When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, April 26, 2010


       When we take offense at every trifling thing in life, becoming angry and outraged at clerks, customer service reps, waiters and waitresses, thoughtless drivers, oblivious sidewalk strollers or any of the other myriad daily annoyances that we come into contact with, we place ourselves in danger. Additionally when a friend, co-worker, loved one or family member fails to live up to “our” expectations and we demonstrate displeasure/anger towards them, we place ourselves at risk.

     So the real question is: At what price peace of mind? Is your serenity worth losing over slow service, waiting on hold, a poor lane change, parking ticket, an inconsequential bump, the blocking of a sidewalk, some failed expectation, hurt feeling or news report? Recently a man lost his life leaving a baseball game over a verbal slight on the ramp leading to the exit, a “trifle” in hindsight, a tragedy for all concerned in reality. Revenge, getting even, wishing to punish others, resentment and condemnation under any guise are all dangerous paths leading only to strife and suffering, blocking us from the source.

       So we must become slow to anger, to ask if the cause is “just” in spiritual light. When we do this, we soon find the just causes of anger are few indeed. Consider law enforcement, over ninety percent will never remove their weapon from its holster except at the firing range, so just as with those charged with enforcing secular law, if presented with “just” cause we must be willing to act, but we must direct our anger at the sin, praying for the sinner and those affected by the act, seeking ways to be of service to all who suffer.

       It would be taking the easy way out to end this piece without attempting to describe a “just” cause of anger. Just cause can be somewhat personal, but I think there are some we can agree on: Any innocent’s death at the hand of a tyrant, for profit or as a result of an alcohol or drug impaired individual. A child exploited for any reason. A companies or corporations callus disregard of health and/or safety concerns for the sake of profit. Leaders who only are concerned for themselves and not those they have been charged to represent. Chances are, unlike law enforcement, we will be powerless to act directly in any secular sense, but we can always act spiritually, keeping our anger in check, focusing on the solution rather than the cause.

     So on those occasions when just cause enters our consciousness we immediately turn to God seeking guidance and intuition, for we are living on a different basis, the basis of trusting and relying upon God, the Spiritual Basis.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


      “You can have either your demonstration or your indignation, but you cannot have both.”  We cannot look down our nose and salute the spark of divine simultaneously. We will never progress far on the path, Living on the Spiritual Basis, if we harbor resentment and condemnation of any kind, for any reason, in our consciousness. By whatever measure we limit or subjectively dismiss anything or anyone as being beyond the pale, we distance ourselves from the path.

     The maxim of “equal and opposite reaction” is as true spiritually as it is physically. The Great Carpenter taught on this point when he spoke on “righteous” judgment. Many have misconstrued this teaching as to mean that we should never be judgmental, which is incorrect.

     To be able to see our brothers and sisters clearly we must first address our own shortcomings and clean up our side of the street, only then can our “eye be single.”  Once we have done this we see everything in a new light, the true light, the light of spiritual awakening.

    We all naturally have opinions and viewpoints on all manner of subjects and things, some people we will welcome into our lives, others not so much, and some for valid reasons will be kept at a distance. The key is the steadfast refusal to engage in self-righteousness and of becoming a spiritual imperialist. We must stay ever vigilant for these things, and when they creep into the consciousness; for they are persistent, wolves in sheep’s clothing, always seeking a foothold, as soon as recognized we turn to God, gently, in prayer thanking Him for heightened awareness, asking Him to guide us on the path of patience, tolerance, kindness and love.

    Having strongly held opinions and viewpoints are never troublesome when filtered through Spiritual truth. The trouble arises when we fail to employ this filter, for this filter is the key to self-control, the bar against becoming self-righteous and manifesting deadly spiritual pride. So the choice is simple; God or indignation. Choose wisely.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


      What is perfection? A child’s laugh, a spring day, the family gathered together for the holidays, a content cat, chocolate, all of these things and infinitely more may be perfect but only in the most subjective way; i.e. in the “eye of the beholder.” Forms of non-subjective perfection; a “perfect” game in baseball, a spade royal flush, prime numbers or scoring a “100” on a test come to mind. Descartes held “existence itself is perfection”, which extrapolated could lead one down the path of “everything” being perfect. So clearly perfection can be often perfectly obscure.

