When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Adversary's Thousand Faces

No one but you and God truly know what is in your heart, nor can we ever truly know what is in the heart of another, for only God has that ability. We come to know the issues of someone’s heart by their actions, demonstrations, not their words. One of the most misunderstood teachings in the Christ message is on judgment. It is not that we are to avoid being judgmental, for that is impossible. In fact, we are instructed to employ righteous judgment, to judge based on action, not on words. However, we cannot judge rightly if our own house is not in order.

To put our house in order we take an honest, fearless and thorough inventory of our life. We identify the things that have been blocking us from fully accepting God’s love and guidance. Once we have done this we find they are all fear based in one manner or another, for the adversary, fear, has a thousand faces. We risk our serenity when we pass judgment on someone else while our actions may be just as bad or even worse. We clean up our actions, our side of the street first, sharpening our vision, and then we can speak to our brothers’ difficulties, if asked. Seeing the pitfalls and roadblocks in someone’s path is none of our business unless we are asked, for Living on the Spiritual Basis requires we never answer the unasked question. We practice patience and prayer, standing ready to go to any lengths to be of service when called, remembering that although we have great power in changing ourselves, by our reliance on God in all things, we have little power in changing others since their desire, just as ours, must come from within.

Zen, Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Road Less Traveled, Power of Intention, Golden Key, Emmet Fox, ACIM, 

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