When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gravity and the Law Of Limitation

Most understand secular law, break one and get caught; there is a price to pay. Whether it is traffic, criminal, business, tax etc a secular price will be exacted if we transgress and get “caught.” There is a higher set of laws however were a price is always exacted, they are Cosmic Laws. And unlike man’s laws they are enforced impersonally, rich or poor, personal beliefs, status or skin color of no regard. Additionally unlike secular law they cannot be appealed to or superseded by judicial fiat. Think Law of Gravity. No one in their right mind would step off a high ledge and expect to float to the ground. Yet many do exactly that with the Law of Limitation! And unlike gravity we place it on ourselves! Every time we think “I’m too old/young to…” “I’ll never be any good or successful at…” “I love doing ____ but I could never make a living at it” “What would my friends/spouse/children/family think if I…” “I know God loves me and wants me to prosper, but…” we invoke the Law of Limitation.
The good news is unlike the Law of Gravity, since we invoke the Law of Limitation ourselves; we can repeal it as well. How? By stepping out in faith. Our heart is constantly speaking to us, that still quiet voice the voice of God Himself. Divine Life wants each and every one of us to be Happy, Joyous and Free, so when we resist giving in to self-centered fear by trusting the Miraculous, demonstrating faith, we avoid invoking the Law of Limitation and float to the ground.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thimble or Tardis?

Living in Southern California one of the joys of life is driving down Pacific Coast Highway. Watching pelicans dive for their dinner, dolphins surfing for pure enjoyment and some pretty spectacular sunsets part of the joy. Often when I look out over the Pacific I am struck by its abundance and diversity, its scale and depth beyond my limited comprehension.

Yet Divine abundance dwarfs all oceans combined in size and scope. The only limits to our inheritance, God’s abundance, are the arbitrary limits we impose out of false belief and fear. We set the limit of our capacity to receive. We choose the size of vessel that holds His abundance in our lives, be it a thimble or Dr. Who's infinitely large Tardis. When we embrace the Spiritual Basis of Living our capacity increases in direct proportion to the trust and reliance we place in God and reject the false belief (fear) the secular world imposes that we live in a finite world of dwindling supply, limited abundance. There is only one source of everything, God, and His promise is that of limitless supply and endless abundance, not only in the Spiritual realm but the physical as well.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Living In The Past

“Live in today, and do not allow yourself to live in the past under any pretense. Living in the past means thinking about the past, rehearsing past events, especially if you do this with feeling…Train yourself to be a man or women who lives one day at a time. You’ll be surprised how rapidly conditions will change for the better when you approach this ideal.” Emmet Fox.

One of the truths of Living on the Spiritual Basis is the only time we can be present for God, the only time we can stand in the presence of God, the only time that we can demonstrate God’s love and guidance in our lives, is in the present moment. We may have a long history of Him demonstrating in our life, but our “forgetter” discounts it. Fear would have us believe that even though God was there in the past He won’t be there tomorrow.

NEVER LOOK BACK. Looking back, reminiscing, generally begins innocently enough but often leads into morbid reflection. Think on how easy it is to dredge up memories of those times when we acted something less than spiritually or when we were hurt in some way. Yet it takes effort to bring to the forefront of memory those times when we acted in Spirit or life went our way. When the Great Carpenter taught, “let the dead bury the dead” he admonished us to leave the past in the past. We are forgiven as soon as we ask, the matter settled, yet so often we drag a past transgression into the present to cast it’s ashes about because even though God has forgiven us, we have not forgiven ourselves. Only by living in today and keeping our eyes fixed on the road ahead, regardless of how frightening it may seem, can we demonstrate God’s love and power in our life, demonstrating the truth of God‘s forgiveness. Refuse then the clarion call of the past where the adversary of a thousand faces, fear, lurks and be free.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What, Me Worry?

Remember Alfred E. Newman of Mad magazine fame? His gap toothed grin gracing every cover with the caption “What, me worry?” Alfred can be oblivious, but what of the dozens of things that tug at us daily? My children are all adults but I still worry about them. When one of the cats strolls outside I worry about them (don’t start, I have I tried to keep them in but they are all strays who adopted us and when they want to go out THEY WANT TO GO OUT). In low moments I worry that somehow I have strayed down the wrong path in my life and won’t find my way back.

