When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year, A New Way Of Thinking

       We live continuously barraged by negative news. Read any newspaper, watch any news channel and the hammers of negativity begin doing their work on our psyche. Living on the Spiritual Basis is a choice, it is the road less traveled. History is an invaluable tool that few truly employ. There is nothing in today’s headlines that has not happened before, nothing.

        “The world is not going to the dogs. The human race is not doomed. Civilization is not going to crash. The captain is on the bridge. Humanity is going through a difficult time, but humanity has gone through difficulties many times before in its long history, and has always come through, strengthened and purified.
           Do not worry yourself about the universe collapsing. It is not going to collapse, and anyway that question is none of your business. The captain is on the bridge. If the survival of humanity depended upon you or me, it would be a poor lookout for the Great Enterprise, would it not?
            The captain is on the bridge. God is still in business. All that you have to do is to realize the Presence of God where trouble seems to be, to do your nearest duty to the very best of your ability; and to keep an even mind until the storm is over.”

     When Emmet Fox wrote this in the 1930’s the depression was in full swing, prohibition the law of the land, the heart of America gripped in a man made “black blizzard” of dust that bankrupted and displaced millions, the storm clouds of war gathering in Europe as Hitler rose to power. Economic hardship, unemployment, war on drugs, global warming, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, bickering politicians. See the similarity? Politicians and leaders, both religious and secular, have been applying the same answers and solutions to mankind’s struggles for thousands of years, with the same results transcending generations. Unfortunately each succeeding generation fails to profit from the lessons learned by their predecessors and proceeds to travel down the same failed paths, leading inevitably to more war, suffering and the search for scapegoats to explain what amounts to basically taking the same actions again and again expecting different results.

     Nothing changes if nothing changes, but when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Living on the Spiritual Basis we trust infinite God rather than our finite self or the world for salvation, for if we are ever to truly walk a different path as a people, the change must begin within each of us. Let there be peace, and let it begin with me.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Ready Or Not?

So many times in life we have thought we were ready only to find that a little, or a lot, more seasoning was needed. Typically this discovery happened after we were up to our necks. No? How about that position you thought you were ready for, so many want the title “Boss” until they get it. Or that home improvement project that looked so easy on TV. Not to mention, but I suppose I am, all those times as teenagers we were convinced we were ready to be grown up, “responsible.” When our children go through those years all we can do is suggest they slow down and enjoy the time, since once you become “responsible” that horse has left the barn and will never return. They will probably listen as well as we did at that age.

Spiritually it is impossible to demonstrate beyond our understanding. Many have tried and great has been their fall. Conversely as you grow in spiritual understanding new horizons and opportunities naturally unfold. God, “Our Father” waits in readiness for our advancement. Truly the keys to the kingdom are in our hands, the timing ours. As we grow day by day in understanding by Practicing the Presence of God, raising our consciousness one day at a time, we embrace the Truth of Being; that we are timeless children of the Great Creative Lifeforce; connected to all, God immanent. So, just for today, pray gently and meditate on God’s love and guidance, and if your teenager asks for the keys to the car, try not to dwell on what you did in your parent’s car once you were out of sight.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our True Duty

“If you have no time for prayer and meditation, you will have lots of time for sickness and trouble.” Pretty much sums it up. Our duty, now that we have placed our feet on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis, is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us. We do this by whole heartedly out picturing our belief in God’s perfect love and guidance in every area of our existence, holding to the bedrock truth that God will not, cannot, ask us to do anything beyond our present reach, to sacrifice our integrity, our spiritual growth or cause us pain and suffering of any kind. “We are sure God wants us to be happy, joyous and free. We cannot subscribe to the belief that this life is a vale of tears, though it once was just that for many of us. But it is clear that we made our own misery. God didn’t do it.”  We hold to God‘s love, and though trembling, stand; demonstrating the truth of being, fulfilling our duty.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rooting Out Sacred Cows

Sacred cows, we all have them, the obvious ones being sports teams, political parties and religion. Ever try to talk to a Yankees fan about the Red Sox, a liberal about conservatives or a Lutheran about Catholics? Of course the reverse is true in all examples as well, clearly little chance that a meeting of minds will occur. A “die hard” fan or true believer is not interested in anything that does not agree with their “belief.” Recently a newspaper story told of  two baseball fans converging in a bar. Their “conversation” ending in a knifing and death, two lives forever changed over meaningless sacred cows. Is it any wonder that many wars have started over little more? Millions if not billions of lives have been sacrificed at the alter of one sacred cow or another. Write this on your heart in bold letters: NO SACRED COWS. Clearly, there is nothing wrong with rooting for a team, holding political beliefs or belonging to a religion. The error comes when we let emotions over run our common sense, objectifying those we disagree with. To be clear: common sense, when one is Living on the Spiritual Basis, is the knowledge that the only sacred thing is our relationship with God. Root for your team, participate in the political process as much or little as suits you and practice your religion but never lose sight of the truly sacred: the love of “Our Father” for all His children, even if we believe they root for the wrong team. Go Lakers.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Self Righteous?

