When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


"No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant." Warren Buffett

Patience.  I recall a student saying to me years ago in all earnestness "I know I need patience, I just need it right now!" Eventually we laughed, but in the moment, he truly couldn't see the forest for the tress. Today as never before society and our lives move at a breakneck pace. Today I laugh when I realize I'm starting to get pissy when downloading a system update and it takes a few minutes. When the internet was new updates often took hours, sometimes over night to download. Or irritated when ordering something online and they don't offer same day shipping. 

I grew up in a world of newspapers and magazines for current events and 30 minute nightly news casts. For research, hard bound Encyclopedias and trips to the library. Spell check was a dictionary. And if you ordered something, the typical disclaimer was "delivery time 4 to 6 weeks". Coffee was black, cream and sugar available. Now don't misunderstand, I love the technological advances of the last few decades and readily avail myself of them. I don't want to go back. But we need to remind ourselves to stop, take a breath and enjoy the day. Don't be in a hurry, but don't hesitate either. Learn to be patient with the person with 20 items in the 15 item max checkout line, or who takes 5 minutes (at least it feels like it) to order a cup of coffee. And give yourself a break. Take a time out. Turn off the phone, the TV, put away the headphones and just take a few quiet minutes, every day. By doing this we drop our stress levels and become more efficient and you will find yourself smiling the next time the person in front of you orders a half caff double pump mocha frappuccino with a splash of vanilla extra whip in a double cup with a sleeve.

© Vincent Lee Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved

Miracles In Recovery, The Secret, Wayne Dyer, Recovery, Addiction, Zen, Emmet Fox, Opioids, Four Agreements, Chopra, Heroin, Einstein, AA, Healing Path, Law Of Attraction


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