When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Morbid Reflection. It is spiritually deadly.

Morbid: adj

1. interested in gruesome subjects: showing a strong interest in unpleasant or gloomy subjects such as death, murder, or accidents
2. grisly: inspiring disgust or horror (Encarta)

When we engage in morbid reflection, what we are really doing is mental grave robbing. Resentments are powerful things. Left unaddressed they become like the zombies in horror movies. No matter what you do, until they are dealt with in a permanent manner, they keep coming back, inflicting more pain. Just like the movie zombies resentments move slowly but steadily and we find ourselves rehashing an old injury or hurt, infusing it with new life often without even remembering how we started down this path of thought in the first place. Living on the Spiritual Basis means living in the present. This does not mean we shut the door on the past or ignore it. Living on the new basis, the basis of trusting and relying on God, we place the past in its proper perspective, utilizing it when it can help others, demonstrating God‘s love and forgiveness in our life. We have forgiven, in thought and deed, those who have trespassed against us and we have asked for and received forgiveness for our trespasses, real and imagined. Mental grave robbing, morbid reflection, happens when we backtrack on forgiveness, our own or others, it matters not. When we do this, it is akin to cutting the scab off a healing wound to see how it is doing. The outcome is always the same, regardless of how old the injury is, new blood flows and the healing process must start over. As the carpenter taught… let the dead bury the dead (Matthew 8:22), leave those resentments and old hurts in the ground, lest you unearth a zombie and we all know how much they love fresh blood.

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