Today when worry creeps into my thoughts I turn to God as close to immediately as I can. When the World worries me I remember “The Captain is on the Bridge.” My children, gifts from God, so when I fear for them I ask God to do for them what they cannot do for themselves and to give me the strength to do what He would have me do in their lives, and not meddle. I don’t care what anyone says, letting your children make their own mistakes so they can grow just as we had to requires a lot of prayer. Cats? Well if you have cats you understand and if you are a dog person you aren’t supposed to get it and that’s not a bad thing. It’s not that you care any less for your dog but cats just assume you understand about their divinity. And when I begin to worry I have stumbled and lost my way I remember the truth:

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.” 

So I guess Alfred had it right all along. Nuff said.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

God And Small Things

Sometime ago during a genial conversation on spiritual principles a participant tossed out the comment  “I don’t trouble God with the little things, he’s much too busy.” This was said in all earnestness but little understanding of what Living on the Spiritual Basis entails. There are no “small” things to God. Everything interests God. Everything. Nothing in our lives is beneath His concern or healing. Tennyson wrote, “He is closer than hands and feet, closer than breath” which is most close indeed and Emmet Fox stated “God is always present; always ready to heal, to comfort, to inspire.” No barriers or arbitrary lines in the sand exist dealing with God’s level of involvement or commitment in our life. He is within, right here, right now, seeking expression in every area of our lives, from the maximal to the minimal, big deals and little deals, if we are willing to step out in faith and trust. Arguably the most powerful prayer in the Bible is “Be still, and know that I am God” the knowing within, available 24/7. So we don’t concern ourselves with trying to sort out what is appropriate for God’s attention, instead we place everything in His hands, trusting in the infinite rather than the finite for solution and resolution.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Taking A Trip, Not Taking A Trip

When we travel down the road of indignation, self-righteousness, fear, hateful and/or angry words and thoughts we invariably find ourselves embracing morbid reflection, leaving us holding a cup of spiritual distress for we always reap as we sow. Few situations in life are ever strictly black and white. When we condemn others we attempt, but fail, to overwrite the truth that there is a little bit of good in the worst of us and a little bit of bad in the best, no one is without sin, none of us live life error free. Remember “Living life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning to play the instrument as we go along” naked, so cut them and yourself a little slack.

So when you find yourself in morbid reflection-ville, and we all do from time to time, gently turn around in prayer and head back out of town by recognizing the Presence of God where the disharmony, negativity resides; asking in meditation to be shown the way of patience, tolerance, kindliness and love, saluting the Divine Spark that resides within every one of our Father’s children.

It would be easy to end here, but an additional point needs to be made. We can and in truth must salute the Divine within all, but this does not mean we must continue to associate with or place ourselves in a position to be harmed by someone who wishes us ill. Our heartfelt hope and desire is that all will grow spiritually, embracing the path of peace and comprehending serenity, unfortunately not everyone will and the truth of change and growth is the desire must come from within. So release them with love and remember the old Scottish (James Kelly) proverb: “He that deceives me once; shame fall him; if he deceives me twice, shame fall me.” So trust in God, but cut the cards.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Not My Hat

We have all done it and regretted it afterwards. We are either drawn into or feel the need to volunteer our help or opinion in someone else’s situation. It may be a simple neighbor dispute, child rearing issues, a family squabble, work place issue or the worst possible case, a crisis of romance. What generally happens? The party we were attempting to “help” uses our support to bolster their position, but then they reconcile, and that well intended shoulder comes back to haunt us, our words of  “comfort” often putting us on the outs with both parties!

“Do not wear another man’s hat” was salient advice given early in the last century. Simply, we do not engage in gossip, seemingly well-intended little character assassinations or take sides when family, romance or the heart is involved. When we do we don the “other man’s hat” and pay accordingly. Our course is simple but not easy, in prayer we invoke love for all involved, leaving their judgment to a Power Greater than Ourselves, seeking only to be of service without being negative, being supportive but keeping our opinions close to the vest, between ourselves and God. This will take time and practice to become a working part of the mind but it is the path that provides serenity and will help us to avoid those hard looks and cold shoulders in the break room, over the holiday dinner table or backyard fence.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Recipe For Success

Recipes are typically associated with cooking. However virtually everything in life has a “recipe.” Plastics are very different in their compositions; concrete and mortar have many specific “recipes” for different applications. The paper used in envelopes is a different recipe than printer paper or fine stationary. No cook, builder or manufacturer would leave out an ingredient or add something destructive and expect the final product to embody the qualities or flavor they were striving for, yet is that not exactly what many do spiritually? Remember reaping and sowing?

