When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

How To Treat With Prayer

A treatment is a prayer directed at a definite subject, something that is a pressing problem. Unlike general prayers that are a visit with God, a treatment is a surgical operation on the soul. A difficulty has arisen in our life; the reasons for its arrival are a distraction, like spending time wondering who sold the nail we stepped on when a tetanus shot is the action required. Treatment prayers focus on solution, not causality while general prayers typically are “checking” in with God, affirmations of our love, trust and faith. The essential difference is fear. Treatment in indicated when perhaps you or someone you care about has become ill, possibly it is financial difficulties or some relationship, personal or professional, has begun to or has turned sour.

A simple form of employing treatment in prayer is:

1) Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Begin with a general prayer (something significant and powerful for you).

2) Now take a few cleansing breaths and picture the difficulty in your minds eye. Next visualize the problem passing from your hands to God’s. If the difficulty is hard to visualize, then visualize the individual (including yourself) free of the difficulty, surrounded by God’s creative love and healing.

3) End the treatment with a closing prayer affirming God’s love, guidance, limitless power and knowledge. Thank him for the healing you believe will come and then:

4) Leave it be. Do not try to visualize how God will work or how the outcome will come to pass. This is outlining and always leads to trouble. Do not repeat the treatment out of fear. If something happens or changes in regards to the difficulty and it feels appropriate, treat again, but do not begin from fear. If fearful, first address the fear in prayer and when it has subsided, then repeat the treatment.

Fear is not the difficulty being treated. Fear is what makes the difficulty seem overwhelming. Fear is the self-centered belief that God will not act, that somehow, someway we have traveled beyond the pale, so far from God that our prayers are not heard or worse rejected or ignored. Nonsense. No one, no matter what has transpired in his or her lives is separated from God. We build the walls; create the false sense of separation, not God.

When we allow fear domination, we operate on our soul with a rusty scalpel and a shaking hand. God can and will solve all difficulties, if, though perhaps trembling, we stand firm in faith.

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