        So what then is “spiritual” perfection? And what flawed individual could ever hope to attain it? No one among us has lived or is living life perfectly. Spiritual perfection is not living perfectly but holding to the perfection of God. I can’t, but He can. Living on the Spiritual Basis we have learned that all are connected in spirit, the eternal spark of the divine existing in each of us regardless of station or circumstance, all equal in His eyes. Our Father’s love, perfect; beyond time and flesh. So, by a wholehearted commitment, day by day, to grow in understanding and service to Our Father, we approach “perfection.” Though this flesh, this life, will never be perfect our pursuit and demonstration of faith, though trembling, can be.

Friday, April 23, 2010


        When we first begin our spiritual journey in earnest, specific and ritualized spiritual practices are important fundamentals. As we begin to grow, set times and forms provide a foundation, and the necessary discipline, on which we build. In good time, as we become more adept, many of the outer guidelines and structure we began with will naturally fall away. This happens with no thought or conscious effort on our part. A simple guide: if you are asking yourself if it’s time to change your process, don’t. When it is time for change it will happen naturally, if we are asking the question, then we are attempting to hasten the process, which is not possible. Think of it this way: when we plant a garden would we expect the plants to grow and mature to our time table? Of course not, nor would we dream of harvesting the crop before it was ready. Water, sunlight, food, pests and the diligence of the gardener most of all, affect the health of the garden, the timing and size of the harvest.

     Our spiritual growth is just like all other natural growth in that it is affected by numerous factors. So we tend our spiritual garden diligently but refuse to concern ourselves with timing, focusing instead on the work before us this day. In time the fruits will present themselves at exactly the perfect moment of awakening.

    Our spiritual garden, unlike our vegetable garden, is eternal and will continue to give forth nourishment unabated as long as we keep our eyes on God, the true source, avoiding the temptation to pull our crop up prematurely to check the roots for signs of progress. As time passes we find that our understanding and demonstration has reached new heights, our garden seemingly taking care of its self as we cultivate still greater faith and service, becoming closer, day by day in thought and deed to Our Father, the demonstration of our true coming of age spiritually. 

Thursday, April 22, 2010


       Regularly unfortunate stories appear where someone has suffered because a simple clerical mistake occurred resulting in untold grief. If you have ever dealt with a bureaucrat, someone who quotes the “code” but seems bereft of common sense, you know how hard it can be to rectify what appears to be a simple mistake or for them to even consider a commonsensical approach that fails to meet the “letter” of the law.

      Living on the Spiritual Basis we have learned that Spirit (our relationship with Our Father) is what is important, the law (formal forms of worship) merely a tool to be utilized to assist us in Spirit. The law may and does change as our perceptions mature, but Spirit is eternal, inviolate. Unfortunately many individuals follow the letter of the law, spiritual bureaucrats if you will, at the expense of the Spirit, assuming the self actualizing moral high ground of self-righteousness and spiritual pride.

     To avoid the bureaucrat’s trap we keep our focus on Spirit, our demonstration of His love and guidance and utilize formal forms and rituals simply as aids to this end, never as a substitute. A simple prayer delivered from the heart has the power to move Heaven itself, where as rituals performed by rote, sans any true emotional content, is merely the exercise of religious bureaucracy. To be vital our faith must be lively, fluid, unbounded by secular thinking and limits. Additionally we must pray for the stultified spiritual bureaucrats of the world, for even though they trouble us, being children of the same Father, they need our compassion in Spirit.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


        The pitfall of self-righteousness has trapped and pulled down countless individuals. In most endeavors in life when we reach the top (think any Senator, sports star, billionaire, The President etc) there is a natural sense of awe surrounding the individual and their accomplishments. Accomplishments however do not elevate one spiritually “above” anyone else, regardless of how much money, power, fame or titles they garner. Additionally the destruction wrought by self-righteous entitlement thinking on those who were born into wealth and position would be cliché if its effects on them and those they touch were not so heartbreaking.

     The greatest and most damaging falls occur however when an individual garners a sense of superiority from the spiritual work they have done. Though they began with good motives, they succumbed to the trap. When we grow spiritually, unless we stay ever vigilant, we can lose ourselves in self and begin to “look down” on those seeking guidance or are unwilling to explore spiritual matters at all, losing sight of our role as a messenger, our demonstration of spiritual principles the message, no one of greater import before God than any other. Entitlement thinking may be the dubious luxury of the rich and famous, with or without personal accomplishment, but spiritual entitlement thinking is deadly.