To restate the classic teaching: If we wish to be loved, first we must demonstrate love. If we desire respect, first we must be respectful. If we wish to be known as honorable, we must treat all with honor, regardless of station or how disagreeable they may be.

Living on the new basis, the Spiritual Basis, love and anger do not mix, sarcasm, mockery and disdain are not found in the same bowl with respect, and honor and gossip are never found together.

So, just for today, bless and say a prayer for that inconsiderate driver crossing your path, return a smile when greeted with a grimace. Refuse to engage in gossip, regardless of how juicy it may be. Give a dollar and a smile to someone needy, without comment, except God bless. In short treat everyone in the same manner you wish to be treated in, saluting the Divine in all, regardless of station, economic status or whether you like or agree with them. Employ this recipe and you cannot fail to succeed spiritually.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wheel Of Time

A necessary part of true intelligence is the study of history. Studying history enables us to observe today’s events and relate to them in their proper perspective and provides the opportunity to choose a different path. Everything that is happening today has happened before; and will happen again if nothing changes. The wheel of time is constantly turning; good times turn bad, bad times good. Wars start, wars end, trouble comes and trouble goes.

When we view our lives and the world through a spiritual lens our perspective and understanding of truth alters, for now we see that no situation, whether good or ill lasts forever. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now understand that this flesh we travel in is finite, its time on the wheel clearly marked by creation and dissolution, but the spark of the Divine, the "I AM" which is each of us, does not merely travel on the wheel, but is immanent, an actual part of the wheel. When we employ our intelligence to practice the Presence of God in every facet of our lives not only does our life improve but all humanity. The wheel will only follow a different path when we finally and forever truly put into practice the words on the back of every American dollar bill: “In God We Trust” “so let it begin with me.”
An avalanche can begin with the smallest of pebbles; never underestimate your importance to and in  the Universe, for you are a child of the Miraculous, God’s love incarnate.

Friday, June 21, 2013

“There is no try”

Try to lose weight. Try to get in shape. Try to quit smoking. Trying to get organized. Trying to be on time. Trying isn’t it. We have all done it. We look in the mirror and decide that’s it, we are going to make some changes. Things go well for a time, then we begin to backslide. We rationalize it with we are too tired, we had a hard day or it’s Friday and we deserve a break, etc. Kinda like the alcoholic rewarding themselves with a drink because they had been sober for a week or two. That kind of thinking is crazy in light of what happens next for the alcoholic, yet to some lesser degree we have all done it. Most of us have or have had a piece of exercise equipment/workout DVD/book that was "the answer" that is either now gathering dust or has moved on via a garage sale or charitable donation. Yet when a TV ad starts blaring about some new wonder exercise device/DVD/workout regimen promising impossible results from just 20 minutes 3 times a week we perk up.

To be clear: every diet works, working out and exercise will provide positive changes and giving up smoking or addictive drinking are no brainers, so why do we fail? In my youth I was a smoker. I “quit” many times and started back up just as many. Why, because I was trying to quit. It was not until I stopped trying that I finally put them down decades ago. I am not an ex-smoker; I am a smoker who just doesn’t smoke today. The concept of doing anything “for the rest of my life” is daunting, but I can do anything for twenty-four hours and when I rely on Divine Life for direction and strength I cannot fail, but I must ask.

When we try we are working from without to change the within, when we let go and let God the change comes from within. So if you desire to lose weight, get into shape, stop smoking or change any area of your life, stop trying and let go. Just for today, ask in prayer to be shown the right path and to receive the strength and willingness to follow it. You can slack off or smoke tomorrow, but just for today you are going to Let Go And Let God. For in Truth: The only time we can be present for God, the only time He can be present in our lives, is in this moment, our lives a series of moments connected in purpose.

So stay in the moment, keep your head where your hands are, yours eyes on God and you cannot fail, today. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013


“Living life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning to play the instrument as we go along” naked. No rational person believes they could play a musical instrument perfectly the first time they tried. Yet in our spiritual life we often expect perfection and then become disillusioned when our expectations are not met. The level of our serenity is directly proportional to our expectations of perfection. To be clear: We should expect great, marvelous things to arise in our lives when we Live on the Spiritual Basis, but we must also remember that our lives are works in progress. We seek “spiritual progress, not perfection.”

