When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, November 27, 2009


We all do. It may be sitting in the garage, on a shelf in the workshop, possibly in a folder in this very computer or a box in the closet with all those creative projects we had so much energy to do when first envisioned but have been gathering dust longer than we care to admit. The dinosaur egg in the museum was a potential dinosaur that for what ever reason failed. We can wonder about the potential dinosaur it represented, but in truth, it represents failure. No one completes every project envisioned; the question we need to answer in our heart of hearts is whether we follow through on anything to its logical conclusion. Dreaming doesn’t require getting our hands dirty, scrapping a knuckle or clean up and we never have to worry about what anyone thinks of our project. After a while they even stop asking about the project car under all the Christmas decorations, garage sale items and other debris too valuable to throw away, that box in the back of the closet, the workshop that has become a storage shed or the book hidden in a word folder.

Think from the end. Thank God for having a fertile imagination but learn to be realistic. How? By tapping into Divine Intelligence. Consider your “dinosaur egg” in this light by quietly asking in meditation for guidance and direction. Ask specifically about the project (s) and the answer will come. Now it is up to us to follow through with the indicated action, which could be anything from becoming energized and committed to completion or scheduling that garage sale. Willingness is the key. Now if you will excuse me, I have some eggs to check.

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