Righteous. This word has been married with “self” so often that if someone is righteous it has a seemingly negative connotation, which could not be further from the truth. Since placing our feet on the path, wholeheartedly committed to Living on the Spiritual Basis; to become a righteous person means we are not only living by right conduct but embracing right thinking. Right thinking, now there is another loaded term. Right thinking; spiritually, means keeping an open mind, remaining teachable, refusing to accept negative thoughts or conditions as God‘s will, to truly practice patience, tolerance, kindliness and love in every area of life. Now, do not misunderstand, righteous does not mean we become servile or scraping, on the contrary. Our lives, the true demonstration of the path, will naturally attract scrutiny from those seeking a better way of living; but we do steer clear of argument and debate with those who only seek confrontation, avoiding the trap of being labeled: self-righteous. We stand firmly for our beliefs and will witness to them whenever or wherever it will assist those seeking the path while steering clear of individuals who are vexations to the spirit.

To sum up: to be righteous means our conduct is right, that we are maintaining an open mind, are willing to learn and will honestly share our heartfelt beliefs if it will serve any good purpose while avoiding with love those who are only interested in argument and fault finding.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cat Of Nine Tails And Dragons

To show mercy to those in pain, whether physical or emotional, is of course a quality to be cultivated. But how merciful are our thoughts? It is the secret place the The Carpenter is really speaking too with the lesson: Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy (Matthew 7:1-5). To help someone but hold contempt in our heart for them for any reason, demonstrates having missed the point entirely. Having embraced Living on the Spiritual Basis does not mean we ignore the contemptible acts of others, but we must not confuse the act with the actor. In truth we recognize them, praying for the individuals consciousness to be raised and in meditation seek to improve conditions. Their acts will be addressed in the proper manner, both spiritually and secularly, for we are all ultimately responsible for our own demonstration, reaping what we have sown. A more seductive form of contempt is when we decide that someone is beyond the pale, incapable of growth or spiritual understanding for any reason. The most spiritually handicapped individual’s life will improve when we shine the sunlight of the spirit, to the best of our ability at the time, on them. Sometimes the change in condition will be instantaneous and obvious, often however it will not be and that is none of our business anyway. What matters is our demonstration, for by our action we have raised not only our consciousness and the consciousness of those around us, but the entire world, for everything and everyone is connected.

 Being merciful toward others is of course laudable, but what of the mercy we fail to show to ourselves? Do you mentally (or worse, out loud) chastise yourself when a mistake is made or when some negative or objectionable thought floats through your mind? We all make mistakes and curious thoughts float up in everyones consciousness, so we must put away the mental cat of nine tails and demonstrate mercy in our own house, our consciousness. God, Our Father, wants all His children to be: happy, joyous and free. So we stop berating ourselves and thank God for knowing Him better. We can then learn from mistakes and address those curious negative thoughts that seem to appear from nowhere by turning to Him in prayer, asking if there is anything to be learned (sometimes there is, but not always, often a cloudy day is just a cloudy day) and move on. Under no pretense do we engage in a mental hunt for the cause of the discordant thought, attempting to root out the whys of it in our psyche. To do so only opens us to the deadly trap of morbid reflection and in the lexicon of the ancient cartographers: there be dragons. If there is something to be known or learned, God will make it abundantly clear, so ask Him; but don’t go looking for dragons, they bite.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Outlining And Feldercarbs

The meek shall inherit the earth. To be meek, spiritually, is to be so raised in consciousness that we are open to God, demonstrating faith without reservation, convinced that His will for us is always joyous and positive, having ceased “outlining” how we think God should act in our lives. We have, in truth, completely placed our will and our lives in His hands, withholding nothing. Unfortunately there really isn’t a word that accurately reflects this. Meek comes close, but I can’t help seeing a mouse in my minds eye as a representation of meek or Barney Fife as the human analog. Perhaps we should change meek to feldercarb. Blessed are the feldercarb: for they shall inherit the earth. Or not, well, sleep on it. FELDERCARBS OF THE WORLD UNITE! Sorry.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Meek as Moses?

It is difficult for me to think of Moses and not picture in my minds eye Charlton Heston standing with arms raised, staff in hand, robes flowing, hair and beard blowing in the wind exhorting the Red Sea to part. Not exactly a definition of "meek." When I picture meek I see Barney Fife, not Moses. Yet Moses is the epitome of Meek. Meek in spiritual teaching means we have abandoned our old ways of thinking and living, we have placed our feet solidly on the path of enlightenment, embracing Living on the Spiritual Basis. In this light we pray that we stay the course, one day at a time, so we truly become “as Meek as Moses.”

