When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Daily Bread

When the term “bread” is used in the Bible it represents all that we require to live, not just food. In the Lord’s Prayer we ask God to give us our daily bread. Once we have set our feet on the path of enlightenment, embracing the Spiritual Basis for Living, the source of everything becomes clear. Jobs, family, inheritance, investments and any of a hundred other channels are but ways that God employs to provide our daily “bread.” As we now know, once we begin living on the Spiritual Basis, relying on infinite God rather than our finite self, when one channel dries up another opens, God alone our source, the fountainhead of all our good.

When we place our trust in supply from anything or anyone other than God we are sure to be left wanting. There are many avenues that provide our supply, employers, a business, investments, if times are tough perhaps the government for a time, but all are simply temporary channels. In all our lives these channels alter and change over the course of living, but the headwaters, the true source remains constant. The Great Carpenter taught in the Lord’s Prayer that God would provide our “daily bread”, that our daily bread signifies the realization of the Presence of God-an actual sense that God exists not merely in a nominal way, but as the great reality that God “Our Father” is the only source.  

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sorta, Kinda, Maybe

Our greatest gift, free will, is also mankind’s curse upon its self. Every criminal or evil act, whether committed by an individual or nation, has its root in selfish self centered thinking and fear. By turning our back on God, choosing the finite over the infinite, failing to be about “Our Father’s” business, choosing to ignore the Golden Rule, we open ourselves to all forms of poverty, sickness, sin, trouble, even death on the physical plane. “God is either everything or else He is nothing.” No middle ground, no gradations, no sorta kinda maybes; you are either all in or all out. The choice is ours. Free will. Choose wisely.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Free Will

 “God has a plan for every man, and he has one for you” that plan is your “Heart’s Desire.”  Our only real job, once we understand our Divine heritage, is to identify our Heart’s Desire, placing the full weight of our consciousness to this task. Emmet Fox wrote: “If you only can find out that one thing that God intends you to do, and will do it, you will find that all doors will open to you, and you will be gloriously happy.” What sets man apart from all of the rest of God’s creatures is free will; we choose the path we walk. The Zebra, the Dolphin and the Eagle are born, live and die fully expressing their essential nature, never questioning their purpose or concerned with being anything other than what they are. Only man creates, strives to be more and know more because of our unique relationship to God, since God is in fact “Our Father” in every sense.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Punishing God

Many believe, and some even teach, that God brings sickness, trouble, accidents even death as punishment or to teach a lesson. The Christ teaching exposes the false nature of this belief.  When we name something we define its nature, so what is the nature of God?  The same fountain cannot send forth both sweet and bitter water. Would we not have to be a bit schizophrenic to ask for help, direction, healing and intuitive thinking from a power greater than ourselves that professes love, but could turn on a dime and bring us pain, suffering, even death? Emmet Fox wrote “The word hallowed has the same root as holy, whole, wholesome, and heal, or healed; so we see that nature of God is complete and perfect-altogether good.”

Does trouble, sickness and suffering exist? Of course. So why does our all loving, all knowing Father allow it? Our gift of free will. Of all known creation we alone have the ability to create, for both good and ill, and all reap the crop they have sown. The innocents who suffer and die by the actions or calculated  inaction of the cruel and evil reap their reward beyond the flesh, just as their persecutors. No one dwells in eternity with the ledger of their actions unbalanced, but God does not keep the ledger, we do. Everything we have ever done, said, seen, felt, experienced in any way is written on our eternal heart, in our hand. God does not keep score, we do.

When we hold to the idea that God punishes, for any reason, we build in our consciousness a back door for self centered fear to creep in strangling faith. Pain in living is not optional, neither is the passing of the flesh. Our “soul”, the spark of the Divine within each of us, is eternal, was never born and will never die, has always been and will always be, just as God. The Lord’s Prayer names God as “Our Father” and is not the child always connected to, a product of, the parent? Do not allow the fear and pain of today to convince you that God is punishing you, for nothing could be further from the truth of being.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

The concept of Heaven, as the Carpenter taught in the Lord‘s Prayer, manifests as we raise our consciousness through prayer, meditation and selfless service to others, unfolding around us. In truth, all spiritual action is predicated on our relationship with and to God, for God is Perfect Cause and expresses Himself by means of man, for He is the Father, and we are the children, divine by birth.

