When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Enjoying The Ride With Kwai Chang Caine

Herbert Spencer stated that substance is “that which is not subject to discord or decay." Spirit is substance,  Spirit cannot die and was never born, and we are Spirit. Consider Buddhism, it teaches that what we see is illusion, impermanent, that Everything is Zen. When I first heard this years ago I had the mental picture of a young Kwai Chang Caine of Kung Fu fame listening to his Master, a puzzled look on his face, not understanding. Unlike TV's Caine  we don't  have the luxury of jump cutting to where all is revealed. Years and a lot of living (i.e. pain) were required before I found the Spiritual Basis for Living which has  provided the answers. To borrow from Chuck Chamberlain, today I have A New Pair of Glasses to view life with. I know in my heart of hearts that I AM Spirit, as are you, as are all, all eternal, that only the distorted vision resulting from my human limitations drives my fears and difficulties. That I AM here to learn as long as this flesh lasts and when it ultimately fails, to take the lessons learned to the next destination wherever that may be, always moving forward in love and light. So struggle is pointless, everything really is Zen (God) and since no one gets out alive, we might as well enjoy the ride.

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