Monday, December 23, 2013

A Conundrum

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5) well now, on the surface this seems to make little sense. We all have know “meek” individuals and blessed isn‘t the first thing that comes to mind. So, we are faced with a conundrum. However the teaching is either true or it isn’t, and if it isn’t, what else is false and how in the world are we supposed to figure it out? In much the same way as “poor in spirit” is misunderstood, so is the term meek. Meek, before God, means simply to be humble and compliant to the path of spiritual enlightenment, nothing more. When the Rich Young Man (who had great possessions) sought out the rabbi Jesus, Jesus did not berate or condemn him. He merely pointed out that he would have to leave his “possessions” (preconceived ideas and beliefs) behind if he were to follow the teacher. Upon placing our feet on the path of enlightenment we have to “cease fighting everything and everyone” to strive to be “meek as Moses” to be successful. Simple but not easy, a price has to be paid and that price is the surrendering of self. Now we have the key. To be meek is to be wholly committed to Living on the Spiritual Basis, gently through our actions demonstrating the love, power and guidance of God, blessed, our inheritance of peace and purpose realized.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Mourning Becomes Destructive

Mourning to excess is destructive, some even stop living themselves when a loved one has passed, literally hoping for their own end so they can “join” with them on the “other side.” When we have committed ourselves to living on the Spiritual Basis, death and all suffering come into their true focus. Nothing truly dies. The flesh will fail for this is the nature of flesh, but the spark of the Divine; the ineffable power at the heart of everything which stands outside of time and our synthetic understanding of the universe, was never born and can never die. So mourn those who have passed beyond our limited sight by celebrating their life, this lesson learned, comforted in the knowledge of their translation from flesh back to their true self, unbound and unencumbered by physical limitations.

Death provides a clear ending point, but what of the sneaky things we mourn? Lamenting lost or missed opportunities, those “if I only would have” moments when we fantasize what our lives would have been like if we had acted or chosen differently. “If I was only (fill in the blank) years younger“, “If I didn’t have kids”or "If I were single" this wistful thinking doesn’t necessarily mean we don’t love our children or spouse or truly wish they were gone, but it is morbid reflection. “What if” moments, we all have them, so when they come, let them pass with little notice, like a small wave lapping our feet at the waters edge. Do not under any circumstance comment out loud or engage in conversation regarding them, for if we do, what began as a seemingly benign chat will devolve into morbid reflection, pulling us out of the moment and into a destructive contemplation of the past. Profit from your experiences, use them as teaching instruments for you and more importantly others, but do not dwell negatively on them for any reason. “We do not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it” for one of life’s great truths is that “Pain is the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self.”

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sorrowful Possessions

Living the examined life requires us to inventory our “great possessions” if we wish to be free. We all have them and until we identify them and understand their roots they are invisible anchors, slowing our progress. Does this mean we have to strip away and discard all we own (physically and mentally) to grow spiritually? No, but we must discard our attachments. There is nothing spiritually hindering in possessions as long as we don’t rely upon them for our personal definition. We are not the house we live in or derive any real status (positive or negative) from its physical location. We are not the car we drive, wristwatch we wear or any other material possession for these things are all passing, mere ornaments of living, gifts to enjoy but of little spiritual value becoming destructive if they bait us into a false sense of  perceived entitlement. As hindering as these may be, our mental possessions plant the deepest and heaviest anchors.

Once we close our mind to any fresh thinking or concept, in any area of life, we throw out another anchor, for nothing slows, even stops our spiritual growth quicker than a closed mind. To hold that any group or people are either favored by God or despised, plants another anchor. To place anyone or anything on a pedestal, a sacred cow, another anchor. To strive for acceptance or refuse to recognize the inherent dignity of anyone, regardless of their station, another anchor, there are many more.

We are spiritual beings, the power that is within us, moves us is beyond measure; it is no less than the creative life force that animates the mayfly and powers the stars. As great as this power is, we can set enough anchors to slow our growth to the point of it being imperceptible. We must begin cutting away the anchors slowing our progress, for if we don’t, our fate will be the same as the Rich Young Man, who failed to demonstrate and …went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions (Matthew 19:22).

Friday, December 20, 2013

Set Aside or Lay Aside Prayer

Consider this passage from the Sermon on the Mount “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). We all have known or know those who are “poor spirited” and blessed usually isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, when really considering this passage for the first time it is difficult not to think of those times when we have felt poor spirited; somewhat perplexing to the notion that if this is “blessed”, is it such a good thing? The “poor in spirit” The Carpenter refers too has nothing to do with being poor spirited. Being poor in spirit means we have let go of our preconceptions and self will. There is a prayer known as the set-aside or lay-aside prayer that speaks to this state of consciousness. There are a number of variations, this is one of the simplest forms: Dear God, please help me to set aside everything I think I know about you and this world, so I may have an open mind and a new experience. Please help me to see your Truth, Amen. Surrendering to win, setting aside our preconceived ideas and sacred cows. If we can achieve this raised state of consciousness,  remaining open minded and willing to learn, to change and honestly address our defects as well as our assets of character in their proper light, we would truly be “poor in spirit” and the kingdom of heaven ours.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Surrendering To Win