       Living on the Spiritual Basis we demonstrate the spiritual precepts we have learned in our daily life, for we cannot transmit that which we do not live ourselves. If we are attempting to teach a lesson we do not practice we will ultimately fail and fall victim to the dictum: “do as I say, not as I do” which is the golden gate of self-righteousness. We avoid this by staying vigilant and when spiritual entitlement thinking begins to make it’s self known, for it will, we turn to God and thank Him for knowing Him better, for keeping us “right” sized, our lives the demonstration of the new basis of living.  

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


        “Never try to force other people to accept spiritual truth.”  No one, absolutely no one will permanently accept anything crammed down their throat. Sure they may go along for a time but as soon as they can escape, they will. It is amazing how many times this has been tried through history, whether it be political, restricting living conditions, restrictions on personal freedom and initiative or individual expression, these attempts always fail eventually. The attempts, though always ultimately failing, continue because self-righteousness is a powerful aphrodisiac.

         When someone tries to impress upon us their point of view as the only one, the “my way or the highway” approach, we avoid face to face combat or debate. Living on the Spiritual Basis the truth has become evident, that: the realm of Heaven is roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek. So our path is to pray for those still trapped in the bondage of self-righteousness and release them with love, not confrontation, to turn the other cheek, unless it will serve His ultimate purpose, for if we do, the trap of self-righteousness will spring on us as well.

        The sands of time are littered with those who forgot or ignored this, though they began with right motives, they became victims, believing their own press, lost in appreciation of their personal rightness. They forgot that all are equal in God’s eyes, beholden to no one save Our Father, their path and spiritual growth the ultimate demonstration in truth. Do not preach me a sermon, but show me one with your feet.

Monday, April 19, 2010


         Never turn away from anyone seeking help or guidance. Part of the progression in our spiritual growth is the rise in our natural or soul “luminescence” as we demonstrate over the issues of life. As we begin to Live on the Spiritual Basis, day by day, people will naturally become attracted. As our inner light shines ever brighter even complete strangers will be drawn to us, seeking something they cannot name but subconsciously know they need, feeling it, seeing it with their inner sight.  

       They won’t know why (and under no circumstance should we try to explain it) they are attracted, but they have questions and we appeal to their higher consciousness as someone with answers. We share openly and honestly our path with them, but under no circumstance do we evangelize. We answer the asked questions only and resist the urge to steer the conversation. Remember: just as with us, real growth and understanding must begin within and though we have naturally grown into a guiding light, we must let them grow and learn at their own rate. We lead by example and teach by our demonstration. Now the rub: many have reached this point in their development only to be lost again to spiritual pride. This terrible trap has snared untold numbers over time. Remember: just as the light bulb may be the focal point of the light, it is the invisible power, electricity that lights it. We are the messenger, the shinning light; God is the message, the source that powers our inner light. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010


      Salt of the earth, don’t hear that expression used very often anymore. As a child when someone was referred to as being “the salt of the earth” it was always said with a tone of reverence and respect. Matthew 5:13-14 explains why: You are the light of the world. To be a light of the world, wow. The author goes on to state that this light will be set on a hill so all may be illuminated by it, pretty cool. So, practically how is this accomplished? By Living on the Spiritual Basis. When we embrace this way of life we begin striping away the husks of selfishness, pride, self-pity, resentment, fear, all the things that shut us off from the sunlight of the spirit. The truth of being becomes evident: that we are children of eternity, the spark of the divine within lies beyond the strictures of time, space and flesh; everything and everyone connected. By practicing the principles this new way of life presents, our inner light begins to erase the shadows of false belief and in time we become the salt of the earth. Consistent demonstration is required, for if we falter and rest on our laurels the salt will lose its savor/effectiveness. So be diligent in the issues of your heart, be consistent in Living on the Spiritual Basis, let no vicissitude sway you from the path and give freely of what you have found; for you have become a light of the world, there is no greater calling.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


          Christ. Other than God, is there any word that evokes more passion in believers and non-believers alike? The spiritual concept of “Seeing the Christ in others” has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with our divine connection one to another. It is the practical application of Living on the Spiritual Basis, meaning that with raised consciousness we now recognize the spark of the divine in all, regardless of their demonstrations or lack of understanding of spiritual truth. By seeing all in truth; spiritual entities experiencing the human condition-not human beings in search of the divine, we salute them in silent prayer and contemplation, standing ready to be of assistance, if asked. But we never answer the unasked question for true growth must begin within the questioner, but when/if asked, we never shrink at our responsibility for in this way we not only see the Christ in others but demonstrate the Christ within, the true path out of all difficulty, the road of happy destiny.