For my Christian friends this may seem inconsistent with the Great Carpenters teaching, but it is not. The perfection He taught on was the perfection of purpose. Being flawed, we abandon ourselves to Him, seeking guidance and strength in every area of life and living. In this we can achieve perfection, but to think that any of us will stand perfect in every thought, word, deed and action is a recipe for irritability, restlessness and deep discontentment. God is perfect, as is our Divine selfhood; but living, being human is a work in progress and to believe we can do this mistake free is a tragic error.

We only see a great artist’s final product, not their preliminary attempts. How many versions of Beethoven’s masterpieces did he discard before the final renditions we know today? How many canvases did Rembrandt paint over? How many failures did Thomas Edison learn from on the way to his great discoveries? The perfection in their lives, and ours, is in being willing, willing to go on in the face of missteps, fear and doubt, trusting the inner voice.

Living on the Spiritual Basis, we trust infinite God rather than our finite selves. We keep our eyes on God and capitalize those seeming missteps in our spiritual evolution as opportunities to demonstrate His omnipotence and when we err, and we all will, thank Him for knowing Him better and then take whatever action is indicated to address the misstep.  If you don’t know what action to take or path to follow, ask in prayer to be shown and the right answer will come. By acting in this way we own the lesson and possible repetition of the misstep is greatly reduced, achieving perfection of purpose in action.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God and Hot Dogs

The secular world clamors with solutions to all our problems and concerns. Call this number and all your financial difficulties will vanish, take this pill, not the other one, and your problem is solved, there is even a pill to cut down on bathroom trips and it seems that all middle aged men need to take a little something in order to be intimate, if the number and frequency of ads is any indication. Do not misunderstand, all of these things, probably, have their place, it is the order of approach that is at question. When we began living on the Spiritual Basis we altered our approach to life. Today when an issue or problem arises instead of tackling it head on, setting to work on it, seeking solutions and answers on our own or conversely running away or burying our head in the sand, we turn to the Miraculous and seek Divine help and direction first.

We accomplish this by stepping out in faith, realizing the Presence of God as our first step, and then whatever action indicated will be taken surrounded by Gods love. To Live on the Spiritual Basis means we have turned our will and our lives over to the care of God, it doesn’t mean that we withdraw from life or eschew the secular, since the Universe provides answers and solutions in all manner of ways ordinary and extra ordinary alike. Remember, the power we have tapped into is not limited by human perspective and fear; it routinely performs the seemingly impossible, even miraculous if, though perhaps trembling, we stand open and willing. To borrow from an old Hebrew National hotdog commercial: today “We answer to a higher authority” and that authority wants all His children to be at peace; happy, joyous and free.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Spiritual Respiration

In Latin inspiratio means "to breathe in." From this root many words have bloomed, two of which are inspiration and respiration. Physical respiration is the intake and exhaling of air, spiritual respiration is the intake of guidance and knowledge from the Divine, the exhaling new understanding and purpose, inspiration personified.

Our only job in this life is to realize our hearts desire, to express that which each of us has been Divinely gifted to do, whatever that talent or ability might be for in so doing we are manifesting God's will at the most basic and profound level. In realizing our heart’s desire we demonstrate over fear and human limitation. By seeking continued guidance through prayer, meditation and service we keep our feet on the one true path, our unique path, living inspired, truly free.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Selling Cars and God

Some time ago I had a conversation (berating more accurately) with an “adamant” my way or the highway Christian. You have probably met one, within the first few minutes of conversation they ask if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and if you don’t answer to their satisfaction the sales pitch begins. They state matter-of-factually that if you don’t buy their brand you are doomed for all eternity and it is their job to save you.

In truth, there are thousands of churches based on the Christ teaching and many (if not most) state matter-of-factually that they are the only true path. Fortunately for all there are some things that God is not, and limited or exclusive is on that list.

We have all fallen into the cross hairs of an aggressive salesman, how did you enjoy the experience? Even if you purchased what they were selling, how did you feel? Would you then go out of your way to recommend or continue a relationship with this person? You may have even bought what they were selling just to get away from them.

Having turned my will and life over to the care of God many years ago, I have never seen the spiritual “hard sell” approach work in the long run. To be clear: To have a spiritual awakening the desire must come from within. The best sermons are delivered with hands and feet, so we live our lives as a demonstration of the Word. We stand firm in faith and never shrink from flying our flag of belief but we deliver it with a smile and a gentle heart, considering how we would want to be approached if the roles were reversed, leaving the hard sell to used car salesmen.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Imperfect Speech

Often we fail to measure the words we use or take the time to consider their ultimate impact. We have all experienced the sick feeling when words have slipped past our lips that we would give anything to have back; unfortunately we cannot un-ring a bell. Conversely there are the times when we have failed to speak up and then rehearse when alone what we feel we should have said, extending the discomfort of our inaction.

