When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ebb And Flow

        Ever been to a tide pool or salt marsh?  The tide pool is consistently refreshed with the influx of new water with the rising of the tides while the salt marsh is only sporadically refreshed. While the tide pool is vibrant and fresh, a salt marsh often smells of stagnation and rot.  As is true for tide pools and salt marshes, such is our spiritual lives. When we become static, stagnant in our thinking, restricting or worse, shutting off the fresh flow of experience taken to heart, we become resistant to change and slow or even stifle our spiritual growth.

     Living on the Spiritual Basis when one door closes we rejoice, for we have reached the end of this part of the journey and fearlessly (I know, easier said than done, which is why we rely on God for strength) we stride through the new door opening before us, knowing that God is with us and will keep us unharmed if we are about His business: our ultimate awakening in Spirit.

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