Generals draw up battle plans, their theory on how a battle should be fought and won. Politicians have theories on everything, usually with little or no actual experience to balance their opinion. Economists are quick to theorize, usually poorly. Meteorologists and climatologists put forth theories daily, calling them forecasts, and we have all experienced their accuracy. Although we don’t usually think of it in this way, we all have theories about all sorts of things. When we chat about the reasons why something happened, or didn’t, what we think is going to happen or some action to take, we are floating theories. Theories based on experience typically have value, while theories based on no more than wishful thinking are hot air until implemented, the consequences realized, truth demonstrated. Truth is never subjective and often stark in its reality. If the local weather prognosticators get it wrong, the truth is typically no more painful than a ruined picnic or packing an umbrella on a sunny day. Battle plans which go badly can result not only in death but in unintended reshaping of borders. Economists theories should be placed in the newspaper next to horoscopes, unfortunately decisions affecting everyone are based on their theories, were if a horoscope is wrong it won’t possibly put thousands of people out of work or suggest raising taxes. Politicians and the price of demonstration for their theories? Examples can be found daily on the front page of any paper or leading the nightly news.

In truth, the world will take care of it’s self, it always has. Man has been trying to bend it to his will forever with little success. So to be free we focus on the only thing that can truly change the world for the better, our spiritual life, our connection to the miraculous.We accomplish this through regular prayer and meditation, we don’t struggle, we pray "with a feather" and approach meditation with joy and excitement. If we find this a problem, we pray on it! A good beginning meditation is contemplating patience, tolerance, kindliness and love in our life and towards the whole planet. If we are concerned about praying in the right way we ask to be shown, in prayer, how to pray correctly, we Keep It Simple. We read every day for a few minutes any book that raises our consciousness and we stop theorizing about truth and practice it, remembering to be as gentle with ourselves as we are with a newborn, surrendering those battle plans, for we have ceased fighting everyone and everything, we have to.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Good For What A.I.L.s You

The path of enlightenment asks us “to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God’ with the proviso “as we understand Him.” This phrase is pivotal to the process, so the student must not take the easy way out. I have heard individuals refer to “God” as they understand Him as a doorknob, a tree, the ocean or some other nonsensical thing or object.

Nonsense: n. 1. That which is without good sense; meaningless or ridiculous language. 2. Things of no importance.

To believe that “God” can be anything relegates god to being nothing in reality. “God is either everything or else He is nothing.” What is our choice to be? If you are struggling with the concept of a Power greater than yourself, you can start at a simpler level. To truly set ones feet on the path to living on the Spiritual Basis God must be at least this: Available, Intelligent and Loving and nothing less. Available: to live on the Spiritual Basis requires daily visits with God in prayer and meditation. How is this possible if He is far away, distant or unavailable in any way? Intelligent: He is the Creator. What more do we need to know? Loving: Here I would ask you to set aside any belief you may have of a vengeful or score keeper God. One of the keys to living on the Spiritual Basis is that “the realm of Heaven is roomy, all inclusive. Never exclusive or forbidding.” That God never brings trouble or sickness to our lives, that He loves us a thousand times more than we love our own children and like you, the love I have for my children is immense. Additionally God doesn’t keep a tally sheet of our lives, We do, everything we have ever done or said is written on our heart, in our hand, our lives an open book to Him who has all knowledge and power; yet since He loves us unconditionally we are forgiven as soon as we ask. If we could only forgive ourselves so readily think how much trouble we could avoid. So, if you are struggling, start at a simpler level and God will heal what AILs you.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Resigning From The Debate Team

God is not just truthful or brings truth but is Absolute Truth itself. Once we begin living on the Spiritual Basis, God translates from the relative to the Absolute, He is either everything or else He is nothing, there remains no middle ground. All those dinner table and coffee shop debates, though well intended, lose all significance for now we know, we are either all in or all out. Having made the decision to turn our will and lives over to the care and direction of God, fear is supplanted by trust and faith. In the light of Absolute Truth we pause when doubtful “…and ask for the right thought or action. We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times each day Thy will be done.” To know the truth about any condition heals it, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).

Monday, December 16, 2013

Love And Itchy Teeth

When we express love we express our true essence, God. Think of how you feel when you express love or when love is expressed to you. In those moments we are in communion with God, in conscious contact. …God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him (1 John 4:16). A bedrock truth of living is a sufficient expression of love will erase any problem or difficulty. “Where there is fear there cannot be love. The best way to rid yourself of fear is to realize divine Love” for “Divine love never fails…” Are not all of our problems fears based? Are we not driven by the fear that we will either not receive something we think we need or lose something we have? Isn’t worry just a five letter word for fear?