Words carry impact, reverberating with life far beyond the moment of their utterance. Resentments have been born, birthed with no ill intent, from seemingly casual remarks. Fortunately the converse is true as well, our words spreading out to provide hope and solace far beyond our limited understanding.

Having chosen to live on a new basis, the Spiritual Basis, we speak from the heart, delivering the truth to the best of our current understanding, with the lightness of a feather. Our goal to always be of service, to stand for truth, to help and never harm, realizing we all fall far short of perfection in speech.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Borrowed God

As a younger man I wore the coat of the agnostic. Having heard so many say that God was love but if you broke a certain rule you would suffer for all eternity, that the Devil battles with God and actually wins from time to time, never made any sense to me. I had always believed that there was “something”, some power or intelligence, but the idea of a punishing, score keeping, testing God that could lose battles just did not pass muster. As life progressed, the one thing I did right was keep an open mind, continuing to seek and learn. I studied and investigated everything from Catholicism to Islam, Dianetics to the Rosicrucian’s, learning much but never convinced. Finally I found myself in a position where I had to face the proposition of God not from some intellectual hilltop but from the depths of depression and pain. Nothing sharpens the mind, cutting away the superfluous like pain, for in the dark night of the soul esoteric knowledge and philosophical debating points lose all significance. Lost in pain and doubt I reached out and my plea was answered, lacking all ambiguity and I was convinced.

Though we are all connected in Spirit, each of us walks our own path, daily choosing pain or peace. Our path of awakening following the decisions and choices each make, for pain is the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self.  Today I know in my heart of hearts that God desires all His children to be happy, joyous and free and that He will guide us through the process of enlightenment, as long as we remain open minded and willing. Forgiveness in Spirit our birth right.

If you are struggling with the concept of a punishing score keeping God, please borrow mine. When I make a mistake, a daily occurrence, He directs me and shows me the correct action to take if I but ask. The price:  pray regularly, meditate daily and treat all in the manner you wish to be treated in. Please no pushing; there is plenty of Him to go around.

Friday, June 14, 2013


I began paying attention to American politics in 1968 and came of age politically during the election of 1972. In the ensuing years one truth has become abundantly clear: regardless of who wins the other side is always incredulous their candidate/issue lost, claiming all manner of reasons why, adding for effect the dire consequences to come from the electorates poor decision. Living on the Spiritual Basis secular issues and concerns are now in their proper perspective, politicians come and go, those in power today will not be forever, regardless how we may feel about them for there really is nothing new under the sun. To wit:

The Captain Is On The Bridge
“The world is not going to the dogs. The human race is not doomed. Civilization is not going to crash. The captain is on the bridge. Humanity is going through a difficult time, but humanity has gone through difficulties many times before in its long history, and has always come through, strengthened and purified.

Do not worry yourself about the universe collapsing. It is not going to collapse, and anyway that question is none of your business. The captain is on the bridge. If the survival of humanity depended upon you or me, it would be a poor lookout for the Great Enterprise, would it not?

The captain is on the bridge. God is still in business. All that you have to do is to realize the Presence of God where trouble seems to be, to do your nearest duty to the very best of your ability; and to keep an even mind until the storm is over.” 

Emmet Fox wrote the above during the great depression of the 1930's. Additionally war clouds were gathering over Europe and America was gripped in the greatest ecological disaster in this country’s history as dust storms displaced millions from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. God has always been and will always be; our job to keep an even mind and Spiritual perspective, understanding there will always be someone reminding us the sky is falling, again.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


A centipede was quite happy,
Until a frog in fun
Said, “Pray, which leg comes after which?”
This raised her mind to such a pitch,
She lay distracted in the ditch,
Considering how to run.

    Never argue with anyone about God. Speak quietly about your belief and let it go. No one is ever moved far spiritually by words alone. We convince others when we walk the way we talk and let our actions speak in a way words never can. “There is a place for analysis, but it is apt to be quite fatal in prayer and meditation. Do not dissect the love of God, but feel it. Do not dissect divine intelligence, but realize it. Do not wonder how God can possibly solve this problem, but just watch Him do it in His own way-and He will if you give Him a chance." Emmet Fox. The principle of attraction not promotion is one that we must live by once we have begun to live on the new basis, the Spiritual Basis.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Earlier today someone I don’t know or have ever had any contact with commented on one of my daily spiritual posts that I needed medical help, based solely on my picture viewed on their mobile device. Pretty insightful.

