When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Attraction Of Trudging

 “But honesty, open-mindedness and willingness are essential.” We triumph over life’s inevitable challenges not by the exercise of willpower and brute force but by tapping into the power of God. Many paths lead to our ultimate awakening, most, if not all begin with spiritual discomfort. Sickness (our own or a loved ones), addiction, financial stress, a failed relationship and death (a loved ones or contemplating our own) are all beginnings, for “the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self is pain.” The greatest gift we can give ourselves is a foundation in faith before the assault on self begins. The pain and discomfort of dealing with the ultimate questions of living will not be avoided, but we will have a clear-cut set of directions to follow out of the wilderness.

“Be quick to see where religious people are right. Make use of what they offer.” We must set aside our preconceived ideas and don a new pair of glasses. Listen and learn with your heart, for in the end, isn’t finding a way out more important than who provides it? If you were drowning and a rope appeared held by a long hated enemy would you refuse it? Put aside your prejudice against any spiritual path, make use of what they have to offer, take what you need and leave the rest (for this selfishness is God inspired) and join us as we “trudge the road of happy destiny.”  

Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, Power of Intention, NOTW, metaphysics, Golden Key, Emmet Fox, ACIM, Alanon, 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Promises For All

Living on the Spiritual Basis promises much: “We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past or wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace…That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear…Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us…When we look back, we realize that the things which came to us when we put ourselves in God’s hands were better than anything we could have planned…As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could face life successfully, as we became conscious of His Presence, we began to lose our fear of today, tomorrow or the hereafter. We were reborn.”
          “Are these extravagant promises? We think not…They will always materialize if we work for them” (Alcoholics Anonymous).

 If this and more is promised to those suffering from addiction, could you expect anything less in your life? Place your will and life into His hands and this and so much more is yours, for it is the promise and God keeps all His promises.

 ACIM, A Course in Miracles, Alanon, Baba Ram Dass, Buddha, Emmet Fox, NOTW, The Secret, Zen, Wayne Dyer, Golden Key,

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Memo: No, really, I got this. Signed God.

Living on the Spiritual Basis we now trust and rely on God for guidance, strength and direction but it is up to us to demonstrate our belief. If we pray but do not really believe we deserve to receive or that somehow the difficulty we are in was delivered by God to “teach” us a lesson than our prayer is answered accordingly. What do you believe? Living in grace we are forgiven in spirit our transgressions as soon as we ask, the pain comes when after having our consciousness raised we choose to act in a manner we know in our heart is wrong. God does not punish us, we do, reaping as we have sown. He does not keep score, we do. Everything we have ever done or said is written on our heart, in our hand, not God’s. God wants us to be happy, joyous and free, if I am not it is because I have taken back up the reins of my life and am running the show again for God is a gentleman and will always hand the reins back when I reach for them.

Our deliverance comes from trust and demonstration. Trust in Him who has all knowledge and power and you will demonstrate the life you desire, continue outlining and attempting to run the show and you will demonstrate more of what you are praying to have removed! Avoid lending God a hand in the running of your life; He really doesn’t need our help. 

 #Wayne Dyer, ACIM, al-anon, Alanon, Baba Ram Dass, Bible, Einstein, Zen, Wayne Dyer, NOTW, Emmet Fox, 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tour De France

What do you believe in? We believe in all sorts of things but typically fail to take the time to consider them. Everyone lives by a set of values, has a code, things they will and will not do but rarely stop and examine what they are. Living on the Spiritual Basis we choose to examine our beliefs, seeking clarity on our values and the code we live by. In so doing we build the structure of our mentality, our consciousness a metaphysical stone at a time. Our decision to live the examined life builds the fortress of our faith, provides sure footing in times of trouble, protection from the vagaries of random wild negative thoughts and raised ramparts to better view the landscape of our lives.

All structures require maintenance, lest they fall to ruin. Some years ago I began watching the Tour De France, more for the stunning beauty of France than for a bunch bicyclists. Much of the race is followed with helicopters showing panoramic views of famous structures in proximity to the race route. France is dotted with castles/fortresses, typically situated on a prominent high point overlooking a village or critical choke point along an invasion route. A few are still occupied, but most have been allowed to deteriorate, their walls crumbling, moats overgrown, testaments to a once vital defense, now merely reminders of what once was. Just as physical walls fail without care and maintenance, the fortress of our faith will suffer as well without spiritual maintenance performed with consistent prayer and meditation. If we fail to do this and rest on our laurels the seeds of fear will find their way into the stones, take root and eventually breach the walls. Having done the work in faith to build our fortress, we must remain ever vigilant watching for the beginning shoots of fear, negativity and depression and when they appear, for they will, address them immediately by reaffirming our faith and trust in God.

 ACIM, Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, Power of Intention, metaphysics, Golden Key, Golden Rule,

Monday, February 24, 2014

What Lies Behind The Clouds?

