When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Somersaulting Through The Eye Of A Needle

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Mark 10:25). Well, I have yet to see a camel small enough or a needle big enough for this to happen, so I surmised, wrongly, that it meant being rich was something to be avoided. Yeah, didn’t make much sense to me either. Let’s look a little deeper. Context being king; *many cities at the time of this saying were surrounded by high thick walls with large gates to facilitate traffic in and out of the city. At night the large gates would be closed and small gates opened, these gates were known as the needle’s eye. So perhaps a clearer translation would be: It is easier for a camel to pass through the needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Camels could be brought through the needle’s eye, but it required unloading them first. This is the crux of the teaching. Camels don’t care what they are carrying, rocks or gold makes no difference to them, only that it eventually comes off, the sooner the better.  In this the camel seems wiser than us. Whether we are rich in physical possessions or not, we carry all sorts of baggage, impediments to entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Selfishness, hubris, spiritual pride, condemnation, bigotry (overt and subtle), hatred, self-centeredness, fear in a hundred guises are all examples of “possessions” that keep us locked in the bondage of self. Living on the Spiritual Basis we have become willing and ready to be free of this bondage, setting aside our possessions, performing the work daily to become and remain “poor in spirit.”

Poor in spirit does not mean poor spirited, conversely it means we have unburdened ourselves of our baggage by a simple reliance on “Our Father”, turning in all things to Him who has all knowledge and power, finally realizing the truth of our connection and birthright as children of a loving Creator.

So if you are trudging the road of happy destiny weighed down by your possessions, cast off your pack and leave it by the side of the road, become truly poor in spirit, weightless, cart wheeling through the needle’s eye, somersaulting into the Kingdom of Heaven.
*Note: not all Bible historians and translators are agreed on this interpretation. 

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson


Monday, September 29, 2014

Tennyson And Mountain Streams

Closer is He than breathing; nearer than hands and feet.-Tennyson. And that is most near indeed. In truth: we are always in contact with source. Why? Because we are of source, we are not human beings in search of a spiritual connection; we are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition.

The next time you find yourself looking at a small mountain stream take a moment to consider the waters journey. Every river and stream that empties into the ocean is connected to every other by an unbroken string of water molecules. Some of these molecules will travel to the deepest recesses of the ocean, only to rise up again to the surface and evaporate, returning to the clouds to fall as snow or rain once again, a journey repeated countless times, source constantly renewed.

We are surrounded by wonder, the amazing complexity and interconnectedness of life in even the simplest things, if we will only take the time to consider. Though separated from one another by flesh, Spirit transcends all limitation and constraint. So when reaching out for source, for God, in prayer and meditation remember: Closer is He than breathing; nearer than hands and feet, so drink deeply, for He is most near indeed.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Moment And Eternity

Our existence in flesh is but a moment in parentheses. ETERNITY (birth-life-death) ETERNITY. Having embraced Living on the Spiritual Basis we know the truth: we are not this body, we are divine, eternal beings experiencing the human condition, we existed before this body was born and will exist after it has returned to the dust from which it rose. We grow, progress in this life, by our willingness to share, to teach the spiritual principles, the fundamentals we practice daily with those just starting in earnest on their journey. Remembering always that all are equal in Our Father‘s eyes regardless of current circumstances or beliefs, that though they may be terribly lost, living in the grip of the adversary fear, redemption is just a prayer away.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Getting Back To Basics

Ever hear someone say they were “getting back to basics or fundamentals”? In sports or cooking this may be applicable but spiritually it is nonsense. You are either on the path or not, no middle ground. Additionally, to believe that since we have been on the path for a time that conditions or requirements of continued spiritual growth change leads inexorably to spiritual pride, a sense of entitlement and destructive self-righteousness in demonstration, guaranteeing suffering for anyone who falls into this trap. The “fundamentals” are eternal, only the form of expression changes.

In God’s eyes all are equal, regardless of their earthly crimes, circumstances or demonstration. God does not play favorites or met out punishment, we set the table, the demonstration is ours; We always reap as we sow. Those who choose to live a life bereft of spiritual principles are loved by God in equal measure as those who have dedicated their lives to the path. The difference is the individual’s connection to source, not the sources connection to the individual. Living on the new basis, the Spiritual Basis, we do the footwork, put in our time “working out”, exercising our spiritual muscles through prayer, meditation and service, so when (not if) trouble or a difficulty arises we are prepared.

When faced with any of the life changing moments that are part of living those who have eschewed the path are faced with the question they can no longer postpone or evade: God is either everything or else He is nothing. When an individual reaches this turning point, a jumping off place, they will either start up the mountain of enlightenment or bury their head in the sand (drugs, alcohol, blame, rationalization, denial, etc) attempting to blot out the truth.