So I immediately headed for the ER for help. They were waiting for me, since the government now reads all posts, where they rushed me into a state of the art diagnostic suite where I was subjected to a battery of tests of which I just received the results.

The prognosis: first, I am terminal. They determined I am going to die, they don’t know when or of what, but it is a certainty. Bummer. However there was good news, my levels of DTYTS are all exceedingly high for a man my age. (You know, DTYTS: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously).

So, a prescription was forwarded by e-mail and I just filled it at Walmart. The directions read: Laugh at yourself everyday, for you are the funniest person you know. Every time you walk into a room and forget why you are there, laugh. When the coffee cup, eyeglass, car keys gremlins move them from the last place you are certain you left them, laugh. When you find yourself opening the glass doors in the frozen food aisle to “see” what is on the shelves, laugh. When you find yourself waiting for the light to change at a stop sign, laugh. And most importantly chuckle when some know nothing self-important chucklehead chooses to point out your shortcomings and character defects uninvited. And then say a silent prayer for them.

Smiler and Smiley

 Did you smile at someone today? In the last few decades a number of studies have shown even a forced smile has positive affects not only the smiler but on the smiley as well. When we smile or receive a smile our stress level drops, endorphins are released and we feel better, our spirits lifted. So, go share a smile with someone who needs one (and who doesn’t) and you will both reap the benefits.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Presence

When we find ourselves drifting out of the present moment, by either dwelling on the past or projecting into the future we must be wary, for the spiritually deadly trap of morbid reflection lurks here. When thinking about the past what usually surfaces; the overwhelming number of times when things went well, when we did the right thing or those times when we were less than our best or were treated badly? When considering the future do we ponder along the lines of things will be great, seeing ourselves walking hand and hand with the Spirit of the Universe or something darker? Living on the Spiritual Basis our focus has been altered, instead of seeing only the carnal and secular, the finite, our vision is lengthened and broadened as we have begun to comprehend the infinite.

Fear is a powerful adversary, forever trying to steer us from the light and morbid reflection one of its favorite tools. The past is an asset when used as a resource to teach those who seek answers from us, of what life was like before and after choosing to Live on the Spiritual Basis. The future a promise, chapters unwritten, our lives the paper, the ink our faith, the pen in our hand guided by a Power Greater Than Ourselves. He does not dictate the script, for of all creation we alone have free will, but He will be our partner in the story of our lives if we remain open and willing.

The only time we can stand in the presence of God, the only time we can be present for God, the only time God can act in our lives is in the present moment. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now have a history of God’s love and direction in our lives, the past an asset, the future a promise, today the gift.                                

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Consecrated Life, Simply

When we turn our will and life over to the care of God, we chose the consecrated life. Our job now is to see the Presence of God everywhere, in everything and everyone and to express our understanding of spiritual principles to the best of our current ability, for we are forever growing and learning, and to practice those principles in every aspect of our life. Simple but not easy, a price has to be paid and that price is the surrender of self. It is a simple equation; the more time we spend thinking about ourselves, the less comfortable we become, opening the door to restlessness, irritability and discontentment. Conversely, the more time we spend focusing on the Presence of God, practicing the principles we have come to believe the more comfortable, at peace we become. Living a consecrated life is the true path of serenity.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Our Wolves

Conditions in our life are the result of the crops (thoughts) we tend in our consciousness. If we nurture thoughts of pain, lack, unhappiness, negativity of any stripe, then we will grow more. Being a spiritual law, happily the converse is true as well; if we plant peace, joy, love and belief in abundance then these will be our harvest.

If we desire happiness, we cannot walk around with a long face complaining, thinking and speaking negatively. When we engage in morbid reflection our thoughts work to convince us that sickness, trouble and failure are unavoidable. To be clear: We do not control the thoughts that float up into our consciousness; thought control is not about banning a thought, which is impossible, but taking right action when we become aware. Negative thinking is cunning, a wolf masquerading as a lamb, so just as the shepherd tending their flock; as soon as we become aware of the wolf, spiritually corrosive negative reflection and thinking, we take action.

