When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Everyone daydreams, of what do you dream? Thoughts are causative, the thoughts we entertain will find out picturing in our lives. Now, I know what you are thinking: cool, I will think about having robust health, a boatload of money, healthy happy relationships or stopping smoking and poof, problem solved. Unfortunately wistfully dreaming about something without a basis for generating the change in conditions is actually destructive, counter productive. Consider: many who want to stop smoking don’t dream of being smoke free, but how hard it will be to quit. If lacking financial abundance they don’t dream of following their heart’s desire, money and abundance coming by virtue of doing what they love, but on the reasons for not following their heart (too old, too young, need schooling, what will people think, etc). If experiencing poor health they do not see themselves as healthy, free of the restrictions ill health places on them, instead focusing on the limitations, dwelling on their “ailments” various symptoms. When thinking of others, they daydream about past encounters, imagining all the things they should have said, dwelling on how they will do better the next time, even fantasizing to the point of rehearsing whole future conversations in their minds eye.

So if you wish to be miserable: Dwell on getting even with those who have hurt you (real or imagined), for dreaming of revenge slams the door of serenity, installing resentment as your best friend. Focus on every medical condition you hear about and wonder if perhaps you have some of the symptoms. Never waste an opportunity to join any discussion dealing with conspiracy theories, for later when alone this will provide great daydreaming fodder. Watch and read everything you can dealing with end of world scenarios and daydream on how you will cope or die as a result. Spend your time dreaming about what is missing in your life and how it will never happen. Above all, dream darkly; as soon as the slightest ray of sunshine tries to enter your thoughts snuff it out, for the world is a hard, sharp place.

We choose the course of our lives by the thoughts we entertain, reaping what we have sown in our consciousness. We choose the dreams we dwell on, will we stand in the light, free from the bondage of self or dream darkly, wrapped in anger, limitation, fear, pain and resentment? Our God given free will leaves the choice in our hands; choose wisely.

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