The Great Carpenter taught that we cannot serve two masters, so where we place our focus, regardless and sometimes in spite of current circumstances, is the key. Are we focusing on the fear (the world) or on the spiritual (God)? “To realize God as Love is the remedy for fear.” Though cute acronyms typically make my teeth itch, this one has some value: FEAR-False Evidence Appearing Real. God is either everything or else He is nothing, no middle ground, the thoughts we entertain habitually will be expressed in our lives and the choice is always ours. What will we choose to express today, fear or faith? Remember “Where there is fear there cannot be love” that “There is no condition that enough Love will not heal.” By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another (John 13:35).

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Spooky Physics And God

Over the last few decades science has made amazing strides and discoveries in the field of Quantum Physics. We have learned that the most minuscule aspects of matter, the component parts of the atom, move with intelligence, reacting to the observer, even able to exist in two places at once! Einstein went as far as to refer to this area of physics as "spooky." Now these particles comprise everything, every star, every grain of sand on this planet and every other. The chair you are sitting in, the medium you are reading this on, You, everything. Inside each of us are untold trillions upon trillions of these particles, all going about their business without consulting their host, us, at all.

So, if everything is composed of this intelligent matter, remember science tells us so, is this matrix of all creation the mind of God? Gives one pause to wonder, does it not? It has been said that He is closer than hands and feet, that we should look within, not without for our spiritual connection. Looks like "they" had it right all along. Spooky. Gotta love science.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Electric Alamode

Consider the apple pie. When you remove a piece, the whole is diminished by the size of the slice you have decided to enjoy, possibly alamode. The original apple pie and the slice are composed of exactly the same ingredients, in the same proportions, only the size different, the slice merely a smaller representation of the whole. Soon others become aware of your pie experiment and the “whole” pie that began our lesson is now only represented by a crumb filled pie tin; the original portioned to the many, probably alamode.

When considering God many think of Him in this way because it is logical. Believing that God is so large He can break off pieces of Himself without concern of ever becoming an empty tin. If this were true however regardless of how small the piece removed, the whole, like our apple pie, is still diminished. But, in truth, God is never diminished, cannot by His nature be diminished. He is as complete and whole today as a year, a thousand, ten thousand years ago. So, if we are not only connected to God but His spark resides within each of us, what is God’s nature?

God is like silence. Cut silence in half and you have more silence. Cut it again, more silence. No matter how many times you try to portion it you only have more, the whole never diminished or changed. The Indwelling Presence is not a “portion” of God, but God himself and proof of our true divine self hood. Now add to this the concept of an electric circuit. The electricity (God) is present throughout the circuit (us) though invisible to us. We only “see” the action of the electricity when we flip the switch and the bulb (our Divine Mind) illuminates.

Our physical life is like our pie; each day a little more gone until only the tin remains to be recycled, no deposit required. Our true self, that which exists beyond the physical, our soul, the I AM is like silence, never diminished, never proportioned always whole and eternal. For: We are not human beings in search of the miraculous, a spiritual awakening, we are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition, one day at a time. God, like the electric current, flows through us, always there, just waiting for us to flip the switch and embrace enlightenment.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Enjoying The Ride With Kwai Chang Caine

Herbert Spencer stated that substance is “that which is not subject to discord or decay." Spirit is substance,  Spirit cannot die and was never born, and we are Spirit. Consider Buddhism, it teaches that what we see is illusion, impermanent, that Everything is Zen. When I first heard this years ago I had the mental picture of a young Kwai Chang Caine of Kung Fu fame listening to his Master, a puzzled look on his face, not understanding. Unlike TV's Caine  we don't  have the luxury of jump cutting to where all is revealed. Years and a lot of living (i.e. pain) were required before I found the Spiritual Basis for Living which has  provided the answers. To borrow from Chuck Chamberlain, today I have A New Pair of Glasses to view life with. I know in my heart of hearts that I AM Spirit, as are you, as are all, all eternal, that only the distorted vision resulting from my human limitations drives my fears and difficulties. That I AM here to learn as long as this flesh lasts and when it ultimately fails, to take the lessons learned to the next destination wherever that may be, always moving forward in love and light. So struggle is pointless, everything really is Zen (God) and since no one gets out alive, we might as well enjoy the ride.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Principles We Live By

Everyone lives by a set of principles, few however take the time to consider the principles they live by, yet we demonstrate what we believe everyday by our actions. If you were to inventory your principles, what would be on the list? Do you spend your time rehashing past events? Telling the same stories of hurt, missed opportunities, lost love and perceived injustice? Are you quick to correct anyone in earshot if they happen to be in “error”? Do you hold strong opinions on issues, ready to engage in verbal combat at the drop of an allusion, yet never bother to read or reflect on opposing views? Do you criticize and/or critique everyone and everything that crosses your path?

