When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


               Whenever we are in the grip of fear we are off the “beam.” Fear is a basic emotion and just as the three basic colors: yellow, red and blue combine to create all other colors; and though it is destructive in its pure form, fear combines with other emotions to create a variety of guises: resentment, jealousy, depression, envy etc. lying in wait, patiently, to pull us off the beam, the true path. To get back on the beam; Living on the Spiritual Basis, when any of the hundred forms of fear rises up in our consciousness, we stop immediately upon recognition and turn to God in thought. In prayer we thank Him for knowing Him better and claim His love and protection, His Presence in our life and our recognition of this truth. The wording is of course optional and personal, but if we feel overwhelmed a simple “Thank you, thy will be done” will suffice to get us back on the beam, though we may need to say it several times until calmness returns. As we become more accustomed to this way of life we begin to realize, to own in our Heart of Hearts, that divine guidance is working in our life, the promise of peace and the comprehension of serenity becoming a working part of the mind, out pictured in our actions. As we become practiced in this new way of living, the time we spend off the beam will be of shorter duration, the occurrences less frequent. But remember: progress not perfection, so we resist the urge to figure out why we are off the beam, for this almost always leads to morbid reflection, instead we simply turn to Him who has all power and knowledge and move on, always forward into the light.

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