When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


In courtrooms across America, people take the stand to give testimony, to witness for either the defense or prosecution in criminal and civil cases. In the past individuals would place their hand on a Bible and swear, “To tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God”. Although it is up to the discretion of the judge, this has not been the norm for many years. Curiously, elected officials still almost universally take their oath of office on a Bible, but I digress. Courtroom testimony aside, though the spiritual consequences and responsibilities are high, what of spiritual testimony? You are doing it everyday, in every moment. Our actions give testimony to our spiritual condition. Unlike those who, even after swearing to tell the truth in a court of law, lie, ones actions always demonstrate the truth of being, eventually. Some are able to produce a false front for a long time, Bernie Madoff comes to mind, but one day the truth wins out.

You are always testifying, demonstrating your spiritual condition. If your life were in the docket, what would your testimony look like? Do you walk the way you talk? Are trying to enjoy a reputation you know in your heart you do not deserve? Do you stand in faith or are you short selling your belief in God out of fear of what others may think, fearless in the closet but full of fear in the light? God does not keep score. He does not convene the court of our life, we do. Everything you have ever done, seen or said, every experience is written on your heart, in your hand, God does not need to keep track, we do. Difficulty arises when we act contrary to what we believe out of the fear of exposure and/or ridicule. To be truly free, consistency in belief and action is paramount. Today in meditation, ask to be given the strength to continue/start living in the light, living in purpose, Living on the Spiritual Basis.

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