Before my heart began to beat, where was I? With God. As my heart began to beat, where was God? With me. When this heart ceases to beat, where will I be? With God. The purpose is the journey, the lessons immaculate, our relationship fixed, God the Father, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, only my perceptions of the relationship altered.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


As we embrace the true significance of “Our Father” it has become clear that when we pray, our prayers are never solely for us alone but for all mankind, everything and everyone connected. All that we wish to have in our lives we must also desire with all our heart to come to our brothers and sisters in equal measure. To hold our brother in contempt or beyond the pale is too say we know better than God. Leave retribution and resentment outside the door of your heart and embrace “Our Father” not only for our own sake, but for all humanity.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Does God Play Favorites?

The Lord’s Prayer begins, “Our Father” not my father or your father, but Our Father. This ground breaking truth ends the false belief, that many still cling to unfortunately, that God plays favorites. No individual, no group, race, class or ethnicity holds a preferred or special place with God. He is the Father of all, regardless of race, creed, location or belief, All loved equally and unconditionally. Period. Imagine for a moment if this monumental truth were universally understood. “What tree is so unwise as too fight among its own branches.” Sectarian violence would end. Wars and disputes over territory nonexistent. All who have would rush to help those who want without any reservations or conditions. The Golden Rule; much talked about, rarely employed, would become the Law, the only Law. Consider for a moment what could be accomplished by humanity if we stopped wasting lives, time and resources on all things contrary to the Golden Rule. The Great Carpenter taught that heaven is not a destination, but that we live in it now. Clearly we have had the key to unleash Heaven in our hands for two thousand years, how much longer will we allow false belief and fear to stay our hand from turning it?

Father, make my life a demonstration of your guidance, show me the way patience, tolerance, kindness and love and provide me with the strength and courage to practice these principles, today, in every area of my life. May thy will be done. Amen.

Friday, August 24, 2012


In 1919 the Constitution of the United States was changed, amended, to make the consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages illegal. Now take a moment and consider that. It is a monumental task to change the Constitution, requiring 2/3 of the Senate and House to pass it and then 3/4 of States have to approve it, in 7 years or less! Then, in 1933 the Constitution was changed again to nullify the previous change and make booze legal again! As you can well imagine, it made for some interesting battles on the editorial pages of newspapers. Imagine if talk radio had existed!

The Lord’s Prayer is the amendment establishing our true relationship with “Our Father.” Many within the religious community seem to have missed the memo, that this teaching supersedes all that came before, the essential nature of our relationship with God explained fully. Emmet Fox adds succinctly: “At a single blow this teaching of Jesus swept away 99 percent of all the old theology, with its avenging God, its chosen and favored individuals, its eternal hell fire, and all the other horrible paraphernalia of man’s diseased and terrified imagination.” The Lord’s Prayer states clearly and forever that God is All-Powerful, All-Present, Eternal, the loving Father of mankind who heals, loves and guides His children. Unlike the Constitution that is subject to the will of man, the old theology has been amended, by God, superseded forever.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Oliver Wendell Holmes

The great jurist stated: “My religion is summed up in the first two words of the Lord’s Prayer.” “Our Father.” The truth of our relationship with the miraculous is here in the first clause of the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father.” Of course there will always be the exceptions that make the headlines but aren’t we truly at our best when our children are involved? The concept of a cruel and despotic ruler of the Heavens imbued with all the evil and capricious tendencies that humans unfortunately have shown when placed in positions of ultimate authority is destroyed finally and forever by this simple and revolutionary truth about our relationship with God, “Our Father”. As the Great Carpenter taught: If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? (Matthew 7:11).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Altered Perceptions

How we perceive the world colors everything we see and believe. Our perceptions are built, layer upon layer by our life experiences and how we interpret those experiences.


A homeless person asks for assistance, do you:
1) Act as if they were invisible.
2) Ask them what they need the money for, we will consider it if they can convince us it is for food and not anything we find objectionable.
3) Smile and hand them a few dollars, saying a silent prayer for them since they are a child of God, just as we are.