When things are going well there is a natural tendency to slack off a touch in our spiritual work. The sun is shining, the clouds decorating a peaceful sky, perfect for watching lying on a soft bed of grass, peace immanent. Life is good. We enjoy these times but must remain wary of complacency. Like the athlete who trains daily for the occasional competitions, we pray and meditate daily to keep our connection to the Divine fresh and open for the inevitable storms that visit every life. Living on the Spiritual Basis we now understand the rain falls on the just and the unjust equally, it is not punishment, it is just life. Living on the new basis today when a storm comes we gently step back into the shadow and shelter of the Almighty, out of the wind and rain, continuing to pray and meditate until the storm passes and the sun returns. Having embraced eternity we understand the truth of being, that behind every cloud, the sun still shines. 

ACIM, Alanon, Baba Ram Dass, Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Serenity Prayer, Road Less Traveled, 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Clearing Our Perspective

Within as without. What we believe at our core always finds its way into the light. The thief, liar and cheat all eventually fly their colors and become known for what they are, in spite of their best attempts to stay hidden. As disconcerting to life as these individuals may be, those who speak of God yet act godless are the saddest of all. They recognize the beauty and importance of a spiritual connection only from the viewpoint of exploiting it for their own gain. If there ever was a creature that deserved our pity, they qualify. They truly “miss the beauty of the forest for the ugliness of a few trees”, their focus self-centered, the majesty of our connection to the author of all obscured.

Only you know your heart. When our relationship with God is right, all other relationships can and will fall into place. The secret place of our consciousness is where we lay the foundation and place our order for the future. With God as our partner the foundation is sound, the future secure in the knowledge that we have tapped the universal mind for guidance and strength. Unfortunately the clamors of the world insistently attempt to invade our serenity, to infect our heart with fear, to turn us from the miraculous to the mundane. If your heart is troubled, turn off the news, put down the newspaper, switch off the radio and let the phone go to voice-mail. Pick up whatever spiritual tome is at hand or appeals to you and spend some time with it. Read a few lines and quietly reflect on what they mean to you. Continue doing this until it is time to stop, you will know for your heart will be filled, peace re-established, perspective restored, your soul, your connection to the Divine cleansed, the forest in clear view, the beauty of the trees evident once again.

 ACIM, Alanon, Baba Ram Dass, Buddha, Course in Miracles, Hinduism, Jesus Christ, Zen, The Secret,

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Who Do You Work For?

How different would the fabric of the world look if all business embraced spiritual principles. All the justifications and rationalizations for poor in spirit decisions regarding layoffs, exorbitant executive salaries, pollution, leaving communities they have been a part of for decades just to improve the “bottom line”, etc would evaporate like morning dew on a desert flower. To be clear: change is natural. People who perform at exceptional levels should be compensated within reason. If a business is not profitable and healthy, it should and must change. It is the manner and choices in change that matter. Hinduism taught over 3000 years before the Great Carpenter: “One should always treat others as they wish to be treated.” This simple, straightforward spiritual principle, the Golden Rule, is central to the spiritual path and, though first recorded over 5000 years ago, is routinely ignored. If business and governments employed just this single spiritual pillar, the world would be transformed overnight.

If you have not invited God into your business, do not lose any more time. Living on the Spiritual Basis you have tapped a resource of unimaginable depth and power, yet many who adhere to spiritual principles in their personal life allow themselves to waver when it comes to business. The reasoning is simple, the competition does not employ these principles and the fear is that if we do we will lose out. Is it really any wonder then that spiritual principles like the Golden Rule are absent from “secular” business decisions? Once again, burn this into your consciousness; there is no secular. Everything and everyone is part of the Divine, everything and everyone connected in Spirit. All supposed divisions are merely convenient illusions to perpetuate the false belief that there are areas of our lives that God is not involved in or a party to. Seek then His guidance and love in the workplace as well. Whether we clean the executive washroom or rule the boardroom, deliver the mail or pass judgment from the highest court in the land, weigh every decision and choice in spiritual light, lean on the greatest partner you will ever have because In God We Trust is not situational, but the only true way of living.

Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, NOTW, Moses, Law Of Attraction, Baba Ram Dass, Alanon, ACIM,

Friday, February 21, 2014

Politicians, Prostitutes And Promises

Some things in life are assured: taxes, death, corrupt politicians, less sleep and more bathroom trips after turning 50, at least one new diet a month that promises: better sex, drop 20 pounds in 20 days with no exercise, fewer bathroom trips and better sleep, etc. The newspaper/nightly news/internet will lead with a story depicting something horrific. 

The world (man) is always presenting some new and improved way to solve problems, to address the issues of living. All that is required is your vote and/or your money/credit card number and everything will change for the better. In truth, nothing in the news today is new. Politicians may not technically belong to the worlds oldest profession (I have my doubts) but if not they have been plying their trade as long. Additionally there was a time, and not that long ago, when leeches and blood letting where central to a patient’s care and most patent medicines would definitely make you feel better, considering they consisted mostly of alcohol and some form of opium, and little else.

We are asked to trust people and institutions, to place our faith in governments and “learned” experts. Yet the same problems that plagued the ancients still plague us today: healthcare, jobs, secure borders, taxes, immigration, elder care, safe and available food, education, road and bridge maintenance, etc. Studying the history of worldly assurances; both micro and macro, it becomes apparent that outer assurances have done little to fundamentally change the world.

