When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Long Way Round

It is suggested that we “think from the end” when confronted with life’s challenges. Having embarked on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis, we now know that at the “end” the solution for every difficulty or problem is God. We can turn to God at any point along the way, but the sooner the better. Think of it this way; wherever we travel there is the shortest, most direct route; any other path is taking the long way round. Sometimes when traveling the long way round is preferable, better scenery, more interesting sights, friends along the way, etc. When suffering however this is never the case yet it is exactly what most people do! They dawdle along rehashing and retelling their story with anyone who will listen, engaging in angry recrimination while wallowing in morbid reflection. Only when we place our feet squarely on the path, raising our consciousness through prayer and meditation, resisting the temptation to outline the solution, seeking only the knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out do we triumph. God can and will solve all our problems and difficulties, if we will rely upon Him. Therefore when troubled take the road less traveled by turning to God immediately in prayer and meditation. Avoid the “the long way round” of resentment, suffering, blame and morbid reflection but remember, if you find yourself on the wrong road, the turnoff is just a prayer away.

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