When I wore a younger mans clothes, not just the homeless, but much of life was invisible to me. Being infallible as only the young can be, why would I consider another’s plight when the universe revolved around me. In time, becoming a husband and parent my vision and perceptions began to change, priorities altered. I could see those struggling, but felt duty bound to lecture and inform these poor unfortunates, because they clearly needed the benefit of my superior world vision. Woe be to me.

“The only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self, is pain.”

The slicing away of self can be a tedious process, but is spiritually invaluable. Through this process today I see more with my heart, that all are children of a loving God, all equal in His eyes, regardless of station or circumstances. How I treat the least of us will be meted to me in kind, for we all reap as we sow. Today to the above quote I would add “The only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self and alter our perceptions, is pain.”

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Metaphysical Truth and Prayer

What you think upon grows. The thoughts we dwell on will be out pictured in our lives. Period. When we dwell on lack, perceived injustice (real and imagined), resentment or any of the other hundred forms of fear clamoring for our attention, we attach them to our consciousness as surely as a barnacle to a pier piling. Though no one would say they wish to suffer, to believe we can think one way and then receive the opposite is a subtle form of spiritual insanity.

Now, it would be a poor law indeed if it did not work in the reverse. When we dwell on the positive, on the Presence of God, on the truth of our relationship with the Divine, that all fear and negativity are false, God the giver of every good gift, will then be out pictured in our lives.

Prayer is causative, so always pray in the positive. Never begin a prayer with "I need" or "I want" for this only reinforces the perceived lack. Consider: Divine life brings well-being to every part of my body when our health is less than optimal. God is the giver of every good gift, ready to supply my every need when in need of greater prosperity. These examples are borrowed from Emmet Fox, the wording not nearly as important as the set of our heart as we say them, but they have served me well for many years, perhaps you as well.

Remember, be gentle with yourself when in prayer, pray with a feather. In the future when finding yourself starting a prayer with I need or I want, and you will, we all do from time to time when fear is upon us, laugh and thank God that you know Him better. Laughter in the face of fear is music to God's ears and the gentleness with which we treat ourselves in His name a demonstration of true faith.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Seeking In Earnest

“Every thought is made up of two factors, knowledge and feeling.” What do you believe? We all believe in all sorts of things. Ford is better than Chevy, Yankees are better than the Red Sox; my grandkids are cuter than yours are all examples of thoughts/opinions based heavily in feeling rather than knowledge, except the one about my grandkids of course. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, Hawaii is an island, two plus two equals four are all examples of knowledge with little feeling/passion attached. Heated discussions have and will take place concerning the former, yet possibly never concerning the latter.

Clearly without passion nothing happens. Living on the Spiritual Basis is a passionate way of life, tempered with truth. Not someone else’s truth but your truth arrived at by scientific prayer and meditation. Read with your eyes but study with your heart. Listen with your ears but hear with the Divine Presence within. Do not mortgage your future on any one teacher or interpretation. Jesus taught that we are all connected to the Father, not requiring any intermediaries to establish this bond since it is ours by right of birth, a teaching that turned the world on its head, forgotten by many. Read spiritual books and study teachers that strike a cord in you, but keep your own counsel in the “secret” place of your heart. When questions arise seek out those who have touched you and consider their words in meditation and if you find their counsel just, incorporate it in your life. The right answers will come if our own house is in order, which requires us to remain willing and open to all spiritual experience, “for the realm of Heaven is roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek.”

Sunday, August 19, 2012

One Of The Keys To The Kingdom

The true key to freedom is forgiveness. The reason for this is simple: “You do this, not for the other person’s sake, but for your own sake.” Can you think of a single spiritual teacher that has not made this point? Without forgiveness no real spiritual progress can ever be made. When we fail to embrace forgiveness we lock ourselves into a circular route that inevitably leads back to the same difficulties clothed in different garb, again and again. Applying the same solutions, we reap the same results,  Living on the Spiritual Basis requires forgiving not only in word and in our actions, but in our heart, breaking the cycle, but how?