What of spiritual assurances?  Living on the Spiritual Basis, we have found the timeless assurances of spiritual teachers becoming real for us once we stepped out in faith and wholeheartedly embraced the work. By placing our trust in the miraculous, turning from the outer to the within through prayer and meditation, trusting in infinite God rather than our finite self, we find peace and the ability to meet calamity with serenity. Our new reliance based on the work done in raising our consciousness, expanding our conscious contact with God, not the assurances of others. The promise of eternal life beyond the limitation of the flesh real, for we are now in the world but no longer of it. Now if I could just cut down on those bathroom trips in the middle of the night, maybe a new diet...

Zen, Wayne Dyer, ultimate truth, The Secret, Shema Yisrael, ACIM, Alanon, Baba Ram Dass, 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Popeye's Limitation Or "I am what I am and that is all that I am"

Popeye could have saved himself a great deal of wear and tear had he embraced spiritual living. Living on the Spiritual Basis is about unlimited potential and growth, our connection with the infinite. Popeye chose limitation, that what he is is all he is and that is it. Living on the new basis the question must be asked why Popeye chose fear over freedom. Was he locked into a cycle of failure because of his overbearing father, Poopdeck Pappy, always trying to impress him but invariably falling short? Was it because he feared losing Olive Oyl if he flew his colors as a man of God? The condescending personal attacks from Bluto/Brutus if he announced his faith or his inability to say no to Wimpy’s endless requests for support of his burger habit a demonstration of his weakness, not trusting in God to provide? Or was it the fear that to truly live on the spiritual basis he would have to surrender his spinach addiction?

Sadly, we may never know. But we can learn from Popeye’s suffering and choose to live an unlimited life. Trust in God and carry the good news of His love and light into all your affairs, your life a demonstration of the new basis, the basis of trusting and relying on Him who has all knowledge and power. The hope is Popeye in his final days, out of the limelight, his days of beating Bluto/Brutus senseless behind him, having released Poopdeck Pappy with love, finally free of the co-dependent relationship with Olive Oyl, no longer enabling Wimpy, free of the ravages of spinach, he comprehended the word serenity and knew peace. Toot Toot.

 Zen, The Secret, Source, Road Less Traveled, Golden Key, Baba Ram Dass, ACIM, al-anon,

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Thought about Moses lately? Living on the Spiritual Basis the purpose of life has become clear: to establish and maintain a conscious contact with Our Father. Moses, according to the narrative, had a pretty stout conscious contact with God. The relationship was so deep, God chose him to receive the Ten Commandments, the new blueprint for living. Moses was not chosen at random, God chose him because of the strength, unwavering faith and belief he demonstrated in every area of life. His willingness to go to any extreme for a spiritual experience; taking some pretty unpopular stands against recognized spiritual authority along the way, demonstrating his love of, and faith in God. The Moses narrative happened around 3,500 years ago, give or take, and amazingly he holds a revered position in Judaism, Christianity and Islam; no small accomplishment, but what significance could this have for us today, in the “modern” world?

God was so moved He appeared to Moses in a physical form, at least twice! To be like Moses we must set aside prejudice and preconceived notions and study with our heart as well as our mind, standing ready to kick our sacred cows to the curb. The greatest barrier to spiritual growth is a closed mind. With our feet firmly planted on our chosen path we must keep an open mind and heart, listening and learning daily, praying and meditating with joy, never out of a sense of duty if we are to grow and prosper in the light. In so doing we become more like Moses, admit it, though it would scare the bejezus out of you, a speaking burning bush would be pretty cool, so to borrow from an old commercial tag line: Got Moses?

Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Source, Serenity Prayer, Road Less Traveled, Proverbs, Law Of Attraction, Bible, Baba Ram Dass, 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chop Wood, Carry Water

Often when someone is struggling spiritually, a “need to get back to basics” will be cited as the solution.  I have searched high and low, mostly low, and have been unable to find the source of the direction to get away from basics in the first place, because if I could find the author I would administer a thorough pummeling. Here is a thought, if getting back to basics is such a good idea, than never getting away from them in the first place is even better! In truth, what happens to all students in pursuit of raised consciousness is the perceived (incorrectly) necessity of always seeking new information and paths to enlightenment, the search becoming the object, the destination of acquiring a consistent means of growth lost in the heat of the chase. “If it works, don’t fix it” should be our mantra regarding spiritual growth. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we have come to rely on a power greater than ourselves for guidance and inspiration, for intuitive thoughts.

*Intuitive: adj

1.  known directly and instinctively, without being discovered or consciously perceived 
2.  knowing things instinctively 

Intuitive thought is God thinking. Living on the new basis, the basis of trusting and relying upon God we trust infinite God rather than our finite selves, yet we have all occasionally strayed when a seemingly “new and improved” path or teaching grabbed our attention, just as a new toy grabs the attention of a child. I am going to let you in on a secret, all paths lead to the same destination, our job to identify the one that works for us and stick to it; for once we have settled on a method that sings to us, we have arrived. Spiritual growth requires effort, a lot of “chopping wood and carrying water” as we trudge the road of happy destiny. Whether an ax or penknife, bucket or teacup is employed, the work must be done if we are to know freedom. So pick a path or teacher and stick with it, and if it is time to change you will know in your heart, the thought coming intuitively, our job to stop looking for shortcuts and do the work at hand.