When we place our feet on the base of a mountain for the first time it doesn’t mean we have the needed experience or are prepared to attempt greater heights. It requires time and consistent dedication to become an experienced mountain climber and just as in mountain climbing, spiritually if we lose sight of the fundamentals, thinking we are beyond them, great is the fall.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Friday, September 26, 2014

Boss Universal

Some time ago I viewed a Far Side cartoon depicting a group of archeologists examining a single fossilized bone. By the last panel, they had extrapolated the most outrageous, impossible looking creature from this single bit of evidence. We routinely do the same thing with our future. When we lack spiritual awareness, we “view” the future with a limited perspective, routinely incorporating the negative, the fear basis of living dominate. 

Without spiritual vision the future typically appears dark, with intermittent pain and suffering, our most potent adversary, fear, boss universal. When we choose to live on the new basis, the Spiritual Basis, our consciousness grows and our perspective expands, our truth of being becomes clear. A future disconnected from peace and serenity, of prayers seemingly unanswered, fear dominate, will take on a new clarity that only spiritual sight can provide.

Living on the new basis we learn, with practice, to avoid the trap of projecting negatively into the future, so does this mean we should never look to the future or make plans? Of course not, Living on the Spiritual Basis we make plans but do so in spiritual light, the light of God‘s guidance and wisdom, for we have turned our will and lives over to His care. We plan but live one day at a time, rejecting the insistent onslaught of our greatest adversary fear. By living on this basis, the Spiritual Basis, all becomes clear in good time, for God and good are synonymous.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Is Prayer Inconsistent?

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Having now Lived on the Spiritual Basis for a time we have seen the power of prayer in our and others lives. So the question isn’t whether or not prayer works/changes things but why it seems inconsistent, why some prayers are answered and others seemingly falling on deaf ears.

Let's be crystal clear on this point: All prayers are answered and answered in the affirmative, but never at the expense of others. Prayer provides what we need, not necessarily want we want.

When new to the path prayers are often a form of outlining, a request for some action we would like God to take on our behalf, thinking we know what’s best for us at the time. Having made the decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God it is clear why prayers of this type do not return the expected results, but God does answer these prayers in the affirmative, providing what we need though we cannot see it at the time with our fear limited consciousness.

Instead of telling God how a problem, difficulty or fear should be addressed  we instead trust in Him to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, standing ready to follow whatever path he lays out for us. Soon our lives begin to change in incredible and marvelous ways for we now know I Can‘t, He Can and I Will Trust In Him.

Then there are half hearted prayers, praying with a lurking notion in the back of our mind that we don’t really deserve His help or He is too busy to be bothered so we pray without any real expectation of receiving, and God responds in the manner we ask. We must keep in the forefront of our consciousness that God wants us, all of us, to be happy, joyous and free, this life an extension of, not separate from Him. So pray expecting to receive for all of creation is at our beck and call when we pray from the heart and trust in Him.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The 3 Stages of Rehab Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers (How it Works)

Our Perfection Realized

Ever bowl a perfect game? Pitch a perfect game? Have 13 tricks no trump in Bridge? How about 21 in blackjack? A spade Royal Flush? When we start cataloging “perfection” it is a pretty short list all things considered, but what of spiritual perfection? Many religions hang their collective spiritual hats on an imperfect dogma of perfection; that we are imperfect at birth and though we should strive for perfection we will always fall short, requiring leadership and earthly direction from others for our ultimate salvation. To be clear: Religion and religious teaching and guidance have been indispensable in mankind’s climb up the ladder of Spiritual consciousness, but just as the student who must eventually graduate and take their place in the world, building on what they have learned by turning knowledge into demonstration, so must each of us in our relationship with Our Father.

Just as families have difficulties from time to time, usually rooted in misunderstanding, intercession of a professional can be helpful to work through an issue, to provide fresh perspective. In the final analysis however the real work takes place between the family members, the professional merely an aid. Just as in the secular, spiritually we make use of what religion and spiritual teachers provide and are quick to see where they are right, but we must never lose sight of the true nature of our relationship with the Divine and the ultimate responsibility in raising our consciousness lies with each of us.

By a wholehearted reliance on A Power Greater Than Ourselves, though none of us will ever be perfect in faith for fear is a powerful foe and the true adversary, our willingness to pray demonstrates the perfection in seeking and in this, our perfection is realized.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The One True Answer

As we live and learn, practicing our new way of life; Living on the Spiritual Basis, not only our perspective but our actions begin to change naturally. We begin to act from love, from God. Less and less do we see the world through the prism of the carnal, secular mind. Viewing existence through a new pair of glasses we have begun to experience life connected to Source instead of at odds with it. As our consciousness grows and expands the truth of the power of love becomes more apparent. 
Love is God, God is love and love is always the answer. 
Through the process of Living on the Spiritual Basis we have established a conscious contact with God, so when faced with any difficulty, problem or trouble the realization of God’s love and Divine presence will not only solve or correct the situation but remove it. Clearly this new way of living develops over time, so if our first thought is not always about God, do not be discouraged. When we become aware that we haven’t yet turned to God in a particular instance, we do so as soon as the awareness surfaces, and be gentle, under no circumstance do we allow our internal dialogue to turn negative. This is not a race, we are already in eternity and negative thoughts about our progress are always counter productive. ©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Monday, September 22, 2014

