When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Simpler Level, Our Happy Destiny

If you are struggling with a conception of God, begin by setting aside any prejudice, animosity or preconceived notions concerning God and religion, and begin again at a simpler level: that God is loving, intelligent and available. Loving: all are connected in spirit, no one favored over another, for if in fact God played favorites we would not live in a universe but a chaos. Intelligent: the creator of the universe is the epitome of intelligence. Available: if our prayers have no purchase, God unavailable to His creation, His children, we would be little more than animals and though all creatures great and small are noble, we alone posses the intuition to question. The Lion and Gazelle both graceful and a wonder in their own right never question their place in creation, only Man questions.

Additionally we must stay open minded and teachable. The surest way to shut oneself off from the sunlight of the spirit is to believe that there is nothing left to learn or because of fear we chose not to freely give of what we have learned, denying God, no crowing roosters required.

Finally, honesty. Be honest with the world but of much greater importance is being honest with ones self. When troubled or confused we ask for guidance in prayer and meditation, never allowing secrets to be the hidden driver behind our fears. We unburden ourselves of our secrets, and if we don’t know how, again we seek guidance in prayer and the answers will come if we are willing. By doing these simple, but not easy things we will begin to see God everywhere we turn, for Happy Destiny is not a destination, it is all around us now.

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