When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

“We answer to a higher authority”

Now that we have been on the path of spiritual living for a time, what is our course when faced with a serious problem or difficulty? Should we redouble our efforts, work harder?  Isn’t that usually one of the first thoughts to cross our mind in these times? That we will need to work hard on this, that it is going to require extra time and effort, spiritual toil to get to the other side? Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.

Living on the new basis, the basis of trusting and relying on God, we do not ignore secular answers or remedies, but we do immediately employ spiritual principles as soon as we become aware of the situation. As an old commercial intoned, “We answer to a higher authority” (everyone does actually, some just don‘t realize it, yet). Remembering change is the natural course of living, we quietly and resolutely turn to God when faced with trouble and place the trouble in His hands. Having taken whatever action the secular world requires, having prayed and meditated in due course we stop, become quiet for the footwork is done, the results left to God. When we feel the “do something” urge begin to creep back into our consciousness we turn to God in prayer and ask if there is anything further that needs to be done, that He would have us do, for we are willing. If there is, we will have an intuitive thought, the action made clear.

Our problems and difficulties require trust for resolution, not spiritual hard work. Living on the Spiritual Basis we trust infinite Creation rather than our finite self. “God can and will solve this problem”, remember there are no small or large difficulties, spiritually size is non-existent; when in pain and discomfort, the ultimate solution is always found through our reliance on a Power Greater Than Ourselves. Save the hard work for the garden.

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