Easy Does It and Other Mottoes, A History

Today Easy Does It, One Day at a Time, First Things First, Live and Let Live and Think, Think, Think are mottoes that adorn the walls of AA meeting rooms and clubs around the globe. Few realize however these concepts entered AA’s collective consciousness most likely from  Emmet Fox. The early members of what would become Alcoholics Anonymous* residing in New York attended Dr. Fox’s gatherings in 1930’s New York in the ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria, Steinway Hall even The Hippodrome as attendance grew. This continued up to the start of World War II when large gatherings were suspended out of security concerns. The early AA members** who did not live in New York studied Dr Fox’s teaching through his two best sellers The Sermon on the Mount and Power Through Constructive Thinking and Sparks of Truth which is a collection of teachings originally published as a series of 10 cent pamphlets. It is in these pamphlets that the mottoes later adopted by AA are found. Additionally in early pamphlets published by the first recognized AA group, King’s School in Akron, Sermon on the Mount is suggested reading.

*Though AA dates its birth from 6/10/35 the first AA meeting (the group broke from the Oxford Group (Moral Rearmament) and stood in singleness of purpose in helping those suffering from alcoholism) did not take place until 5/11/39 in Cleveland Ohio, the secretary Clarence Snyder, a few months after the Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous) was published. Source: Bill and Lois Wilson‘s personal correspondence in archives.

**Bill Wilson sponsored (helped sober up) Emmet Fox’s secretaries son, Al Steckman. Al would go on to be the first editor of the AA Grapevine and has been credited with coining the phrase “I am responsible” at the first AA convention. Source: Igor Sikorsky Jr. AA’s Godparents 1990 ©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Responding To Trouble, A Third Way

How do you respond to trouble? The typical response is to either square up and meet force with force or escape as rapidly as possible. Living on the Spiritual Basis provides a different path, a third way. As soon as we become aware; someone appears looking to pick a fight (physically or verbally), an argument begins (whether it concerns us or not), we witness a fender bender, someone does something inconsiderate or dangerous while driving, we are subjected to or are in the presence of rude behavior, etc immediately we turn to prayer, seeing the situation and all involved in Divine Presence, bathing them and the situation in God’s love and direction, relying on prayer and spiritual enlightenment for resolution. In this way we tap into unlimited power and potential, rejecting human limitation, raising the consciousness of all involved for “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wild Justice And Spiritual Jailers

Wishing to get even, taking revenge, to balance the scales, to repay in kind are natural human sentiments, a wild justice, manifestations of living on the secular basis. Conversely, Living on the Spiritual Basis we have learned that “hatred ceases not with hatred.” Though the crimes and acts committed may be horrendous, even beyond the pale, we must take a higher road mentally or we will remain mired in limitation. To be clear: those who have transgressed society's laws and been found culpable should suffer the punishment society has decreed, the principle though of condemning the act, not the actor paramount if we are to remain free.

We must turn to God, and though the guilty may have committed acts seemingly unforgivable, we must give them over to God root and branch in thought otherwise we suffer along with the guilty. Remember it takes two to make a spiritual prisoner, the guilty and the jailer and is not the jailer as surely in prison as the guilty? The spiritual jailer having it worse than the prisoner, since they can leave the prison while the guilty are trapped, yet they chose to return of their own free will day after day, perpetuating resentment and condemnation in their hearts, choosing morbid reflection over spiritual freedom. Prison or freedom, light or dark, limitation or unlimited growth, the choice is always ours. “Let there be peace, and let it begin with me.”

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Heart Of The Spiritual Process

 “We have ceased fighting everyone and everything, for we are on a new basis, the basis of trusting and relying on God.” This principle is at the heart of Living on the Spiritual Basis. To believe that any of us have achieved perfection in this is foolhardy. Our time in this flesh is marked by progress not perfection in our spiritual growth, so we stay ever vigilant, day by day, occasionally moment by moment. We turn to Him who has all knowledge and power for the right words or action when we find ourselves in conflict either with the world or within ourselves, remaining open minded and though perhaps trembling, willing to do His will, not ours, for in this lies the heart of the process of Living on the Spiritual Basis.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling (again)!

We are constantly bombarded with messages of doom and gloom. Right now a program is running, with accompanying social media links of course, on at least one if not multiple cable channels dealing with the demise of mankind at the hands of: super volcanoes, global warming, nuclear winter, asteroid or comet strikes, EMP blasts, any of a variety of pathogens from plague to flu (naturally occurring or man-made), the Earth’s magnetic field flipping, galactic alignment, etc and of course the Mack daddy of all doom and gloomers: Nostradamus.