 Zen, The Secret, Sober Living By The Sea, Road Less Traveled, NOTW, ODAAT, metaphysics, Power of Intention, ACIM,

Monday, February 17, 2014

Law Of Substitution And Mental Worms

How do we manifest clarity in our thinking when clearly we have no control over the thoughts that float up into our consciousness? Vigilance. There is no practical way of shutting down the flow of our thoughts, so the course of action is to immediately recognize the negative and supplant it with the positive. Consider: If we decide not to think about elephants, we are in fact thinking about elephants, the subconscious then proceeds to remind us of elephants at every turn. The subconscious mind processes "think" (the action) and "elephant" (the subject) as the desired demonstration. Doubt this? Consider the last time a song or annoying jingle stuck in your mind. Try as we might every attempt to “not think about it" fails, it finally fading away when we become interested in something else, our attention diverted, the Law of Substitution in action.

Now consider prayer. One of the eternal questions is why some prayers are seemingly ignored, yet we are promised that if “we knock, it will be answered, ask and we shall receive.” Now we have the key. Thought being causative (remember the jingle) if we pray but continue to place our interest, focus, on our lack, pain, discord, illness, the jingle etc is it any surprise that that which we place our focus on manifests? When we pray with joy, keeping our focus, our interest on the positive, we reap the positive. Simply put, any prayer that begins “I need” only reinforces the sense of need, not the hoped for solution. This lesson manifests when we begin  “to think from the end”, to imagine what we will feel like when the prayer is answered and hold to that feeling. When negativity tries to worm its way back in, and it will, reinvigorate the positive feeling, expunging the negative immediately with the positive mental equivalent, like replacing that annoying jingle by substituting a tune you love, not fighting the negative, but replacing it with the positive demonstration you desire.

 Zen, The Secret, Third Way, Road Less Traveled, NOTW, Emmet Fox, metaphysics, Law Of Attraction, 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Secret And Mental Equivalence

Emmet Fox coined the term Mental Equivalence, explaining the practical application of the Law of Substitution. Simply, we must take responsibility for the thoughts we dwell upon, understanding that whatever we entertain in our minds eye will be out pictured in our lives. This teaching is the core of one of the latest popular rendering of this truth: The Secret. We place the order for what appears in our lives by our habitual thinking. When we focus on lack, failure, unhappiness and ill health, we attract them to us just as surely as a moth is drawn to flame, affirming the truth of the Law of Attraction. Does this mean we should simply adopt a Polly Anna attitude and just ignore conditions, essentially fiddling while Rome burns, affirming this and that, wistfully hoping for the best? Of course not. The Mental Equivalent involves focusing on what we desire in life, over writing the negative and destructive thoughts that lurk to hold us back, not ignoring conditions but operating at increased levels of consciousness. Living on the Spiritual Basis, we practice the Presence of God in all our activities, training ourselves to see His presence in everything and everyone, rejecting the negative, for we now hold the ultimate truth of existence in our heart: We are eternal beings, the conditions and challenges we face today merely opportunities to demonstrate His omnipotence.

Through prayer and meditation, we have embraced a new basis of living, the basis of trusting and relying on God. In so doing our vision clears, our consciousness raised so we meet the inevitable challenges of living and life with a sense of serenity that only comes from having turned our will and lives over to the care of a Power Greater than Ourselves.  Focusing on and attracting what we desire in our lives by substituting negative thoughts and thinking with positive God centric focus and action, the secret realized.

Zen, Road Less Traveled, NOTW, Law Of Attraction, Golden Key, Baba Ram Dass, Alanon, ACIM, 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our Timeless Journey And Hot Dogs

Living on the Spiritual Basis our prayers take on a new flavor. Though all prayers are heard, we have come to know they are answered in the manner in which they are asked, putting faith in action. Trusting and relying on God, we expect to receive, for that is the promise, keeping in the forefront of our minds that “faith without works is dead.” If hungry, locking ones self in a closet and praying for a hotdog would be foolish, yet is that not exactly what many do in other areas of life? So we pray, but take whatever material steps indicated for the difficulty at hand as well, and if we are unsure on what steps to take, we ask God and they will become evident.

The problem that plagues many, if not all, is the concept of time. We have a time line in our minds eye for things to be done that is of no interest or concern to God. A Spiritual adviser years ago said to me “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” God provides exactly what is required at exactly the moment required, our difficulty arising because we have outlined a hoped for outcome and time frame (giving God a helping hand since we know how busy He is) and when our expectations are not met, we subject ourselves to needless emotional wear and tear. Hindsight being 20/20 we look back and see where God did for us what we could never have done for ourselves. Had we received what we thought we needed at the time we would have missed something wonderful, a valuable lesson that moved the story of our soul along its ever-upward timeless journey.