No one but you will see your inventory, so be honest. Some of the principles outlined above include but are certainly not limited to: contempt prior to investigation, morbid reflection, biased judgment, closed mindedness, grandiosity and emotional overcompensation. Of course the list can be added to, but I think you get the picture. Conversely Living on the Spiritual Basis suggests these living principles: patience, tolerance, kindness, love, serenity, benefit of the doubt, open-mindedness, ready acceptance and living in the here and now among others.

It is not a matter of controlling ones thoughts, for trying to control our thoughts is like herding cats, not possible and only enjoyable for those watching. What we are charged with is how we respond when a negative or discordant thought or action enters our awareness. When we find ourselves practicing negative or destructive principles we immediately turn to God and shine the truth of our divine heritage and His love upon them, thus placing them in their correct light. Remember, our actions and words are always an indicator of our thoughts.

We cannot demonstrate beyond where we are. A first year medical student would never be asked to perform heart surgery or the private to lead the army into battle. So always be gentle with yourself and place your reliance on God, turning to Him in scientific prayer for inspiration and guidance in all things, the only requirement for continued growth is to stay willing and open-minded.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It works, it really does. Try it.

“Study and research are well in their own time and place, but no amount of either will get you out of a concrete difficulty. Nothing but practical work in your own consciousness will do that.” (This next part is paramount since we probably are all guilty.) “The mistake made by many people, when things go wrong, is to skim through book after book, without getting anywhere” or talk about it, running it by anyone that will listen but not doing anything about it, failing to take any real action (Intention versus action).

"Faith without works is dead". Fervent belief is fine as far as it goes, but nothing happens until action is engaged in. Until we demonstrate a consistent course of action nothing of consequence transpires in our consciousness to bring us to the desired safe harbor. We paddle in one direction for a time, then something catches our attention and off we go in another. Is it any wonder we never reach safety, the peace of mind, the serenity we so desperately desire? Look to your book shelf, how many books are on it that when first read seemed to have the “answer”, yet there they sit, gathering dust. To be fair, they probably are fine works written by wonderful teachers, yet for one reason or another they did not carry the weight to elicit continual study or most importantly real implementation.

Practical work in our own consciousness requires dedication and consistent effort. “Scientific prayer is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness.” What is scientific prayer? When faced with a difficulty of any kind, we turn in prayer affirming everything we know to be true about God, but under no circumstance do we pray about the problem or difficulty! Instead we turn, in prayer, to focus our whole consciousness on God and our relationship with Him, for God is omnipotent, He already knows everything about our life, our problems, desires, hopes and fears and exactly what is needed. Our job is to get out of the way and trust in Him who has all knowledge and power, to stop focusing on the negative (the difficulty) and place our focus singularly on God (the solution). “Simple, but not easy.”

“It works, it really does. Try it.”

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Long Way Round

It is suggested that we “think from the end” when confronted with life’s challenges. Having embarked on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis, we now know that at the “end” the solution for every difficulty or problem is God. We can turn to God at any point along the way, but the sooner the better. Think of it this way; wherever we travel there is the shortest, most direct route; any other path is taking the long way round. Sometimes when traveling the long way round is preferable, better scenery, more interesting sights, friends along the way, etc. When suffering however this is never the case yet it is exactly what most people do! They dawdle along rehashing and retelling their story with anyone who will listen, engaging in angry recrimination while wallowing in morbid reflection. Only when we place our feet squarely on the path, raising our consciousness through prayer and meditation, resisting the temptation to outline the solution, seeking only the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out do we triumph. God can and will solve all our problems and difficulties, if we will rely upon Him. Therefore when troubled take the road less traveled by turning to God immediately in prayer and meditation. Avoid the “the long way round” of resentment, suffering, blame and morbid reflection but remember, if you find yourself on the wrong road, the turnoff is just a prayer away.

Monday, December 9, 2013

What Is In Your Cup?

When trouble or difficulty arrives the way out is to immediately turn to God in prayer. Praying for the knowledge, guidance and strength to address the problem and most importantly pray for any other individuals involved, regardless of how they may have or are attempting to harm. In so doing we raise our consciousness, building a bull work of peace and serenity, remaining free and unharmed in spirit. We never, under any pretense ask God to do harm or cause ill to befall anyone, for if we do we drag our consciousness down and needlessly subject ourselves to suffering. Seek always the higher ground of raised consciousness, for each reaps as they sow and if we sow seeds of hate, anger, resentment and contempt we should not then be surprised when our harvest is comprised of these crops. It is the unwise man indeed who pours a cup of poison, drinks from it and then expects those he hates to suffer.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Rehearsing, Rehashing And Outlining

