When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Ever stop to consider how many varieties and types of laws affect us? Traffic laws, tax laws, criminal laws to name a few. There is one set of laws though that directly affects all and are the least understood: cosmic law. Unlike Man’s laws, cosmic laws are never amended or appealed. The law of gravity, the law of unintended consequence, the law of attraction and the law of retribution are some of these. They are totally impersonal and impervious to all the methods man employs to avoid, evade, or amend the laws on the books. The law of retribution comes into play when we pass judgment. Some teachers have postulated that all judgment is bad, an actual bar to spiritual progress, judgment only identifying the person passing it as someone who needs to judge, but we need to look deeper.

We have known people who seemingly pass judgment on everything and everyone, never missing an opportunity to say something negative, and they are always negative, even when trying to be “fair.” To be clear: We all pass judgment, passing judgment is unavoidable, as is the law of retribution but make no mistake, the law cuts both ways. When we judge well we reap the benefits. Consider this oft-misconstrued teaching on judgment: “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). The teaching is not about avoiding judgment but to address our own shortcomings first. “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:5). Living on the Spiritual Basis, we first address the planks in our eye (consciousness) and our vision clears.

Judge well and the universe responds, judge poorly and the universe responds. Living on the Spiritual Basis our judgments are consistently better. Our consciousness has been raised, and on those occasions when we judge poorly, and we will since no one does this perfectly, we have a clear-cut set of directions for cleaning up and clearing out our mistakes, then sharing the lessons learned, humbly, with any who seek our help

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