When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

A Thrilling Exercise

Belief without demonstration is merely theory, so what follows is an exercise, a demonstration in action for raising our consciousness. For the next 24 hours make this a primary focus: begin by demonstrating patience, tolerance, kindness and love towards all, with special emphasis on those whom we cross paths with who are impatient, intolerant, unkind and unloving. Silently praying for their happiness and peace, avoiding confrontation.

Next stay cognizant of the words you employ. Speak only in accordance with your belief in God. Avoid all negativity, gossip, sarcasm or cute cutting little remarks (regardless of how funny or clever they may be) when asked a question, whether it be from a loved one, friend, child, employer/employee or stranger frame the answer as if God were speaking through you.

Finally, and perhaps the most difficult aspect of all, is to guard our thoughts. Stay ever vigilant of your thinking, measure each thought against the absolute truth of living life in His presence, at higher levels of consciousness. Simple but not easy and possibly the hardest thing you have ever attempted, but the rewards are immense.

No one will not do this perfectly, far from it actually, but that does not mean we should attempt this with anything less than full commitment for half measures avail us nothing. It is easy to see why the exercise is only for 24 hours. Finally, if possible, carry a small note pad and write down your thoughts throughout the day but don’t get caught doing it or tell anyone what you’re about. If there is a chance someone will see you writing, then don’t.

As we move through this life, toward the eventual dissolution of the physical conveyance that carries our consciousness; our true Spiritual self, the I AM, engaging in this exercise from time to time will pay dividends beyond earthly measure, for once our consciousness is raised, we are changed forever.

Miracles Of Recovery

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
Miracles Of Recovery, Overdose Death, Alcoholism, Wayne Dyer, Drug Addiction, Zen, Emmet Fox, Opioids, Heroin, Einstein, AA, Healing Path Recovery, Drug Rehab


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