The Secret, Wayne Dyer, Zen, Road Less Traveled, Power of Intention, NOTW, Golden Key, A Course in Miracles, 

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Most Important Gambit

We must be clear on what we worship, for everyone worships something. Many tragically worship at the secular alters of money, power, property, prestige, fame, the list endless. Victory over the issues of life comes not from worship of temporary, passing things but from living the examined life, coming to worship that which transcends the secular, that which is the true basis of all creation. By relying on a power greater than ourselves, the true source, our difficulties, problems and cares melt away. By really putting our trust in Him instead of outer conditions, the following equation becomes operative: our level of serenity rises in direct proportion to the expectation that God will provide. The opposite is true as well: the level of our serenity lowers in direct proportion to the expectation that secular living will provide. “God is everything, or else He is nothing. What was our choice to be?” Choose wisely in worship, for unlike man “God is bigger than any problem.”

ACIM, Alanon, Bible, Buddha, Golden Key, Law Of Attraction, Zen, The Secret, 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Easy Does It, A History

Today Easy Does It, along with One Day at a Time, First Things First, Live and Let Live and Think, Think, Think adorns the walls of AA meeting rooms and clubs around the globe. Few realize however, these concepts entered AA’s collective consciousness courtesy of Emmet Fox. The early members of what would become Alcoholics Anonymous residing in New York attended Dr. Fox’s gatherings on Wednesday evenings. Emmet Fox held his Wednesday meetings and Saturday services in the largest enclosed public venues available in 1930’s New York, the ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria, Steinway Hall even Madison Square Garden as attendance grew. This continued up to the start of World War II when large gatherings were suspended out of security concerns. The early AA members* who did not live in New York studied Dr Fox’s teaching through his two best sellers The Sermon on the Mount and Power Through Constructive Thinking (both still in print) and Sparks of Truth (out of print) a collection of teachings originally published as a series of 10 cent pamphlets in the 1930‘s. It is in these pamphlets that the mottoes later adopted by AA are found. Additionally in early pamphlets published by the first recognized AA group, King’s School in Akron, Sermon on the Mount is suggested reading.

*Bill Wilson sponsored (helped sober up) Emmet Fox’s secretaries son, Al Steckman. Al would go on to be the first editor of the AA Grapevine and has been credited with coining the phrase “I am responsible” at the first AA convention. Source: Igor Sikorsky Jr. AA’s Godparents 1990

Our True Destiny

Living on the Spiritual Basis, we have turned our will and life over to the care of God. The basis of trusting and relying upon a power greater than ourselves for direction and a sense of purpose was our choice. We made it when we faced up to the truth of being: That any life run on self will can hardly be a success. Plagued by unremitting waves of fear and an inability to live with any lasting sense of peace we sought a better way. We now know that fear wears a hundred masks, is insidious and was a corrosive thread that weaved itself through every aspect of our being and try as we might we were powerless to eradicate it. The final crushing blow coming when we became convinced that self-knowledge availed us nothing, in fact, self-knowledge only intensified the discomfort, bringing home a sense of powerlessness that was nearly overwhelming.

From this seeming low point, we made a decision that opened the doors to a new way of living, to true freedom. Today we have come to rely on our connection to the miraculous for by our demonstrations in faith we came to believe. What used to be the hunch or occasional inspiration has now become a working part of the mind. Able to now meet calamity with serenity, we have come to know peace, our needs met for that is the promise of the new basis of living. We place the welfare of others ahead of our own, this contrary action the touch stone to true freedom of spirit. By relying on God to be the final authority in our lives, we have glimpsed our destiny, and that destiny is to be happy, joyous and free.

ACIM, al-anon, Bible, Emmet Fox, Law Of Attraction, NOTW, ODAAT, Zen, The Secret, 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Our Foundation

Everyone’s life is built on a foundation; many however will never take the time to inspect their foundation to see what it is really made of or even the ground on which it is built until it is too late. Living on the Spiritual Basis our work begins with inspecting our foundation, for without a strong foundation well placed no structure, however finely constructed otherwise, will stand against the inevitable storms to come.

Speaking in high terms and glowing assumptions is easy when the sun rides high, the river low and the breeze gentle. Why do hard things like building on high rock, which requires commitment and forethought, when there are easy things like building on loose soil close to water. But as the inevitable storm clouds of living gather, the rushing waters of fear rising and the winds of perceived loss and resentment begin to whip it becomes clear that a spiritual foundation built on sweet sounding rhetoric and little real action is unsound. As the storm intensifies and the structure begins to fail, the foundation crumbling in the ever-growing maelstrom, what do we do? We either seek solid spiritual high ground and shelter from the storm or we are swept away.

Had we first built on solid spiritual ground a great deal of suffering could have been avoided. When was the last time you inspected your spiritual foundation for materials and location? If work and relocation is required, it is much easier to accomplish on calm days than stormy so set to work while the sun shines so when the next storm comes, for there is always another, you will not only be prepared but you well be able to provide shelter to those who desperately need it.