Difficult problems seem to have a life of their own. Hard as we may try, we treat them spiritually and the next thing we know they are back in the forefront of our consciousness, dominating our thoughts. Typically these thoughts creep in silently, we only become aware of them after they have gained purchase in our consciousness. One of the most insidious ways this happens is through outlining. The world teaches that we should think things through, weigh pros and cons, talk it out, but just as “the grouch and the brainstorm are the dubious luxury of normal men” so is outlining. This generally starts out innocently enough, just weighing those pros and cons, talking it out etc but in short order we begin outlining how a situation or trouble should work out, in essence telling the universe how to solve our problems, on our terms of course. If you don't think you do this, then you have never "rehearsed" or "rehashed" a conversation."If they say this than I will say that and then I will have them" or "I should have said this when they said that and that would have shut them up." Oh, this holds true as well for those one sided conversations with radio and TV personalities who tick us off as well.

This type of outlining builds up our expectations and feeds our resentments for “the level of my serenity is directly proportional to my expectations.” Living on the Spiritual Basis our expectations and resentments are placed in God’s hands and on His shoulders, so when we find ourselves outlining we stop as soon as we become aware and thank God for knowing Him better. To quiet the mind we repeat some simple set prayers like “Be still and know that I am God”, “There is no power greater than God” or simply “God is with me.” When I ran the world I outlined constantly, for it needed my help. Living on the new basis, I leave the running of the world, and my life, in His hands for He does a much better job of it than I ever did, for today I have ceased fighting everyone and everything and know in my heart of hearts that “God is with me.”

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Teakettles, Oranges and Discordant Thinking

Has someone said to you or perhaps you have suggested “don’t think like that?” Not possible is it. It is one of those silly things we say to one another without having thought it through. Like “a watched pot never boils”, yes it does, every single time and without the origin understood for context it is just nonsense. With our thinking, as soon as we are told not to think about something the first thing we do is think about it. No? OK, don’t think about oranges.... How did you do? We are powerless over the thoughts that float through our minds eye; however we choose the action upon becoming aware of these thoughts. Oranges and teakettles are not much of a problem, but there exists in all of us a voice of discord and negativity embedded in the subconscious that consistently looks for a reason to be upset or outraged. The origin of the voice is secondary, the action we choose to take paramount when it chimes in. Having embarked on Living on the Spiritual Basis the action is to turn from the lower to the higher by way of prayer and meditation.

If a negative thought is persistent engage in some distracting activity such as a phone call to a friend inquiring about them (do not speak of the negative thought), an engrossing book, exercise, etc. If possible find a way to be of service. Nothing relieves us of the bondage of self, and all negative thinking binds us in self, as being of service to someone else. The key is to substitute positive thinking and action for the negative thoughts. Simple but not easy, when we begin this way of living it will feel clunky and somewhat uncomfortable, but just like learning to ride a bike, as long as we are diligent and consistent, in time it will become second nature.

Friday, December 6, 2013

What Does Your Face Say?

Though many remain in denial of this truth, there are rules, or laws if you prefer, that govern our thinking, applying equally to everyone at all times. They are impersonal, always in force and cannot be appealed. Being impersonal “This law is true for both good and bad ideas. This law, when used negatively, brings sickness, trouble, and failure; and when used positively, brings healing, freedom, and success. We give the orders-the subconscious does the work.”

We cannot, do not control the thoughts that enter our consciousness. We do control what path to follow when we become aware. When a negative or fearful thought floats up from our subconscious how we respond to it determines our future. So we train ourselves when confronted by these discordant thoughts to turn immediately to thoughts of God: His Love, His Power and His Guidance. In so doing the Law of Subconscious Activity works for us, not against.

Practical demonstrations always carry more weight than mere words. Begin by observing the faces of the people in your life. What do you see in the countenance of those who engage in gossip, hurtful or negative words and action? Compare them with those who are consistently kind, supportive and positive. The truth of this lesson will be as plain as the look on your face.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Camels, Tents And The Law Of Thought

What you think upon grows. What we dwell on will be out pictured in our lives. Period. When we dwell on lack, perceived injustice (real and imagined), resentment or any of the other hundred forms of fear clamoring for our attention, they attach to our consciousness as surely as a barnacle to a pier piling. Though no one would say they wish to suffer, to believe we can think one way and then receive the opposite is the root of the trouble.

It would be a poor law indeed if it did not work in the reverse as well. When we dwell on the positive, on the Presence of God, on the truth of our relationship with the Divine, that all fear and negativity is false, God the giver of every good gift, then these aspects will then be out pictured in our lives.

Remember the lesson of the camels nose and the tent? Camels lack a reverse gear so if a camel gets its head under a tent flap they are coming all the way in. However if we smack their nose as soon as it appears they will withdraw, and no one wants a camel in their tent, they are bad mannered and rather smelly.

