When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


When I’m asked how I’m doing I typically respond: “ It’s another beautiful day in paradise.” Why? First, most really don’t want to know in any detail and this lets them off the hook. Admit it, there have been times when you have used “How are you doing?“ as a greeting and the person proceeded to tell you, in detail, how they were doing, your internal voice screaming “I was only saying hello!” as you put on a generic smile looking for a way to extricate yourself from the hole you stepped in. Don’t misunderstand me. Just because you essentially said a passing “hello” doesn’t mean you are prepared to hear a dissertation on the state of someone’s life. The social misstep is on their part. They recognize you are basically just saying hello but seize the opportunity as a chance to vent/rant, leaving you in an uncomfortable position.

Secondly, when talking about the difficulties and challenges in life there needs to be a very good reason for it, otherwise we may place ourselves in danger of stoking the fires of resentment, opening the doors of condemnation, looking for others to co-sign whatever were peddling, trying to feel better at the expense of others. The concept that “talking” about something troubling you will make you feel better is only a half truth. It only has lasting value if the purpose of the conversation is to explore solutions, not to merely rant. We have all ranted at times in our lives. What happened? In the moments following the rant we did feel better, but just like the temporary relief felt when broke and a crumpled twenty turns up in the pocket of the pants worn last week, it fades as soon as we shift from the gratitude of finding the twenty to “it’s only a twenty” thinking (nothing really changed, no real solution to being broke). Often I have had a student say they felt better after “getting something off their chest”. I always ask Why? Unless a definite course of action to address the problem or situation was entered into (i.e. prayer and service), all that was really accomplished was “letting off a little steam” which is fine in the short run but does nothing to address the continuing source of the heat.

When we fast spiritually, abstaining from negative thinking and talk, from feeding the kitty of self-pity and self-centeredness, instead turning our thoughts and heart to the Power Greater Than Ourselves that has all knowledge and power, we save ourselves from needless mental and spiritual wear and tear. So, how are you doing? It really is another beautiful day in paradise.

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