When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thinking From The End

Walking the way we talk. When we espouse one thing but act in a contrary manner not only does it make us look untrustworthy but also opens the door to all manner of spiritual disease and a seeming disconnect from reality. Wishing to be happy but seeding unhappiness, wanting to be loved but unwilling to demonstrate love, demanding respect while being disrespectful, holding truth and fairness as essential while speaking falsely and treating others unfairly are all examples of spiritual disease. These are gross examples, easily identifiable and addressed if the individual wishes to change in truth and if they do not, we see them for what they are and turn in prayer to assist them.

Then there are the more subtle forms; condescension and self-aggrandizement couched in seemingly well-intended asides, comments and actions. One of which, which I found particularly painful since I had used it often is “But for the grace of God go I.” The phrase always made me a little uneasy, though for years I could not suss out why, when the truth finally hit I became physically ill and upset. Consider the full import of the phrase: does this mean there are those beyond God’s grace? Really? That some are “chosen” in some way, greater in God‘s sight than another? How is that possible? I wrestled with this, looking for a loophole to crawl through, but they all ended in the same place, condescension and that ever subtle “better than” sense.

Wayne Dyer suggests we “think from the end.” He had yet to put the concept in print when I applied it to the above, but that is the essence of what happened. I am grateful today for having my eyes opened, not so much at the time.

We must stay aware; never be afraid of questioning or re-examining even long held beliefs or positions. The truth will set you free is true whether we have been on the path a few months or most of our lives. When we first embark, in truth, on the path of Living on the Spiritual Basis we are confronted with large easily recognizable defects and shortcomings. As time flows by the impediments to spiritual growth become smaller, less pronounced, often obscured with a layer of misunderstanding masquerading as truth, which require a greater, deeper vision to see. The natural response is to work harder, dig deeper and faster to ferret these things out. The problem is our vision is not sufficiently refined to recognize them; so contrary action is called for.

So we relax, take it easy. Hard work in this area only makes the work harder. Continue to pray and meditate daily, asking to be shown the way of patience, tolerance, kindness and love. In natural course, the hidden shoals will become visible and can be addressed spiritually. To be clear: we do not work on them; Divine Consciousness makes them visible and when we are ready, removes them. Our part is to remain willing, willing to go to any lengths to be spiritually aware. Today we find ourselves with the wind at our back most of the time, but if for some reason you discover you are facing the wrong way, trust in Divine Mind to change your direction back; lesson learned, to the true path.

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