When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Late Night Musings

What is beyond God’s purview? Money? Healing? Peace of mind? Love? Serenity? Anything? There are many avenues of delivery but there is only one source, God. This truth has been related in a myriad of ways by Spiritual and religious teachers, but what if we set aside for a moment any religious or spiritual conceptions we may hold concerning “God”. In the last few decades science, particularly physics and quantum mechanics, has uncovered some interesting things. For instance, at the most basic levels of existence, the sub-atomic, particles with names like quarks, leptons and bosons demonstrate “intelligence” in the way they react. Now these particles, and others with even more interesting names, comprise all matter, from quasars to mayfly’s, grains of sand to super massive black holes, you and me. What if embodied in these particles, the observed “intelligence” was the mind of God? If that is the case, then God is not only everywhere but He is everything. That everything and everyone are extensions of Divine Mind, the Universal Creative Life Force. Sounds kinda spiritual. Just a thought, can’t prove it but it does keep me up at night, in a good way.

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