Zen, Road Less Traveled, ODAAT, NOTW, metaphysics, Law Of Attraction, Emmet Fox, Alanon, ACIM, 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feng Shui Pocket Fisherman

Are you willing to go to any lengths for success spiritually? No reservations, no caveats only complete readiness to do everything required? Consider:

We are bombarded daily with claims of promised success in all manner of things, from the newest, latest, greatest exercise gadget, supplement/pill or diet to an author promising their new book/CD/seminar will solve all your problems, pay off all your bills, possibly even make you a millionaire with little or no money down. Considering how many of these diets, exercise gadgets, supplement/pill and life fixing authors we have witnessed in our lifetime it is a wonder that anyone is overweight or out of shape, bald, erectile challenged, bathroom challenged, don’t own a foreclosed home for pennies, are not an e-bay/green millionaire, solved their addiction problems effortlessly and straightened out their troublesome teenagers by simply ordering a book/CD or attending a seminar.

Admit it, you have seen these ads and wistfully thought how nice it would be to have six pack abs for only 20 minutes a day 3 times a week or lose 20 pounds while eating everything you love. Who wouldn’t? You know it is not that simple though, so you resist calling the 1-800 number with your credit card handy in the next 10 minutes so you could receive, at no extra charge, the combination pocket fisherman survival radio microwave oven Feng Shui guide, just add shipping and handling of course, with your miracle cure.

At some point in our lives the old saw “if it sounds too good to be true, it is” overrides wistful thinking. The price tag for buying one of those “to good to be true” items usually is no more than the loss of a few bucks and something for the garage sale pile. Spiritually however the price is infinitely higher. No book, institution, movement, 12-step program, individual, religion or organization can raise our consciousness one jot or tittle if we are unwilling to take the necessary action. Reading about diets and exercise will not result in the loss of a single pound or the addition of an ounce of muscle. Spiritually a head full of knowledge means little; can actually be deadly if we are convinced self-knowledge is the answer, failing to put what we have learned into action.

The key is to identify those who have what you want spiritually, demonstrating it daily by the way they live and comport themselves, living in the light, happy, joyous and free for there is no substitute for demonstrated success. However, keep in the forefront of your mind this unassailable truth: you cannot build your spiritual house on another’s foundation, so keep an open mind, remaining willing to go to any lengths, any extreme for your spiritual awakening, standing ever vigilant over the issues of your heart for “Faith without works is dead.” See you at the next garage sale.

Zen, reaping and sowing, Golden Key, God,

Monday, February 10, 2014

Whats In Your Mixing Bowl?

We always demonstrate our spiritual understanding. Our actions, the manner in which we live and treat our fellows demonstrates our spiritual understanding. What we truly believe always manifests in our lives, how could it not? Consider cake making: whatever is put in the mixing bowl will be in the final product. A baker would never put something inedible or spoiled into the mix and then not expect it to be in the finished cake, yet many do exactly that with their lives. Living on the secular basis, at a base level of spiritual consciousness, many speak in spiritual terms, but their actions betray their true beliefs, particularly in times of trouble. This produces a spiritual dissonance that results in inner turmoil, confusion, fear based living and decisions. An unwholesome mix indeed.

Living on the Spiritual Basis, at raised levels of consciousness, we ask in prayer and meditation for direction and guidance, trusting in infinite God rather than our finite selves to restore and maintain our peace of mind. The result of this mix being serenity, peace of heart and spiritual understanding in living demonstrated, resulting in a most pleasing cake indeed.

ACIM, addiction alcoholics anonymous Emmet Fox, Alanon, Baba Ram Dass, Zen, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, NOTW, Power of Intention, 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

What Lengths Are You Willing To Go?

Living on the Spiritual Basis, the basis of trusting and relying upon God, it would be foolish not to think of what the full impact of this ultimately means in our lives. As our consciousness rises, it becomes clear that many of the scariest aspects of God are human constructs designed to control and manipulate. Though usually based in some scripture or spiritual teaching they require some rather interesting interpretations while ignoring or even attacking anyone or anything that does not comport with this closed view. Living at levels of raised awareness we do not argue with or contradict those who hold on to a punishing, rigid concept of God. Today we are peaceful warriors letting our lives carry the message, fearlessly testifying to the truth, when asked.  

I believe, and believe this holds true for all, that God is “Our Father” and wants all His children to be Happy, Joyous and Free, as any loving parent would. That we are forgiven as soon as we ask as long as we walk the way we talk (much easier said than done). No sin so grievous that it places us beyond redemption, as long as we mean business, God will restore us to sanity, a demonstration of true grace (to be clear: grace does not necessarily erase the earthly consequences of our actions, it does however provide us with the strength and courage to face them). The realm of Heaven being roomy, all-inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding, is open to all who earnestly seek, regardless of present conditions or circumstances. All that is required is an open heart, an open mind and the willingness to go to any lengths for a spiritual awakening.

Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Serenity, Road Less Traveled, Power of Intention, NOTW, Golden Key, 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Golden Rule And Children Of Eternity

  “Treating all in the same manner we wish to be treated in.” If, for any reason, we can justify treating anyone in a manner we would find objectionable if that same treatment were visited upon us, we are wrong and have placed ourselves in conflict with the Spiritual Basis of Living. Period, 100% of the time.