When we hold onto an old hurt, justifying the feeling for any reason, we chose to stand outside the sunlight of the Spirit, placing ourselves in the shadow of resentment and fear. By embracing justified anger our thinking becomes stale, stagnant and unhealthy, by throwing open our heart to forgiveness we are rejuvenated. The course here is clear; when these negative thoughts appear in our consciousness we immediately treat them with a prayer asking to be shown if there is anything we can do to be of service to the person we are seeking to forgive. By becoming willing to be of service to those who offended sets us free. To be very clear, God will never place us in a position to be harmed if we are about His business, so forgive free of  the fear of being harmed further. By taking the contrary action to what the World and our carnal mind would have us do, we raise our consciousness and stand in the sunlight of the Spirit, clean, rejuvenated and free, the Law of Forgiveness fulfilled.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Seven Year Olds and Serenity

“Life is like playing a violin concerto naked, and learning to play as you go along.” Some time ago I attended a “concert” by second graders, fully clothed. They were less than perfect in their performance but performed exactly as second graders should. Had they been High School students their instructor’s competence would need to be questioned and rightfully so. We would never expect a group of seven year olds to perform at the level of students more than twice their age. The point being we always demonstrate where we are. Spiritually where are you? What principles do you practice, since whether you are aware of them or not, we all practice principles.

Having placed our feet on the path, choosing to Live on the Spiritual Basis, we embarked on the examined life. Our actions demonstrating who we really are, what we really believe. Do we practice the principles of turning to God in all things or revel in morbid reflection and negativity when fear based thoughts float up into our consciousness? For even if new to the path, our schooling, the notes from our violin can be sweet, clothed in serenity when we Practice the Presence of God, rejecting the negative and embracing our all knowing, all loving Father.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Law of Subconscious Activity

Though many remain in denial of this truth, there are rules, or laws if you prefer, that govern our thinking, applying equally to everyone at all times. They are impersonal, always in force and cannot be appealed. Being impersonal “This law is true for both good and bad ideas. This law, when used negatively, brings sickness, trouble, and failure; and when used positively, brings healing, freedom, and success. We give the orders-the subconscious does the work.”
We cannot, do not control the thoughts that enter our consciousness. We do control what path to follow when we become aware of a thought. When a negative or fearful thought floats up from our subconscious how we respond to it determines our future. We must train ourselves when confronted with these discordant thoughts to turn immediately to thoughts of God; His Love, His Power and His Guidance. In so doing the Law of Subconscious Activity works for us, not against.

Practical demonstrations always carry more weight than mere words. Begin by observing the faces of the people in your life. What do you see in the countenance of those who engage in gossip, hurtful or negative words and action? Compare them with those who are consistently kind, supportive and positive. The truth of this lesson will be as plain as the look on your face.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mental Muscle

“We have ceased fighting everything and everyone, we have to” unlike physical exercise, where working harder typically produces greater results, the converse is true mentally. The reason for this is that God does the work, not our mental “muscle.” No amount of will power has ever added a single ounce of lasting spiritual weight to anyone. We don’t “work” on our problems or difficulties for we have turned our will and our lives completely over to the care of God. Having chosen to live on the Spiritual Basis we know today that God is the doer. Not us. So we pray when prayer is indicated, meditate regularly and serve where and when possible. We turn to Him who has all knowledge and power when filled with fear and doubt and demonstrate in faith, we relax for “all mental working should be relaxed, gentle, and unhurried for effort defeats itself.”

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Difficult problems (fear) seem to have a life of their own. Hard as we try, we work through them but the next thing we know they are back in the forefront of our consciousness, dominating our thoughts. One of the most insidious ways this happens is through outlining. The world teaches that we should think things through, weigh pros and cons, talk it out, but just as “the grouch and the brainstorm are the dubious luxury of normal men” so is outlining. It starts out innocently enough but in short order we begin outlining how a situation or trouble should work out, in essence telling the universe how to solve our problems, assuage our fears, on our terms of course. It doesn’t work, does it. It only succeeds in building up expectations and as a wise man said “the level of our serenity is directly proportional to our expectations of others.”

