When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

What are you waiting for?

Everyone lives by a set of principles, few however take the time to consider what these principles entail, yet we demonstrate what we believe everyday by our actions. Some of the negative things often found in an inventory are: the regular rehashing of past negative events and accompanying stories of missed opportunities, of lost love or perceived injustice, of being quick to correct those deemed to be in “error,” while holding strong, inviolate opinions on issues, standing ready to engage in verbal combat at the drop of an allusion; while never having bothered to read or reflect on differing views, being a master of backhanded compliments, clever asides and putdowns and the entertaining of violent fantasies.

Some of the negative principles outlined above include: contempt prior to investigation, morbid reflection, negative judgment, closed mindedness, grandiosity, emotional overcompensation, physical dominance and objectification. Of course, the list can be added to, but I think you get the picture. Conversely when Living on the Spiritual Basis we find in the inventory: patience, genuine tolerance, benefit of the doubt, open-mindedness to learn and study on any topic that interests us while avoiding the “expert” trap, accepting of others right to be wrong so they may learn from their actions while avoiding answering unasked questions, restraint of pen (or keyboard) and tongue to living in the here and now among other positive attributes. 

Until we get down to causes and conditions, identifying and casting aside any items in our personal inventory that are preventing us from fully standing in the light, freed from the bondage of self and the fear driven life, we will never truly be happy. Conversely by identifying and embracing the positive we take our true place as Children of the Miraculous, affirming our connection with God as we understand God. It has been remarked elsewhere that a business that takes no inventory soon goes broke, so, if you haven’t done this, or perhaps it has been awhile since you have, what are you waiting for?

Miracles Of Recovery

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
Miracles Of Recovery, The Secret, Wayne Dyer, Recovery, Addiction, Zen, Emmet Fox, Opioids, Four Agreements, Chopra, Heroin, Einstein, AA, Healing Path, Law Of Attraction, God, Buddha, Jesus

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