When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Spiritual Jell-O

          “The universe is run exactly on the lines of a cafeteria” Emmet Fox.  Just as at a self serve cafeteria, all of the gifts Our Father’s grace provides are laid out before us, but it is up to us to take the action to claim these gifts, for just as the cafeteria where we can sit wanting, watching others eating all around us, we remain hungry until we act. We must rise up in spirit, and claim our spiritual nourishment through prayer, meditation and service, putting into action/demonstration the truths we have come to hold in our heart. We resist the alluring spiritual shortcuts arrayed before us that ultimately lead only to tears, for this would be akin to trying to exist on jell-o and desserts alone. Though colorful, tasty and satisfying in the moment, it is ultimately spiritually deadly if we try to exist on these solely. Spiritual Jell-o, you heard it here first, refunds available upon request.

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