Living on the Spiritual Basis our expectations are placed in God’s hands, the burden on His shoulders, so when you find yourself outlining, stop as soon as you become aware and thank God for knowing Him better. Quiet the mind by repeating some simple set prayers: “Be still and know that I am God”, “There is no power greater than God” or simply “God is with me.”

When I ran the world I outlined constantly, for it needed my help. Living on the new basis, I leave the running of the world, and my life, in God’s hands for He does a much better job of it than I ever did, for today I know in my heart of hearts that “God is with me.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Watched Pots, Oranges and Bike Riding

Has someone said to you or have you ever said “don’t think like that?” Not possible is it. It is one of those silly things we say to one another without having thought it through. Like “a watched pot never boils”, yes it does, every single time, eventually, and without the origin understood for context it is just nonsense. As soon as we are told not to think about something the first thing we do is think about it. No? OK, don’t think about oranges.... How did you do? We are powerless over the thoughts that float through our minds eye; however we choose the action upon becoming aware of these thoughts. Oranges are not much of a problem, but there exists in all of us a voice of discord and negativity embedded in the subconscious that is constantly looking for a reason to be upset or outraged. The origin of the voice is secondary, the action we choose to take paramount. Having embarked on Living on the Spiritual Basis the action is to turn from the lower to the higher by way of prayer and meditation.

If a negative thought is persistent engage in some distracting activity such as a phone call to a friend inquiring about them (do not speak of the negative thought), an engrossing book, exercise, meeting with like minded people over coffee, etc. If possible find a way to be of service. Nothing relieves us of the bondage of self, and all negative thinking binds us in self, as intensive work with others. The key is to substitute positive thinking and action for the negative thoughts. Simple but not easy, when we begin this way of living it will feel clunky and somewhat uncomfortable, but just like learning to ride a bike, as long as we are diligent and consistent, in time it will become second nature.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Live And Let Live

A centipede was quite happy,
Until a frog in fun
Said, “Pray, which leg comes after which?”
This raised her mind to such a pitch,
She lay distracted in the ditch,
Considering how to run.

    Never argue with anyone about God. Speak quietly about your belief and let it go. No one is ever moved far spiritually by words alone. We convince others when we walk the way we talk and let our actions speak in a way words never can. “There is a place for analysis, but it is apt to be quite fatal in prayer and meditation. Do not dissect the love of God, but feel it. Do not dissect divine intelligence, but realize it. Do not wonder how God can possibly solve this problem, but just watch Him do it in His own way-and He will if you give Him a chance." Emmet Fox. The principle of attraction not promotion is one that we must live by once we have begun to live on the new basis, the Spiritual Basis.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ladders, Leaping and Camels

“There is only one way to make spiritual progress…prayer” Fox. So the question is not what to do but how to do it. “If your intuitive nature is well developed, you will seldom need to use formal statements at all. This is excellent-for who will trouble to climb a ladder when he is strong enough to leap over the wall?” Fox. Living on the Spiritual Basis a constant conscious contact with God is the goal. However, few of us always feel the connection. Remember the camel's nose? Our connection typically dims when we fail to see the camel’s nose (fear) slip under the tent flap (our consciousness) until it is too late. Since a camel has no reverse, once its head is in, it is coming in all the way.

So if you find yourself staring a camel in the eye, dragging out the ladder and relying on well used structured prayers are a life saver. The Lord’s Prayer, the powerful “Be still and know that I am God”, the Serenity prayer quickly come to mind. The one thing I would suggest, that always works, is keep it simple. God already knows what is in our heart and exactly what we need before we need it, so simple heart filled prayers have great power. “He constantly uses the old affirmations (prayers), but he stuffs them with fresh feeling every time.” Remember, God is always present for it is His nature. When we lose sight of Him it is because we closed our eyes, prayer restores our sight and soon we are leaping again.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Working Out

The start of every year brings an influx of people to gyms and health clubs. Having resolved to lose weight and get into shape, some for the first time; many repeat offenders, their desire is genuine, but what usually happens? After a few weeks (sometimes a very few) “stuff” begins to interfere. Work ramps up. The kids start or resume an extra curricular activity that involves travel time and scheduling. The spouse who was supportive in the beginning becomes less so, especially if there are any hints dropped about it becoming a family affair. I’m sure you can add to the list. So with no real thought we give ourselves license to miss a session or two. The idea of everyone else eating pizza while we try to choke down one more Lean Cuisine becomes intolerable. Remember when you said, out loud, they tasted good? Soon the only remnants of the gym are the clothes in the back of the closet and that automatic deduction from the checking account every month.