If you knew for certain that any of these calamities were about to happen, would it fundamentally change your way of living? If we answer yes, then we have missed the point of Living on the Spiritual Basis. To be clear: of course jobs and other secular pursuits would fall to irrelevance and our focus would naturally turn to the people and things that truly matter if the end of days were nigh, but what of our behavior, the way we live? Years ago a clean and sober friend commented in the most casual of ways that if something like this happened they would get a hold of the best booze and drugs they could lay their hands on and party like it was the end of the world, since it was. This attitude misses one of the central points of spiritual living, that everyone has an expiration date, one day we will all transcend this flesh and somersault into eternity, the only difference here knowing the time, nothing else fundamentally changed.

So the question then is: do we walk the way we talk? If we would cast aside the path we are on if circumstances changed, then we are not truly Living on the Spiritual Basis. In fact living by secular thinking while paying lip service to spiritual based living. So the good news is that if we would change our behavior if we knew our expiration date, we now know there is work to do, so we get down to causes and conditions, with God’s help, and embrace Living on the Spiritual Basis in truth, stepping on to the road of happy destiny, leaving all other paths behind. Oh, and remember 12/21/2012 when the Mayans supposedly predicted the end of the world or the catastrophe foretold for midnight 12/31/1999? Y2K? So, the next time one of those "SKY IS FALLING" programs airs, turn the channel.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


 Living on the Spiritual Basis we have ceased fighting everyone and everything and because of this the obvious destructive behaviors: addiction, lying, unfaithfulness, dishonesty (cash register variety) fall from us in due course. To be clear: we are not “cured” of these behaviors but we have been given a daily reprieve and if we choose to act out in these areas we are clear that a price will be extracted. As our path continues to unfold more subtle variations of destructive behavior come into view. The individual who has been in numerous failed relationships finally see that although the names and faces changed they picked essentially the same person again and again or they may hate their job, leaving one for another only to find the same conditions at the next, finally realizes there is a common denominator in their disharmony. They may have a bookshelf full of self help tomes; all of which have been read and embraced at the time, yet they are unable to fully remember the message, realizes that nothing is gained by superficial inspection and half hearted action. All of these are “AHA” moments.

These moments happen when we are ready, (usually accompanied with a metaphorical slap to the forehead) having first done the necessary foot work, for no amount of wishing or affirmations without action can raise someone’s consciousness a single iota. Living with raised consciousness today when we find ourselves in disharmony the path is clear, we stop focusing on the perceived problem or difficulty and give it to God. No Pollyanna here, we speak to God in prayer specifically on the issue at hand and ask to be shown the correct course of action, we thank Him for knowing Him better and refuse to consider the issue again in anything other than spiritual light. When the issue attempts to drag us back into disharmony, i.e. morbid reflection, we stop and turn back to God affirming that it is now in His hands and is no longer our concern. This may be uncomfortable, perhaps even feeling silly and pointless when we first begin employing this new strategy for living, this is natural, trusting and relying upon God takes consistent work and dedication on our part, but to succeed we must persevere. In time this will become second nature, disharmony becoming an occasional visitor, no longer a roommate. AHA.  

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Too High A Price

Know anyone immortal? How about 200 years old? No? Hmmm…I guess its true then: no one gets out alive. Remember when you were a teenager and couldn’t wait to enjoy the fruits of adulthood, as a wise man said: youth is wasted on the young. So many truths of youth take on a different patina when viewed with experienced eyes. Who wouldn’t love to have the energy, the recuperative power, the abs and above all the knees of our youth? But at what price?

Looking back at the younger me I was filled with self as only the young can be, I had all the answers and was quick to enlighten you though I was clueless to down right dismissive on spiritual matters. I placed worldly possessions, accomplishments and titles on the pedestal of success, relying on them for personal significance, holding these things as important, paramount, chasing the fleeting chimera of perceived entitlement, believing spiritual living was archaic, pointless in these modern times. So the query is: Would I surrender the work done to Live on the Spiritual Basis, the visible and invisible scars so well earned forgotten, to recapture youths glow and promise?

I think not. The price too high where spiritual pride, self-righteousness and wallowing in self-love and hedonism, especially at the expense of others are on the bill. So I guess I’m stuck with these knees, afternoon naps and the memory of a 28 inch waist. It’s not so bad though, although I have to don reading glasses my vision has never been better, I see with the clarity that comes by trusting and relying upon infinite God, rather than my finite self. I have learned the hard lesson of not answering the unasked questions, having learned through bitter experience that as much as we may wish to help, that help is not welcomed if offered unbidden. Today there is no price too great to live free of the bondage of self.

So when the day comes, hopefully sometime from now, when I step into eternity my life will be measured not by the love I received or even earned, but by that which I gave freely, the blessings given anonymously without personal expectation the marks of a life lived well. I really do miss those knees though.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Road Back

When we “decide” to dwell in the negative we place ourselves in a position to be harmed. Typically the thinking begins innocently enough with a news story, a letter, cough, phone call, e-mail or text, some random physical pain or tossed off comment often from a stranger that for no good reason we begin to dwell on. As we roll this around in our consciousness, beginning to entertain the negative aspects, we surrender ourselves willingly to another trip down morbid reflection lane, volunteering for what inevitably follows. Our internal dialog outlines all the negative, possibly bad/horrible things that can/will happen if our fears are realized. As we continue down the path, spiraling deeper into despair, planting ourselves deep into the fertile ground of depression and self based fear we often find ourselves physically ill. Additionally, remember the old adage: misery loves company? Now we can sink even deeper by eliciting comments and support from those of a like mind, fellow willing travelers who always answer the bell when morbid reflection calls.

