When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Prayer Is Always The Answer

I have not always prayed. Sure, there were those furtive pleas of “please let me pass this (math, English, history, etc) test”, “please stop the room from spinning” (if you have never said this prayer, I hope you never have too), “please, don’t let her be pregnant, I promise to use protection from now on”, you know, the get me out of this and I promise to be good/change prayers.

Prayer changed for me when I found myself facing a self-imposed crisis that I could no longer evade or postpone. With no place and no one left to turn to I was driven to my knees and said my first, of what has since become many, honest prayers: “God help me.”

Did a light shine down or angels pick me up and carry me away in that moment? Perfect enlightenment and the solution to all my difficulties presented on a silver platter? No, but the soul crushing weight I was under did lessen enough so I could breathe.

Many years have passed since that first honest prayer, and though far from perfect in prayer, I have watched prayer work miracles of healing in my life and countless others. Today I live in the absolute certainty of the Power of Prayer, when speaking to those unconvinced of prayers efficacy I offer: “If I could only show you the world through my eyes and experience, you too would be convinced, by demonstration, that Prayer Is Always The Answer.”

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