Because modes of thinking are contagious we allow the same things to happen in our spiritual life. We read a book or hear a speaker which energizes us and we vow to follow a new path. What happens? Gym Think. After a time the old manner and habits of living reassert themselves and we drift back into old familiar ways of thinking. Then a new book or teacher catches our attention and the cycle begins again.

There is a fundamental difference however between physical and spiritual exercise. The day will come for all, when this physical shell will fail, regardless of how many hours we spend working out and/or eating right. Remember Jim Fixx? But our essential nature, call it soul, cosmic conscious, feldercarb or whatever term appeals to you, is eternal. So decide today to place your feet on the path and let no future vicissitude shake your resolve and when Gym Think creeps in, and it happens to everyone, reject it by turning to God for strength and guidance. Just for today demonstrate prayer and meditation in your life, as if your life depended on it, for in truth it does. A twenty minute walk and a good multivitamin is OK to.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Nature Of God

The Lord’s Prayer establishes the essential nature of God, that He is in truth our Father in the deepest, most profound respect. One of the promises realized by Living on the Spiritual Basis is “We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.” True peace of soul brings healing, true place and opens us to understanding and learning utterly beyond what would normally be possible. Even if we are weak, fearful, depressed, or believe these tidings could never come true for us, God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Though trembling, our job is to stay in the action of prayer and meditation and to seek the face of our Father, relying on Him who has all knowledge and power. Simple, but not easy. To know that we are safe and protected, possibly as the very foundation of our world is shaking, is a tall order and is only possible with other worldly help and direction, for in truth, Living on the Spiritual Basis we are no longer of this world, we are in it, to grow and serve our Father and our fellows, one day at a time.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Concerning Fear, a Suggestion

The term “reborn” has been employed poorly if not down right incorrectly so often that its true spiritual meaning has become obscured. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now see that all external happenings are but passing shadows of no permanent importance. We have come to hold in our heart of hearts that to dwell in the Presence of Divine light and knowledge as the only true escape from our “enemies” (negative thinking/morbid reflection) and “foes” (fear and doubt of every stripe). When our consciousness rises to this level, we carry the message of His love and guidance into all our affairs, responding to all seeming trouble with “my heart shall not fear, thy will be done” and we are free, We are reborn in Spirit. With this spiritual key in hand, understanding who our true foes and enemies are, now would be an appropriate time to visit the 27th Psalm, just a suggestion.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Truth About Fear

 “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” When FDR said this in his first inaugural address America was in the grip of the great depression and great clouds of dust howled over the central plains displacing millions. What FDR knew is that fear is paralyzing. Whether you agree with the political course FDR set this country on is immaterial, the critical point is that as a leader he understood the power of fear. Living on the Spiritual Basis we confront fear where it lives, in our consciousness. Fear brings darkness to our thoughts, an actual feeling of constriction in the chest, as if life is being squeezed from us, the sense of impending doom attempting to overpower. Fear is a liar. To be crystal clear: everyone dies of something; the flesh we inhabit will one day fail. Money comes and money goes. Jobs end and begin. We may fall out of love or someone we love may fall out of love with us. Accidents happen. The choice is ours as to how we handle the inevitable lows in life. Do we cower in fear, paralyzed in inaction or step out in faith, demonstrating reliance on a power greater than ourselves?