Now the path leading away from this thinking is well lit, but requires conscious effort on our part. When we become mindful that we are drifting into morbid reflection or are already in its embrace, we stop and immediately turn to God in prayer and visualize the Presence of God where the trouble seems to be, affirming God’s love and guidance, rejecting the negative, holding this truth in the forefront of our consciousness: Nothing, no problem or seemingly hopeless condition can come into our lives that God cannot change or remove completely, if we are about His business, not ours. I can’t, he can. Let Him.

If you are new to Living on the Spiritual Basis this will feel odd and somewhat clumsy when first employed. In time it will become second nature and in truth is the only path away from morbid reflection and back to health, peace of mind and unlimited potential. Remember: progress, not perfection. So when we recognize we are traveling in the wrong direction we alter course back to truth, back to God, away from the adversary fear and limitation based living and thinking.
 ©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Calling Fears Bluff

Morbid reflection is a switch hitter. It strikes not only when we rehash past events negatively, but when we project negatively into the future as well. We ruminate over the state of our health as we age, our aches and pains, our children's future opportunities, retirement, etc negatively. You know the voice, it chimes in with all the possible negative outcomes, never a silver lining in any cloud, which leads to anxiety. But what are we really doing? We are time traveling. Traveling to a future that is dystopian, where it is dark, getting darker and we better get that cardboard box now to live in before all the good ones are gone.

To be clear: morbid reflection is a bluffer, just like it's parent, fear. Fear truly is the adversary and morbid reflection is one of the children it employs that work to block us from the Sunlight of the Spirit. Fear never sleeps and is always hunting for an open door in our consciousness to slink through to steal our serenity, crush our spirit and turn us from the light. The good news is that once we stand up to fear through prayer, meditation and service is flees for in truth, fear is a coward and easily cowed by Our Father. God will provide the strength and direction, but we must ask and remain willing to act in whatever manner prescribed, standing firm in faith, that as children of a loving God, He will keep us safe and unharmed spiritually if we are about His business, calling the adversary's bluff.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Lion's Den Of Morbid Reflection

A form of morbid reflection is the act of rehashing and/or rehearsing  the “story” of some past negative event or occurrence over and over again. When employed this practice takes us out of the moment and transports us back to a time when either we did or said something objectionable or something objectionable was done or said to us. Often it begins in the most nonchalant manner but quickly morphs into feelings of hurt, fear, loss, anger, resentment then graduating into condemnation of ourselves/them or both, finally leaving us depressed, feeling like crap (not the term a psychologist would use, but it does say it all).

When we engage in morbid reflection it is akin to hanging a big steak around our neck and stepping into a lion’s den. Not really surprising then what happens next, yet unless we are vigilant in our minds eye we will find ourselves staring at that drooling lion regularly, wondering how we stumbled into the den again and where the hell did this steak come from. We do not allow morbid reflection to gain even the slightest foothold in our thinking, so when we become aware of the lion, we immediately turn to God and ask Him to guide our thoughts. If the lion has already got a hold, we keep our prayers simple but insistent: Please God, help me to keep my head where my hands are, thy will be done or the simple yet powerful Be still and know that I am God. Depending on how far the lion has progressed with its meal, we may have to repeat the prayer or prayers numerous times, but considering the ultimate outcome of the meal if we don’t, the price is cheap. So when the lion roars, agree quickly that you are in the den, the only way out being swift and consistent application of spiritual principles.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Friday, September 12, 2014

Two Graves

When we take offense at every trifling thing in life, becoming angry and outraged at clerks, customer service reps, waiters and waitresses, thoughtless drivers, oblivious sidewalk strollers or any of the other myriad daily annoyances that we come into contact with, we place ourselves in danger. Additionally when a friend, co-worker, loved one or family member fails to live up to “our” expectations and we demonstrate displeasure/anger towards them, we place ourselves at risk.

So the real question is: At what price peace of mind? Is our serenity worth losing over slow service, waiting on hold, a poor lane change, parking ticket, an inconsequential bump, the blocking of a sidewalk, some failed expectation, hurt feeling or news report? Recently a man lost his life leaving a baseball game over a verbal slight on the ramp leading to the exit, a “trifle” in hindsight, a tragedy for all concerned in reality. Revenge, getting even, wishing to punish others, resentment and condemnation under any guise are all dangerous paths leading only to strife and suffering, blocking us from the source.