Friday, April 16, 2010


       What do you believe? People believe in all sorts of things. Conspiracy theories of all kinds abound, aliens in the White House, Elvis sightings, remember, though no one admits to reading it, The National Enquirer sells millions of copies every week. The more curious beliefs aside, many worship at the alter of sports teams, politicians/political causes or even the environment, their ardor equal too and often exceeding that of the most devout church goers. I wish to make no value judgment on anyone’s secular beliefs, only that we have a capacity for passionate belief and commitment to an unlimited number of things. The question then is a matter of priority. I always find it curious when approached by a new student to metaphysics whom has spent untold hours in discussion/debate on a sport or team, politics or some cause but has had only a passing interest in the state of their soul or spiritual matters in general.

     When the time comes, and it comes for all since flesh is finite, where will you stand? Will a life dedicated to secular pursuits and interests be of much assistance when faced with the ultimate and eternal? Is there really anything more important than our connection with God, Our Father or defining the spiritual parameters by which we live?

     Please, do not misunderstand; be passionate, root for your team, campaign for your beliefs and stand for the issues that move you, but do not neglect taking stock, an honest inventory of your life to ascertain where you really stand spiritually.

     For those who belong to an organized Religion, your inventory is just as significant. Do you really believe what is being taught or do you pay it lip service with little passion, attending out of rote rather than deeply held conviction? How involved are you, for we reap as we sow. Are you committed to the beliefs your church espouses, since we always demonstrate belief and commitment by our actions, so how are you acting?

    No one can take stock for us, so begin today to honestly inventory your beliefs, for spiritual honesty is a requisite if we are to find our true voice and place, to know peace, and to comprehend serenity. What could possibly be of greater importance? Oh, and on a personal note, Go Dodgers!


Thursday, April 15, 2010


               “The truth will set you free.”  Ever watch a bird floating on a current of air or with practiced grace winging its way with no regard to speed limits, stop lights or any other natural or man-made impediment to travel, and thought how cool it would be to fly. How much more interesting the world becomes when we achieve a little height in our point of view, all the ground level restrictions gone, what was out of sight comes into view as we soar above it. We soar spiritually when we embrace the Great Reality, that we are the children of God, in fact and deed, limited only by fear. To soar we seek God first, saluting the divine in all our brothers and sisters, seeking to express our innate divinity, quietly, in all our affairs. As we Live on the Spiritual Basis day by day, our point of view changes, what was once hidden comes into view, becoming more distinct as our vision sharpens, though we are soaring ever higher. Place your trust in God, claim your wings and soar the heights of happy destiny.  

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


          “The universe is run exactly on the lines of a cafeteria.” Just as the self serve cafeteria, all of the gifts that Our Father’s grace provides are laid out before us, but it is up to us to take the action to claim these gifts, for just as the cafeteria where we can sit waiting, watching others eating all around us, we go hungry until we act. So we rise up, in spirit, and claim our spiritual nourishment through prayer and meditation, putting into action/demonstration the truths we have come to hold in our heart. We resist the alluring spiritual shortcuts arrayed before us that lead only to tears, for this would be akin to trying to exist on jell-o and desserts only. Though colorful, tasty and satisfying in the moment, it is ultimately spiritually deadly if we try to exist on these solely. Spiritual jell-o, you heard it here first, refunds available upon request.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


               Whenever we are in the grip of fear we are off the “beam.” Fear is a basic emotion and just as the three basic colors: yellow, red and blue combine to create all other colors; and though it is destructive in its pure form, fear combines with other emotions to create a variety of guises: resentment, jealousy, depression, envy etc. lying in wait, patiently, to pull us off the beam, the true path. To get back on the beam; Living on the Spiritual Basis, when any of the hundred forms of fear rises up in our consciousness, we stop immediately upon recognition and turn to God in thought. In prayer we thank Him for knowing Him better and claim His love and protection, His Presence in our life and our recognition of this truth. The wording is of course optional and personal, but if we feel overwhelmed a simple “Thank you, thy will be done” will suffice to get us back on the beam, though we may need to say it several times until calmness returns. As we become more accustomed to this way of life we begin to realize, to own in our Heart of Hearts, that divine guidance is working in our life, the promise of peace and the comprehension of serenity becoming a working part of the mind, out pictured in our actions. As we become practiced in this new way of living, the time we spend off the beam will be of shorter duration, the occurrences less frequent. But remember: progress not perfection, so we resist the urge to figure out why we are off the beam, for this almost always leads to morbid reflection, instead we simply turn to Him who has all power and knowledge and move on, always forward into the light.

