When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, December 9, 2013

What Is In Your Cup?

When trouble or difficulty arrives the way out is to immediately turn to God in prayer. Praying for the knowledge, guidance and strength to address the problem and most importantly pray for any other individuals involved, regardless of how they may have or are attempting to harm. In so doing we raise our consciousness, building a bull work of peace and serenity, remaining free and unharmed in spirit. We never, under any pretense ask God to do harm or cause ill to befall anyone, for if we do we drag our consciousness down and needlessly subject ourselves to suffering. Seek always the higher ground of raised consciousness, for each reaps as they sow and if we sow seeds of hate, anger, resentment and contempt we should not then be surprised when our harvest is comprised of these crops. It is the unwise man indeed who pours a cup of poison, drinks from it and then expects those he hates to suffer.

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