When we know, who walks beside us, on this path we have chosen, our fears fall from us.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Serenity and Seven Year Olds

Some time ago I attended a “concert” by second graders. They were less than perfect in their performance but performed exactly as second graders should. Had they been High School students their instructor’s competence would need to be questioned and rightfully so. We would never expect a group of seven year olds to perform at the level of students more than twice their age. The point being we always demonstrate where we are. So if new to the path of Spiritual Living never fret or attempt to demonstrate beyond your current understanding, for just as second graders grow into High Schoolers, we grow Spiritually as well. Continue on, day by day, practicing the spiritual principles you understand, trusting that your spiritual growth is assured as long as you remain diligent, for in so doing we begin to comprehend serenity and will know peace in purpose. 
©Vincent Jones Living In Spirit All Rights Reserved
The Secret, Wayne Dyer, ACIM, Heart’s Desire, Zen, Emmet Fox, How To Be Happy, Golden Key, NOTW, Law Of Attraction, Chopra, Alanon, Healing Path Recovery, Sobriety Mentor, Sobertec, Marianne Williamson

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