When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Does God Play Favorites?

The Lord’s Prayer begins, “Our Father” not my father or your father, but Our Father. This ground breaking truth ends the false belief, that many still cling to unfortunately, that God plays favorites. No individual, no group, race, class or ethnicity holds a preferred or special place with God. He is the Father of all, regardless of race, creed, location or belief, All loved equally and unconditionally. Period. Imagine for a moment if this monumental truth were universally understood. “What tree is so unwise as too fight among its own branches.” Sectarian violence would end. Wars and disputes over territory nonexistent. All who have would rush to help those who want without any reservations or conditions. The Golden Rule; much talked about, rarely employed, would become the Law, the only Law. Consider for a moment what could be accomplished by humanity if we stopped wasting lives, time and resources on all things contrary to the Golden Rule. The Great Carpenter taught that heaven is not a destination, but that we live in it now. Clearly we have had the key to unleash Heaven in our hands for two thousand years, how much longer will we allow false belief and fear to stay our hand from turning it?

Father, make my life a demonstration of your guidance, show me the way patience, tolerance, kindness and love and provide me with the strength and courage to practice these principles, today, in every area of my life. May thy will be done. Amen.

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