Our course is clear, remembering that prayer is always the answer we place our trust in God and stay out of the results business. God does not punish with one hand and love with the other; He is always working in the positive for His children, His promises, our spiritual inheritance at hand, if we are willing and stand vigilant over the crops we tend in our consciousness.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pickax or Feather?

Since childhood we have heard that hard work equals success. Yet I think we can all point to someone, perhaps that someone gazes back from your mirror, whom have worked long and very hard yet have little to show for it. I will leave the secular discussion for another day, spiritually hard work and struggling to succeed in prayer in meditation are impediments to growth. Successful prayer and meditation, which leads to successful demonstration, is quiet and gentle. To quote Emmet Fox, “Pray with a feather- not a pickax.” Though we may be filled with fear and trepidation, always pray in the manner you would like to be treated in, gently with kindness, patience, tolerance and love.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Being Real

“Cheap optimism is never spiritual.” Never be satisfied or resign yourself to live with anything less than the full expression of God’s love in your life. When we practice the Presence of God everywhere in our lives, remarkable things happen, regardless of the secular condition of the world. Never settle for any condition in your life that expresses lack or limitation. Divine Life wants all to be happy, joyous and free, so be honest about your circumstances, the change comes when we wholeheartedly, without reservation, believe that God not only will but wants to provide for our needs.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

In Whose Hands Are Your Fears?

Do you pray expecting to receive or with trepidation? When we pray with doubt, believing secretly in our heart of hearts that God is too busy, we are insignificant or since our hands are not perfectly clean our prayers will not be answered, then we are praying with two minds, wanting our prayer answered but not believing it will be. Is it then any surprise we fail to demonstrate?

No one among us is perfect, yet none of us are insignificant to God, remember, time is a human construct that has no bearing on God, He is never too busy for His children. We live in a state of grace, His love unconditional, we place conditions on His love and availability out of fear. Please do not misunderstand; fear is a powerful, relentless, pitiless foe. Consider: We are bombarded in a never-ending cacophony of doom and gloom. Economic disaster looms, sickness and disease ever lurking, wars and rumors of war abound, global climactic failure imminent, the end is nigh unless we act or even if we do! Is it really any wonder that fear is so hard to displace?

Understand, this planet has been hit many times in its history with all manner of space debris, altering our home drastically, that 99% of the species that once lived have gone extinct; volcanoes have and will again erupt and explode. There will be earthquakes, economies have and will go up and down and you will die of something. Is worrying about these things going to change anything, improve our lives? No, our course is to take whatever precautions are warranted, act and live responsibly and leave the results to God.  Remember the serenity prayer? God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Keep in mind, we live in eternity NOW, the flesh, even the stars finite, our consciousness, our soul, eternal.  Passing conditions are just that, passing. It is vital that we turn our consciousness, gently through prayer and meditation, away from the negative and to God’s love and guidance. In so doing, not only does our life improve, but the whole world as well, volcanoes, recessions/depressions, war, comet/asteroid strikes, extinctions, pandemics and global climatic changes placed in their proper perspective.

 So pray expecting God to act, for nothing so moves the universe as a heartfelt prayer, and place all your fears, great and small, in His hands.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


When there is nowhere left to turn, turn around, for God is always there.

When in the grip of fear, pray lightly, with a feathers touch.

When facing calamity, meet it with serenity, the serenity found only in His presence.

When in doubt, stop and ask for the right thought or action, in prayer of course.

When the solution feels out of reach, reach out in prayer and meditation.

When feeling put upon, put your hand out to those in need.


When all else fails, place the failure in His hands and watch a miracle unfold.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Does God Play Favorites?

Though an agnostic with an “attitude”well into my 30’s, I had always been a seeker, often looking in the wrong places however. One of the questions that always troubled me was the idea that God would suspend the laws He created to assist one but not another, that some form of pecking order or secret hierarchy existed.

“God is a God of love and rules by principle.” Because of His nature He cannot break divine law. “He cannot bring disease, or suffering, or lack.” Yet the world is seemingly buried in sickness, pain and shortage. How can this be? We are either all equally loved or none are since no one of us has a choice in birth or initial circumstances. God is and must be consistent. If not, then we would not live in a universe but a chaos. Would any loving Father throw one child to the wolves so another may prosper?

No one amongst us can live in another's skin; walk the steps on their path of enlightenment. Though we all travel together, are connected in Spirit, our path is as unique as our fingerprints. Our lessons of enlightenment take many forms, remember the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self, is pain.