So we must become slow to anger, to ask if the cause is “just” in spiritual light. When we do this, we soon find the just causes of anger are few indeed. Consider law enforcement; over ninety percent of the officers will never remove their weapon from its holster except at the firing range, but if circumstances warrant they can and will employ deadly force, with all the attendant consequences the decision carries. So just as with those charged with enforcing secular law, if presented with “just” cause we must be willing to act, but we must direct our anger at the sin, praying for the sinner and those affected by the act, seeking ways to be of service to all who suffer.

It would be taking the easy way out to end this piece without attempting to describe a “just” cause of anger. Just cause can be somewhat personal, but I think there are some we can agree on: Any innocent’s death at the hand of a tyrant, for profit or as a result of an alcohol or drug impaired individual. A child exploited for any reason. A companies or corporations callus disregard of health and/or safety concerns for the sake of profit. Leaders who only are concerned for themselves and not those they have been charged to represent. Chances are, unlike law enforcement, in most cases we will be powerless to act directly in any secular sense, save perhaps the ballot box but we can always act spiritually, keeping our anger in check, focusing on the solution rather than the cause.

So on those occasions when just cause enters our consciousness we must immediately turn to God seeking guidance and intuition, the correct course of action, for if we choose to take matters into our own hands we place ourselves in danger. If we fail to seek God first, it becomes revenge and when seeking revenge we begin by first digging two graves.
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Price Of Indignation

“You can have either your demonstration or your indignation, but you cannot have both.”  We cannot look down our nose at anyone and salute the spark of divine simultaneously. We will never progress far on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis if we harbor resentment and condemnation of any kind for any reason in our consciousness. By whatever measure we limit or subjectively dismiss anything or anyone as being beyond the pale, we distance ourselves from the path.
The maxim of “equal and opposite reaction” is as true spiritually as it is physically. The Great Carpenter taught on this point when he spoke on “righteous” judgment. Many have misconstrued this teaching as to mean that we should never be judgmental, which is incorrect.
To be able to see our brothers and sisters clearly we must first address our own shortcomings and clean up our side of the street, only then can our “eye be single.”  Once we have done this we see everything in a new light, the true light, the light of spiritual awakening.
We all naturally have opinions and viewpoints on all manner things, additionally some people we will welcome into our lives, others not so much, and some for valid reasons will be kept at a distance. The key is the steadfast refusal to engage in self-righteousness and of becoming a spiritual imperialist. We must stay ever vigilant of these thoughts and when they creep into our consciousness, for they will often masquerading as wolves in sheep’s clothing, we gently turn to God in prayer thanking Him for our heightened awareness, asking Him to guide us on the path of patience, tolerance, kindness and love.
Having strongly held opinions and viewpoints are never troublesome when filtered through Spiritual truth. The trouble arises when we fail to employ this filter for this filter is the key to self-control, the bar against becoming self-righteous and manifesting deadly spiritual pride. So the choice is simple but the price is high; God or indignation. Choose wisely. 
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


" God doesn't choose the prepared, He prepares the Chosen." It has been said that God tempers His strongest instruments in the hottest flames. To temper a piece of steel means to improve the hardness and elasticity of the metal. Consider the process in our lives. Trouble comes, sometimes we invited it in as a result of our actions, often however it appears at our door uninvited. Regardless, how we react is paramount. We all know individuals who are or have been broken in spirit, perhaps that person has looked back at us from the mirror.

In the hands of the master metallurgist anything metal can be mended. It may require great effort and much energy, but it can be done. Metaphysics is the metallurgy of the soul. No matter how broken, seemingly beyond human aid, The Master Metallurgist of our soul, God, can mend, reform any soul to completeness. There is a requirement however that steel does not have to meet; we have to be willing. Willingness is the key to freedom, to seek His face wholeheartedly our daily task. Some days we will feel so heavy that mere movement is a challenge, others we will feel as though we have wings, the gravity of our and the world's troubles as light as a feather, but it matters not. As long as we remain in motion, growing day by day as children of Our Loving Father, we demonstrate that we are The Chosen and work to insure that all our brothers and sisters come to know, regardless of current circumstances, that they too are loved beyond measure, truly chosen by God to be happy, joyous and free.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Realizing Our Spiritual Perfection

What is perfection? A child’s laugh, a spring day, the family gathered together for the holidays, a content cat, chocolate, all of these things and infinitely more may be perfect but only in the most subjective way; i.e. in the “eye of the beholder.” Forms of non-subjective perfection; a “perfect” game in baseball, a spade royal flush, prime numbers or scoring a “100” on a test come to mind. Descartes held “existence itself is perfection”, which extrapolated could lead one down the path of “everything” being perfect. So clearly perfection can be often perfectly obscure.