Monday, April 12, 2010


        Ever been to a tide pool or salt marsh?  The tide pool is regularly refreshed by the influx of new water while the salt marsh remains basically static. While the tide pool is vibrant and fresh, the salt marsh smells of stagnation and rot.  As is true for tide pools and the salt marshes, such is our spiritual lives. When we become static, stagnant in our thinking, shutting off the fresh flow of experience taken to heart, we become resistant to change and slow or even stifle our spiritual growth.

     Living on the Spiritual Basis when one door closes we rejoice, for we have reached the end of this part of the journey and fearlessly (I know, easier said than done, which is why we rely on God for strength) we stride through the new door opening before us, knowing that God is with us and will keep us unharmed if we are about His business: our ultimate awakening in Spirit.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


         Easy does it!
Work hard but don’t make hard work of it. Has worry or being so tense a loud noise makes you jump ever improved or changed the outcome of any undertaking? Not in my experience. Take all prudent steps and indicated action but when this is accomplished, stop. Nothing positive can be had by redoing or rehashing something that was already well done. Worry and being tense are simply forms of fear, for truly, what is there to be afraid of? Living on the Spiritual Basis we cannot serve two masters, we are in the world but not of it. We are all children of God, loved beyond measure, eternal in every aspect that matters. We keep our head where our hands are and address the tasks at hand, and when done; we leave the results to God. Reminding ourselves that, though eternal, we live one day at a time.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


           Step on a crack and break your mama’s back, three on a match, a dead man’s shoes, break a mirror, black cat crossing your path, spilled salt, anything 13, walking under a ladder, we have all heard these superstitions and many more. Many believe that life is influenced by seemingly random outside occurrences like these. When we begin to Live on the Spiritual Basis it becomes clear that life is filled with uncontrollable moments of broken mirrors, sidewalk cracks, black cats etc. and the only power they possess is that which we choose to give them. Living on the Spiritual Basis has taught us there is only one power, God as we understand Him. Superstitions, sacred cows and their ilk are all curious impediments to living happy, joyous and free, pulling us from the light and into self centered fear. Oh, in complete disclosure, I have two black cats, they made me tell you for God knows I wouldn‘t think of crossing them.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Ivory: the temptation of attachment and sacred cows. All teachers, books, houses of worship are tools to assist us on the path of enlightenment, but no one can do our spiritual work for us. The path is ours, not the other man’s. To avoid this temptation we must remain open and teachable, unencumbered, everything being a means to an end, the end being our spiritual awakening. Zen teaches: "If you meet the Buddha along the way, kill him!" for we must remain open-minded, learning from everyone, everything, respecting all but attaching our spiritual allegiance to nothing, save God and our personal journey of awakening.

Apes: living for the senses. This represents addictions of all stripes, the most obvious of all temptations. When someone is in their cups, the problem evident, denial merely the handmaiden of postponement. “The first step in recovery is when we can admit to our innermost selves that we are truly addicted.” As with all spiritual awakening, no one can do the work for another, no outside pressure ever has any lasting effect, the desire must come from within and until an admission is made, no real progress can be made. The good news is that from such a simple beginning, a powerful awakening can flower, freedom achieved. To be clear: Addiction is not limited to drugs and alcohol. The workaholic, the miser, the meddler, the hoarder and others require a new basis for living as surely as those suffering from the more easily recognized maladies.

Peacocks: all forms of vanity. Physical beauty, intellectual pride, that air of “better than” looking down on anyone for any reason. To be held hostage by physical beauty is a cruel master, since time is a pitiless enemy. Intelligence as a yardstick, who among us placed an order for their God given level of intelligence before birth? Being learned means nothing if the lessons learned are ignored, degrees become spiritual anchors if they become  pedestals of personal aggrandizement.

