When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Limitation. All teachers of spiritual principles and living agree on this point: freedom comes when limitation is overcome. On the surface the differences in approach from one teaching to another seem dramatic, but in essence they are all tools to address the same thing, our perceived loss/missing connection to the eternal, divine mind, the Source. To be clear: We are not/cannot be disconnected from the Source anymore than flame can be from its source and continue to burn. We choose to believe in a gulf or lack of connection because of fear and the seeming unfairness of life. Our inability to comprehend the totality of existence with our limited understanding of the miraculous leads us down the path of denial and spiritual make believe. It is seemingly easier to hold that we are living at the whim of the winds of creation, therefore taking no responsibility, than to live in purpose, coming to grips with the truth that we are where we are because of every choice and decision we have ever made. In truth, to paraphrase from A Course in Miracles: If you knew who walked beside you everyday, on this path you have chosen, you would never be afraid again. Living to His Glory is really living to ours. Redouble your efforts today to free yourself from your self-imposed fetters on your spiritual life, strip away the self-conscious fear of standing in the light, the fear of exposure, of what others will think, and step out in faith. Living any other way is existence restricted, fear rather than faith dominate, living in the light desired but giving in to the familiar, always beckoning shadows of limitation. Banish the shadows, stand in the light.

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