When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, May 18, 2009


How do we become “worthy”? Better yet, what does being worthy mean? Worthy of what? Let’s begin at a simpler level. Do you believe in God? If you answered yes, continue, no then keep moving, nothing to be seen here. Einstein said “The most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe.” If you believe that you live in a hostile universe, then no matter what you do you are screwed in the end, so he who dies with the most toys wins, go get all you can from everyone you can, Katie, bar the door. To be a little less flippant we all have known or do know people who believe in the score keeper God, that we are full of sin and all we can do is the best we can, knowing that when the flesh fails we are in for it because we will never be truly worthy. Forgive the language but the saying lacks something without it: “Life is just one big shit sandwich, one after another, believing in God just means you get fries with it” pretty much sums up the point of view. If you would like to explore a different way, stick around, otherwise go have a sandwich.

When Jesus delivered the Christ message he summed up our relationship with God when he said “Our Father.” Whether you believe in the Christ divinity or not; to live in a friendly universe this is some of the criterion: we are all connected, all equal in His eyes regardless of circumstance or station. That “the realm of Heaven is roomy, all inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding, it is open to all who earnestly seek.” None of us are without sin. We have all been there, done that. The difference today is that by embracing life on the Spiritual Basis we now know, in our heart of hearts that we are forgiven as soon as we ask. The key being that we truly wish to change and grow spiritually. Forgiveness is meaningless if it is only sought as a temporary means to avoid trouble. If we had to wait to be “pure” to become worthy none of us would make the cut. To be clear: you are worthy right here right now, all that is required is your whole hearted (thine eye is single) commitment to seek a relationship with Him who has all power and knowledge. How is this done? Prayer and meditation with an open mind and willingness to learn. When approached this way the path of your enlightenment will naturally unfold before you, but you have to do the work. It’s you and God in a row boat and God don’t row. Oh, and he will bring the sandwiches.

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