When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Friday, December 11, 2009


We look in the mirror and the evidence is undeniable, so we decide something needs to be done. We embark on a diet and/or an exercise program, with conviction and determination. What happens? When the hoped for changes don’t start happening in a week or two our determination begins to waver and we begin to drift back into the old familiar habits. It is rather silly to expect long established habits of eating and marginal exercise would melt away in days but we do just the same. Gyms make their living off New Years resolutions. We sign up for that special yearly or lifetime rate, typically go for a few weeks and then promise ourselves the rest of the year that tomorrow/next week we will go back. People who really do go the gym religiously, clearly losers with no life, hate January because they have to wade through newbie’s to worship at their various alters of beeping torture machines. Then there is that expensive coat rack/exercise equipment in the corner mocking us or taking up space in storage which we will not part with because one day…….

Entire industries are based on providing NEW, FRESH and above all QUICK and EASY answers to life’s vexing questions. Whether it is addiction, debt, problem children, obesity, lack of exercise, misaligned spine or….there is no end to the get fixed quick schemes out there. They are successful and give rise to new products regularly because who wouldn’t want to lose weight while eating all they want with no exercise or exercise 20 minutes a day 3 times a week and in 90 days have the butt and abs of a Greek God or buy a book and set of tapes for only 3 payments of $39.99 that will magically make your teenagers behave. All come with a money back guarantee, make sure you keep all original packaging, shipping and handling not included.

Spiritually we do the same thing. When we begin searching for answers, we naturally gravitate to whatever is new. How many self-help books do you own or have paged through? I have a couple shelves worth, some of them quite valuable, spiritually. You know which ones? The ones that begin by stating right up front there are no shortcuts. The truth being a lifetime of self-based thinking is not going to disappear overnight and will require real, consistent effort on our part if we wish to progress. To Live on the Spiritual Basis and embrace a new way of living and thinking is a life long endeavor. The good news is we only need to tackle it one day at a time. By consistent right action, prayer, meditation and service in time we break old habits of thought and action, replacing them with a reliance on God’s love and direction. This is not an overnight matter, it should continue for our lifetime. Exercise and healthy eating habits improve the quality of this life but no matter how long or consistently we exercise, regardless of how or what we eat, this flesh will fail. Living on the Spiritual Basis today pays forward dividends into eternity. One day at a time.

We are not human beings in search of spirituality, the miraculous. We are spiritual beings experiencing the human condition, miraculously. Moreover, I firmly believe bacon avocado cheeseburgers are godly inspired.

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