God does not, cannot play favorites. God wants each of us to be happy, joyous and free, He demonstrates His love through us, for us but He will not intercede if it stunts or hampers our spiritual awakening. The flesh is finite, our Spirit eternal. Seeing the world with a new pair of glasses it becomes abundantly clear that God can do anything but only within divine law and principle and that is a good thing.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Saint Peter's Tears

We lay  “claim” to things everyday, usually without a thought. Whenever we start a statement with “My”, we claim ownership. Having thought on this over the years, I think I am finally getting it. Although I may have a headache or a flair up of arthritis, do I really want to “own” them? No. I want them to go away. Nevertheless, when I refer to them as “My” I assert ownership. Today instead of commenting on or talking about the negative things in “My” life I take whatever secular action is indicated, aspirin, heating pad, ice pack etc followed by a short prayer thanking God for knowing Him better. Today I claim all the gifts and blessings that God has not only for me but for you as well, that all I desire in “My” life comes to you as well. Years ago I came upon this piece on blessings:

A man found himself standing at the gates leading to heaven. He was upset and relieved at the same time. Upset that he passed but relieved that he was standing at heaven’s gate. Saint Peter greeted him and motioned for him to come forward. As he walked through the gates, he was struck speechless by the beauty and peace that greeted him. Saint Peter ushered him around showing him the wonders of heaven. Finally, they came upon a rather plain building, its plainness a stark contrast against the beauty of all the others. Turning to Saint Peter he asked, “What is that building?” Saint Peter replied, “All of Heaven is open to you but I strongly suggest that you leave that structure alone.” The man nodded, for who would question a Saint? Well of course, he could not get that one building out of his mind and after a time asked, “You said all of Heaven is open to me so if I wished to visit any building I can?” With a look of resignation, Saint Peter nodded for he knew what building the man was thinking of. As they walked, Saint Peter waited for the statement that always followed. Soon the man turned to him and said, “I would like to go back to the plain building.” With sadness and a pass of his hand Saint Peter deposited them on the doorstep of the building. “I would urge you again not to go in.” The man nodded but he would not be swayed. As the doors opened, the man was greeted with the sight of row upon row of shelves on which rested exquisite boxes each inscribed with a name. He turned to Saint Peter and asked if there was a box with his name on it. Saint Peter replied yes but again suggested they leave the building. Undeterred the man ran down the aisles until he found the box with his name on it. As he took it down from the shelf, there were tears in Saint Peter’s eyes, undeterred he removed the lid. As he looked in the box his heart fell for the box contained all the blessings that God had gifted him that had been left unclaimed. He then knew and they wept together.
 Claim all of God’s blessings for you today and if you don‘t know what they are, ask and He will show you.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Beyond The Clouds

Everyday somewhere a plane departs in the rain. The aircraft pulls away from the gate and takes its place in line for lift off. Soon the engines spool up, the brakes released the craft quickly gains speed, the passengers pushed back in their seats by the acceleration. The nose lifts and the cabin window is obscured in driving rain, then everything turns white as the plane enters the clouds. A few seconds pass and it happens, bright sunshine bursts into the cabin, momentarily blinding in its intensity. The rain, darkness and shadows replaced with brilliance. In truth the sunshine was always there, it was merely obscured for a time.
When we find ourselves in the midst of difficulty, though we may be standing in the shadow of difficulty, the sunshine of God’s love never ceases, the clouds merely an illusion created by fear. By raising our consciousness through prayer and meditation we demonstrate over fear, for in truth, regardless of conditions on the ground the sun is always shining behind the clouds.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Proper Perspective

“We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous and free. We cannot subscribe to the belief that this life is a vale of tears, though it was just that for many of us. But it is clear that we made our own misery. God didn’t do it. Avoid then the deliberate manufacture of misery, but if trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to demonstrate His omnipotence” (Alcoholics Anonymous pg 133).

 The only power that can hold us back, regardless of the challenge, is giving in to self-centered fear. Living on the Spiritual Basis does not mean that life’s challenges no longer exist or are any less painful in the moment, but instead of allowing ourselves to drift into sorrow and morbid reflection, we turn to Him who has all knowledge and power for strength and direction, demonstrating over fear. Circumstances in our lives are not spiritual impediments, just different paths of enlightenment. The truth will set you free: We are not this flesh. We are eternal spirit, existing in this form for only a moment, children of the Most High. Living on the Spiritual Basis affirms our connection to the infinite, puts all things in their proper place and perspective, triumphant over fear.