When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Though I had been an agnostic with an attitude into my 30’s, I had always been a seeker, often looking in the wrong places however. I looked at the world with secular glasses, attempting to comprehend eternity. One of the questions that troubled me was the idea that God would suspend the laws He created to assist one but not another. That some form of pecking order, a hierarchy existed never held water for me. We are either all equally loved or none are since none of us have a choice in birth or initial circumstance. God is and must be consistent. If not, then we would not live in a universe but a chaos. No loving Father would throw one child to the wolves so another may prosper.

“God is a God of love and rules by principle”, because of His nature He cannot break divine law. “He cannot bring disease, or suffering, or lack.” God does not, cannot play favorites. Today, it is clear that God wants each of us to be happy, joyous and free, that He demonstrates His love through us, for us.

Does God bring miracles? Yes, everyday but He does not break Divine Law in so doing or sacrifice one for the benefit of another. The world may seem to demonstrate that this is false but this view is only had through secular glasses. The truth of God’s love is available to all who are willing to step out in faith, have let go of sacred cows born of fear and donned a new pair of glasses. With corrected vision, it becomes abundantly clear that God can do anything within divine law and principle.

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