When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Misconstrued: Righteous

Righteous. This word has been married with “self” so often that if someone is righteous it has a seemingly negative connotation, which could not be further from the truth. Since placing our feet on the path, wholeheartedly committed to Living on the Spiritual Basis; to become a righteous person means we are not only living by right conduct but embracing right thinking. Right thinking, now there is a loaded term. Right thinking; spiritually, means keeping an open mind, remaining teachable, refusing to accept negative thoughts or conditions as God‘s will, to truly practice patience, tolerance, kindliness and love in every area of life. Now, do not misunderstand, righteous does not mean we become servile or scraping, on the contrary. Our lives, the true demonstration of the path, will naturally attract inquiry from those seeking a better way of living but we do steer clear of argument and debate with those just seeking confrontation, avoiding the trap of being labeled: self-righteous. We stand firmly for our beliefs and will witness to them whenever or wherever it will serve any good.

         To sum up: to be righteous means our conduct is right, that we are maintaining an open mind, are willing to learn and will honestly share our heartfelt beliefs whenever it will serve any good purpose.

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