      The most deadly of all vanities is that of spiritual pride. Having had some success in spiritual realization, the temptation is to assume that because of this we have in some way been lifted above our fellows, even exalted in some way. This temptation is overcome by visualizing the Presence of God in all and staying humble before God. Be very clear: as our consciousness rises the path narrows. Spiritual law reacts more quickly in direct proportion to our level of awareness. We find that certain activities that used to be acceptable now cause discomfort and this is all for the good; a clear indication that we are on the road less traveled, the one true path, this does not in anyway alter the most basic truth: we are all equal in God‘s eyes and heart. For He does not, would not, canst not favor one child over another.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


            What do you believe? A double minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). Is there a bookshelf full of once read spiritual books near you? Remember how uplifting they were when first read? Your Erroneous Zones, The Sermon on the Mount, The Purpose Driven Life, Joshua, Make Your Life Worthwhile, Never Alone, Just Like Jesus, The Secret, The Power of Intention are just a few within my arms reach. All interesting and uplifting in their own right, providing valuable information, I found however that they are all variations on the same theme. Living on the Spiritual Basis. Today mine eye is single and my vision has never been better. Many roads lead to Jerusalem, but we must pick one and stay on it, investing time and study in the path. A casual reading or passing assent avails us what all half measures bring in our spiritual lives, nothing. To grow in awareness and understanding requires consistent constructive action on our part, complacency leading only to tears. If the time comes to alter course we will know, and act without trepidation, for we have done the work and stand in the light, no longer fearful of “looking good” or changing course if it is the next indicated action.  We do not allow the winds of popularity to sway us, we set our sails, profiting in knowledge, learning from all, clear in what we believe and the path of enlightenment we have chosen to follow, leaving sacred cows by the side of the road.   

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


       Who has not heard, or some variation of, the quote: For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10). Well, at least the first part anyway. Consider how many “successful” people throughout history have attempted to translate wealth into a position of power, to impress their will on others because of the false belief that financial success equals spiritual/life success. The supposed entitlement that wealth conveys unfortunately builds a barrier to enlightenment that often becomes insurmountable. To be clear: money is not the problem, the love of it is.

      If our definition of success is based solely on possessions and wealth, we will have “gained the world but lost ourselves”, remember, he who dies with the most toys still dies and as much as we may wish to, we can’t take it with us. Many have tried and all have failed, we find them, disinter them and then parade them and their cherished possessions about, kind of creepy if we really stop and think about it, this grave robbing. Clearly it didn’t work out so well for them, did it? Additionally we all know or know of a family torn apart over an inheritance, money trumping love and family.

      Living on the Spiritual Basis we learn to use money as the tool it truly is, to live well, enjoy life and praise God through our actions, demonstrating the path in every arena. God wants all His children to be happy, joyous and free and if we have been blessed with substantial resources, we seek ways to help others, preferably anonymously. For in this way we steer clear of the trap of love of money and avoid piercing ourselves through with many sorrows.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


          Living by spiritual principles is not easy, no news flash there, and unfortunately many that do disagree on the path. Constructive conversation in congenial tones, on any topic, should be sought; unfortunately many are incapable of this. Their beliefs fall into the “my way or the highway” school of judgment, raised to Sacred Cow status, which leaves no room whatsoever for conversation, let alone congeniality. Spiritually, the “either get it my way or burn” club is individuals who have fallen prey to the temptation to exercise personal power over others. To make them toe the line, even to use others to advance their personal agenda, all for the greater good of course, the indelicate machinations of politicians notwithstanding, history is rife with those who may have started out with noble ideals, who then began to believe their own press and (often unconsciously) placed themselves on the pedestal of “I know better” transforming from teacher to leader to tyrant.

Tyrant: 1. Absolute ruler: an absolute ruler who exercises power cruelly and unjustly 
2.  Authoritarian person: somebody who exercises authority unjustly and oppressively. 

      To avoid this temptation is simple but not easy. It begins, and ends, with the absolute truth that all are equal in God’s eyes. “Our Father” states without doubt our relationship with Him who has all knowledge and power, all equally loved, the opportunity to live on the Spiritual Basis open to all, the key to freedom from this ignoble sin. When we look down on or speak derisively to or about anyone we open the door to the tyranny of spirit, hiding behind the straw man sentiment of “it’s for your own good.” To be free, we must salute their innate spirituality, recognizing the nobility of their spirit even though they are incapable of reciprocation. We never shrink when confronted by tyrants, we stand firm, stating our belief with clarity and tact, resisting the temptation to reply in kind or worse, seek comprise using mollification of our belief as a method of avoiding the necessary confrontation. Tyrants only view this as weakness, our failure to stand strong in faith providing them license. An individuals demonstration belongs only to them, for all reap as they sow. Living on the Spiritual Basis we stand and deliver; without judgment or rancor, for flesh is ephemeral, the soul eternal. We will all fall short of this ideal, for such is the nature of being human, so we must always be gentle when dealing with ourselves, profiting from all experiences, sharing openly and honestly our highs and lows, successes and failures. Remember: liking or agreeing with someone is not a requisite for saluting their innate spirituality; it is our ultimate responsibility to one another as children of a loving God. In living this way we remain free of the temptation to exercise personal power over others.