Freedom comes when we turn in all things to Him who has all knowledge and power, who brings the light banishing the darkness of fear, providing the keys to the kingdom, replacing the dread surrounding our heart with the surety of salvation, enabling us to meet perceived calamity with poise and serenity, putting the truth to fears lie. How is this accomplished? By choosing consistent prayer, meditation and service work in the face of the stultifying fear. Our greatest gift is free will; out of free will we choose to create. Whether it is a new recipe, scientific theorem, musical composition, play or novel, we make the choice to create, each day we choosing which path we walk, darkness or light, bondage in self or salvation. The choice is always ours.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tithe With Joy

Looked at a dollar bill lately? Go get one, I’ll wait…now, look on the reverse, it states: “In God We Trust.” The question is, do we? When we tithe out of fear or from a grudging sense of obligation, we miss the point of the tithe. We are better off building on our understanding of Spiritual Truth than to give in this way. The core lesson of tithing is to affirm through demonstration that we not only intellectually grasp the concept of true source, but also hold it in our heart. When tithing thank God for knowing Him better, certain in the knowledge that we are all connected in Spirit, always reaping as we sow, so plant with joy.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Given, Freely

One of the ways we demonstrate our spiritual fitness is by how much we give, freely, not only in riches but most importantly of ourselves. Consider for a moment the disheveled fellow with the cardboard sign seeking money for “food.” True, he may in fact not use the money for food as we would define it, but does that mean his need is any less real? A dollar, wrapped in silent prayer, saluting the Divine within, provides more relief, opens more pathways of heart, than can be experienced with human eyes.

All reap as they sow; by giving with joy, never out of grudging obligation or with strings attached for that defeats divine purpose; serenity and peace with intention are the harvest. In hard economic times perhaps monetary tithing is not possible, but everyone has something to give. If you have little money, ask in prayer to be shown how to best be of service, tithing the gift of your time and/or expertise to those who need your gift. We are greater and more valuable than our fear driven carnal mind often allows or accepts, remember, you are a child of the Divine, directly connected in truth to Our Father.

So whether our pocket book is thin or not, a genuine smile accompanied by eye contact and a kind word to those suffering, acknowledging them, is a tithe that multiplies itself in ever widening circles, helping to release them, and ourselves, from the bondage of self, a simple confirmation of our relationship with the Miraculous.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We Must Judge

Judging is a concept greatly misunderstood. We not only should judge the behavior of others but Living on the Spiritual Basis makes it a requirement. The difficulty arises when we confuse righteous judgment with condemnation. We condemn the act, not the actor.

When we condemn an individual it places us in a position to be harmed, for we have assumed a morally elevated position, better than, which of course is false. No one is above or below any other in the sight of God. Though our paths may be very different, our challenges and lessons in life diverse, no one is beyond grace or forgiveness in Spirit if they truly mean business and desire change. This does not mean crimes and transgressions are forgotten or ignored, for a price must be paid, we must be willing to pay any price for salvation, for freedom from the bondage of self.

Righteous judgment requires seeing the individual and their actions in the light of the Spiritual Awakening we have experienced, realizing for them, through prayer and meditation, the Presence of Divine Knowledge and Guidance in their lives. To be crystal clear: Righteous judgment comes from the heart and is always given with the hope and desire the transgressor will embrace the path of enlightenment but does not mean they are excused from or immune to the consequences of their actions. We all reap as we sow and unfortunately some will never seek enlightenment, choosing fear over freedom. However we are mistaken if we condemn them or wish (or worse desire) harm to anyone. Hate does not cease with hate. Anger is never assuaged with more anger. Condemnation never builds character or leads to freedom.

Judge righteously and the whole world improves, condemn and we all suffer for we are connected in Spirit, all children of the Divine Presence.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Its Natural

As we progress on the path of awakening, Living on the Spiritual Basis, we become more sensitive to the world and our fellows and as such, the adversary fear and his children depression and morbid reflection, seemingly grow stronger, more insistent. This is natural for many things which escaped our notice before we begin to see since we are now operating at increased levels of awareness. Nothing has really changed however for fear, negative thinking and reflection can only gain purchase if we fail to affirm God’s love and guidance in our life by means of consistent prayer, meditation and service, the very activities that raised our consciousness in the first place! So take heart, though the world and its mostly self-inflicted suffering touches us deeply and profoundly, the surety of our role as instruments of His will is evident, our awakening manifest.

