When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Answering Hate With Serenity

To judge rightly first we must put our own Spiritual house in order. This begins with taking an honest, fearless and thorough moral inventory of our life. When we do this, we identify the things blocking us from fully accepting our true connection in Spirit and love one to another, clearing the path so we can truly hear the voice of the Miraculous; our natural inner intuitive guide. Once we have done this we are delighted, for we now are able to see how fear based thinking and morbid reflection has so negatively affected our lives and relationships.

Having taken this inventory and digested its truths, it is now clear to us that we burn our serenity in the fire of resentment when we pass negative judgment on anyone, for any reason. Though their transgressions may be egregious, our peace of mind and serenity must never be sacrificed over the actions of others. Hate is never assuaged with more hate; the Spiritual Basis for Living dictates we must condemn the transgression but never the transgressor. They are held accountable for their acts, paying whatever price society dictates, ultimately responsible for their transgressions, but never cast aside Spiritually because of them.

And though it may break our heart to do so we must refrain from trying to help those who are not ready to change; seeing the pitfalls and roadblocks in someone’s path, often someone we love or care deeply about, is none of our business unless we are asked, for Living on the Spiritual Basis requires we never answer unasked questions. We do practice patience and prayer, standing ready to go to any lengths to be of service when and if called, remembering that although we have great power in changing ourselves by our reliance on the Miraculous, we have little power in changing others since their desire, just as ours, must come from within.

Miracles Of Recovery

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
Miracles Of Recovery, The Secret, Wayne Dyer, Recovery, Addiction, Zen, Emmet Fox, Opioids, Four Agreements, Chopra, Heroin, Einstein, AA, Healing Path, Law Of Attraction, God, Buddha, Jesus

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