When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Recipe For Shallowness

Watch for trends and as soon as a new one starts, jump on board. It doesn’t matter whether or not the trend appeals to you, just that you follow it as soon as possible, since you must be the arbiter of cutting edge. Be the first to embrace the latest in anything self help or self directed and waste no time in telling everyone how life changing it is, of course always with an ear to the ground for the next new thing. Be sure to belittle and condescending to those who don’t share your beliefs, even if you aren’t sure what they are this week, since you know in your heart of hearts that others really are against you and will pull you down if given the chance. Become a master of the backhanded compliment, point out the faults of absent “friends” or anyone you perceive to deserve it since your wit demands it be shared and appreciated and they really do need to be knocked down a peg or two and who better than you to do it. For you gossip is high art. Always have the answer, never mind any pesky details or facts. Crow endlessly on your ability to always get the best price, let your pride shine brightly when recounting how you always get the best deal, how you are a master of the cheap. And above all keep up appearances at all costs, stand proudly on your dignity because clearly you are the master of your life, having all the answers, no spiritual assistance needed or required.

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