Our troubles are just like the camels nose. As soon as we become aware of trouble or difficulty we smack it on the nose with prayer and meditation and its ability to drive us to despair, fear and morbid reflection will be short circuited. What we think upon grows. What will you think upon today? Beware camels.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Wonderful Enfoldment

Death awaits all men but waits on no man. Everything, from may flies to stars die. Death is the change that brings renewal. Sadness at the passing of a loved one is natural; they have left our sight and are absent from our lives. Difficulty arises though if we refuse to let go of the departed, to allow them to rest in peace. When we build shrines and visit them regularly, whether they are of stone or in our heart, we open ourselves to morbid reflection. Consider the pyramids. The Pharaohs spent most of their time and energy focused on death and their “final” resting place.  Millions of man hours spent building, countless lives lost, treasuries emptied and for what? None of them succeeded as inviolate temples to the afterlife, what could the ancients have accomplished had they channeled that energy and resources into the living?

There is no death in the sense of personal finality, for death is just an altering of consciousness, a change in condition. Living on the Spiritual Basis, in conscious contact with a Power Greater Than Ourselves, death is part of the wonderful enfoldment of divine love that marks our spiritual progression. How could it be anything else?

We do not seek death, for it will come in due course, nor fear it. We release those who have gone before with love, sad because they have temporarily left our sight, but excited for their translation into the miraculous. Now knowing that flesh is a temporary conveyance, never conceived or designed to last for eternity. Our consciousness, the I AM that makes each of us unique in all existence is eternal, untouched by time, space or physical concerns, has always been and will always be. Carry the departed in your heart, since no other structure can truly hold them. When they drift up into the forefront of your thinking, as they are wont to do from time to time, smile and say a silent blessing, sending love, and then get on with the business of living, for the dead will take care of themselves.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Overcast Days

Ever start a trip by plane on a cloudy day? On the ground it is dark, possibly dank, deep shadow lurking at every turn. Sitting in our seat we feel and hear the engines spool up, power vibrating through the plane. Then the brakes are released and we are pushed back in our seat, the plane lifts off the runway and climbs steeply through the clouds, for a time visibility is reduced to zero, then suddenly the craft bursts through the cloud layer into bright sunshine, the truth now evident, the light was always there, it simply was obscured by temporary conditions.

When trouble comes into our lives the adversary, fear, works to cloud our consciousness, to instill in us a false belief that temporary conditions are permanent. Living on the Spiritual Basis we rise above the shadows by raising our consciousness through prayer and meditation, banishing false belief by demonstrating faith. Every one occasionally has clouds obscure the light for a time, but Living on the Spiritual Basis there is no concern, for demonstration has taught us the light is always there, clouds a temporary condition.   

Monday, December 2, 2013

Abiding In God

Today the definition of abide is to tolerate, to put up with something. 150 years ago it meant: to dwell: to live or reside in a place (Encarta). Living on the Spiritual Basis is a conscious decision. We choose to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, not in the Polly Anna sense but in a dynamic sense. We choose to live our lives, with all our defects of character and shortcomings, as demonstrations of His love, guidance and power. Knowing we will make mistakes but stepping out in faith regardless; forgiven as soon as we ask, the transgression forgotten if we are sincere in our desire to grow. Therefore, to abide in God is to live through and of Him, trembling and fearful though we may be, one day at a time.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Daily Barrage

We live with a continuous barrage of bad news. Read any newspaper, watch any news channel and the hammers of negativity begin doing their work on our psyche. Living on the Spiritual Basis is a choice, it is the road less traveled. History is an invaluable tool that few truly employ. There is nothing in today’s headlines that has not happened before, nothing.

        “The world is not going to the dogs. The human race is not doomed. Civilization is not going to crash. The captain is on the bridge. Humanity is going through a difficult time, but humanity has gone through difficulties many times before in its long history, and has always come through, strengthened and purified.
           Do not worry yourself about the universe collapsing. It is not going to collapse, and anyway that question is none of your business. The captain is on the bridge. If the survival of humanity depended upon you or me, it would be a poor lookout for the Great Enterprise, would it not?
            The captain is on the bridge. God is still in business. All that you have to do is to realize the Presence of God where trouble seems to be, to do your nearest duty to the very best of your ability; and to keep an even mind until the storm is over.”

When Emmet Fox wrote this in the 1930’s the depression was in full swing, prohibition the law of the land, the heart of America was gripped in a “black blizzard” of dust that bankrupted many and displaced millions, the storm clouds of war gathering in Europe as Hitler rose to power. Economic hardship, unemployment, war on drugs, global warming, Iran, Iraq, North Korea. Sound familiar? Politicians and leaders have been applying the same answers and solutions to mankind’s struggles for thousands of years, with the same predictable results. Nothing changes if nothing changes, but when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Living on the Spiritual Basis we trust infinite God rather than our finite self or the world for salvation, for if we are ever to truly walk a different path as a people, the change must begin within each of us. Let there be peace, and let it begin with me.