Monday, April 5, 2010


   “When you raise your head above the crowd, you place a target on your back.”  Ever toss out a casual comment concerning a sports team or politician and find you have struck a nerve? When it happens we usually try to find a simple and quick exit since we had no intention of initiating a serious discussion or debate, especially with someone so emotionally attached and easily offended. Then there are those occasions when we watch the verbal battle lines being drawn, combatants square off and the war of words is joined. Most observers will remain quiet, silently rooting on their surrogate, choosing not to openly fly their flag (unless you pay attention to the little head nods). Why? Isn’t it because few enjoy being at the center of the storm, choosing the path of “silent assent” instead? Even believing possibly that others are better equipped to make “the” case than they are? And besides, what if we make a fool of ourselves? Then what will people think. It certainly won’t help if we look FOOLISH! Fear is the most powerful impediment to growth.

      Secular discussions are one thing but the real devil jumps up when it comes to spiritual matters, politics a close second, for nothing engenders more passion than when we speak of God. By Living on the Spiritual Basis we cultivate peace, joy and harmony in our lives becoming beacons to others. We avoid gratuitous debate or attempt to answer the unasked questions, we let our life be the demonstration and when approached we answer clearly and directly about what we are doing and how we live. We avoid drifting into the “soft” sale in an attempt to avoid conflict with the questioner, remember, they approached us. We present our beliefs with tact and confidence, as one of God’s children we stand and rejoice in the opportunity to be of service and if persecuted/attacked we don’t shrink. We remain calm, stand tall and when the conversation ends, typically by letting them talk themselves out, we wish them well telling them we understand their position and perhaps they will consider ours. We withdraw, thanking God for knowing Him better; praying for continued enlightenment of all, and though we don’t look for trouble, we rejoice in the target on our back for there is no clearer indicator that we are on the right path.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


 “We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.” 

Serenity: calm and untroubled: without worry, stress, or disturbance.

Consider a world where this is operative. A thing worth fighting for, no? Fighting for serenity, now there is a fight worth picking, the only fight that truly matters and we fight it by ceasing to fight everything and everyone. It begins with each of us, the path and process clear, requiring the ultimate sacrifice, the surrendering of self, our sacred cows and belief that altering outside conditions, while leaving the inner untouched, is anything less than madness. We choose, just for today, to Live on the Spiritual Basis, practicing the principles to the best of our current ability and understanding in this moment, for when we begin to comprehend serenity we become the true peacemakers, achieving not only peace of soul for ourselves, but ultimately for all.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


         In contemplation some years ago I began thinking on the “enlightened” teachers of the East and elsewhere. Initially the thought was of how I would love to grow in consciousness, to attain the level of awareness they seemingly have attained. Then, out of the stillness a question formed, “why”? It’s amazing how a three letter word can raise the proverbial metaphysical devil. Why is a curious little word. In metaphysics, why is typically the booby prize. When a new student asks why this or that happened or why they need to follow directions they are usually looking for the “easier softer way”, a loophole to slip through avoiding the heavy lifting consciousness raising requires. My usual response is “because pigs don’t wear red suspenders, now you now why, now quit stalling and get to work.” Talking about building a house has never raised a single roof, deciding to go on a diet has never resulted in the loss of a single pound, it is only when we take action that change happens. Individuals suffering from addiction will spend endless hours pontificating on why they are a so afflicted, assigning blame, but suggest a definite course of action and the willingness to talk amazingly vanishes. Additionally on numerous occasions when talking with a parent about their teenagers problems, the parents choose to remain focused on why, believing falsely that in why the answer can be found, while rejecting positive, but difficult action and direction. Conversation is important, but it means little and has no lasting effect without consistent positive action.

