When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Earlier today someone I don’t know or have ever had any contact with commented on one of my daily spiritual posts that I needed medical help, based solely on my picture viewed on their mobile device. Pretty insightful.

So I immediately headed for the ER for help. They were waiting for me, since the government now reads all posts, where they rushed me into a state of the art diagnostic suite where I was subjected to a battery of tests of which I just received the results.

The prognosis: first, I am terminal. They determined I am going to die, they don’t know when or of what, but it is a certainty. Bummer. However there was good news, my levels of DTYTS are all exceedingly high for a man my age. (You know, DTYTS: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously).

So, a prescription was forwarded by e-mail and I just filled it at Walmart. The directions read: Laugh at yourself everyday, for you are the funniest person you know. Every time you walk into a room and forget why you are there, laugh. When the coffee cup, eyeglass, car keys gremlins move them from the last place you are certain you left them, laugh. When you find yourself opening the glass doors in the frozen food aisle to “see” what is on the shelves, laugh. When you find yourself waiting for the light to change at a stop sign, laugh. And most importantly chuckle when some know nothing self-important chucklehead chooses to point out your shortcomings and character defects uninvited. And then say a silent prayer for them.

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