When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


For much of my life I wore the coat of an agnostic. Having heard so many preachers teach that God was love but if you broke a certain rule you would burn for all eternity, but remember God loves you, that the Devil battles with God and actually wins from time to time. None of this made any sense to me. I had always believed that there was “something”, some power or intelligence, but the idea of a punishing, score keeping, testing God that could lose battles just did not pass muster. As my life progressed, the one thing I did right was keep an open mind, more or less, and continue to seek and learn. I studied and investigated everything from Catholicism to Islam, Dianetics to the Rosicrucians, learning much but never convinced. As life progressed, I found myself in a position when I had to face the proposition of God not from an intellectual hilltop but from the depths of depression and pain. Nothing sharpens the mind, cutting away the superfluous like pain. In the dark night of the soul esoteric knowledge and philosophical debating points lose all significance. Lost in pain and doubt in the hour of the wolf I reached out and my plea was answered, lacking all ambiguity and I was convinced.

Each walks their own path. Today I know, in my heart of hearts, through demonstration and direct contact through prayer and meditation that God wants all of us to be happy, joyous and free. He never places us in a position to be hurt, never brings pain and conflict into our lives to “teach” us and we are forgiven as soon as we ask. Remember though, that being forgiven does not mean there are not secular consequences for our actions.

If you are struggling with the concept of a punishing score keeping God, please borrow mine. When I make a mistake, a daily occurrence, He will direct me and show me the correct action to take if I but ask. The only price is that I pray regularly, meditate daily, treat all in the manner I wish to be treated in and leave the results to Him who has all knowledge and power. Please no pushing; there is plenty of Him to go around.

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