Living on the Spiritual Basis our consciousness has risen. Today we look upon all as children of the Creator, possessing the spark of the divine, equal in his love and sight. So what separates us in demonstration is this: The Golden Rule, that we all reap as we sow so when we are denigrating or objectifying anyone for any reason the reward is clear, the consequences spiritually assured. Living at levels of raised consciousness we recognize this so we salute the divine in all with prayer, recognizing that pain is the only instrument sharp enough to cut away the excess of self. To be clear: on the surface, many appear to skirt this truth, living seemingly at odds with Divine truth and prospering. Death is the great equalizer, no one immune. At the moment of translation whom would you rather be, the individual who caused suffering and pain for pleasure and/or profit or the person who stood firm in faith and lived by the Golden Rule? Consider the words of Victor Frankl "We have come to know man as he really is. After all, man is that being who invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, he is also that being who entered those gas chambers upright, with the Lord's Prayer or the Shema Yisrael on his lips."

The Golden Rule entreats us to demonstrate the same love, tolerance, kindness and patience we wish to know to all, regardless of circumstance, for we are all truly children of eternity.

ACIM, Alanon, Bible, Emmet Fox, Zen, The Secret, 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Embers In Consciousness

Living at raised levels of consciousness our harshest critic is always ourselves. As our awareness rises, we naturally hold ourselves to higher and higher levels of conduct, not only in demonstration but also in the very thoughts that surface in our mind! No one who steps, by choice, on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis has control over the thoughts that float up into their awareness. No one. What we do have is a tool kit, a spiritual tool kit, so that when negative or destructive thoughts materialize in our minds eye we address them in the light of raised consciousness.

The mistake routinely made is one of comparison. Somehow, the thought is born that we should be further along the path, that these thoughts are in someway an indication of lack of progress on our part. Nonsense. A cloudy day is just a cloudy day unless we decide the clouds are an indicator of impending doom. 

A thought only has power if we choose to empower it. 

Self-condemnation empowers the negative, invites into our consciousness needless suffering and restricts, stifles growth. Do not let impatience drive you to despair, to needless wear and tear in your psyche. Life isn’t a race. When a “curious” thought surfaces do not waste time trying to figure out where it came from or why it appeared, for to do so opens the door to morbid reflection, which should be avoided like the plague. Upon becoming aware of the discordant thought, gently give it over to God in directed prayer. Later in meditation, if it resurfaces, remember the cloudy day and ask God if there is anything additional He would have you see. Do not go to any lengths whatsoever to document or remember these random thoughts. Most of them will just come and go with little notice if we are diligent in applying spiritual principles as soon as they surface.

Remember the lesson of the campfire ember: when a burning ember from the fire lands on our shirtsleeve if we brush it off immediately no harm will be done. If however we stop to contemplate on it the shirt will have a hole in it and a welt on our arm to mark it. The only embers we remember, the ones that caused damage, are the ones we “thought” about. With God’s help brush off those curious embers reflexively; remembering the sun is always shining behind the clouds.

 Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Source, ACIM, Alanon, Bible, Emmet Fox, 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Thrilling Experiment

Ready to step out in faith, to take some concrete action? For the next 24 hours, act as if you really do believe in God. Relax, your belief is not in question, this is an exercise in raising our awareness, our consciousness. Begin by demonstrating patience, tolerance, kindness and love towards all, especially marking those who are impatient, intolerant, unkind and unloving; piece of cake right.

Now for something a little harder, watching our words. Speak only in accordance with your belief in God. No negativity, gossip, sarcasm or cute cutting little remarks (regardless of how funny or clever they may be) when asked a question, whether it be from a loved one, friend, child, employer/employee or stranger frame the answer as if God was speaking through you. No pressure.

Finally, and the most difficult aspect, as if it wasn’t hard enough already, is to guard your thoughts. Stay ever vigilant of your thinking, measure each thought against the absolute truth of living life in His presence, at higher levels of consciousness. Pretty simple huh. Easy? Probably the hardest thing you have ever attempted, but the rewards are immense.

No one will not do this perfectly, far from it actually, but that does not mean we should attempt this with anything less than full commitment for half measures avail us nothing. It is easy to see why the experiment is only for 24 hours.

Finally, if you can, carry a small note pad and write down your thoughts through out the day but don’t get caught doing it or tell anyone what you’re about. If there is a chance someone will see you writing, then don’t. As you move through your life, from time to time, revisit your notes and note how you have changed and grown. Guard this experiment as if it was your most valuable asset, for in the end it will pay dividends that will last a lifetime, for once our consciousness is raised, we are changed forever.

Zen, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, Love, Peace, Zen,  Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Alanon, NOTW, Karma., 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Praying Scientifically

Praying on or “treating” a problem or difficulty is simple, but not easy. First, get quiet, do not try to control your thoughts, anyone who says they control the random thoughts that float up into our consciousness is selling a book or seminar. We do not control thoughts, what we do control is our response/action when a thought surfaces in our consciousness.

We do this by turning our attention to God, contemplating on what we know about His Love, His Guidance, and our connection to Him as Father to child. Do not under any pretext think about the issue you are treating, praying about at this time.