So what then is “spiritual” perfection? And what flawed individual could ever hope to attain it? No one among us has lived or is living life perfectly. Spiritual perfection is not living perfectly but holding to the perfection of God. I can’t, but He can. Living on the Spiritual Basis we have learned that all are connected in spirit, the eternal spark of the divine existing in each of us regardless of station or circumstance, all equal in His eyes, Our Father’s love, perfect; beyond time and flesh. So by a wholehearted commitment, day by day, to grow in understanding and service to Our Father, we approach “perfection.” Though this flesh, this life, will never be perfect our pursuit and demonstration of faith, though trembling, can be.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Monday, September 8, 2014

Our Spiritual Garden

When we first begin our spiritual journey in earnest specific and ritualized spiritual practices are important fundamentals. These set times and forms provide a foundation and the necessary discipline on which we build. In good time, as we become more adept, many of the simple guidelines and structure we began with will naturally fall away. This happens with no thought or conscious effort on our part. A simple guide: if you are asking yourself if it’s time to change your process, don’t. When it is time for change it will happen naturally, if we are asking the question, then we are attempting to hasten the process, which is not possible. Think of it this way: when we plant a garden would we expect the plants to grow and mature to our time table? Of course not, nor would we dream of harvesting the crop before it was ready. Water, sunlight, food, pests and the diligence of the gardener most of all, affect the health of the garden, the timing and size of the harvest.

Our spiritual growth is just like all other natural growth in that it is affected by numerous factors. So we tend our spiritual garden diligently but refuse to concern ourselves with timing, focusing instead on the work before us this day. In time the fruits will present themselves at exactly the perfect moment of awakening.

Our spiritual garden, unlike other gardens, is eternal and will continue to give forth nourishment unabated as long as we keep our eyes on God, the true source, avoiding the temptation to pull our crop up prematurely to check the roots for signs of progress. As time passes we find that our understanding and demonstration has reached new heights, our garden seemingly taking care of its self as we cultivate still greater faith and service, becoming closer, day by day in thought and deed to Our Father, the demonstration of our true coming of age spiritually.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Spiritual Bureaucrats

Regularly unfortunate stories appear where someone has suffered because a simple clerical mistake occurred resulting in untold grief. If you have ever dealt with a bureaucrat, someone who quotes the “code” but seems bereft of common sense, you know how hard it can be to rectify what appears to be a simple mistake or for them to even consider a commonsense approach that fails to meet the “letter” of the law.

Living on the Spiritual Basis we have learned that Spirit (our relationship with Our Father) is what is important, the law (formal forms of worship) merely a tool to be utilized to assist us in Spirit. The law may and does change as our perceptions mature, but Spirit is eternal, inviolate. Unfortunately many individuals follow the letter of the law, spiritual bureaucrats if you will, at the expense of the Spirit, assuming the self actualizing moral high ground of self-righteousness and spiritual pride.

To avoid the bureaucrat’s trap we keep our focus on Spirit, our demonstration of His love and guidance and utilize formal forms and rituals simply as aids to this end, never as a substitute. A simple prayer delivered from the heart has the power to move Heaven itself, where as rituals performed by rote, sans any true emotional content, is merely the exercise of religious bureaucracy. To be vital our faith must be lively, fluid, unbounded by secular thinking and limits. Additionally we must pray for the stultified spiritual bureaucrats of the world, for even though they trouble us, being children of the same Father, they need our compassion in Spirit.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Spiritually Superior Trap

The pitfall of self-righteousness has trapped and pulled down countless individuals. In most endeavors in life when we reach the top (think any Senator, sports star, billionaire, The President etc) there is a natural sense of awe surrounding the individual and their accomplishments. Accomplishments however do not elevate one spiritually “above” anyone else, regardless of how much money, power, fame or titles they garner. Additionally the destruction wrought by self-righteous entitlement thinking on those who were born into wealth and position would be cliché if its effects on them and those they touch was not so heartbreaking.

The greatest and most heartbreaking falls occur however when an individual garners a sense of superiority from the spiritual work they have done. Though they began with good motives, they succumbed to the trap. When we grow spiritually, unless we stay ever vigilant, we can lose ourselves in self and begin to “look down” on those seeking guidance from a self constructed tower of superiority to the point of even becoming unwilling to continue to experience new spiritual winds, losing sight of our role as messenger, our demonstration of spiritual principles the message, no one of greater import before God than any other. Entitlement thinking may be the dubious luxury of the rich and famous, with or without personal accomplishment, but spiritual entitlement thinking is deadly.

Living on the Spiritual Basis we demonstrate the spiritual precepts we have learned in our daily life, for we cannot transmit that which we do not live ourselves. If we are attempting to teach a lesson we do not practice we will ultimately fail and fall victim to the dictum: “do as I say, not as I do” which is the golden gate of self-righteousness. We avoid this by staying vigilant and when spiritual entitlement thinking begins to make it’s self known, for it will, we turn to God and thank Him for knowing Him better, for keeping us “right” sized, our lives the demonstration of the new basis of living.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Friday, September 5, 2014

The Trap Of Self-Righteousness

“Never try to force other people to accept spiritual truth.”  No one, absolutely no one will permanently accept anything forced upon them. Sure, they may go along for a time but as soon as they can escape, they will. It is amazing how many times this has been attempted through history, whether it be political, restricting living conditions, restrictions on personal freedom and initiative or individual expression, these attempts always fail eventually. The attempts, though always ultimately failing, continue because self-righteousness is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Remember, self-righteous is not the same as being righteous before God. The righteous individual embodies humility, the self-righteous is holier-than-thou. The righteous, caring and thoughtful. The self-righteous, preachy and self satisfied. As children of the most high we strive to be righteous but stand guard watching for the trap of self-righteousness. 