So we stay the course, asking God what we can do each day for the man or woman who still suffers, remembering always that we are the instrument of His will and like any musical instrument nothing happens until the master begins to play. Strive to be the best instrument possible, though we may be terribly flawed, perhaps wracked with guilt and fear, when we allow ourselves to be placed in His hands the notes are miraculous, moving Heaven itself and we are free.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fool's Gold and 6 Pack Abs

Rarely does a week pass without some new self help book/seminar that will solve all our problems, the diet to end all diets, miracle food/supplement, piece of revolutionary exercise equipment that will provide the perfect body IN ONLY 20 MINUTES 3 TIMES A WEEK! appears. Admit it; just like me, you have been tempted. But will drinking some berry juice really change my life or a three-day seminar addressing all of life’s questions the answer and who wouldn’t want a flat sexy tummy or buns of steel, IN ONLY 20 MINUTES! Like a wise man once said: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Salesmen and marketing executives peddle fool’s gold to separate us from our money, that's their job but unlike banking on that unrealistic shortcut to six-pack abs, Living on the Spiritual Basis provides a pearl beyond price for it is the shortest road to the peace and sense of true freedom each of us crave deep down. “Simple but not easy, a price has to be paid.” That price is the surrender of self and our focus on selfish things. When we shift our focus to the sense of the Presence of God within, where true gold is found, we begin to experience the Truth of Being, finding our true place in the fabric of the miraculous. Perhaps I am too cynical and ultimate awakening or abs of steel are just a credit card and a phone call away, operators are standing by, but as the old prospector remarked to the greenhorn about fool’s gold: “When you think you have found gold you probably have not; but when you do find it, you will know it for certain.”

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Leading From The Front

Walking the way we talk. “I would love to listen to your words but your actions speak so loudly I cannot hear you.” The concept of a track record is lost on many folks. The people around us judge us by our actions; our intentions, though perhaps noble, are meaningless if not followed up by the indicated action. How many times did it take for your child to tell you they would clean their room or some other chore beneath their status, which they then immediately blew off, before you wised up to their true intention? Not many I would guess. Often I have had someone come to me for advice, agree that it was the correct action to take and then proceed to launch in exactly the wrong direction. I often wonder why they bother, but hold to the fact that asking means they wish to follow a different path, even though in their heart they have already decided on what they are going to do, the consequences denied or ignored. When my son was a child I asked him why he agreed to clean up his room, then blow it off, knowing full well that a reckoning would come when he didn’t. The response was “I planned on doing it.” When asked when that was exactly a blank look was followed with “I don’t know.” A parents joy comes in knowing that one day our child will be on the other side of that exchange. It cannot be said enough; if you wish to be respected, be respectful, if you desire love in your life, be loving, honesty comes from being honest and so on. The aspects of living we desire in our lives will only materialize once we begin treating those about us in the manner we wish to be treated in, we teach by example and true leaders lead from the front.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Poking Tigers in the Eye

In the second act of my life I made my living swinging a hammer. The man who sponsored me to become a contractor taught “When the workday is over stop working.” Seemed pretty simple if not downright painfully obvious then. Kinda like never poke a tiger in the eye with your finger. In time, however, I began to understand what he was really talking about. Working in construction there is always some little task that needs doing. I learned, through painful experience, that once I stopped working for the day, having removed my tool belt and bags, not to put them back on. On more than one occasion, unfortunately, I spied a crooked nail, loose board or some other small task that could have easily waited until the next day, choosing to address it before going home. Right after the hammer slipped and smacked me on the shin or I hit the nail and heard the unmistakable sound of water rushing from a pierced pipe or missed the nail on the wall but hit the one on my thumb instead, I would then remember, belatedly, what he had said. But most importantly I became aware that most days long after I had physically left the job site I was still there in my mind, needlessly rehashing the days events or worrying about things that where God’s business, not mine. Emmet Fox refers to this as “taking the train” mentally. Living on the Spiritual Basis leads to effective mental activity and relaxation. As Dr Fox teaches, “don’t take the train mentally-let the engine (God) take it.” So “when the workday is over stop working” oh, and never poke a tiger in the eye with your finger.