       So in contemplation I began to consider the enlightened ones and the condition of the world in general. What has really changed in the last 2,000 years? Technology, general health and hygiene, transportation, better and more efficient ways of killing one another have all improved, but what of the state of our consciousness? Consider: Buddha, Jesus and other enlightened teacher’s message has been with us; in some cases thousands of years, yet we still act and think in much the same way we did during the time they lived, except now with cell phones, smart bombs and plasma TV‘s. How many have come to sit at the feet of a master in the last 2000 years? How has it changed the world? The argument can be made that without their and their student’s meditations and prayers the world would be much worse off than it is today, but I find that sentiment at best lacking.

       So, who are the real peacemakers? Look in the mirror. The enlightened teachers have much to offer, but it is the raising of our consciousness by daily Living on the Spiritual Basis that transforms and improves the world. Through our raised consciousness the world approaches, one day at a time, one person at a time, the tipping point when it will metaphysically slaps it’s self on the forehead and say: “what were we thinking!” for in that moment we will all, as The Great Carpenter taught be “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9). We are all responsible so, Let there be peace, and let it begin with me.

Friday, April 2, 2010


           It is a curious thing, the first person to offer money advice, often unsolicited, is someone who has never had any. Relationship advice, typically someone who has never been in a real one or had a successful one is the first to step up. On a different level we all know the house painter, who does very nice work, but whose house always seems to be in need of paint. The obese/smoker doctor, the mechanic whose wife’s car is always in need of some kind of repair are almost cliché. One group is quick to comment on areas they have either no real experience or success in, the other, though quite knowledgeable and possibly accomplished have failed to practice what they know so well in their own lives.

        Spiritually we must seek out those who have demonstrated that which we desire in our lives: peace, serenity, respect, life success, etc and ask them the questions on our heart, becoming willing to follow direction. To have a spiritual awakening we must be honest with ourselves about everything in our lives, open-minded to learn and experience new ways of thinking and be willing to change. For in truth we all reap as we have sown.

         When Living on the Spiritual Basis one of the hardest tasks in life is to not answer the unasked question. To illustrate: I had been working spiritually with a young man for some years and though he sought answers and asked the right questions, he was blocked from writing the answers on his heart. On the surface his life appeared well put together, successful provider, caring family man, giving attentive friend, of service to his community, friends, even strangers. His laugh quick and genuine, handshake firm, but he had a secret that in the end cost him nearly everything. I knew of his secret for many years, had I broached the subject with him, unbidden, we would have had a conversation that at first blush would have appeared positive but in reality would have marked the end of our relationship. How do I know? Bitter experience. So I waited. Answering only the questions asked, regularly biting back words, being circumspect to the best of my ability, praying regularly for him and his loved ones and asking in meditation for direction, hopeful for the day when he would step from ship to shore. It took him ten years and the fulfillment of the lesson: the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self is pain. I’m grateful it only took ten, for most unfortunately never disembark. What this man discovered is that he had the answers he needed all along, having asked most of the right questions along the way, all that was required was a commitment to follow through and truly do the work, thus transforming theory (mind) into belief (heart).  It has been said “when the heart speaks the heart listens” for knowing we should be on time means little if we are always late. Do as this man finally did, take the things you “know” and put them to work in your life and you will soon discover a little metaphysical dirt under the fingernails is a good thing.     

Thursday, April 1, 2010


      In truth, there is only one power, all else illusion, that power God. If you are struggling with your conception of God, set aside any prejudice, animosity or preconceived notions you may be holding about God and begin again at a simpler level: that is God loving, intelligent and available. Loving: we are all connected in spirit, no one favored over another, for if in fact God played favorites we would not live in a universe but a chaos. Intelligent: the creator of the universe is the epitome of intelligence. Available: if our prayers have no purchase, God unavailable to His creation, His children, we would be little more than all the other creatures inhabiting this planet.

       Additionally we stay open minded and teachable. The surest way to shut oneself off from the sunlight of the spirit is to believe that there is nothing left to learn or because of fear we chose not to freely give of what we have learned, denying God, no crowing roosters required.

       Finally, honesty. Be honest with the world but of much greater importance is being honest with ourselves. When troubled or confused we ask for guidance in prayer and meditation, not allowing secrets to be the hidden driver behind our fears. We unburden ourselves of our secrets, and if we don’t know how, again we seek guidance in prayer and the answers will come if we are willing. By doing these simple, but not easy things we will begin to see God everywhere we turn, for Happy Destiny is not a destination, it is all around us now.