Next, read a short passage from any spiritual tome that appeals to you and then take a few moments in contemplative meditation to consider what was just read. The purpose of this is to center our thoughts in God, to place our attention there, to raise our consciousness.

Now take two or three cleansing breaths, breathing in deeply through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. Then claim quietly that which you need or the situation/condition requiring healing. Of paramount importance is to always ask in the affirmative. If we ask thusly: “I need” money, health, peace, serenity etc what we will demonstrate is more need. We will be affirming need, not abundance. If money or resources are lacking ask that your life be a demonstration of abundance. If it is employment, ask to be of service to God and your fellows, for the perfect position for your unique set of abilities. Health, in general, ask to demonstrate a healed and vital radiance, for a specific ill or condition ask for a healing, visualizing the body free of the condition. If the demonstration is to assist another, frame your words carefully so that only positive and affirming actions are employed. Remember, words have power.

As you are making your demonstration see it from the end, as an accomplished fact and thank God for accomplishing it.  Under no condition discuss the treatment with anyone; it is between God and you alone. When you find yourself drifting back into thinking about the difficulty, and we all do, stop as soon as you become aware and give it back to God with thanks, for prayers of thanksgiving are the most powerful of all.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Adversary's Thousand Faces

No one but you and God truly know what is in your heart, nor can we ever truly know what is in the heart of another, for only God has that ability. We come to know the issues of someone’s heart by their actions, demonstrations, not their words. One of the most misunderstood teachings in the Christ message is on judgment. It is not that we are to avoid being judgmental, for that is impossible. In fact, we are instructed to employ righteous judgment, to judge based on action, not on words. However, we cannot judge rightly if our own house is not in order.

To put our house in order we take an honest, fearless and thorough inventory of our life. We identify the things that have been blocking us from fully accepting God’s love and guidance. Once we have done this we find they are all fear based in one manner or another, for the adversary, fear, has a thousand faces. We risk our serenity when we pass judgment on someone else while our actions may be just as bad or even worse. We clean up our actions, our side of the street first, sharpening our vision, and then we can speak to our brothers’ difficulties, if asked. Seeing the pitfalls and roadblocks in someone’s path is none of our business unless we are asked, for Living on the Spiritual Basis requires we never answer the unasked question. We practice patience and prayer, standing ready to go to any lengths to be of service when called, remembering that although we have great power in changing ourselves, by our reliance on God in all things, we have little power in changing others since their desire, just as ours, must come from within.

Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, Power of Intention, Golden Key, Emmet Fox, ACIM, 

Monday, February 3, 2014

God Is Calling

Emmet Fox wrote, “Your real problem-the only problem you have-is to find your true calling in life. Everything else will fall into place. You will be happy; and upon happiness, health will follow. You will have all the supply that you require to meet your needs, and this means that you will have perfect freedom; for poverty and freedom cannot go together.”

Your heart’s desire has called to you. The still quiet voice, God’s voice, in you has whispered it to you. The thing you may have never said aloud for fear of ridicule. The thing the fear-based voice says: you are too old, you will never make a living doing it, what would your friends and family think, what about my responsibilities, and a thousand other “reasons” to stay locked into the role you have decided society would have you play, not God. The first step to freedom begins here. You must answer this question: Do you believe God wants you to be happy, joyous and free? If you hold this as true, then what power on earth could possibly stand in the way?  

“Remember that this call is the call of God, and when God calls you to His Service, He pays all the expenses in whatever kind of coin. …Whatever you may require to answer that call, God will provide. Money, opportunity, introductions, knowledge, training, freedom, leisure, strength, and courage-all will He furnish, if you be about His business and not your own.

Your Heart’s desire is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later.” 

AA, ACIM, A Course in Miracles, Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, sacred cow, Power of Intention, metaphysics, 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Your Music

   “Do not die with your music in you.” That feeling of dissatisfaction, the sense of something missing in life is God quietly but insistently attempting to get our attention. Your Heart’s Desire will never cease trying to assert it’s self into the forefront of your consciousness. We will never be truly happy or fulfilled until we listen.  Remember our true state of being:
We are not human beings in search of the miraculous, a spiritual awakening; we are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition.
There is a reason for each of us being here, now. Our Heart’s Desire, God's desire for us, is that reason.

Zen, Wayne Dyer, metaphysics, Emmet Fox, Bible, Baba Ram Dass, ACIM, A Course in Miracles, 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ultimate Truth

"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change."

When we first embark on the path of Spiritual Living we are greeted with this truth:

If you knew who walked beside you, on this path you have chosen, you would never be afraid again.

Then as our awareness and understanding grows over time through application and demonstration of spiritual principles this transforms to:

When you know who walks beside you, on this path you have chosen, your fears fall from you.

Finally as we take our place as Children of the Light, understanding our true place, that we are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition, eternal, not limited humans seeking enlightenment, the ultimate truth resonates:

I now know who walks beside me on my chosen path and I fear no longer.

enlightenment, Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, ACIM, Baba Ram Dass, Bible, metaphysician, Power of Intention,