Today when someone tries to impress upon us their point of view as the only one, the “my way or the highway” approach, we avoid face to face combat or debate. Living on the Spiritual Basis the truth has become evident, that: the realm of Heaven is roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. So our path is to pray for those still trapped in the bondage of self-righteousness and release them with love, not confrontation, to turn the other cheek

The sands of time are littered with those who forgot or ignored this, though often they began with right motives, they became victims, believing their own press, lost in appreciation of their personal rightness. They forgot that all are equal in God’s eyes, beholden to no one save Our Father, their path and spiritual growth the ultimate demonstration in truth. So, "Do not preach me a sermon, but show me one with your actions."

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Our Inner Light

Never turn away from anyone seeking help or guidance. Part of the progression in our spiritual growth is the rise in our natural or soul “luminescence” as we demonstrate over the issues of life. As we begin to Live on the Spiritual Basis, day by day, people will naturally become attracted. As your inner light shines ever brighter even complete strangers will be drawn to you, seeking something they cannot name but subconsciously know they need, feeling it, seeing it with an inner sight.  

They won’t know why (and under no circumstance should we try to explain it) they are attracted, but they have questions and you appeal to their higher consciousness as someone with answers. We share openly and honestly our path with them, but under no circumstance do we evangelize. We answer the asked questions only and resist the urge to steer the conversation. Remember: real growth and understanding must begin within and though we have naturally grown into a guiding light, we must let them grow and learn at their own rate. We lead by example and teach by demonstration.

Now the rub: many have reached this point in their development only to lose themselves in spiritual pride. This terrible trap has snared untold numbers over time. Remember: just as the light bulb is the focal point of the light, the demonstration, it is the invisible power electricity that lights it. We are the messenger, the shinning light; God is the message, the true source that powers our inner light. 

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

To Be The Salt Of The Earth

Salt of the Earth, we don’t hear that expression used very often anymore. When I was a child when someone was referred to as being “the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13) it was always said with a tone of reverence and respect. Matthew 5:14 explains why: You are the light of the world. To be a light of the world, quite a promise. The gospel goes on to state that this light will be set on a hill so all may be illuminated by it. So, practically how is this accomplished? By Living on the Spiritual Basis. When we embrace this way of life we begin striping away the husks of selfishness, pride, self-pity, resentment, fear, all the things that shut us off from the sunlight of the spirit. As this way of living develops the truth of being becomes evident: that we are children of eternity, the spark of the divine within lies beyond the strictures of time, space and flesh; everything and everyone connected. By practicing the principles this new way of life embodies, our inner light begins to erase the shadows of false belief and in time we become the salt of the earth. Consistent demonstration is required, for if we falter and rest on our laurels the salt will lose its savor/effectiveness. So be diligent in the issues of your heart, be consistent in Living on the Spiritual Basis, let no vicissitude sway you from the path and give freely of what you have found; for you have become a light of the world, there is no greater calling.

©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Christ. Other than God, is there any word that evokes more passion in believers and non-believers alike? The spiritual concept of “Seeing the Christ in others” has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with our divine connection one to another. It is the practical application of Living on the Spiritual Basis, meaning that with raised consciousness we now recognize the spark of the divine in all, regardless of their demonstrations or lack of understanding of spiritual truth. By seeing all in truth; spiritual entities experiencing the human condition-not human beings in search of the divine, we salute them in silent prayer and contemplation, standing ready to be of assistance, if asked. But we never answer the unasked question for true growth must begin within the questioner, but when/if asked, we never shrink at our responsibility for in this way we not only see the Christ in others but demonstrate the Christ within, the true path out of all difficulty, the road of happy destiny. 
©Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

Monday, September 1, 2014

Wings Of Destiny

“The truth will set you free.”  Ever watch a bird floating on a current of air winging it's way with practiced grace with no regard to speed limits, stop lights or any other man-made or natural  impediment to travel and thought how wonderful it would be to fly. How much more interesting the world becomes when we achieve a little height in our point of view, all the ground level restrictions gone, what was out of sight coming into view as we soar above it.

We soar spiritually when we embrace the Great Reality, that we are the children of God, in fact and deed, limited only by fear. To soar we seek God first, saluting the divine in all our brothers and sisters, seeking to express our innate divinity, quietly, in all our affairs. As we Live on the Spiritual Basis day by day, our point of view changes, what was once hidden comes into view, becoming more distinct as our vision sharpens, though we are soaring ever higher. So by placing our trust in God we claim our wings and soar the heights of happy destiny.

Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved 
The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Addicts Today, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson