep secular issues and concerns in their proper perspective, politicians come and go, those in power today will not be forever, regardless how we may feel about them and that there really is nothing new under the sun. To wit:

The Captain Is On The Bridge

“The world is not going to the dogs. The human race is not doomed. Civilization is not going to crash. The captain is on the bridge. Humanity is going through a difficult time, but humanity has gone through difficulties many times before in its long history, and has always come through, strengthened and purified.
Do not worry yourself about the universe collapsing. It is not going to collapse, and anyway that question is none of your business. The captain is on the bridge. If the survival of humanity depended upon you or me, it would be a poor lookout for the Great Enterprise, would it not?
The captain is on the bridge. God is still in business. All that you have to do is to realize the Presence of God where trouble seems to be, to do your nearest duty to the very best of your ability; and to keep an even mind until the storm is over.”

Emmet Fox wrote the above during the great depression as war clouds were gathering over Europe, some 70+ years ago! It is as true today as it was then.

EXCELSIOR! Still a cool word.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


For much of my life I wore the coat of an agnostic. Having heard so many preachers teach that God was love but if you broke a certain rule you would burn for all eternity, but remember God loves you, that the Devil battles with God and actually wins from time to time. None of this made any sense to me. I had always believed that there was “something”, some power or intelligence, but the idea of a punishing, score keeping, testing God that could lose battles just did not pass muster. As my life progressed, the one thing I did right was keep an open mind, more or less, and continue to seek and learn. I studied and investigated everything from Catholicism to Islam, Dianetics to the Rosicrucians, learning much but never convinced. As life progressed, I found myself in a position when I had to face the proposition of God not from an intellectual hilltop but from the depths of depression and pain. Nothing sharpens the mind, cutting away the superfluous like pain. In the dark night of the soul esoteric knowledge and philosophical debating points lose all significance. Lost in pain and doubt in the hour of the wolf I reached out and my plea was answered, lacking all ambiguity and I was convinced.

Each walks their own path. Today I know, in my heart of hearts, through demonstration and direct contact through prayer and meditation that God wants all of us to be happy, joyous and free. He never places us in a position to be hurt, never brings pain and conflict into our lives to “teach” us and we are forgiven as soon as we ask. Remember though, that being forgiven does not mean there are not secular consequences for our actions.

If you are struggling with the concept of a punishing score keeping God, please borrow mine. When I make a mistake, a daily occurrence, He will direct me and show me the correct action to take if I but ask. The only price is that I pray regularly, meditate daily, treat all in the manner I wish to be treated in and leave the results to Him who has all knowledge and power. Please no pushing; there is plenty of Him to go around.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


A centipede was quite happy,
Until a frog in fun
Said, “Pray, which leg comes after which?”
This raised her mind to such a pitch,
She lay distracted in the ditch,
Considering how to run.

Paralysis through analysis. We have all at some point in our lives engaged in a conversation (i.e. heated debate/argument) on a topic where the parties are intractable. When this occurs concerning politics, sports or any other secular activity it is one thing, but if the topic is God or spirituality then we should avoid it like the plague. Never argue with anyone about God. Speak quietly about your belief and let it go. No one is ever moved far spiritually by words alone. The only thing that ever truly persuades someone who questions is a demonstration of His love and guidance, typically when they are in pain, for pain is the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self, to reveal the inner man, becoming teachable.

We convince others when we walk the way we talk and let our actions speak in a way words never can. “There is a place for analysis, but it is apt to be quite fatal in prayer and meditation. Do not dissect the love of God, but feel it. Do not dissect divine intelligence, but realize it. Do not wonder how God can possibly solve this problem, but just watch Him do it in His own way-and He will if you give Him a chance" Emmet Fox. The principle of attraction not promotion is one that we must live by once we have begun to Live on the Spiritual Basis.

Monday, November 2, 2009


The concept of the power of the smile has been around along time. Who have you smiled at today? In the last few decades a number of studies have been done that show even a forced smile has positive affects not only the smiler but on the smiley as well. So, go share a smile with someone who needs one (and who doesn’t) and you will both reap the benefits.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


When we pull ourselves out of the moment, by either dwelling on the past or projecting into the future it is easy to drift into morbid reflection, which is spiritually deadly. When thinking about the past, what surfaces? Do we remember the overwhelming number of times when things went well, when we did the right thing? Alternatively, does our consciousness have a curious tendency to focus on those times when we were less than our best? When musing on the future, is it along the lines of things will be great, seeing ourselves walking hand and hand with God or something darker?

Fear is a powerful foe and is forever trying to steer us onto the path destruction, away from the light. The only time we can stand in the presence of God, the only time we can be present for God, the only time God can act in our lives is in the present moment. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we have a history with God’s love and direction and the belief that He will be there tomorrow, but if we fail to practice spiritual principles in the moment all the self-knowledge in the world will be of no avail, in fact self-knowledge avails us nothing unless viewed through spiritual glasses.

The past is an asset used to teach those who seek answers from us, of what life was like before and after choosing to Live on the Spiritual Basis. The future a promise, chapters unwritten, the writing left to God, if we can only stay in the moment. Be present for God for He is always present for us, fear notwithstanding.