When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We Must Judge

Judging is a concept greatly misunderstood. We not only should judge the behavior of others but Living on the Spiritual Basis makes it a requirement. The difficulty arises when we confuse righteous judgment with condemnation. We condemn the act, not the actor.

When we condemn an individual it places us in a position to be harmed, for we have assumed a morally elevated position, better than, which of course is false. No one is above or below any other in the sight of God. Though our paths may be very different, our challenges and lessons in life diverse, no one is beyond grace or forgiveness in Spirit if they truly mean business and desire change. This does not mean crimes and transgressions are forgotten or ignored, for a price must be paid, we must be willing to pay any price for salvation, for freedom from the bondage of self.

Righteous judgment requires seeing the individual and their actions in the light of the Spiritual Awakening we have experienced, realizing for them, through prayer and meditation, the Presence of Divine Knowledge and Guidance in their lives. To be crystal clear: Righteous judgment comes from the heart and is always given with the hope and desire the transgressor will embrace the path of enlightenment but does not mean they are excused from or immune to the consequences of their actions. We all reap as we sow and unfortunately some will never seek enlightenment, choosing fear over freedom. However we are mistaken if we condemn them or wish (or worse desire) harm to anyone. Hate does not cease with hate. Anger is never assuaged with more anger. Condemnation never builds character or leads to freedom.

Judge righteously and the whole world improves, condemn and we all suffer for we are connected in Spirit, all children of the Divine Presence.


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