When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Think from the end. Having chosen to Live on the Spiritual Basis, our vision has cleared, we see with a singleness of purpose. Fate, as a conscious power, is a convenient catch all for those confused or unwilling to do the work necessary to clear away the wreckage of living that accumulates when we chose to live an unexamined life. Understanding the law of reaping and sowing, fate is placed in its proper perspective. To be clear: Many things are attributed to fate that are in reality merely aspects of living. We are not fated to suffer illness, but if we live our lives in fear of illness is it any wonder we attract it? Then we can triumphantly announce our “fate” being realized. Remember, most of us will develop some condition that will contribute to our passing, and even if we do not, the flesh we inhabit will fail eventually regardless. It is not fate; it is part of the cycle of creation, the same cycle that applies to the mayfly or a star. Financial windfalls come from as simple a reason as buying a lottery ticket, though the odds are terrible someone always wins eventually, to being related to or born into a prosperous family. The converse being true as well, poverty, as a condition of birth is just a different path to the same destination. This is not fate, merely the set of circumstances we are born into, the lessons and paths they provide our responsibility to learn and travel.

If you still believe fate has dealt you a great/crummy hand, take a moment and investigate it. Get a pen/pencil and a piece of paper. Say a quiet prayer to be shown God’s will for you and write down the aspect/incident that you have attributed to fate. When finished read it through and ask for an intuitive thought. Take a couple of cleansing breaths, close your eyes and relax. Do not struggle or be insistent. Quietly review what you know about the Great Creative Life-Force for a few minutes in your minds eye. Usually an insight comes in the first session, but if not do this as part of your meditation period for a week. If nothing seems to have surfaced after a week, put it aside. In time you will have an “aha” moment, so do not struggle or be in a hurry. Also do not tell anyone (the only exception being if you have a close spiritual advisor) what you are about. Though well intentioned, they will not understand and will retard your demonstration.

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